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Light Horseman Hotel, Penistone Road. Proprietor – T. Barber. Rawsons Fine Ales. Free for Wines, Spirits, and Cigars. Ask for the "Briton" Incandescent Mantle extra double strength. Obtainable from all dealers. Wholesale from the Sole Proprietors. W. Shingler & Co., 347, London Road, Sheffield. Vilborg & Co., Ladies Tailors, Furriers, & Fashion Artists, Barker's Pool next to Albert Hall, Sheffield. Wellington Hotel, Cambridge Street, Proprietor – Geo. Miller. (Late Bine Boy, Shepherd Street). Tennant's Beers in Fine Condition. Spirits from Bond; Wines of the Best Vintage. Three Minutes from Lyceum, Theatre Royal, and Empire. 1d for this Programme will be allowed to all Purchasers of a Bottle of Hewitt's Gout & Rheumatic Pills the Sheffield cure for Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, &c. Price, 7 ½ d.; Double Size, 1/-. J. P. Hewiit, Chemist and Druggist, 66 & 68, Division St., Sheffield. Bell Hotel, Fitzalan Square, Sheffield. Proprietor, Ernest Evans, Wine & Spirit Merchant, Billiards. L. E. Thompson, the West End Hotel, Glossop Road. One minute from entrance to Weston Park and the University. Billiards. Monday, October 16th, for six nights, two special matinees, Tuesday, October 17th, and Saturday, October 21st Miss Ellaline Terriss, Mr. Seymour Hicks and Entire Company from the Vaudeville Theatre, London. In the Greatest of all Musical Comedy Successes, "The Catch of the Season." Prices – Boxes, £2 2s. and £1 11s. 6d.; Dress Circle and Stalls, 5s. ; Upper Circle, 2s. 6d. ; Balcony, 2s. ; pit, 1s. 6d. ; Gallery, 6d. Booking Plan Open. A few other attractions this autumn: Beauty and the Barge. Walls of Jericho F. R. Benson. The talk of the town. The dictator, &c. National Telephone 122 order your cab from Joseph Tomlinson & Sons Ld. Cab and Carriage Proprietors, Borough Mews, Sheffield. Broomhall Mews, Broomhall Street. Telephone 482. Oxford Mews, off Ecclesall Road. Telephone 2024. Royal Victoria Mews, Victoria Station. Telephone 1778. A. Wilson, Peck & Co., Ltd., Beethoven House, Pinstone St, Sheffield. Pianoforte & Organ Merchants. Tuners and Repairers. Pianos from 16 Guineas. Organs from 5 Guineas. Sole Agency for the Bechstein Pianos. Prices of Admission: Boxes £2 10s and £1 15s; Dress Circle and Stalls, 6s; Upper Circle, 3s ; Balcony, 2s ; Pit, 1s 6d ; Gallery, 6d. Ordinary doors open at 7. To commence at 7.30. Early doors at 6.30 p.m., extra to all parts. Half-price at 9 o'clock to Grand Circle, 3s.; Orchestra Stalls . : and Upper Circle, 1s. 6d. No money returned. Children in arms not admitted. Seats not guaranteed unless previously booked. Tradesmen are cautioned not to supply goods to the Lyceum Theatre without a printed signed order. Box office open at the Theatre from 9 to 5.30. Telephone 640. Telegrams – Dramatic, Sheffield. Late Trains from Sheffield (Nightly: and subject to such alterations as the Companies' Time Bills may show). Midland Station – 10.58 for all Stations to Chesterfield. 10.45 (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only), all Stations to Hope. 11.20 for all Stations to Rotherham. 11.3 (Saturdays only), all Stations to Eckington. 11.30 (Saturdays only) and 11.0 p.m. (Wednesdays and Thursdays only), al Stations to Barnsley via Chapeltown. 11.0 (Saturdays only) to Langwith Junction and intermediate stations. Victoria Station – 10.50 to Kiveton Park, Worskop, and Retford. 11 (Tuesday and Saturdays), all Stations to Penistone. 10.55 (Saturdays only) for all Stations to Barnsley. 11-0 for all Stations to Chesterfield (Excursion Fares, Tuesdays and Saturdays). 11.26 (Nightly), all Stations to Rotherham. 11.26 (Thursdays and Saturdays) for all Stations to Doncaster except Rotherham Road. A. H. Holland's Tea and Luncheon rooms. Fargate & Chapel Walk. "A most beautiful Café and everything is equally nice." – A Visitor's Opinion. Mr. Chas. Callum's Music Daily, 1 to 2.30 & 3.30 to 6 p.m. Telephone No. 132 Y. S. W. James & Co. The original makers of the Fairfield Cycles & Motors. 353, Ecclesall Road. All kinds of motors bought or sold on commission. Repairs a speciality. Spares, Petrol, Oil & Grease always in stock. Breakdowns attended day or night. W. H. Garside, Ladies and Gents' Practical Tailor, 137, Upperthorpe Road. Smart coat & Skirt, 50/-, Suits, 37/6 ; Trousers, 10/6. Ted Ellin, Harwood House, Hill Street (off Highfields). Old Albion Sparkling Beers. Red Lion Hotel Eyre Street. Proprietor – C. Braithwaite. Truswell's Mild and Bitter Ales always in fine condition. Comfortable smoke room fishing club held here. First-class bed & sitting rooms. Professionals please note. Charles Hepworth. Don Inn. Penistone Road. P.G. Sec., R.A.O.B., G.L.E. Forrests Rheumatic Gout Pills. Hundreds of testimonials. Price, 1 1/1 ½ ; Post, 1/2 ½ Forrest, Chemist, St. Mary's Road (Bottom), Five Minutes from Midland Station, Sheffield.
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