Document ID ET-D2080

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D2000-2381, 2 (BL) Loan 125/26/2
Document description programme
Date May 1916
Document form C - Pamphlet; D - Programme
Document attributes Annotated
Corporate Body The Community Masque of the Art of the Theatre
Production Date(s) May 23 1916 to May 27 1916
Venue College Stadium
Venue address New York [USA]
General notes Inscribed 'To Ellen Terry with love from Julia Ford'. The New York City Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee.
Language English

Works Cited

Title Caliban by the Yellow Sands
Original author Percy Mackaye
25 scanned images
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Caliban Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration.

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The Aeolian-Vocalion is not the familiar phonograph that you have known for years, it is an instrument of vastly greater powers. Tonal richness and fidelity distinguish the Vocalion. Deep voices of the orchestra that the talking machine intones but dully, high notes of the human voice that have sounded so thinly from your records – these and all of the tonal beauties with which music is enriched, the Aeolian Vocalion revoices undimmed in splendour, unchanged in subtlest quality. The Aeolian-Vocalion "The new and greater phonograph of natural tone" The Aeolian Company in New York – 29 West 42nd Street, 11 Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. Through the advent of Dromedary Dates the whole world lives next to the "Garden of Eden." Eating the plump, mellow, sugar laden Dromedary Dates is like eating dates freshly picked in far-off Arabia. Take this gift the East offers you. Dromedary Dates belong in your daily menu just as much as eggs and meat. Learn to know this dust-proof, sealed package. Learn to know Dromedary Dates as a food – as a dainty. The Hills Bros. Company, New York.

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Craftsmen [?] in modern masterpieces of [?] cordially invited to visit our establishment and inspect our display of Sterling, Sheffield Reproductions and high grade Silver Plate. International Silver Co. Succeeding The Meriden Co. Established 1852. 49-51 W. 34th St., through to 68-70 W. 35th St. New York. General offices – Meriden, Connecticut. III Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration. III. The H. W. Gray Co. The English Folk Dances used in the Fifth Interlude of the Shakespeare Celebration Masque are contained in the following: The Country Dance Book, The Sword Dances, The Morris Book. Price $1.25 each part; Music $1.75 each part; Separate dances, each 10c net. Edited by Cecil Sharp. The Broadside Edition of English Folk Songs illustrated by Dorothy Fuller. O No, John! Dorothy Fuller, [?]. Copyright, [?] by The H. W. Gray Co. O No, John! Mowing the Barley. My Man John. The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies, O! The Keeper. Brixham Town. Leezie Lindsay. When I was a young girl. The Roman Soldiers. When shall we be married. John. Each 10c. net, Plain; 25c, net, colored. Size 10x12. Complete, $1.00 net, Plain; $2.00 net, colored. A Book of Folk Songs, Chanteys and Singing Games with Pianoforte Accompaniment. Edited by C. H. Farnsworth and Cecil Sharp. Bound, $1.00. Words only, 10c. net. Specially adapted for Camps and Summer Schools. The H. W. Gray Co. 2 West 45th Street, New York. Sole Agents for Novello & Co.

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IV Program of Caliban by the Yellow Sands. IV. "I never saw a better fashion'd gown, more quaint, more pleasing, nor more commendable." – Taming of the Shrew. B. Altman & Co. Fifth Avenue, New York. [annotated: To Ellen Terry with love from Julia Ford]. The New York City Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee presents The Community Masque of the Art of the Theatre. Caliban by the Yellow Sands by Percy Mackaye. "Come unto these Yellow Sands, and then take hands!" The Tempest. Produced at the Stadium of the College of the City of New York on the Evenings of May 23, 24-25, 26 and 27, 1916. The ornament and device used for this title page are adapted from the title page of the first edition of "Venus and Adonis" printed by Richard Field in 1593.

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2 Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 2. Honorary Committee Appointed by His Honour Mayor John Purroy Mitchel. Otto H. Khan, Chairman, Herbert Adams, Dr. Felix Adler, Jacob P. Adler, John G. Agar, Robert Aitkin Winthrop Ames, Donn Barber, Joseph Barondess, Mrs. August Belmont, Mrs, George Blumenthal, Gutzon Borglum, Chancellor Elmer E. Brown, Henry Bruere, Arnold Brunner, Nicholas Murray Butler, Abraham Cahan, Mrs. William Astor Chanler, William M. Chase, Joseph H. Choate, Thomas W. Churchill, Paul D. Cravath, John D. Crimmins, George Cromwell Walter Damrosch, R. S. Davis, Henry P. Davison, Robert W. deForest, Mrs. Camden C. Dike, A. J. Dittenhoefer, Cleveland H. Dodge, Caroline B. Dow, Frank L. Dowling, Mrs. H. Edward Dreier, Max Eastman, Samuel H. Evins, John H. Finley, Ned Arden Flood, Daniel C. French, Charles Dana Gibson, Bertram G. Goodhue, Rt. Rev. David H. Greer, Jules Guerin, Mrs. Daneil Guggenheim, Mrs. Benjamin Guiness, Norman Hapgood, Mrs, J. Borden Harriman, William Laurel Harris, Col. George Harvey, Timothy Healy, A. Barton Hepburn, Morris Hillquit, James P. Holland, Rev. John Haynes Holmes, Frederic C. Howe, Arthur Curtiss James, Mrs. Paul Kennady, Dr. J. J. Kindred, Darwin P. Kingsley, Lee Kohns, Dr. George F. Kunz, Thomas W. Lamont, M. J. Lavelle, V. G., Dr. Henry M. Leipziger, Adoplh Lewisohn, Walter Lippman, Philip Lydig, Clarence H. Mackar, Miss Elizabeth Marbury, Edwin Markham, Marcus M. Marks, Miss Helen Marot, Dr. Brander Matthews, Rev. J. Howard Melish, Dr. Appleton Morgan, J. P. Morgan, Dr. Henry Moskowitz, Adolph S. Ochs, Ralph Pulitzer, Percy R. Pyne, 2nd, W. C. Reick, Elihu Root, Edward A. Rumley, Jacob H. Schiff, Mortimer L. Schiff, Isaac N. Seligman, James Speyer, Francis Lynde Stetson, Frederick A. Stokes, J. G. Phelps Stokes, Josef Stransky, Oscar S. Straus, Augustus Thomas, Louis Untermeyer, Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Oswald Garrison Villard, Miss Lillian D. Wald, Dr. James J. Walsh, Cabot Ward, J, Alden Weir, Charles D. Wetmore, Edward J. Wheeler, F. W. Whitridge, Thomas W. Whittle, George Wickersham, William G. Wilcox, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, H. J. Wright. Among others active in the celebration: Mrs Atherton, Mrs. Mary Austin, Mr. Lorne W. Barclay, Miss Lucie Benedict, Mr. David Belasco, Rev. Walter E. Bentley, Mr. Harry Birnbaum, Mr. Howard Bradstreet, Mr. Arnold Brunner, Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, Mr. Charles Burroughs, Mrs. William J. Campbell, Miss Frances E. Clarke, Miss Fern Clawson, Dr. C. Ward Crampton, Mrs. James S. Cushman, Prof. John Erskine, Mrs. Fiske, Mr. Daniel Frohman, Mrs. Emma Sheridan Fry, Mr. Walter G. Fuller, Mr. Leon W. Goldrich, Dr. Luther H. Gulick, MRs. Ben Ali Haggin, Miss Evelyn Hilliard, Miss Jeanie Hughes, Mr. J. Rosamund Johnson, Miss Emma Johnston, Miss Azubah Latham, Mr. William J. Lee, Miss Alice Lewisohn, Mr. William McAndrew, Miss Mary McKenna, Miss Constance Mackay, Miss Florence Marshall, Miss Elizabeth Paine, Mr. Ernest Peixotto, Mr. Herbert Peyser, Miss Lucinda Prince, Mrs. James Harvey Robinson, Mr. Alexander Russell, Mr. Franklin H. Sargent, Miss Helen Smith, Rev. Joseph F. Smith, Mrs. Charles Sprague-Smith, Mr. Edward H. Sothern, Miss Madeline Stevens, Mr. Edward W. Stitt, Mr. Augustus Thomas, Mr. G. Cabot Ward, Mr. Vechten Waring. Actors' Honorary Committee. Winthrop Ames, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, David Belasco, William A. Brady, Mrs. Fiske, Daniel Frohman, James K. Hackett, Charles Rann Kennedy, Wilton Lackaye, Elisabeth Marbury, Julia Marlow, Edward H. Sothern, Augustus Thomas, Federick Warde, Francis Wilson. 3 Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 3. Altar of The Time. History of the Celebration. The idea of a great national Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration was launched at the convention of the Drama League of America in 1914. Immediately it was hailed everywhere with enthusiasm. In February, 1915, under the auspices of the New York Centre of the League, took place a meeting of representative citizens of New York, and out of this meeting grew the local Celebration Committee. Since that time His Honor the Mayor and many of the leading citizens of the metropolis have become interested in the movement and have liberally contributed to it of their time and their means. From the beginning, the purpose has been to honor Shakespeare by fostering the art for which he stands, and since the drama is above all a social art, this has meant the arousing and focusing of all folk-arts, the enlivening of the sense of beauty and the sharpening of the desire for expression throughout the community. A right celebration could not be a matter of words or ceremonies or any mere amenity of praise. It must be democratic and civic, it must allow each to speak in his own voice and must draw all, most and least, into a supreme, communal demonstration. So thousands of celebrations have been held, but all culminate in Mr. MacKaye's Community Masque, "Caliban by the Yellow Sands." Permanent Shakespeare Memorial. Such a quickening of community life as New York has experienced must not be allowed to expire with the last glimmer of light on the commemorative spectacle. Currents have been started which cannot be stopped; aspirations have been aroused which must be satisfied. We must have in New York a permanent memorial to Shakespeare not a lifeless monument, but a quickening centre for our dramatic life. Under the chairmanship of Mr. Otto H. Khan a permanent Shakespeare Memorial Committee has been appointed. The aim of this Committee is to perpetuate and increase the spirit of cooperation aroused by the Celebration and to endeavour to give comprehensive expression, definite aim, and sympathetic guidance to what has hitherto been mainly indeterminate aspiration. The community as a whole is invited to give to this Committee the support it needs in carrying on the great work so well begun.

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4. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 4. "He was not of a day, but for all time" – Ben Jonson. The New York City Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee. 10 East 43rd Street. Telephone: Murray Hill 9745, New York. Board of Directors. Miss Mary Porter Beegle, Chairman. Professor Allan Abbott, Dr. Wlliam E. Bohn, Cranston Brenton, John Collier, Miss Laura Sedgwick Collins, Mrs. August Dreyer, Max Eastman, Mrs. William Einstein, Mrs. Simeon Ford, Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim, Dr. George F. Kunz, Howard Kyle, Miss Olivia Leventritt, Mrs. Philip M. Lydig, W. Forbes Morgan, Jr., Mrs. H. Fairfield Osborn, Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, Prof. Edmund Bronk Southwick, Mr. J. Stroock, Everard Thompson, Mrs. J. Norman de R. Whitehouse. Executive Secretary. Mrs. Axel O. Ihlseng, 10 East 43rd St., N. Y. Tel. Murray Hill 9745. Committees: Finance Committee Mr. W. Forbes Morgan, Jr., Chairman. Mr. Cranston Brenton, Vice-Chairman. Attorneys Hoffman, Keogh, and Jay, Executive Committee Mary Porter Beegle, Chairman, Mr. W. Forbes Morgan, Jr., Dr. George F. Kunz, Mr. Everard Thompson, Mr. Cranston Brenton, Publication Committee William E. Bohn, Chairman, Laura Sedgwick, Collins, Roland Holt, Vechten Waring. Business Committee Mr. Everard Thompson, Chairman, Mr. Louis Francis Brown Assistant to Business Manager. Manager of Press Department Mrs. Frances Fisher Byers. Assistant Hiram Kelly Moderwell. Masque Committee Mrs. Simeon Ford, Chairman. Music, Cast and Badges Committees Miss Laura Sedgwick Collins, Chairman. Badges Miss Fanny Cannon, Mrs. Frances Carter, Miss Minnie Dorlon, Miss Helen Trowbridge Dutton, Miss Margaret Graham, Miss Elizabeth Salisbury, Miss Anna Wynne, Miss Mabel Stangnatt. Music Mme. Laura de Guzdawa Turcznowitz Vice-Chairman, Miss Helen Love, Registrar, Miss Louie R. Stanwood, Secretary, Mrs. Emma Garnet Boyd, Mrs. Charles H. Ditson, Mrs. Henrietta Speke Seeley. Miss Bessie Stangnatt, Miss Margaret Lee, Miss Laura Simmons, Miss Harriette Cady, Mr. Tebbs, Librarian, Arthur Farwell, Louis Koemmenich, Harry Birnbaum, Victor Harris, Frank Hastings, Garnet Holme, Bruno Huhn, H. R. Humphries, B. C. Tuthill. Cast Miss Emma Frohman, Vice-Chairman, Lula Cohn, Emma Sheridan Fry, Helen L. Cohen, Ruth M. Horowitz, Jeanie Hughes, Evangeline Irving, Margaret Lee, Cora Maynard, Anna Tone McIntyre, Miriam Nelke, Mary J. Pierson, Mrs. C. Albert Schwab, Miss Margaret Shaw, Louise H. Southwick, Garnet Holme, Edwin A. Kane, Jaxson Knox, Raphael A. Weed. Costume Committee Miss Dagmar Perkins, Chairman, Mrs, Daniel Guggenheim, Mr. Jules Guerin, Miss Katharine Harrower, Mrs. Ira L. Hill, Mr. Luis F. Mora, Miss Elizabeth Palmer, Miss Juliet Steinthall, Miss Margaret Shaw, Mr. Louis Tiffany, George Waterfall. Costumer Edith Bloodgood. 5. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 5. The Supplementary Celebrations. This is the first time that a single dominant note has been introduced into the recreation of the city. It has been done thorough the supplementary celebrations of the Shakespeare Celebration Committee. The aim of the Committee on Supplementary Celebrations has been to inspire as many elements as possible in New York to celebrate the Shakespeare Tercentenary. The Committee has met with great success and enthusiasm. Between seven and eight hundred thousand persons have taken part in the celebrations, reaching a much larger number through their audiences. All nationalities, all classes, all parts of the Greater City and territory adjacent have been involved. Each group has honoured Shakespeare in the way it preferred; each person has contributed what he could; the performances have naturally varied according to the character of the groups interested. All the celebrations expecting the Civic Masque have been financed by the people themselves. Community recreation has made it possible for a whole city to play together. Are we not now better prepared to work together? Much assistance has been obtained from a Bureau of Information conducted by the Committee. This bureau was open every Saturday during the past winter and many hundreds of persons came to consult with regard to plans and secure information with regard to the different forms of celebration. The following lists of celebrations are necessarily incomplete. They will, however, give some idea of the scope of the Tercentenary movement. High Schools Manhattan. N. Y. City Association of Teachers of English – Two performances of "Twelfth Night." DeWitt Clinton – Shakespeare program – Songs, oration, "Midsummer Night's Dream." Julia Richman – Pageant, Play, "Daughters of Shakespeare." Wadleigh – "The Merchant of Venice", Washington Irving – "Winter's Tale." Hunter College High School – Shakespearian masque from "Twelfth Night." Irving High – Reading. High School of Commerce – Original play dealing with life of Shakespeare. Eastern District High School – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Stuyvesant – Irving Dramatic Society, "A Comedy of Errors." East Side Eve. – Scenes from "Macbeth," "Twelfth Night." Bronx. Evander Childs – Six Celebrations. Scenes, plays, dancing songs. Eve. High for Women – Scenes from "As You Like It." Brooklyn Girls' – Scenes, two performances. Boys' – "Twelfth Night." Commercial High School – Pageant. Eastern District – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Brooklyn Model School – Shakespearian program. Queens. Jamaica – Pageant, "Time's Darling – Will Shakespeare." Flushing – Pageant, "As You Like It." Richmond Hill – "As You Like It." Richmond. Curtis – Pageant, May. Out of Town. Bernardsville, N. J. – Midsummer Night's Dream." Paterson, N. J. – "As You Like It." Mt. Vernon. N. Y. – "Twelfth Night." Dover, N. J. – Play. East High School – "The Taming of the Shrew." Montclair. N. J. – Scenes from plays. Church Services and Religious Organizations. The Actors' Church Alliance: Shakespeare service at St. Thomas, May 28th ; addresses by Mr. Frederick Warde, Mr. George Arliss and Mr. John E. Keller. New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration and The Actors' Church Alliance: Shakespeare service at the Cathedral of St. John the Devine, Easter afternoon: addresses by Bishop Greer, Sir Johnston Forbes Robertson and Sir Herbert Tree. St. Mark's in the Bouwrie: "Shakespeare as scripture," March 5; Mr. Will Hutchins, Mr. Chas, Ran, Kennedy, Rev. William Norman Guthrie; Sunday sermons during Lent, subjects taken from Shakespeare. Allen A. M. E. Church: Young People's Literary Society, Rev. Chas. E. Wilson Jamaica, N. Y. All Souls Church of Brooklyn: Celebration April 27 and 30; Rev. A. Eugene Bartlett. Archedeaconry of Queens and Nassau, Brooklyn; Sermon, Rev. Roy Farrel Duffield, D. D. Baptist Church of Redeemer, Brooklyn: Rev. H. Francis Perry. Bethany Cong, Church, New York: Rev. James A. McCague. Bedford Pres. Church, Brooklyn: Rev. S. Edward Young. Central Cong. Church Brooklyn: Rev. S. Parkes, Cadman, D. D. Church of Holy Communion, New York: Sermon by Rev. Henry Mottett, D. D. play by St. Celia Choir Club. Church of the Ascension: Lecture by Rev. Percy Sitckney Grant. Church of Messiah, New York: Rev. John Haynes Holmes, Sermon, April 30. Church of the Puritans, New York: Sermon, Rev. Robt. Bruce Clark, April 23. Classon Avenue Pres. Church, Brooklyn: Sermon, April 23, Rev. Jos. D. Burrell, D. D. Edgehill Church, Spuyten Duyvill, New York. Eighth Av. Temple, Brooklyn: Address, Rabbi Alexander Lyons, Ph. D. April 23. Emanuel Sisterhood, 318 E. 82d St., Plays May, 21. First Pres. Church of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn: Lectures on Shakespeare. Rev. Paul F. Boller. M. A. Fort Washington Pres, Church, New York: Address, Rev. Daniel H. Martin, D. D. Free Synagogue, New York: Address by Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, April 23. Grace M. E. Church, New York: Rev. Christian F. Reisner. Hebrew Tabernacle, New York: Address, "Life & Times of Wm. Shakespeare" Rev. Dr. Edward Lissman, April 21. Temple Emanu-El, New York: Talk on "Children in Shakespeare's Plays", by Miss Evelyne Hilliard, April 23.

