Document ID EC-D717
Archive Location | EC LIBRARY (SMA) |
Document description | play programme, two identical |
Date | Sunday 25 January 1920 [15] |
Document form | D - Programme |
Condition | damaged edge |
Corporate Body | Pioneer Players |
Venue | St Martin's Theatre |
Producer | Edith Craig, A. E. Filmer |
Stage Manager | Ine Cameron |
Costume Maker | Nathan, May, Clarkson |
Orchestra | Aeolian Orchestra |
Conductor | Rosabel Watson |
Music Director | Geoffrey Gwyther |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | The Wedding |
Original author | [Anton Chekhov] |
Title | The Bear |
Original author | [Anton Chekhov] |
Title | On the High Road |
Original author | [Anton Chekhov] |
How to find this document
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