Document ID SC22-B168

Archive Location ET SC22 (BL) Loan 125/56/3
Document description letter
Date 17 Sep 1926 [17]
Document form B - Letter to Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member
Document attributes Annotated; Typed; Signed; Headed notepaper
Correspondent W. D'Arcy Hart
Correspondent address Gilbert Samuel & Co., 5 & 6 Great Winchester Street, London EC2
Addressee Miss Craig [Edith Craig]
Addressee address 31 Bedford Street, Strand, WC
Corporate Body Gilbert Samuel & Co., 5 & 6 Great Winchester Street, London EC2
General notes Sends copy of tenancy agreement for Elphick Fields with Neves, dated 26 March 1918, advising the inclusion of tenants' responsibility for scots, fences and labour of repair of gates and fences near road.
Language English
Record updated:

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Document ID: SC22-B168 Archive location: ET SC22 (BL) Loan 125/56/3