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6. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 6. Herkimer St. M. E. Church, Brooklyn: Sermon, Rev. Wm. W. Gillies, April 23. Holy Faith P. E. Church: Rev. Clifford S. Gregg. Holyrood P. E. Church, New York: Stuart Crockett. James M. e. Church, Brooklyn: Sermon, rev. W. Wofford T. Duncan, April 30. Kenilworth Bapt. Church. Brooklyn: Sermon, Rev. Elbert W. Van Aken, April 30. Madison Av. M. E. Church, New York: Sermon, Rev. Worth M. Tippy, April 23. Lecture Proffessor, C. T. Winchester. Marble Collegiate Ch., New York: Sermon, Rev. David James Burrell, D. D. April 30. Mariners' Temple, New York: Sermon, "Macbeth"; Rev. W. N. Hubbell, April 30. Mount Morris Baptist: Lecture, Rev. John H. Randall, D. D. April 30. New Synagogue, New York: Sermons during April; Rabbi Ephraim Frisch. Pres. Church of the Covenant New York: Rev. Graham C. Hunter, April 16. Randall Memorial Church, S. I.: Service, April 30. Rev. Edward M. Deams. St. Andrews Memorial Church, Yonkers, N. Y. Organ Recital, April 13. Lecture, April 13. St. Andrew's M. E. Church, New York: Rev. Fred W. Adams, April 23, evening. St. George's Rectory, Williamsbridge, N. Y.: Address April 23. Frev. L.A. Edelblute. St. James Church, Bronx; Sermon, Rev. Dewitt L. Peltpon, Ph. D. April 30 to May 7. St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, New York: Lecture April 25. Rev. John Armstrong Wade. St. Mary's P. E. Church, Brooklyn: Sermon and special service, April 30. Rev. J. Clarence Jones. St. Michael's Church, New York: Sermon, Rev. John P. Peters, D. D. April 30. St. Paul's M. E. Church, New York: Sermon, "The Christian Message of Shakespeare," April 23; Rev. Chas. L. Goodell D. D. St Thomas's House, New York: Scenes from Shakespeare, April 27 and 29. St. Thomas's P. E. Church, New York: Service, April 23; Rev. Ernest M. Stires, D. D. Salem M. E. Church, New York: "Othelloe", May 11, 1916. Sinai Congregation of Bronx, N. Y. : April 28: Rabi Max Reichler. Scotch Pres. Church, New York: Robert Watson, D. D. South Third St. Pres. Church, Brooklyn: Sermon, Rev. Newell Woolsey Wells, D. D. April 23. Station Church, Colgate University Hamilton, N. Y.: Mr. Coletta, pastor. Temple Beth-El, New York: Sermon, Samuel Schulman (Rabbi) April 23. Temple Israel of Harlem, New York: Sermon and Celebration in Sunday School April 21. Rev. Marice H. Harris (Rabbi). Theo. Seminary, Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y.: Sermon, April 30. Rev. A. Mangano, M. A. B. D. Throop Av. Pres. Church, Brooklyn: Lecture, April 23, Rev. Wm. Carter, D. D. Unity Church, Brooklyn: Sermon, April 23: Rev. Wm. M. Brundage. Washington Sq. M. E. Church, New York: Sermon; Rev. Sheridan Watson Bell. West Park Pres. Church, New York: Lecture on "Shakespeare and the Bible" Rev. Anthony H. Evans, D. D. West Side Y.M.C.A, New York: Address; E. Graham Wilson. Bedford Presbyterian Church: Lecture, by Rev. Dr. S. Edward Young. Public Schools. The Public Schools of the City entered enthusiastically into the Celebration. The President of the Board of Education and the principals and teachers gave most generously of their time and thought. A handbook prepared through the enterprise of the committee was widely used in the Public Elementary Schools, the Catholic Schools and many schools in the various cities throughout the United States. The material for this handbook was contributed by the teachers of the Brooklyn Training School, especially Miss Frances E. Clark, and the printing was done by the boys of the Prevocational Department of Public School 62, Manhattan. The Board of Education published a "Shakespeare Bulletin," which was distributed to all the schools. All of the schools have had celebrations. Among those registered with the Committee are the following: Elementary Schools Manhattan. Sixth and Seventh School Districts – Shakespeare Festival, Public School 188. Public School 1 – Quotations, "Julius Caesar." Public School 3 – "A Midsummer Night's Dream," songs, dances. Public School 9 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 18 – Quarrel scene "Julius Ceasar." Public School 35 – Festival, Public School 38 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 46 – Herman S. Platt, Princ. Public School 61 – Acts I and III, "Julius Caesar." Public School 62 – Park celebration, four days. Public School 75 – Scene from "The Merchant of Venice." Public School 76 – Celebration in Seventh Regiment Armory. Public School 77 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 84 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 87 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 90 – Readings from "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 90 – Readings from "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 93 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 114 – Miscellaneous. Public School 115 – Scenes, "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 132 – Scenes. "Julius Caesar" and "Merchant of Venice". Public School 171 – Scenes from "Julius Caesar." Public School 177 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 192 – School exercise. Bronx. Public School 4 – Miscellaneous programme. Public School 13 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 27 – Scenes from "Julius Caesar." Public School 30 – "Fairies' Plea." Public School 46 – Shakespearian play by professional company. School children in dances. Public School 52 – Scenes from "Macbeth." Brooklyn Public School 1 – Scenes from "Merchant of Venice." "Taming of the Shrew." Public School 5 – Songs, dances, scenes from "Julius Caesar" "Merchant of Venice" and "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 6 – Scenes from "Julius Caesar," "Merchant of Venice." Public School 7 – "Merchant of Venice." Public School 8 – Recitations and music. Public School 9 – Recitations and Readings. Public School 11 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 12 – Scenes, songs, dances, quotations. Public School 13 – Selections from Shakespeare's plays. Public School 14 – Songs, quotations. Public School 16, Scene from "Julius Caesar". Public School 17 – Scene from "Julius Caesar." Public School 19 – Scenes and songs. Public School 20 – Recitations, talks. Public School 23 – Songs, scenes, dances. Public School 24 – Scenes and songs from Shakespeare. Public School 25 Annex – Scene from "The Tempest." Public School 26 - Songs, scenes and dances. Public School 28 – "Midsummer Night's Dream," "Seven Ages of Man," pantomime. Public School 32 – Dances, scenes, songs, Victrola selections – all departments, Public School 36 – Songs, dances, quotations. Public School 37 – Recitations, songs, Public School, 41 – Compositions, songs, quotations, Public School 42 – Quotations, compositions, Public School 44 – Songs, scenes, Public School 45 – Dances, scenes, Public School 46 – Scenes, quotations, Public School 48 – Dances, scenes, songs. Public School 54 – Quotations, songs, Public School 58 – "Julius Caesar" and "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 64 – Plays, recitations, Public School 68 – Quotations, dramatizations, songs, games, dances. Public School 70 – Scenes, songs, quotations, Public School 71 – Festival, Public School 73 – songs, plays, games, Public School 75 – Scenes from "Merchant of Venice." 7. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 7. Public School 76 – "Julius Caesar." Public School 77 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 82 – Songs, scenes, dances. Public School 88 – Scenes, songs, quotations. Public School 89 – Play, miscellaneous program, Public School 92 – Scenes, dances, quotations, Public School 98 – Quotations, songs, scene from "As You Like It". Public School 99 – Quotations, songs, scenes, Public School 103 – Scenes, "Julius Caesar." Public School107 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 109 – G – Dramatic Club performance. Public School 113 – Scenes, quotations, dances, Public School 117 – Scenes, dances, songs, Public School 129 – Songs, dances, scenes. Public School 133 – Recitations, songs, dances and scenes, Public School 134 – Quotations, songs, Public School 136 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 137 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 139 – Assembly program. Public School 140 – Songs, scenes, dances – all departments participated. Public School 141 – Songs, games, recitations, Public School 143 – Scenes, "Julius Caesar." Public School 144 – "As You Like It," "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 145 – Quarrel scene from "Julius Caesar." Public School 147 – G – Dances, compositions, scenes. Public School 147 – B – Scenes, songs. Public School 149 – Act III from "Julius Caesar." Public School 151 – Scenes, dances, songs – all departments. Public School 154 – Scenes, songs, dances, Public School 155 – Scenes, songs, dances, Public School 156, B – Woodland scene from "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 156 G – Playlet with singing and dancing. Public School 159 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 167 – Shakespeare Club program. Public School 168 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 169 – Dances, recitations, compositions. Public School 171 – Dances, songs, quotations, Public School 172 – Declamations, songs, Public School 175 – Dances, recitations, songs, Public School 176 – Songs, scenes, dances, Public School 178 – Pageant - Public School 180 – Songs, recitations. Queens. Public School 14 – "Julius Caesar" and "Merchant of Venice." Public School 22 – Dramatic League program. Public School 27 – "Julius Caesar." Public School 31 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 36 – "As You Like It." Public School 44 – "Seven Ages of Man." Public School 72 – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Public School 78 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 83 – Selections from "Julius Caesar." Public School 84 – Scenes from "Tempest," "King Lear, " "Julius Ceasar" and "Merchant of Venice" readings. Public School 90 – Miscellaneous program. Public School 92 – Scene from Julius Casesar." Richmond Public School 15 – Assembly program. Public School 18 – Dances, scenes, songs, games, Public School 20 – Plays, Public School 21 – Songs, scenes, Public School 26 – Plays, music dances. Arlington, Public School 108 – Dramatizations, readings. Public School Lectures. Public School 53, Bronx, Frederick Paulding – Shakespeare's "Hamlet." Erasmus Hall High School, Louis U. Wilkinson – Shakespeare's Relation to Modern Thought and Art. N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Algernon Tassin, Shakespeare. American Museum of Natural History, Louis U. Wilkinson – Shakespeare's Relation to Modern Thought and Art. Erasmus Hall High School, Louis U. Wilkinson "Hamlet." Public School 163, Brooklyn, Richard A. Purdy – Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Algernon Tassin – "Julius Caesar." American Museum of Natural History, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Hamlet." Public School 63, Manhattan, Frederick Paulding – Shakespeare's "King Henry V." Public School 535, Bronx, Mrs. Ethel Foster – Women of Shakespeare: Juliet, Desdemona, Ophelia. Erasmus Hall High School, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Othello." Public School 160, Brooklyn, Frederick Paulding – "Romeo and Juliet." N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Algernon Tassin – "Hamlet." American Museum of Natural History, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Othellor." Erasmus Hall High School, Louis U. Wilkinson – "King Lear." Public School 163, Brooklyn, Mrs. Frances Carter – "Much Ado About Nothing." N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Algernon Tassin – "Othello." American Museum of Natural History, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Merchant of Venice." Public School 63, Manhattan, J. Woodman Babbitt – "Othello." Public School 53, Bronx, Mrs. Ethel Foster – Women of Shakespeare: Portia, Rosalind, Beatrice. Erasmus Hall High School, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Macbeth." Public School 160, Brooklyn, Harry E. Shelland – Shakespeare's Characters. Brooklyn Public Library, South Branch, Paul Franklin Boller - What Can Shakespeare Do for Us Today? N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Manhattan, Algernon Tassin – "Macbeth." St. Columba Hall, Mrs. Virginia McClurg – Shakespeare in Leafy Warwickshire. American Museum of Natural History, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Macbeth." N. Y. Public Library, 96th St. Branch, Algernon Tasson – Shakespeare. Erasmus Hall High School, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Julius Caesar." Public School 163, Brooklyn, Charles Burroughs – Shakespeare's "Macbeth." Brooklyn Public Library, South Branch, Brooklyn, Paul Franklin Boller – Shakespeare's "Hamlet." Or "The Problem of Balancing Our Deeds with Our Ideas." N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Manhattan. Mrs. Frances Carter – "Much Ado About Nothing." American Museum of Natural History, Louis U. Wilkinson – "Julius Caesar." N. Y. Public Library, 96th St. Branch. Manhattan, Duncan Macdougall – "Hamlet." Public School 160. Brooklyn, Mrs. Ethel Foster – Women of Shakespeare: Portia, Rosalind, Beatrice. Good Templars' Hall, harry E. Shelland – Shakespeare's Characters. Brooklyn Public Library, South Branch, Paul Franklin Boller, Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" or Rendering Every Man His Due. N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Frederick Paulding – Shakespeare's "King Henry V." Washington Irving High School, Lecturer to be announced – Shakespeare. N. Y. Public Library, 96th St. Branch, Mrs. Ethel Foster – Women of Shakespeare: Juliet, Desdemona, Ophelia. Morris High School, B. R. Baumgardt – Shakespeare. Bushwick High School. Mrs. James Madison Bass – Some Songs of Shakespeare and Their Stories. Erasmus Hall High School, Frederick Paulding – "Romeo and Juliet." Public School 163, Brooklyn, Duncan Macdougall – "Hamlet." Brooklyn Public Library. Greenpoint Branch, Lecturer to be announced – Shakespeare. Brooklyn Public Library, South Branch, Paul Franklin Boller – Shakespeare's "Macbeth." Public School 77, Queens, Samuel Katz – Shakespeare, the Master Dramatist. Curtis High School, Richard A. Purdy – Shakespeare: The Man and His Times. American Museum of Natural History, Garrett P. Serviss – Shakespeare. N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Mrs. Ethel Foster – "The Taming of The Shrew." Public School 101. Manhattan. Hon. Thomas W. Churchill of the Board of Education – Shakespeare. Public School 62, Miss Pauline Jennings – Shakespeare in Music.

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8. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. Eastern District High School, Edwin Fairley – Shakespeare, the Man. Public School 57, Queens, Samuel Kratz – Shakespeare, the Master Dramatist. Public School 53, Bronx, Richard A. Purdy – Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." N. Y. Public Library, 96th St. Branch. Charles Burroughs – Shakespeare's "Macbeth." Erasmus Hall High School, Frederick Paulding – Shakespeare's "King Henry V." Brooklyn Public Library, South Branch, Paul Franklin Boller – Shakespeare's "Othello." N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch. Richard A. Purdy – "The Merchant of Venice." N. Y. Public Library, 96th St. Branch, Mrs. Frances Carter – "Much Ado About Nothing," Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, Frederick Paulding – "The Merchant of Venice." Brooklyn Public Library, South Branch, Paul Franklin Boller – Shakespeare's "King Lear." N. Y. Public Library, 58th St. Branch, Richard A. Purdy – Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." Community and Recreation Centres, Center, Nature of Celebration. 66 Brooklyn – Shakespearian Evening. 171 Manhattan – Scenes from "Merchant of Venice." 84 Brooklyn – "Merchant of Venice," "Julius Caesar." 66 Brooklyn – Evening with Shakespeare. 66 Brooklyn – Scenes from Shakespeare. 66 Brooklyn – Recital and Musicale. 66 Brooklyn Pyramids and Thisbe. 62 Manhattan – Shakespeare's Life and Influence. 23 Bronx – Shakespearian Night and Influence. 66 Brooklyn – Scenes from "Julius Caesar." 66 Brooklyn – Scenes from "A Winter's Tale." 171 Manhattan – Evening with Shakespeare. 23 Bronx – Shakespeare's Influence upon Dramatics. 12 Manhattan – An Evening with Shakespeare. 23 Bronx – Scenes from "Julius Caesar." 12 Bronx – Shakespearian Recital. 168 Brooklyn – An Evening with Shakespeare. 62 Manhattan – Shakespeare's Influence upon Literature. 64 Manhattan – Shakespearian Declamation Contest (Semi- final). 12 Manhattan – Influence of Shakespeare upon Our Time. 66 Brooklyn – Scenes from "Macbeth" 23 Bronx – Address on "Shakespeare and His Times." 12 Manhattan – Shakespearian Evening, 66 Brooklyn – Shakespearian Recital. 23 Bronx – Shakespeare's Influence upon Literature, 149 Brooklyn – Prize Shakespearian Declamation Contest. 168 Bronx – Scenes from "Julius Caesar." 23 Bronx – The Theatre in the Times of Shakespeare. 23 Bronx – The Women of Shakespeare's Plays. 171 Manhattan – Prize Speaking School Contest. 23 Bronx – The Theatre in Shakespeare's Times. 66 Brooklyn – Scenes from "Midsummer Night's Dream." 84 – Brooklyn – Declamation Contest (Shakespeare). 66 Brooklyn – Scenes from "King Lear." 23 Bronx – Shakespeare and His Times. 66 Brooklyn – Heros of Shakespeare. 23 Bronx – Selections from Shakespeare's Plays. 141 Brooklyn – Scenes from "Romeo and Juliet." 171 Manhattan – Performance of "Midsummer Night's Dream." 101 Manhattan – Shakespearian Declamation Contest (Semi-final). 63 Manhattan – Music of Shakespeare's Times. 168 Manhattan – Shakespearian Revival. 23 Bronx – The Women of Shakespeare's Plays. 62 Manhattan – Final Declamation Contest. 171 Manhattan – Shakespearian Evening. 171 Manhattan – Dances of Shakespeare's Times. 171 Manhattan – Prize School Speaking Contest. 17 Manhattan – Tableaux Representing Important Scenes from Shakespeare's Plays. 53 Manhattan – Shakespearian Carnival. Private Schools. Alucin School – Shakespeare Festival. Baldwin School – "Taming of the Shrew." Bangs and Whiton – "Love's Labour Lost." Barnard School For Girls – Miscellaneous Program. Beard School – "The Taming of the Shrew." Benjamin School – "The Fools and Fairies of Shakespeare." Barnard School for Boys – Shakespeare Scenes. Campbell School – "The Winter's Tale." Castle School – Pageant. Collegiate School – Recitations. Cathedral School of St. Mary – Musical Celebration. Charlton School – Life in Stratford. Dominican Academy – "The Tempest". DeLancey School for Girls – "Flowers of Shakespeare." Dominican Academy – Shakespeare Celebration. Dwight School – "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Ely School – Scenes from Shakespeare plays. Ethical Culture School – "As You Like It." Gardner School – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Glenwood School – "Midsummer Night's Dream." "Julius Ceasar". Halstead School – Pageant. Hamilton Institute for Girls – "The Tempest" and Pageant. Hillside School – Outdoor Masque. Miss Hopkins' School – "All's True," Pageant play. Holy Rosary Academy – "The Comedy of Errors." Hartridge School – "Twelfth Night." Institute Tisne "Taming of the Shrew." Knox School, Tarrytown – May Day Fete. Kent Place – Shakespearian Commencement. Miss Lake's School – "Twelfth Night." Loyola School – "Merchant of Venice," "The Boys of Shakespeare." Miss Mason's School – Pageant play. Manhattan Student's Club – Readings, recitations. Massee Country School – Two plays. Miss Marshall's Classes – Scenes from plays. Montessori School, New York – Children's dances. N. Y. School for the Hard of Hearing – Shakespeare Day. Ossining School – "Much Ado About Nothing." "Taming of the Shrew." Peddie Institute – "Merchant of Venice." Packer Association Alumnae – Miscellaneous program. Packer Collegiate Institute – Masque and Pageant. Rayson School – Scenes from plays. Rand School, New York – Labor Pageant. Riverdale Country School – "Coriolanus." Rosemary School – "As You Like It." Savage School of Physical Education – Pageant. St. Mary's School of Physical Education – Pageant. St. Mary's Hall – Scenes from "Twelfth Night." St. Michael's School – Reading. "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The Misses Shipley's School – Bryn Mawr, Pa. – Four Days. Scudder School – Pageant. St. Mary's Hall – Plays, Songs, Pageant. The Misses Tewksbury School – Play. Theodora Ursula, Irving – "Taming of the Shrew." Visitation Academy – Shakespeare Masque and Carnival. Pelham Manor School – Costume garden party. Clubs. Author's Club – Songs, Debate: Shakespeare or Bacon? Brooklyn Woman's Club – Shakespeare Afternoon. Bay Ridge Reading Club. Cameo Club of New York – An Evening with Shakespeare, Cambridge Club – Reading, Quotations. Carson Chautauqua Circle – papers on Life and Works of Shakespeare. Current Events Club – Scenes, tableaux and acting of three lyric plays; "As You Like It." Dover Women's Club, Dover, N. J. – "As You Like It." Dixie Club – Shakespeare Meeting. Dickens Fellowship Club – Shakespeare Night. Froebel Society – Shakespeare Breakfast, Reading by Mrs. Forbes Robertson Hale. Fortnightly Club, Summit, N. J. – Miscellaneous Program. Garden Club of Princeton, Princeton, N. J. – Flower Fete. Garden Players, Forest Hills Gardens, L. I. – Out-of-Doors Masque. Girls' Club of York, Pa. – Pageant. Gamut Club – Shakespearian Entertainment. Green Room Club – Dress Rehersal. Shakespearian Burlesque. 9. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. Gotham Club – "Shakespeare Suffrage Soiree." Gridiron Club – "Waffles a la Shakespeare," Hotel Astor. Irving Club – Scene from Henry V in Masque of Psyche." Kalmia Club – Tercentenary Program. Little Falls Woman's Club, Little Falls, N. J. – Celebration, Talk and Music. MacDowell Club – Italian Fantasy on Shakespearean Themes. Memorial Shakespeare Circle – Birthday Fete and Shakespearian Festival. Mother's Club of Inwood – Celebration June 30th. June Walk. National California Club – Shakespeare Day. New York City Federation of Women's Clubs – "Tempest." National Society New England Women – Shakespeare Breakfast. New York Browning Society – Shakespeare Celebration. New Yorkers – Meeting, "Shakespeare." National Opera Club of America – Shakespeare in Grand Opera. New England Society, Brooklyn Colony – Shakespearian Luncheon. New Era Club – Open Air Play. Portia Club – "Cleopatra." Quill Club – Shakespeare's Songs. Readers' Club. Brooklyn – Two Celebrations. Shakespeare Reading Club of Jamaica – Scenes from four plays. Smith College Club – Readings and Songs. State Federation Woman's Clubs – Pageant, Masques and Plays. Shakespeare Club, Leonia, N. J. – "Master Skylark," "As You Like It." "Taming of the Shrew." "Julius Ceasar." "Romeo and Juliet." Social Guild of North Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. – Social Evening. Shakespeare Club of Brooklyn – Two Celebrations. Thursday Reading Class, Nyack, N. Y. – Program. Utrecht Study Club – Shakespeare Luncheon. Urban Club of Brooklyn – Music, Quotations, Address. Westchester Woman's Club – Masque and Costume Ball. Westchester Woman's Club – Masque and Costume Ball. Westchester Woman's Club, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. – Celebration. Woman's Club, Elizabeth, N. J. – Shakespeare Festival. Woman's Club of Glen Ridge – Outdoor Pageant. Woman's Club of Forest Hills – Outdoor Festival. West Side Natural History Society – The Home and Surrounding of Shakespeare; The Flowers of Shakespeare. Woman's Club of Asbury Park – Six Shakespearian Programs. Woman's Health Protective Club – Two Celebrations. Woman's Club of Palisade – Two Celebrations; Concert and Luncheon. Woman's Club of Upper Montclair – Shakespearian Festival. Woman's Club of Ridgewood, N. J. – Two Celebrations; Scenes from Henry VIII. Woman's Research Club – "Merchant of Venice." W. A. S. Club – Celebration. Women's University Club-Dinner, Speeches, Plays, etc. Woman's Club of Madison, N. J. – Shakespearian Programs. Women's Clubs of Yonkers – Amackassin Club, Celebration. Vassar Students' Aid Society – A Shakespeare Pageant in its benefit at the Plaza. Political Equality League of Brooklyn – A Shakespeare meeting in March. New York Chapter of the "Daughters of the Confederacy." "Life as a Fine Art Club". The Government Club of New York – program of Shakespeare Quotations. Woman's Club, Flemington, N. J. – Two Shakespeare Days. Open Hand Club, Jersey City – A Shakespeare Day. Health Protective Association, Brooklyn – A tree planting. Travelers' Club, Rahway, N. J. – Lecture recital. Schoolmasters' Club, New York – Shakespeare Program. Manor Club, Pelham Manor – Scenes and Tableaux. Porch Club, Riverton, N. J. – Scenes at Charter Luncheon. Department of Parks. "The Fairies' Plea" at Amsterdam Opera House, "Shakespeare Week," was celebrated as follows: Placing the wreath on Ward's Statue of Shakespeare, Central Park. Shakespeare Festival playlet and dance, E. 54th St. Recreation Center. Shakespeare readings, dances and games in all the playgrounds. Shakespeare Festival, playlet and dance, W. 28th St. Recreation Center. Shakespeare readings, dances and games in all the playgrounds. Shakespeare Festival, playlet and dance, Rutger Place Recreation Center. Shakespeare Musicale and Reading by a prominent actor and actress, Mall, Central Park. Old English May Festival, Sheep Meadow, Central Park. Shakespeare May Festivals on the Greenswards of Central park, 100,000 participating. Colored organizations. Lafayette Theatre – For the first time in the history of the negro race, a company of negro actors gave "Othello" during the week April 17th. E. Sterling Wright as "Othello." Music School Settlement. New Amsterdam Musical Association, Clef Club, Temple Club, Ye Friends of Shakespeare, Beaux Arts Dramatic Club, St. Mark's Lyceum, St. Philip's Men's Guild, Round Table of the Colored Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association. The Ebenezer Literary and Dramatic Association. The Douglas Social Center, combined in a festival – scenes from "Othello," "Merchant of Venice" and "Love's Labor Lost." J. Rosamond Johnson, Chairman. Music School Settlement – Dances from "Midsummer Night's Dream." Lyceum of St. Mark's Church – Commemoration exercises. An Expository Recital of "Macbeth," Mr. Charles Burroughs. Address at the Lafayette Theatre, Sir Herbert Tree. The Douglass Center Literary Club – Dramatic recital. Music School Settlement – Elizabethan Costume Fete. Ye Friends of Shakespeare – Selections from plats. Choir of St Mark's Church – "Spring" and "Orpheus with His Lute." The Guild Literary Society, St. Phillip's Church – Shakespeare program. The Coleridge-Taylor Choral Society – Songs from Shakespeare. The Star of Ethiopia – A Pageant – Mr. Charles Burroughs, master. Girls' Branch Public Schools Athletic League. Four celebrations, 10,000 participants dancing Elizabethan dances: Central Park, May 9; Prospect Park, May 16; The Lawn at Fordham University, May 23; Sailors' Snug Harbor, S. I., May 24. Settlements. Pageant in Hudson Park – "A Fair Day in the Time of William Shakespeare." Pageant in Chelsea Park – "Shakespeare Entertaining Queen Elizabeth." The Upper East Side Community Festival – Shakespearian Comedy scenes with Interludes, at Carl Schurz Park. Participants: East Side House, Wesley House, 79th St. House, Union Settlement. Shakespeare Festival, Prospect Park, given by Brooklyn Association of Neighbourhood Workers. Clark Neighbourhood House – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Seventy-ninth St. Neighbourhood House – Street Festival; Wesley, Emanuel Sisterhood, Union Settlement: "Midsummer Night's Dream." Music School Settlement – "Taming of the Shew." Madison House – Club presentations of scenes. Bronx House – Spring Festival, "Old English Garden Party." Chrystie Street Recreation Rooms – "Master Skylark." "Midsummer Night's Dream." Union Settlement – Clubs studying Shakespeare.

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10. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 10. Warren Goddard House – Shakespeare Tableaus and Dances. Hamilton House – "The Fairies' Plea" and Morris dances. Emanuel Sisterhood – "Taming of the Shrew" and a street pageant. University Settlement – A Shakespeare Evening. Hartley House – "Midsummer Night's Dream." College Settlement – Junior groups: "Oberon and Titania." Christodora House – "Twelfth Night." Christ Church house – "King Lear." Wesley House Settlement – Shakespeare Festival. Jacob Riis Settlement – Shakespeare songs. Greenwich house, in co-operation with Richmond Hill House, D. Y. N. T. House and Spring St. Settlement – Shakespearian Pageant in May. "A Fair Day in the Time of William Shakespeare." Hebrew Educational Society – Scenes from Shakespeare's Plays. Friendly House – "master Skylark," "Midsummer Night's Dream." Greenpoint Neighbourhood House – Shakespeare Festival in Prospect Park. Willoughby House – Shakespeare Review in Prospect Park. School Settlement – "Midsummer Night's Dream" in Prospect Park Review. United Neighbourhood Guild – Review of Shakespeare's plays in Prospect Park. East Side Neighbourhood Association – Community Celebration of Tercentenary. Bronx House Settlement – Pageant. Hudson Guild, New York – Dances from Shakespeare. Music School Settlement, New York – Songs, dances, scenes. Neighbourhood Playhouse, New York – Elizabethan Festival. T. M. T. M. Clum of Neighbourhood House of American Parish – Play. Welcome House Settlement, New York – Play, "Master Skylark." Wesley House Settlement, New York – Play, "Master Skylark." Wesley House Settlement, New York – Episodes from plays. Greenwich Village Settlements, New York, Pageant, "A Fair Day in the Time of William Shakespeare." Music School Settlement – Shakespeare Coffee House on the Roof. Miscellaneous. Bellevue Hospital – Children's Wards. Ariel's song from "The Tempest," learned by the younger children, and among the older group thoughts from various plays brought within the mental range of the children. These they interpreted in an illustrative booklet of paper cutting, sewing and pasting, and they also memorized the accompanying quotations. Drama League – Sir Herbert Tree delivered an address on Shakespeare in the New Amsterdam Theatre. Lambs Gambol – Minstrel Show. "When Mr. Shakespeare Comes to Town." Vacation Savings Fund – Shakespearian Circus at 71st Regiment Armory. The New York Institute for the Education of the Blind – "Merchant of Venice." "Julius Caesar." New York Telephone Co. – Gift of trees for the tree planting celebration. American Institute of Phrenology – Lectures; Characters from Shakespeare. Old English Coffee House – Volumes of plays as souvenirs. New York School of Fine and Applied Arts – Designs for costumes and scenery. Houdini – Shakespearian denoument. The Boys' Dramatic Club – "Julius Caesar." International Child Welfare Society – Shakespeare Flower Ball. Professional Women's League – Tableaux and scenes. Educational Dramatic League – "The Tempest." American Numismatic Society – Exhibits of coins and medals. Hispanic Society – Exhibit of books and maps. New York Federation of Women's Clubs – Reading of "The Shakespeare Masque: Caliban by the Yellow Sands." By Mr. Percy MacKaye. United Theatrical Association – Lecture, Richard A. Purdy. President. People's Institute, New York – Lectures. Young Women's Hebrew Association – "As You Like It." West Side Branch Y. W. C. A. – Shakespearian dances. Central Branch Y. W. C. A. – Shakespearian Exhibit. Messiah Home – "The Fairies' Plea" and "Fire Sprites." Miss Adelaide Fitz Allan – Shakespeare recital at the Biltmore Hotel. Viola Allen – Address on Character of Shakespeare. Professional Woman's League – Tableaux. Women's Health Protective Association – Lecture by R. A. Purdy. Brooklyn Academy of Music – "Hamlet" in Arabic. Museum of Natural History – Exhibition. New York Hippodrome – Shakespearian Pageant. Coldstream Library, Bedford, N. H. – Woodland fete. Miss Henrietta C. Bartlett – Talks on Shakespeare. The Neighbourhood Playhouse – Miss Mary Lawton and Mr. Walter Hampden in "Macbeth." Victor Talking Machine Co. – Sixty Shakespeare Records. Ascension Hall – Photo Spectacle of "Julius Caesar" and "Merchant of Venice." Lyric Theatre – "As You Like It" and "Much Ado About Nothing." Le Lyceum, New York – Reading and singing every afternoon. People's Political Equality League, Brooklyn – Lecture. E. P. Dutton & Co. – Exhibition of rare editions of Shakespeare and Shakespeariana. The Grolier Club – Distribution of Shakespeare portraits and a pamphlet on important editions of Shakespeare's plays. The American Geographical Society of New York – Exhibition of maps during April. The Lord & Taylor Book Shop – Reading by Mr. Percy MacKaye, of "Caliban by the Yellow Sands." New Yorkers – An afternoon of Shakespeare at Hotel Astor, Mrs. Henry H. Russell, President. The Women's College of Delaware – Pageant, dances, songs. Metropolitan Opera House – Reading of Shakespeare Masque. Dinner to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sothern – Shakespearian players. Professional Performances given in New York During the Tercentenary Celebration. Sir Herbert Tree in "Henry VIII," "Merchant of Venice," "Merry Wives of Windsor." Drama Society, "The Tempest." Irving Place German Theatre – "The Taming of Caesar." Sir Johnston-Forbes-Robertson. "Hamlet." Otis Skinner, "Cock o' the Walk." Washington Square Players, "Roadhouse in Arden" and "Pierre Patelin." Famous Players – "Romeo and Juliet." Devereaux Players in repertoire. Art Drama Players in repertoire. Booth Players in repertoire. Bromhall Players, "Taming of the Shrew," "Hamlet." "Caesar." Thimble Theatre – "Merchant of Venice," "Julius Caesar," "Hamlet" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The Weavers' Company – "Love's Labor Lost." "Two Gentlemen of Verona." Colleges. Adelphi College – "The Winter's Tale." Barnard College – Elizabethan Fair and Pageant. Brooklyn Training School for Teachers – Adaptations for Juvenile Actors from Shakespeare's Plays, "Birnam Wood" and "Peridita." Columbia University – School of Jounalism, Shakespeare Celebration. Columbia University – "The Spanish Tragedy" by the Philolexian Society. College of New Rochelle – "Everyman," "The Tempest." College of the City of New York – "The Taming of the Shrew, "Midsummer Night's Dream." College of Mount St. Vincent – Shakespeare Masque. College of St. Elizabeth – "The Tempest" and "Midsummer Nights' Dream," "Will Shakespeare." Fordham University – "King Richard II." Harvard University – "Henry IV." Part II, presented in New York by the Harvard Chapter of Delta Upsilon. Hunter College – "Judith Shakespeare." "Midsummer Night's Dream," read by David Bispham. Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa.-Pageant. New York University – "Pierre Patelin" and "Abraham and Isaac." Princeton University – Shakespeare Celebration, "Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Henry VIII." Rutgers College – "Knight of the Burning Pestle." State Normal School, Montclair, N. J. – "The Tempest." Teachers' College-Shakespearian Festival and Educational Exhibition. Yonkers Training School for Teachers – "Midsummer Night's Dream." Vassar College – "The Tempest" with Masque. Gardens. Shakespeare Garden in Central Park. Public Park at Bridgeport, Conn. Establishment of Shakespeare Gardens in Central Park, Jamaica, Kingston, Far Rockaway, Staten Island, Botanical Garden, Bronx Park; Botanical Garden, Brooklyn; Park Department, Queens; Demarest, N. J., Bridgeport. Conn. Tree Planting – English Oak from Stratford-on-Avon, in Shakespeare Garden in Central Park. Memorial Trees in Tompkins Sqaure Park, Isham Park, Mount Morris Park, Central Park, Bronx Parks, Queens Parks, on 79th Street, New York, Bridgeport, Conn. Lectures on the Flowers and Plants of Shakespeare – "Flowers of Shakespeare." by Miss Florence H. Macwood, Miss Caroline M. Barker and E. B. Southwick; "The Habitats of Shakespeare Flowers," by E. B. Southwick; "Trees of Shakespeare." by E. B. Southwick; "The Vegetables of Shakespeare," by E. B. Southwick; "The Herbs of Shakespeare." by E. B. Southwick; "Shakespeare Gardens." Flowers of Shakespeare – In libraries and in many parts of the city. Exhibition of Shakespeare Flowers for crippled children in Swedish Schoolhouse in Central Park during the entire summer. Exhibition of Shakespeare flowers at the Horticultural Society Shows. Planting of flowers and vegetables in School Yard Gardens in Manhattan and the Bronx. Dances representing Shakespeare flowers by Child's Welfare Society and Flower and Fruit Guild. Dances representing Shakespeare flowers by Children's Playground Association, New York City. Publication in newspapers of list of Shakespeare plants and flowers. Arrangement with seedsmen to supply plants and seeds of Shakespeare flowers. Libraries. The New York Public Library: Central Building – (1) Exhibition of Shakespeariana from April 1 to June 1 (2) A collection of Shakespearian music in the Music Department. (3) A Festival exhibit of books and pictures in the Central Children's Room. (4) Publication of book-list on "The Shakespearian Festival." (5) Shakespeare lectures and readings. Branches – At all the branch libraries in the city special collections of reference books, music and pictures have been formed, type written lists have been made, and in twenty-five of the branches special exhibits of Shakespearian material have been prepared. Washington Heights – Exhibit of prints, books and models lent and arranged by Mr. Raphael Weed. 115th Street – A collection of photographs of actors who have appeared in Shakespearian roles in America, lent by Sarony, 58th Street – A collection of prints, photographs and illustrations of the most famous actors and actresses in Shakespearian roles. Lectures are by Mr. Algernon Tassin. Morrisania – An exhibit of prints, photographs and programs lent by Mr. Edmond B. Child. Aguilar – An exhibit of prints and photographs lent by Mrs. Martha Foote Crow. A lecture given by Mrs. Martha Foote Crow. Seward Park – Performances of scenes from Shakespeare by Jacob Adler and his players. This branch library co-operated with the East Side Neighborhood Association in their young people's festival in Public School No. 62, and in the Community Celebration. Hudson Park combined with Greenwich House for Shakespeare celebration in Old Home Week. Yorkville – The Shakespearian Street Festival. St. Agnes – Lecture by Dr. Southwick on flower in Shakespeare's plays. Woodstock – An exhibit of portraits and etchings lent by Knoedler; examples of fine editions lent by Putnam's ; and photographs lent by Dr. Tannenbaum. The Brooklyn Public Library – Early editions of Shakespeare's plays are the outstanding feature of the exhibit of Shakespeariana at the Montague Branch. Young Women's Christian Association. The library of the Young Women's Christian Association has a model of the village of Stratford, many interesting pictures and some costumes. Music Harry Birnbaum, Chairman. Metropolitan Opera House – Revival of Hermann Goetz's "Taming of the Shrew." Wanamaker's Auditorium – Three weeks' festival arranged by Alexander Russell. Symphony Concerts for Young People at Carnegie Hall – Concert of Shakespeare music conducted by Walter Damrosch. Concert of Shakespearian music given at Cooper Union under the auspices of the People's Institute. MacDowell Club – Recital of Shakespeare Songs by Heinrich Meyn. Union Theological Seminary – Recital of Elizabethan Music. Fraternal Association of Musicians – Shakespearian evening. Cosmopolitan Quartet – Concert of Shakespeare music. Granberry Piano School, Aeolian Hall – Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Night's Dream." Lord & Taylor – A week of Shakespeare music. Publications Relating to Shakespeare and to Shakespearian Celebrations. Columbia University – "Shakespeare Studies." Teachers' College – Shakespeare Festival, illustrated. March number of the "Teachers' College Record." Yale University Press – "Community Plays and Pageants." By Mary Porter Beegle and Jack Randall Crawford. Lippincott Company – "Shakespeare Precious Stones." Dr. George Frederick Kunz. Right Rev. John McQuirk – "Lecture on Shakespeare." by Cardinal Wellman. The Craftsman – Shakespeare number Jan., 1916. The Independent – Six illustrated Shakespeare supplements. Charles Scribner's Sons – "Will Shakespeare's Little Lad," by Imogen Clark. Houghton Mifflin Company – "The Sonnets of Shakespeare." by Raymond MacDonald. The Yale University Press – "A Census of Shakespeare Quartos." The Century Company – "Master Skylark," by John Bennett and Edgar White Burrill. The Macmillan Company – "A Midwinter Night's Dream." E. P. Dutton & Co. – "A Book for Shakespeare Plays and Pageants." Moffat, Yard & Co. – "Shakespeare's England." Macmillan Company – "Shakespeare's Theatre" by Ashley H. Thorndike. Oxford University Press – "The England of Shakespeare." D. Appleton & Co. – "A Warwickshire Lad." Doubleday, Page & Co. – "Caliban: The Yellow Sands." The Macmillan Company – "A Life of William Shakespeare." by Sir Sidney Lee. E. P. Dutton & Co. – Shakespeare Plays and Pageants, by Miss O. O. Hatcher. The Civic Forum and The League for Political Education, pamphlet recommending Shakespearian books to be read. Etc.

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12 Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 12. Too late to be classified. Recreation Committee of the East Side Neighbourhood Association – Festival. Brooklyn Heights Seminary – A Fairy Interlude. The Campbell School – "Winter's Tale," folk dances, scenes. The Saturday Club, Newark. N. J. – Literary program. Daughters of Ohio in New York – Addresses. Continuation Classes of the Board of Education – Study of plays. The Longfellow School – Scenes from some plays. Benjamin School – "Fairies and Follies." Associate Alumnae Hunter College – Meeting and Masque. Washington Heights Chapter, D. A. R. – Patriotic meeting. Associate Alumnate of the Packers' Collegiate Institute – Scenes, luncheon. Women's Club of Mountain Lakes, N. J. – Tableaux readings. Wesley House, Union Settlement, 79th Street Settlement, East Side House – Shakespeare Community Festival, Carl Schurz Park. High School, Trenton, N. J. – "Midsummer Night's Dream." "Merchant of Venice." East Side Neighbourhood Association – Scenes from "Twelfth Night." "Julius Caesar." "Midsummer Night's Dream." Playlet "The Referee." Under direction of Mrs. Emma Sheridan Fry. The Smith College Club of New York – Lecture on "The Women of Shakespeare." Aloha Study Club, Manhattan – Extracts from "Merchant of Venice," songs. Ascension Dramatic Association – At St. Thomas' Chapel, scenes from Shakespeare. Commercial High School, Brooklyn, Scenes, dances, pageant. Committees on Supplementary Celebrations Miss Kate Oglebay, Chairman, Miss Fern Clawson, Vice-Chairman. Advisory on Forms of Celebrations Miss Josephine Beiderhase, Miss Frances E. Clarke, Mr. Arthur Farwell, Mr. Wm. Chauncy Langdon, Miss Azubah Latham, Miss Constance Mackay. Chairmen of Sub-Committees Miss Sydney P. Thompson, Mr. Lorne W. Barclay, Mr. William J. Lee, Rev. Joseph F. Smith, Mrs August Dreyer, Mr. Harry Birnbaum, Mr. J. Rosamond Johnson, Mr. Charles Burroughs, Mrs. Anna H. Wilcox, Miss Helen Smith, Mrs. Lucinda Prince, Miss Jeanie Hughes, Miss Emma. L. Johnston, Mr. Charles Robert Gaston, Mr. Edward C. White, Miss Madeline Stevens, Mrs. Charles-Sprague Smith, Dr. C. Ward Crampton, Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, Mr. Edward W. Stitt, Mrs. William J. Campbell, Miss Elizabeth Paine, Mrs. James S Cushman, Miss Evelyne Hilliard, Miss Lucie Benedict. Committee on Celebrations in Colleges and Normal Schools. Allan Abbott, Chairman, Teachers; College, Beverly S. Allen, New York University, Madalene D. Barnum, Brooklyn Training School for Teachers. Mrs. Estelle Davis, College of New Rochelle, Clare Howard, Barnard College, Rev. Samuel Neal Kent, Lehigh University, Cornelia E. MacMullan, Montclair State Normal School. Henrietta Prentiss, Hunter College, Franklin H. Sergeant, American Academy Dramatic Arts. Frank L. Sevenoak, Stevens Institute of Technology. Winifred Smith, Vassar College, Rev, G. F. Strohaver, S. J., Fordham University, Thomas Gaffney Taaffee, College of the City of New York. Algernon C. Tassin, Columbia University, Charles H. Whitman, Rutgers College. Shakespeare Garden Committee. Dr. Edmund Bronk Southwick, Chairman, 206 W. 85th St., New York. Mr. Leonard Barron, Garden City, L.I. Dr Nathaniel L. Britton, Botanical Garden, Bronx Park. Prof. Edward S. Burgess, Ridge Road, Park Hill, Yonkers. Mrs. Kilburn-Kilmer, New Brunswick, N. J. Dr. George F. Kunz, care Tiffany & Co. Mrs. Henry Parsons, 29 W. 56th St., New York, Miss E. Esther Pritchett, 202 W. 120th St., N. Y. Dr. Gustav Straubemuller, Board of Education. Mute Characters of the Masque. Spirits of Lust, J. Lippner, J. Salmon, A. Miller, F. Herz, S. Mathews, L. Heuer, A. Robinson, A. Nowald, E. Boxhoin, D. Rosenberg, M. Chasnowitz, H. Dietz, J. Doves, J. Karp, E. Varnuska, B. Feldmar, S. Silver, H. Rosenbluh, L. Berwik, D. Goldstein, W. Bemanke, Spirits of Death, A. C. Vollmer, F. Sorg, C. F. O'Shea, G. L. Rath, H. V. Evans, C. Platkin, M. Silverman, G. Caruso, J. Mandelbaum, L. Turner, W. Kopple, M. Rosenblum, A. Altman, A. Kaplan, P. Goldhirsch, H. Saviet, M. Weinberger, J. Paretsky, Waldman, Panzar, Spirits of War, Anger George, J. Davis, P. Dietz, E. Boxhorn, H. B. Evans, B. Feldman, A, Greenwald, W. Kopple, J. Lippner, Alfred Miller, A. Norwald, C. Potkin, G. Rath, D. Rosenberg, R. Stark. Spirits of Ariel, Julia Way, Maude Estelle Newell, Betty Stankowitch, Anita Day, Elizabeth Biglow Sawyer, Dorathy Kelley, Hazel Wood, Agnes Scully, Edna James, Louise Killinger, Hazel Sands, Dorothy Davis, Nettye Klein, Agnes Anderson, Mildred Page, Katharine Hamilton Field, Elsie Hepburn, Martha Jane Messinger. The spirits of Ariel are pupils of the Florence Fleming Noyes' School of Rythmic Expression. 13. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 13. The Masks, Lust, War, Death, Speaking Characters, Masque Proper, Caliban – Lionel Braham, Prospero – Howard Kyle, Miranda – Edith Wynne Matthison, Ariel, Gareth Hughes, Sycorax – Joseph Whitmore, St. Agnes (an Image) Margherita Sargent (Priests of Setebos) Lust – Brigham Royce, Death – Edward Fielding, War – Matthew Briggs. Epilogue The Spirit of Time – Mary Lawton, Shakespeare – John Drew, Shakespearean Inner Scenes. I. Egypt Antony – Eric Blind, Cleopatra – Hedwig Reicher, Chairman – Marion Evenson, Eros – Clifford Devereaux. II. The Walls of Troy, Cressida – Gladys Hanson, Her Attendant – Clare Tree Major, Pandarus – Maurice Cass, Boy – Allan Ross Macdougall, Troilus – Jos. Sterling. III. The Tent of Brutus, Brutus – Henry Ludlowe, Lucious – John Sahlveck, Ghost of Casar – Emanuel Reicher, F. F. Mackay (First Performance), IV. Elsinore Hamlet – Robert Mantell, Horatio – Augustin Duncan, Marcellys – William H. Sams, Ghost of Hamlet's Father, Emanuel Reicher. V. Italy Romeo – Fred Eric, Juliet – Margaret Wycherly, Lorenzo – Eric Blind, Jessica – Clare Tree Major, Florizel – Joseph Sterling, Perdita – Marion Evanson. VI. The Forest of Arden. Orlando – Fred Eric, Jacques – William H. Sams, The Banished Duke – Cyril Courtney, Adam – George F. Smithfield. VII. Windsor Forest – Herne's Oak. Sir John Falstaff – Thomas A. Wise, Sir Hugh Evans – Etienne Girardot, Mistress Ford – Viola Compton, Mistress Page – Thais Lawton, Anne Page – Beatrice Beckley. VIII. The Walls of Harfleur King Henry The Fith, Frederick Lewis. Interludes (For Participants see Other Pages)

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14. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 14. Mute Character in Inner Scenes. Saint Agnes – Margherita Sargent. The Nine Muses. Calliope – Epic Poetry (Scroll) – Grace Elliott, Ruth Helen Davis (Last Performance), Clio – History (Scroll) – Dorothy Lewis, Erato – Romantic Poetry and Dancing, Stella Cuscaden. Euterpe – Lyric Poetry (Double Pipe), Alline Graham, Melpomene – Tragic Poetry (Tragic Mask), Doris Underwood, Polyhymnia – Sacred Poetry (Lyre), Katharine Stymetz Lamb, Terpsichore – Choral Dance and Song (Flute), Helena Constance Kurgan, Thalia – Comedy (Comedy Mask), Millie Murr Francke, Urania – Astronomu (Celestial Globe), Belle Griffin Russlend, The Fauns – Children from Christadora House Trained by Florence Fleming Noyes. Statues Annette E. S. Fleischer, Anna Sorenson, Elizabeth Wright, K. C. Evers, Elsie Klein. In Interludes, Hecuba – Mary Lawton, Helena – Hedwig Reicher, Aeneas – Henry Buckler, Antenor – Chester Thomas Calder, Hector – George F. Smithfield, Paris – Joseph Sterling, Helenus – Joseph Whitmore, Philemon – Carlton Van Valkenburg. King Henry The Fifth His Soldiers and Followers. Mr. Bowitz, J. Chanks, Joseph Aronson, Thomas W. Cumming, George Eckstein, J. Goldenthal, Matthew Goldman, G. Hunt, Abraham Katz, Stephen Kelly, B. Kennedy, Bernard Labensky, Lloyd Phillips, Bernard Lubinger, David I. Lipschitz, Lester Lipschitz, Murray Sanders, William Saltman, Jerome Seplow, Louis Schultz, Jacob Tishman. Foresters of Arden, Leo Drachsler, Seymour Jaffe, Robert Jacobstein, Abraham Katzner, Samuel Meiselman, Alexander Singer, W. H. Schneider, Jacob Ziegler. Designers of Banners. Greek, Sanctuary of Dionysus – Willard Van Ornum, Epidaurus – Willard Van Ornum, Roman, Coliseum – William Hill, Pompey's Theatre – William Hill. Provincial – Orange – William Hill, Aspendus – William Hill. Constantinople. Hippodrome – Kenneth Chamberlain. French, Mediaeval Mystery – Teachers' College - Florence Culver, Palais Royal – Margaret Beachey, Hotel de Burgoyne – Nettie J. Spofford, Theatre Francais – Alice M. Leonard (now the Odeon). Italian, Olympic, at Vicenza – A. G. Cram. English, Columbia School of Architecture - Inn Court Yard, Alfred D. F. Hamlin, Fortune Theatre – Talbot Hamlin, Globe Theatre, Alfred D. F. Hamlin, Drury Lane – Florence Culver. German – Hof Theatre (Weimar) – Tony Sarg, Royal Theatre (Berlin) – Tony Sarg, Burg Theatre (Vienna) – Tony Sarg, Banner Committee – Alon Bement – Alline Graham, Kenneth Chamberlain – Alfred D. F. Hamlin, Lathrop Finlayson – William Hill, Olga Ihlseng, Chairman. 15. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 15. Producing Staff Author and Director of the Masque, Percy Kaye. Producers Joseph Urban and Richard Ordynski, Composer and Director of the Musical Production – Arthur Farwell, Conductor of Chorus and Orchestra – Louis Koemmenich, Designer of Inner Scenes and Costumes, Robert Edmond Jones, Director of Costuming, Mrs. John Alexander. Director of Dancing, Mrs, Grace Jenkins Anderson, Stage Manager, Irving Pichel, Assistant Stage Manager, John Wray, Director of Interludes, Garnet Holme, Assistant Director of Interludes, Arthur Schontz, Aide, Gilbert B. Rose, Staff Assistants, Miss Hazel MacKaye, Miss Louie R. Stanwood, Poster Committee Vechten Waring, Chairman, Annie Farquair Lang, Laura Carter, Mrs. Percy MacKaye, Herbert W. Faulkner, Music and Cast Committee, Miss Laura Sedwick Collins, Chairman. Community Committee, Mrs. V. G. Simkhovitch, Chairman, Miss Louie R. Stanwood, Secretary, Mrs. John B. Andrews, Mrs. Bertha Kunz Baker, Miss Eleanor Butler, Miss Alice Carpenter, Mrs. Emanuel Einstein, Mrs. Paul Kennaday, Mrs. Philip Lydig, Miss Hazel MacKaye, Miss Dagmar Perkins, Miss Anna C. Maxwell, Mrs. Howard Mansfield, Miss Malvina Shanklin, Miss Katherine Scott, Miss Eleanor Maud Crane, Miss Alma Lane, Miss Veronica Lane, Miss Margarita Lawrence, Miss Anita M. Mixon, Miss Jessie A. Pownall, Mark Werthmann. Finance. Mrs. Philip Lydig, Chairman, Mrs. Emanuel Einstein, Miss Alice Carpenter. Chaperones, Miss Katherine Scott, Chairman (of the Y. W. C. A. National Board), Mrs. Bertha Kunz Baker, Miss Lucy Bartlett, Miss Lilla Bartlett, Miss Louise Brooks, Miss Margaret Bucklin, Mrs. C. R. Burke, Miss Alice Carpenter, Miss Gerald Casside, Miss Margaret Cook, Miss Mabel Everett, Miss Fanchette Gauthey, Mrs. E. M. Gross, Miss Cora Maynard, Miss Jessie Mackinlay, Miss Amy Mackinlay, Miss Marion Mackinlay, Miss Mary E. McMahon, Miss Marguerite Mitchell, Miss Helen M. Pope, Miss Edith Pownell, Miss Sarah Scott, Miss Whitney, Miss Katherine Whitney, Miss Edna Bagg, Miss Gertrude Griffith, Miss Helen Sanger, Miss Helen Thomas. (Many are from the National Y. M. C. A.). Refreshments and Dressing-Rooms, Miss Eleanor Butler, Mrs. E. H. Hanfeld, Miss Margarita Lawrence. First Aid. Miss Anna C. Maxwell, of the Presbyterian Hospital, assisted by The American Red Cross Society which has very kindly supplied a Doctor, two Nurses, cots and kits. In Charge of Attachees Louis Salter, Chief Usher, Robert B. Clarke, Scout Service by the courtesy of the Manhattan Council of the Boy Scouts of America, under the direction of Lorne W. Barclay, Scout Executive. Pages, Charles Russell Burke, John Macauley Burke. Technical Director, John Brunton, Electrician, Bennie Beerwald, Properties and Scenic Constructions, John Brunton, Programs, Sold under the direction of Miss Mildred A. Buehler, Chairman, with the assistance of Mrs. Clarabel J. Hill and Miss Cornele Meyerson, Sub-Chairman, with the girls of the Vacation Association and the New York and Brooklyn Camp Fire Girls, under the guardianship of Miss Edith M. Kempthorne, Assistant Secretary.

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16. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 16. Description of the Masque. Action. The action takes place, symbolically, on three planes: [1] In the cave of Setebos [before and after its transformation into the theatre of Prospero]; [2] In the mind of Prospero [behind the Cloudy Curtains of the Inner Stage] ; and [3] On the ground-circle of "the Yellow Sands" [the place of historic time]. Time. The Masque Proper is concerned symbolically, with no definite period of time, but with the waxing and waning of the life of Dramatic Art from primitive barbaric times to the verge of the living present. The interludes are concerned with ritualistic glimpses of the art of the theatre during three historical periods: -[1] Antiquity, [2] the Middle Ages, and [3] Elizabethan England, The Epilogue is concerned with the creative forces of dramatic art from antiquity to the present, and – by suggestion – with the future of those forces. Setting. The setting of the Masque is not a background of natural landscape as in the case of most outdoor pageants, but is architectural and scenic. Being constructed technically for performance on a large scale, by night only, its basic appeals are to the eye, through expert illusions of light and darkness, architectural and plastic line, the dance, color, and pageantry of group movements; to the ear, through invisible choirs, orchestral and instrumental music. The Masque Proper is enacted by professional actors, who, by their speech, give the motives of the large scale pantomime in the Interludes. The Interludes unfold the theme in dances, pageantry, choruses and pantomime, by hundreds of community performers. In the Epilogue the professional actors and the numerous community performers unite. Corresponding to this Inner Structure is the Outer Structure, which consists of three stages: [1] A modified form of Elizabethan stage, here called the Middle Stage, which is a raised platform, and to which steps lead from the Ground Circle. [2] The Inner Stage, shut off from the Middle Stage by Cloudy Curtains, which, when drawn, reveal the Inner Shakespearean Scenes conceived in the mind of Prospero. [3] The Ground Circle, between the Middle Stage and the Audience, resembling in form the "Orchestra" of a Greek Theatre. Beneath the Middle Stage, and between the steps which lead up to it from the ground-circle is situated at centre, the mouth of Caliban's cell, which thus opens directly upon the Yellow Sands. All of these features of the setting, however, are invisible when the Masque begins, and are only revealed as the lightings of the action disclose them. Synopsis of Masque General Theme. The four principal characters of the Masque, Caliban, Ariel, Miranda, and Prospero, are derived from those of Shakespeare's play "The Tempest." Through these characters the general theme is developed. The theme of the Masque is the slow education of mankind through the influences of co-operative art, that is, of the theatre in its full social scope. This theme of co-operation is expressed earliest in the Masque through the lyric of Ariel's spirits. "Come unto these Yellow Sands and then take hands." It is sounded with central stress, in the chorus of peace, when the Kings clasp hands on the Field of the Cloth of Gold; and with final emphasis in the gathering together of the creative forces of dramatic art in the Epilogue and the final speech of Caliban to the spirit of Shakespeare. Prologue. The scene discloses the idol of Setebos, god of primeval force, half tiger, half toad. High in the tiger jaws of the idol, Ariel – a slim, winged figure,

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18. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy Mackaye presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 18. Half nude – is held fettered. The invisible powers of Setebos, in deep bass chorus, hail their god. The protesting voices of Ariel's imprisoned spirits are heard, in song, crying out for their freedom. For ages they and Ariel have refused to serve Setebos; therefore, they are held captive. How long must this last? Sycorax appears. She is a gigantic witch or earth spirit, the mother, by Setebos, of a huge brutish son – Caliban. She summons Caliban, who enters, crawling, showing an eel, which he says he has created out of mud. He taunts Ariel with his slavery. Ariel replies that he still dreams of the one who shall come from the heart of the world and set him free. Sycorax tells Caliban to call the priests of Setebos to torment Ariel. Caliban summons then. Lust, Death and War appear, and peform a barbaric ritual in pantomime. During this, Miranda enters. Pitying Ariel, she tells him she and her father Prospero have come to release him. Caliban, returning, looks in naïf wonder at Miranda and woos her. Urged on by Sycorax, he is about to seize her, when a clap of thunder resounds. Amid storm and contending choruses of spirits, Prospero appears. Stilling the tempest with his magic staff, he takes Miranda under his protection. She asks what he will do with Caliban. Prospero answers that he will educate him in his art, and thus ennoble his nature. In this task he asks Ariel to help him. Ariel promises. Prospero releases Ariel and his spirits, who chase Caliban into his cell. Prospero, however, warns Ariel not to torment Caliban, but to teach him. So, he says, by the power of his art, he will transform the cave of Setebos into a temple of Miranda. At this the idol falls crashing and the cave disappears in darkness and thunder. Leading Ariel forward into light, Prospero shows to him the circle of the Yellow Sands – the world of his art in historic time. There, to educate Caliban, he will reveal the pageant of his art in three great ages: those of Egypt, Greece and Rome. "Look!" he says, "even now the priests of Setebos – Lust, Death and War – are conspiring against us. But by means of my art I will defeat them." So he calls aloud, "Pafeant appear!" and the pageant of Egypt enters on the Yellow Sands. Interlude I. First Action: Egyptian Produced under auspices of the Neighbourhood Playhouse of the Henry Street Settlement, and performed by the Neighbourhood Players. Theme Egyptian worshipers of the god Osiris, B. C. 1000, celebrate his resurrection from death by a dance ritual, symbolizing how the seven portions of his rended body unite again at his re-birth. Second Action: Greek. Produced under the auspices of the Pan-Hellenic Union in America. Actors in "Antigone" Theme In the presence of Pericles and Aspasia, a scene from Sophocles "Antigone" and the second chorus of the same are performed in the Theatre of Dionysus, in Athens, B. C. 440. The words of the chorus (translated by Percy MacKaye from Sophocles drama) are as follows: Many are the wonders of time, but the mightiest wonder is man; Man! For he maketh his path with the south wind, over the surges. Down where the storm-white billows Loom to devour him : Yea, and Earth, the immortal, the oldest of gods, The untoilsome, he tameth with toiling horses dark where his turning ploughshare plougheth from age unto age. Birds, O the wild-hearted birds, and the breeds of the savage wood, deep in his woven nets he hath snared, and the broods of the bright sea leadeth he likewise captive – Master of masters, Man! And high on the hills he hath tracked to her wild. The shaggy-maned horse and yoked her in harness: tireless, too, hath his spirit tamed the wild mountain bull. Words, and the wind of great thought, and the mood that mouldeth a state, these hath he mastered, and knoweth to parry the white frost arrow's pitiless barb, and the pouring arrows of purple rain. All, all hath he mastered, and all that may come. He meeteth with cunning and power; but only death hath he failed to master: death is the master of man.

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20. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy Mackaye. 20. Third Action: Roman Theme. The emporer Caligula witnesses a farcical comedy in pantomime, enacted in a street of Rome, A. D. 40. Escorted by the Roman Patricians and Populace, Caligula enters in a chariot. Beside him rides Naevoleia, a mime, with whom he is in love. Naevoleia leaves him to play her part of Omphale in a pantomime, which he is about to witness. As she does so, Caligula expresses his jealousy toward the chief actor of the pantomime, who plays the part of Hercules. Pantomimus then introduces the pantomime. Argument of the Pantomime. Hercules, lured by the nymph Omphale to live with her a women's way of life, becomes terribly bored, rebels, and vows to a statue of the Sphinx to resume his manly exploits. By the help, however, of the satyr Silenus, who makes Hercules drunk, Omphale – in guise of the Sphinx – wins Hercules back and marries him. At this climax of the pantomime, Caligula springs from his chariot, in a rage of jealousy toward the actor Hercules, whom he orders his slaves to flog. They do so and drive him from the scene. Act I. By means of the foregoing interlude, Prospero has been instructing Ariel in his art. He now reminds Ariel that his spirits are to enact three scenes of vision which he will create from this art of Egypt, Greece and Rome, for the education of Caliban. Then, to the music of invisible choirs, he reveals the Theatre, which he has created for Miranda out of the cave of Setebos. So they pass within its curtains. Caliban, then, staring amazed, is hailed by Lust, who tells him to restore the reign of Setebos. But Prospero, returning with Ariel, dressed as Prologue, tells Caliban to obey him and watch the visions he will show. Ariel then introduces the scene (from Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra," ACT III, Scene II) between Cleopatra and Antony, after the battle of Actium. At its climax, as Antony embraces Cleopatra, and the curtains close, Caliban expresses his wonder and fascination for the "snake-bright queen." Showing satisfaction at this sign of awakening imagination in Caliban, Prospero gives to Ariel his magic staff, telling him to continue the tutelage of Caliban. He then departs. Caliban asks for the staff. Ariel, refusing, shows him now a second vision – a scene (from Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida") in which Cresida, watching from the walls of Troy and the Trojan heros pass, greets her lover, Troilus. Troilus, scaling the wall, is about to kiss Cressida, when the curtains close. Caliban, now confident that he has learned Prospero's art, demands the staff again but is refused. Miranda enters with the Muses. Caliban, in childish eagerness, asks to be clothed in bright colors. Miranda orders the Muses to bring splendid garments. They clothe Caliban, who struts with pleasure. Ariel then introduces the third vision (a scene from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"), in which the ghost of Caesar visits Brutus in his tent at midnight. As the ghost disappears, Brutus cries out: "Romans, awake!" while the curtains close. At this Caliban takes up the cry, seizes the staff of Prospero, calls upon Rome and conjures an orgy of Roman decadence, in which Caligula and his followers are about to overcome Ariel, the Muses and Miranda, when they are stopped by the appearance of the blazing cross. Then to the music of a Gregorian choir appears an early Christian shrine of Saint Agnes, whose image shepherds are adoring. Stepping forth the Chief Shepherd unmasks Caligula, revealing him as Lust, and reveals himself as Prospero. A shepherd boy, who is Ariel, leads Lust away to the cell below. Caliban abjectly returns his staff to Prospero, Miranda intercedes for him and Prospero grants Caliban another chance to learn. Prospero then conjures a pageant of his art from the Middle Ages in Germany, France and Italy. So the pageant of Mediaeval Germany enters on the Yellow Sands. 21. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 21. Greek Interlude. Interlude II. First Action: Germanic produced under auspices of the German University League. Principals – Citizens of Nuremberg Actors in the Pantomime of "Faustus". Theme, on a street of Nuremberg, in their Shrovetide festival, a band of apprentices enact, on a wheeled stage, a pantomime scene from an early version of "Doctor Faustus." Time: Sixteenth Century. Second Action: French-English. Produced under the auspices of the Alliance Francaise. Theme. To celebrate peace between their nations, after long war, Francais I of France and Henry VIII of England meet on the Field of the Cloth of Gold (A. D. 1520) and hold a tournament. Third Action: Spanish-Italian Produced under the auspices of the MacDowell Club and performed by the Washington Square Players. Theme. On the plaza of St. Marks in Venice (A. D. 1630) a troop of improvised comedy actors (of the Commedia dell' Arte) enact before the Doge and the Spanish Ambassador, amid the populace, during a festa, a pantomime scene depicting a love adventure of Don Giovanni. Harlequin (Arlecchino) introduces the pantomime. Argument of the Pantomime. Pantaloon tells Don Giovanni he has a rendezvous with a beautiful young lady (Columbine). Don Giovanni says he has one too and needs a disguise. He persuades Harlequin to change cloaks with him. Harlequin departs. Don Giovanni calls forth Columbine, who at first mistakes him for Harlequin and rejects him, but soon, at his wooing, accepts him. In Don Giovanni's arms she is discovered by her father, the Commander, who attacks Don Giovanni with his sword. Don Giovanni returns the attack and kills him. Act II. Deeply stirred by the Pageants of the Interlude, Caliban calls aloud to the Yellow Sands that he will create noble works and serve Prospero. Death – appearing with a great gray cloak – tells him he shall fail, and warns him to restore Setebos. A dirge of the Powers of Setebos "Gray-gray-gray!" etc., is sung within. Prospero, returning with Ariel, shows momentary discouragement. He is not afraid, he says, of Lust or War, but only of the death of the soul: "Not savage souls, ‘tis dead souls that defeat us." Caliban, fleeing from Death kneels to Prospero asking him to teach him more. Prospero tells Ariel to reveal a glimpse of another "mind distraught, grasping at realms invisible." Ariel then reveals the

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22. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 22. Fourth Inner Scene (from Shakespeare's "Hamlet"), in which Hamlet first beholds the ghost of his father, and follows it. As the scene closes, Caliban cries out for him not to follow, lest it be Death. He begs Prospero for his magic scroll that he may go and free his father from the pall of Death. Prospero gives him the scroll and Caliban hastens with it to his cell. Miranda returns joyously, surrounded by the Muses and little fauns. These dance before Prospero. Delighted with this, Miranda asks her father to conjure again. Prospero, departing with the fauns, tells Ariel to reveal a vision of Italian lovers. Ariel then discloses the Sixth Inner Scene (from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," "Merchant of Venice" and "Winter's Take"), wherein are seen glimpses of Romeo and Juliet, Lorenzo and Jessica, Florizel and Perdita. As these vanish, a gray dim light descends with drear music. Fearful, Miranda sends Ariel for Prospero. The Muses leave her alone. Swarming gray figures, with gray cloaks and Puritan hats, emerge from Caliban's cell and surround her. Amid these are Caliban and Death, disguised. Recognizing them, Miranda swoons, and is borne away to the cell to the Death Chant: "Gray – gray – gray!" etc. Returning alone, Ariel calls upon the Yellow Sands to restore his Mistress and Master. As he cries aloud "Prospero!" Prospero himself comes, returning with Ariel's Spirits bearing a Maypole and flowers. Thus – to draw Miranda back from her tomb – he conjures forth the merry festival of Elizabethan England. Interlude III Elizabethan England Theme. Celebration of an Elizabethan May Day Festival on the outskirts of an English town. Action 1. Contest between Spring and Winter. 2. Processional Dance through Village. 3. Revels and Amusements. 4. May Pole Procession. 5. Election of May Queen, and May Pole Dance. 6. Hobby Horse and Padstow May Song. 7. Morris Dances. 8. Country Dances and Recessional. Act III. Brought back by these merry rites, Miranda returns, with flowers and song, from Caliban's cell. After her hastens Caliban, who discards and tears his gray cloak, and begs Miranda to clothe him anew. Miranda begs Prospero to consent. Prospero does so, and Ariel introduces the Sixth Inner Scene (from Shakespeare's "As You Like It"), in which Orlando demands from the Foresters of Arden food for old Adam. The spirit of brotherhood in this scene so affects Caliban that after Prospero has withdrawn to rest a while – he woos Miranda on a high spiritual plane. "Love knows not mine or thine, but only ours," she says, and leaves him in friendship. As Caliban gazes after her in exalted mood, the Voice of War tempts him to take her by force. War appears. Caliban fiercely bids him begone. Ariel returns merrily, saying he brings from Prospero a vision of fairy laughter for Caliban. So he reveals the Seventh Inner Scene (from Shakespeare's "Merry Wives of Windsor"), in which Falstaff, wearing the horns of Herne the Hunter, is discovered in his lustful intent and tormented by the make-believe fairies, led by Sir Hugh Evans. At this glimpse of human lust, Caliban is terribly moved. He tells Ariel his master is mocking him, and seizes Ariel, when the voice of War calls again: "Miranda shall be thine!" He answers "Yea, mine!" when Miranda herself enters, bringing with the hood of Prospero another vision for Caliban – a vision of War, to test Caliban's nature. Thus Ariel introduces the Eighth Inner Scene (from Shakespeare's "King Henry the Fifth"), in which King Henry exhorts his soldiers. 23 Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 23. Roman Interlude. to fight and scale the walls of Harfleur. This test is the last straw for Caliban's self-control. Calling upon Setebos, he summons War, to dethrone Prospero and capture Miranda. At his summons, War rushes forth with the Powers of Setebos, who overcome the opposing Spirits of Ariel and take captive Ariel and Miranda. Exultant in his victory, Caliban cries in triumph: "Hail, Prospero! Who now is master-artist? Who wieldeth now the world?" To which Prospero answers: "Hail, Caliban! They will and War may break, but cannot build the world: and one, who bore us all within her womb, still lives to staunch our wounds with her immortal healing." "Where?" asks Caliban. And pointing toward the great circle, Prospero replies: Yonder on the Yellow Sands! She rises now and calls across the tides of fleeting change. My art that builds the beauty of the world! Epilogue. Where Propsero points, the Spirit of Time rises from the altar on the Yellow Sands. Calling upon the Children of Men, she says, though their lives are like seabirds driven by the tempest, yet from her founts of life, the fecundity of love outlives and overcomes the powers of destruction. "So out of War uplooms unconquered Art: Blind forces rage, but Masters rise to mould them! Soldiers and kings depart; Time's artists – still behold them." As the Spirit of Time ceases to speak, the light passes to the entrances of the ground circle, where now enters the final Pageant of the great Theatres of the World – from the ancient Theatre of Dionysus to the Comedie Francaise. Led by standard bearers with distinctive banners, all of the Participants of the Interludes return in national groups of the Art of the Theatre, and range themselves beneath and before Prospero.

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24. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 24. During this processional, War and his hosts disappear in darkness. Ranged in a vast ensemble of varied color the pageanrts of Art are massed on the Yellow Sands and the steps to the stage. There, where Prospero, Ariel and Miranda are grouped at the centre, Caliban comes forth. He calls to the spirit of the Yellow Sands that he has failed, and botched all his high desires. But he says: "Yet I yearn to build, to be thine Artist and ‘stablish this thine Earth among the stars beautiful." So, turning where the three are grouped, he cries: "O bright beings, help me still! More visions – visions, Master!" and Prospero answers: "Ask of him whose visions I have used to raise thy mind out of its muddy baseness unto manhood: his spirit only among mortals hath the image and the stature of mine own: He is himself the symbol of mine art. Behold him where he comes my Shakespeare!" The Spirit of Shakespeare then appears, as the production of the Masque will disclose, and speaks – in his own immortal words – the speech from "The Tempest," which ends: "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep." "As dreams are made on!" Caliban murmurs, as he stands for a moment, pensive. Then, turning to the assembled Pageant and Spectators, he cries: " Yea, then, brothers – artists. You, you, my fellow dreamers in the dark, we which are one, you millions that are me, like as our dreams shall we ourselves become! Lo, now, our world is wrack'd, night rolleth towards us, yet we will drive the night back with our dreams. My brothers, bow with me! To yonder Spirit bow down, bow down, and on this bed of clay. Together let us dream another world beyond the tempest's pall – a strong, new world builded with brothers' hands. Together, together, raise now to him our dreams!" Amid the assembled thousands, who kneel down with him, Caliban kneels on the earth. There, with all the others, he raises his arm towards Shakespeare with a great gesture of aspiration, while the invisible choirs burst into song: "Glory and serenity, Splerdor of desire kindle where the dreams of Man lift their master's lyre. Dreams of the world! – behold. How they glister the night with their cloth of gold. Where the spirits dance on the yellow sands and the children of earth clasp hands!" At this close of the Masque, the orchestral accompaniment continues, and passes into the strains of the national anthem, in which all the assembled Pageant, Participants and the Spectators in the audience join. 25. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. The Music of Caliban by Arthur Farwell. The music of "Caliban" has been composed by Arthur Farwell, his aim in the present instance is to carry out in the musical aspects of the drama what he conceives to have been the poet's intention in the poem itself, namely, to present living and timely ideas and meanings. He has thus been nowise concerned with arriving at historical musical values, except in the "Interludes," which have a historical character. Several characteristic themes have been employed, notably those of Prospero (1) and Setebos (2). The master-soul, Prospero, and the primitive god Setebos represent opposing principles. Prospero commands the powers of both the higher and lower spheres; his motive is a trumpet call which descends an octave and returns. It is in harmony with the higher spheres and in dissonance with the lower. The Setebos motive is the opposite – in harmony with the lower, in dissonance with the higher spheres. Caliban's theme (3) is uncouth, boisterous and passionate. In extended form it accompanies his first entrance, and is treated in a playful manner when Caliban is dressed by the Muses. Miranda has a theme (4) of flowing and graceful character, heard softly through Ariel's speech during which he first descries her. "Come into these Yellow Sands," a setting of the poem from "The Tempest," is representative of the freedom of Ariel and his spirits. It is first sung by them while they are still imprisoned in the "belly of Setebos," but on this occasion is drowned out by the roaring of Setebos spirits. The melody occurs at various times throughout the action. A dirge (7) of pallid and lugubrious character accompanies the coming of the puritanical aspects of the epoch standing between the Renaissance and the present time. It characterizes "Death" one of the priests of Setebos. Compositions of large dimensions in the Masque are the "Roman Orgy and Visions of the Cross" at the end of Act I, and "War," at the end of Act III, both of which introduce "Setebos" choruses. For the Historical Interludes the composer has in some instances composed music, as in the case of the Greek chorus, "Many are the wonders of time" but in general has drawn it from various sources and epochs. There are upwards of one hundred scores, great and small, in the drama.

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26. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 26. Participants of the Interludes. I. First Action: Egyptian Under the direction of The Neighbourhood Playhouse, of the Henry Street Settlement and Irene Lewisohn. Participants. Osiris – Albert Carroll. Priests. W. Hennessey, Benjamin Brittan, Harry Klein, Jacob Smith, Ira Uhr, Edward Wyrnn. Table Bearers, N. Bonapart, B. Gold, A. M. Klein, D. Levin, J. L. Rheingold, G. Rosner, J. Stark, S. Weinberger. Bearers. William Rose, Gilman Hunt, Otto Gaffron, Otto Broones, Chas. De Rose. Osiris Bearers, Lawrence Valenstein, John Tischman, Louis Schultz, Murray Sanders, M. Goldman, P. Weir, A. Popper, L. Dreicher. Procession. Ida Bennett, May Biller, Esther Blumberg, Morris Blumberg, Bertha Broad, Fannie Brown, Ethyl Bunting, Rebecca Burman, Anna Clarke, Ida Cohen, Mary Cohen, V. P. Conklin, Maurice Corelli, Flora Cutting, Pearl Dunkelman, Bessie Einstein, Rose Elfenbein, Grace Ellinger, Ada Epstein, Clementine Fader, Elizabeth Frank, Harriet Friedman, Solomon Friedman, Mary Goldberg, Elias Goldman, Jaob Golub, Max Greenberg, Ana Greenhut, D. Greenstein, Lillian Greenstein, Wanda Greineisen, Clara Gutman, Miriam Hathaway, Irma Heimlich, Morris Heller, Eleanor Ihrdale, Esther Irving, Terrie Jones, Eva Kahn, Fanny Katz, Pauline Keller, May Kerr, Morris Koenigsberg, Jacob Kuslansky, Mary Levitt, Jennie Leventhal, Carrie Lewis, Ray Liberman, Margherita Lord, Lillie Lubell, Jacob Lyss, Jane Makoff, Ottalie Mark, ella McIlaine, Anna Milden, Rita Morganthau, Lillian Moscowitz, Charlotte Nelke, Rose Nettler, Mamie Noloboff, Esther Peck, Lillie Pedolsky, Dinah Philips, Mabel Poillon, Eva Rabinoff, Dorothy Rachelson, Morris Rendel, Fannie Rosenberg, Etta Saltes, Rose Schoenfeld, Hall Seaborn, Amelia Simons, Dora Sehres, Alex. Umansky, Vida Stewart, Louis Smith, Bennet Tobias, Rose Uhr, Anne Van Ness, Sadie Weisman, S. Zalmanovic, Harry Cashan, Jane Castle, Rose Cohen, William Hennesy, Florence Levine, William Levine, Frank Lieuni, Alice Lewisohn, Nettie Levitch, Ruth Meyerson, Clara Rabinoff, Dorothy Schiffman, Rebecca Tremper, Bugler and Drummers. Boys from the Bank of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum. Second Action: Greek. Principles. Pericles – Horace B. Mann – Aspasia – Harriet Keith Fobes, Sophocles – H. F. Bultitude, Aristophanes – J. A. Thomson, Anazagoras – Lemuel Costikyan, Alcibiades – Warren Dachle, Socrates – Gerald Dahler, Euripides – Mark Tobey. Actors. Creon – Joseph Whitmore, The Messenger – Wm. H. Sams, Haemon – A. Plinge. Friends of Sophocles, Milton Edson, Max Hoffman, Irving Freezer, Henry Greenberg, Murray Meyerson. Athenian Men, Anthony Pondo, Fred Reinach, Isidore Evenchick, Julius Schleysinger, Irving Schweber, Louis Ackerman, W. Cooper, J. Robinson, Irving Moss, Morton Goldstein, Nathaniel Cheaser, Luis Marino, Edward Margowitz, James Dunn, Henry Caesar, Nathan Lewis, Maurice Hyman, H. Wells, A. Kaish, Frank Falls, Arnold Rebecchi, Alexander Golemba, James Cassuca, Henry Plock, John Rado, Sidney Cohen, P. Brownstein, W. Robey, Charles Levey, J. Tortorici. Musicians. A. Littauer, Moe Engel, Simon Solomon, R. Vitelli, Irving Lamkay. Greek Athletes. Herbert Lowenthal, Stanley Raxkowe, Walter Dockerill, Alexander Rackowe, Leonard Rossett, Joseph Zaslavsky, Fred Frietag. 27. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 27. Germanic Interlude. Citizen, Devil, Harlequin. S. Goldberg, John Cashman, Rossa, Hemmer, Hal Emerson, Wilmer Chapman, Joseph Silverstein, Henry Scheler, Milton Jahoda, Albert Alles, Frank Barnum, Malcolm Douglas, Stanley Saulnier, Benjamin Meiselman, Louis Margram, Felis Lowenfish, Ellsworth B. Plump, Boardman Bosworth, David Bosworth, Richard Harris, Paul Scherer, William Mattocks, William S. McAleer, Robert Spurge, Joel Lofendahl, Al Levy, Charles Chauchois, John Cole, Walter Gosling, Mortimer Palmer, James Howard, John McCooey, Carlton Smith, William Thompson, Miles Chelemar, Charles Hart, Robert MacKaye, Seymour Marsh, Rudolph Breismeister, Isadore Kahansky, Arnold Hanson, Alexander Perlmun, Lewis L. Graves, Floyd Woodward, Max Sticker, A. Schmidt, Philp Marx, Ralph Sawyer, Lee Nesbitt, Roy Hanson, Rowland Miller, Nathaniel Berold, Marx Murphy, Alfred Naylor. Messengers. Myron Hanover, E. Baker, A. Graffurg, W. Williamson, S. Wakefield. Greek Boys. Alfred Englander, Harry Praegan, Harry Goodman, Simon Kornbuth, Harold Kuhary, Harry Winkler, Harry B. Schwartz, Stanley Reich, Sam B. Rubin, Thomas Bolnick, Miss Lichten, Leader, Sam Fliegelman, Simon Zacharias. Athenian Women, Catherine Battersby, Charlotte Sagabiel, Ida Hirschkowitz, Florence Welsh, Rose Fegerwich, Minnie Ferry, Florence M. Gow, Florence Goetz, Gussie Lamkay, Ethel Jarette, Henrietta Freedman, Margaret Battersby, Minna Wasserman, Annie Spunt, Alice Taberman, Frances Feltman, Theresa Foley, Anna Goldsmith, Rose Levine, Dora Slovinsky, Emma Rosenzweig, Rose Breines, Alice McComb, Tillie Rubinger, Grace Rood, Katherine Schiltz, Emma Ferry, Adrienne Goetz, Sadie Grodinsky, Mildred Vorzimer, Molly Freedman, Louise Bertolini. Third Action: Roman Participants. Silenus – Samuel Jaffe, Caligula, Emperor of Rome – Charles Edwards, Naevoleia, a female Mime – Paula Matzner. Roman Citizens, Patricians and Populace, Victor Hammond, Sam Cohen, Morris Poster, Max Weiser, Benjamin Goldfinger, John Regan, Henry Brewer, John T. Walsh, Abe Ruderman, Waldemar Polack, Arthur Albert, Edward Treggis, Samuel Sergerman, Frank Kennedy, Auguste Jospeh, Helen Matthews, Celia Vertun, Marie Breger, Helen Rogers, Celia Rosenfeld, W. Black, Isidore Becker, Frank Pruslin, Albert Peskin, Max Poschin, Henry Goldberg, Jacob Glassman, Joseph Laufer, Harry Abrahams, Charles Fili, Joseph Segerman, Benjamin Levine, Leo Nyman, Viola Le Maire.

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28. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 28. May Hoffman, Maud Rabourn, Sophia Crystal, Yeta Lester, Anna Rosenfeld, S. Seifer, J. Harris Goodman, Samuel Porter, Alexander Senauke, Allison Norton, David Garfinkel, Edward Biel, Bernard Doten, Isidore Riegelhaupt, David Borten, William Semon, Bernard Disick, Harry Janock, Caroyln Peck, Adeline Jonason, Eleanor Schlesenger, Anna Lestor, Elizabeth Brener, Lois Perkin. Roman Dancers. Helen Jones, Anna Monroe, Dorothy Keck, Anna Brewer, Elizabeth Gardiner, Alice Klausner, Helena Jurgan, Muriel Terry, Helen Smith, Natalie Flough, Frances Paine, Elizabeth Palmer, May Trahey, Elsa Kisch, Belle Hart, Byrd Yunck, Jo Nivison, Emily Illingworth, Beatrice Wood, Paula Matzner. Roman Soldiers. Frank Abbondanza, Charles Aversa, Mario Frezza, Angelo di Giacoma, Antonio Marino, Michele Verdi, John Rendina, Emilio Alleva, Luigi Carriero, Emilio de Georgio, George Giordano, Donato Masciandaro, John Bernardozzi, James Parella, Nicholas Argentieri, Giuseppe Solitario, Francesco Garbellano, Alberto de Mario, Giuseppe Muni, John Dondrea, Frank Votinalli. Fauns. Ben Hyatt, Sam Mandel, Louis Jaslowitz, Miss Jennie Hughes, Leader, Otto Kuhnle, Lawrence Brockman, Charles Lewis, Ephraim Barrett, Morris Feinstein. Roman Slaves. Samuel Alexander, H. M. C. Cartmell, Harry Capiloff, H. Cohen, Bernard Elisen, Samuel Fendel, Samuel Fischer, Max Scaif, Will. H. Schneider, Solomon Silver, R. M. Stark, Hyman Suchov, S. L. Warhaftig, Frank Weckenholtz, Harry Weiss. Nymphs. Celia Bavensky, Vera Bekmann, Florence Hickson, Sadie Hugh, Lillian Lynch, Henrietta Ofner, Mae Perry, Mirian Wilensky, Rose Zifferblatt. Interlude II Participants. First Action: Germanic, Dr. Faustus – Mr. Emanuel Reicher, Helena – Miss Hedwig Reicher, Lucifer – Mr. Henry Buckler, Two Devils – Messts. Andrew Elsaffer & Harold Horton. 20 Children under direction of Mrs. Marie Krimmel. Ladies. C. P. Ammann, Minnie Amthor, A. Barsha, J. Brownfelder, Katherine Braun, Hortense Brand, Julia Bollentin, Esther Becker, Louise D. Block, Laura Breidinger, Meta Block, Mrs. Beck, Herta Beck, Elizabeth Borchardt, Elizabeth Bartels, Margaret Bartels, Bertha Caplyn, Helene Claassen, Gretchen Dohm, Dora Dasenbrock, Margaret Dronia, Marion Dillon, L. Ehrlich, Mrs. Elsasser, Ottilia Fleck, Emilie Freund, Mrs. Fritzing, Mary Greene, Marguerite Gluck, Bessie Gelula, Margaret Herbst, F. Haelin, Luise Haessler, Margaret Heymann, J. Heymann, Pauline Hattorff, Ida Hertzner, Agnes Herrmann, Fanny Hinsig, Leah Hinsig, Mary Hammer, Frances Tigani, Gertrude H. Jordan, A. Jellinghaus, Grace Kurzwell, Agnes Kerms, Margaret Krimmel, Mary Krimmer, Clarita Krueger, E. Krueger, Evelyn Kulbe, M. Kessner, Charlotte Kopf, Vera Lehmann, A. A. Link, Lilian Mandl, Elsie Menzer, Paula Martens, Anna Mattfeld, I. Mattfeld, A. Maeglin, Elsir Minke, Lillian Minke, F. Menzer, Sophie Nyberg, Irma Rotter, Ella Richter, Ernita Rothmaler, C. W. Raddiger, Miss Seemann, Marguerite Scholer, Frances Schloeder, Gertrude Spitzner, Mrs. Spitzner, Olga Strauss, Louise Side, Pauline Schneider, Marie Seitz, Frances Seitz, Marietta Lehmann, Minnie Urhan, Margeretha Whitman, A. H. Werner, Frieda Zorn. Gentlemen. Leroy Amthor, C. Berwing, Feliz Beck, Mr. Brandhorst, C. M. Dressel, Bruno Danckworth, Leo Dotzer, Wm. F. Eissing, Andrew Elasser, Otto Ernst, J. F. Freund, G. Garlichs, Fritz Gruetner, Harold Horton, Fritz Jauschke, Paul O. Kayser, Albert E. Kyburg, Kurt Ruderisch, B. Kuhnow, A. Kinkel, Hermann Lilienthal, Carl Maas, F. Messner, W. Hermann Muller, Otto Pommer, Ernest Querengaesser, E. Schaefer, C. H. Sanwald, O. Schnarr, Alfred Schlappkohl, Jacob Schlumberger, E. H. Sandkuhl, F. Fred. Timmermann, A. H. Werner, Otto Wodni. Mr. O. J. Merkel, Leader ; Assisted by Mrs. Krimmel and Mr Sandkuhl. 29. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. Second Action: French – English. Francis I. – Albert R. Dupont, Henry VIII – Craig Wilson. French Nobles, J. Lastman, Julius Raines, F. Sotilli, Isadore Perlowitz, Alfred Horn, G. Saul, J. Glass, Joseph Ewen, Ben Culick, M. A. Cuozzo, Mr. Friedlander, I. Wald, M. Kleinwald, P. W. Budworth, M. Berger. French Ladies, Henrietta Steinberg, Bella Flatter, Emily Osborne, Evelyn Zelner, Anna Scheraysky, Gertrude Shill, Blooma Schwartz, Rosa Squittieri, Muriel Kaplan, Ray Schmeltzer, Florence Leby, Isabella Greenman, Carrie Rotter, Mlle. Suzanne M. Spillere, Therese Elovitch, Catharina Niehaus, Katherine Niehans. French Heralds. Adrian Lamb, Josepg Condie Lamb. French Servants. Abraham Cohen, Louis Sitesif. French Women Servants. Rae Isenbert, Frances Lamont, Clara Hirsch, Lucielle Dunatto, Frieda Klein, Fannie Goldman. French Pages. Matilda Tischler, Rebecca Levin, Margaret Dowling. English Nobles, Louis Bukatman, A. E. Myers, G. D. Spencer, A. Kehr, J. I. Cohen, Jack Hoffman, Jacob Brown, H. Meisner, Mademoiselle Susanne M. Spillere, Leader. English Ladies. Belle Holmans, Fannie Socol, Edna Leitner, Miss Sullivan, Susan Stern, Claro Graf, Jennie Reidy, Alice McCarren, Anna Cohen, Anna Schmidt, Elsie Frank, Rose Multerer, C. J. Stafford. English Heralds. Harry Weiner, Joseph Weinstein. English Women Servants, Bertha Heller, Grace Macintyre, Katherine Murphy, Sara Levey, Emilia Ensinger, Marion Steitz. English Pages, Naomi Kamenet, Thomas Reidy. Third Action: Spanish – Italian. Doge F. – W. R. Harper, Spanish Ambassador – Alexandro De Lucca. Actors, Capitano, portraying Don Giovanni – Charles Edwards, Arlecchino – WM. E. Pennington, Commandatore, portraying the father – C. Hooper Trask, Pantalone, portraying the old lover – Samuel Jaffe, Columbina – Frances Paine. Italian Courtiers, Florindo Constantino, Emilio Imperatore, Alesandro de Lucca, Angelo Nanni, Vincent Santoro, Achille Gaspare, Secondo Nosengo. Italian Court Ladies, Alice Granbery, C. Dieterlen, Adele Dieterlen, C. Sigrist, Viola Lurch, Mrs. A. F. Chase. Spanish Embassy, Alfredo Bosna, Donato Mancini, Quitius Gabriele, Joseph de Reno, Joseph Sansone, Pasquale Greco, Eugene J. Riso, Virginia Butler, Grace Lynn, Augusta Galperin, Esther Ralston, Dorothy Mondsack. Venetians. Charles Ware Vincent Longobardi, Nicolo del Zio, Antonio di Blasi, Antonius Crivelli, Walter S. Gross.

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30 Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy Mackaye 30 --- Francis Jaeger, Irwin Ward, Samuel Cohen, George Giorloff, H. Streifer, Michael Finamore, Clarence Ralston, Antonio del Zio, Michele de Lucca, Francisco d'Amore, Ulysses de Rose, S. Lincoln Weinberg, M.L. Offner, Harry Whitelaw, Ralph Blauman, A. Gussow, J. Wolinksy, Joesph Solitario, Frank Votinelli, Henry Elson, John Beradossi, Slavatore Riccio, Frank Pirrone, J.L. Fallack, Herbert Oestreicher, A. Grunow, Mark Davidson, C. Fried, John Bashian, George Cukor, E. de Tieri, Florence Brentgern, Lillian Lynch, Hellen Murphy, Lillian Stalworth, Claudia Cole, Celia Kamin, Olga Offner, Etta Mahnken, Florence Weston, Ida Bergen, Anna Madigan, Edith Geis, Elizabeth Stalworth, Janet Cohn, Judith Ortman, Helen Smart, Bella Grelick, Katherine Smail, BEatrice Mayer, Edith Maynes, Florence Whelan, Mazer Bulini, Annetta B. Wansch, Ethel Negie, Hermione Luzzatto, Margaret Weston, Miss Marion Nelke, Leader. Interlude III. Elizabethan, England Actoin Continuous in Eight Successive Episodes Arranged by Cecil J. Sharp Organized by New York Center of the English Folk Dance Society Josephine Beiderhase, Organizing Chairman Leaders-Mary G. Allerton and Emily O'Keefe Music Rehearsed by Charles Rabold Hugh Mulligan, James Graham, Dick Gibb, Cornelius Dahill, William Coull, Alexander Stuart, James Dutney, James Boyll, Fred Longbottom, Jack Wilkinson, Frank Porter, Edward Newman, William Newman, Frank Breannan, James Brennan, Walter Murdock, James O'Neary, Thomas Reilly, James Sullivan, Bert McNeill, Joseph Renzulli, William Howard, Ernest Menogliani, William Allen, Emil Hlamishka, Gordon Lorzer, John Kessler, James Kelly, McKinley Parish, Jack Powers, Irving Dohkin, Arthur Greenfield, Arthur Pinner, James Sinclair, Morris Halpern, Allen Dougherty, Harry Levine, Benjamin Meltzer, Raymond Maher, Abraham Nyman, Villagers, Gladys Alberga, Harry Alchorn, Samuel Altman, Frank Amore, C.L. Arms, K. Austin, Charles Aversa, Madelein Bacon, John Baker, Dorothy Ball, Florence Ball, Lilian Ballance, Angeline Barrett, Helen Baum, Mary Baum, Margaret Bavier, Grace Beaton, Betty Berkowitz, Dorothy Berkowitz, Sadie Bernstein, Ida Bernhard, Fred Berrian, Harry Beerman, Same Beerman, Anna Bellis, Elsa Bidstrup, Stella Blackwood, Dorothy Bleezarde, Willard Bloomer, H.D. Blume, Mabel Bowden, Donald Brown, Louise Brown, Sara Brown, C.S. Bruce, Remo Bufano, Libey Burnett, Lillian Burnett, Georgiana Butler, Marie Callahan, Florence Campbell, Sidney Carlyle, Mary Carroll, George Carson, F.T. Chamberlin, Anne Christian, G.K. Christian, Hazel Christian, Forence Church, Gertrude Clear, Lillian Clickner, Ethel Cochrane, Bertha Coer, Eva Cohn, Monroe Cohn, Bertha Colburn, John Cole, Anne Conroy, Margaret Conroy, Mildred Coulter, Harold Craft, Margaret Crawford, E. Crosby, E. Crowell, Coline Currie, Alice Danaher, Alexander De Lucca, Edith Develin, Anthony Di Blasi, Augusta Diemer, Ersilio Di Giorgio, Inez Dingwall, Margaret Dingwall, Susan Dixon, Elise Dixon, Dorothy Drake, Katharine Edgerly, D.H. Edgerly, Pauline Egleston, Bert Eldredge, Sue Elliott, Francis Engel, Margaret Evants, Louise Evarts, Estelle Farrell, George Fein, Raphael Feinbloom, Eibel Felch, Mrs. Field, Mary Finneran, Charles Fisbeck, Justina Fitzgerald, Chas. Frattalowe, Cynthia Fuller, Dorthy Fuller, Rosaline Fuller, Gino Gasborelli, Malcom Gavin, Lillian Geisyler, Beatrice Goldblatt, Ea Goldfarth, Rose Goldman, Edna Goldwater, Pauline Goodman, S. Granich, Ellen Gross, Marion Hallett, M.E. Hart, Scott haselton, Agnes Hatch, Hortense Hazlitt, Olive Hedenberg, Jesse Henderson, Anna Higgins, George Hoffman, Leo Honor, May Horan, Therese Horton, A.G. Hotchkiss, William howard, Ferna Hubbard, E.L. Huhne, Elizabeth Hurwitz, Marie Hurwitz, Olga Ihlseng, M. Isaacs, James Jacobson, Marion Jadan, Anna Jerome, Mary L. Johnson, Mary Johnson 31. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 31. Italian Interlude. Italian Courtier, Perdita, Venetian Noble. Anna Kaatz, Anna Kaplan, Mary Kennedy, Bertha Ker, Grace Ker, Mignon Koch, Lillian Kohlmorgen, Gertrude Krantz, Dora Krechevsky, Edythe Labb, Mary Laffin, Margaret Laidlaw, Marietta Lane, Dorothy Langdon, Hajalka Langer, Irene Langer, Julius Langer, Sidonia Langer, Estelle Lauder, Rebecca Lazarus, Charlotte Leary, Charles Lederer, Mary Lee, Winifred Lenihan, Helen Lennon, Rose Lesser, Sarah Levine, Martin Levinson, Effie Lewis, Marion Lockwood, Nicia London, Charlotte Ludtke, Isidore Korn, H. S. MacDowell, Anna Macaulay, Arvia MacKaye, Robert MacKaye, Jessie Manson, Eleanor McLaughlin, Jeanette MacVicar, Frieda Magenheimer, Mollie Mandelowitz, Jessie Manson, Donato Masisandaro, Catharine McCabe, Gertrude McCollum, Genevieve McGuinness, Mary McLaughlin, Emily McLure, Kathryn McMahon, Sophie Menaker, Mathilda Menrad, Fred Meyer, Tessie Michaels, J. E. Miller, Alexander Minkowsky, M. Mitchell, Arthur Leon Moore, Edna Morrison, Sadie Naftalen, Charlotte Nagle, Robert Nagle, Barth Natoli, Estelle Neuhof, Mrs. H. Nichols, M. Mines, Florence Nixon, Genevieve O'Connell, Jane Olwell, Grace Obsorne, Ruth Osterberg, Lizzie Owen, Mary Owen, Sydney Parsons, Ola Patella, Anna Paulsworth, Jennie Payne, Amos Peaslee, Abraham Perlman, Margaret Peterson, Jeanne Pettigrew, Malcolm Phillips, Sophie Platt, Joseph Popino, Grace Porch, Florence Powers, Leah Press, Harriet Press, Mrs. E. Quaife, Willard Ranyone, Mae Reardon, Marion Regan, Estelle Regan, Salvador Riccio, Mrs. A. Richards, Lilian Robertson, Muriel Rogers, M. Susan Rogers, Ada Roome, Rebecca Rubenstein, Minnie Rubin, Winifred Salom, Mary Samson, Madge Saunders, George Sass, Abraham Schapiro, Emma Schatteles, Lena Schmoll, Bertha Schnobel, Ella Schoeller, M. G. Schumann, Katherine Selden, Emily Shea, Flora Sheen, Ruth Sibley, Harold Sichel, Bessie Silverherz, Annette Smallheiser, Anna Smith, Margaret Smith, Gabriele Sorrenson, Katherine Southwick, Ruth Spencer, Julia Stahl, Louise Stebbins, Helen Steele, Dorothy Stevens, Fern Steig, Dorothy Stillman, Belle Stone, Julius Strauss, Frances Sullivan, Eva Tarlow, Ray Taschman, Ruth Tiffany, Edith Trachtenberg, Henrietta Trachenberg, Herbert Troeck, Martha Troeck, Edith Van Elst, Michael Verdi, Mrs. M. Vialle, Blunca Verschlusin, Ida Wachstein, C. H. Waterbury, Caroline Wagner, May Walsh, Florence Ware, J. I. Way, Pauline Wilkes, Flora Wittstein, Lucy Woddall, Marie Woodelton, Marjorie Wynne, Amelia Wucherer, Mary Wucherer, Anna Zatulove, Helen Zenker, Bertha Zins, Rose Zuckerman, B. Abeles, Osmas Alperstein, Clara Anderson, L. Aronesco, Celia Ast, Irene Beack, Helen Blackburn, Ada Bothner, Helen Brennan, Madelaine Christian, Rosa Coates, Yetta Cohen, Una Conlin, Ada Cox, Anna DeLamater, Sarah DeLamater, Helen Dietz, Winifred Doherty, Julian Drachman, Theresa Dreyer, Pearl Dunn, Lillian Emslie, Armistead Fitzhugh, Roger Fitzhugh, Marian Freeley, Katherine Freidrich, Katherine Friel, A. E. Garmaize, Mrs. A. E. Garmaize, Edith Goldklang.

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32. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands by Percy MacKaye. 32. Mary Haggerty, Evaline Harrington, Gertrude Hutchinson, Constance Irvine, Sam Isaacs, Cyrus Johnson, Mrs. Franklyn Johnson, Marie Jonas, Anna Junge, Ray Kapp, Winifred Keefe, Alexandra Kilatschco, Emma Kohn, Clementine Laffin, Dorothy Laffin, Charles Devienne, M. Langer, Ruth Cummine, Esta Pastel, Julia Dolinsky, Jennie Lewis, Theodore Lichtman, Blanche Lynch, F. B. MacDonald, Allen MacDougall, Jane Manners, Ella Markowtiz, Helen McArdie, Margaret McDonald, Mary McKenna, Edna McMurray, May McMurray, Mary Meade, Mrs. E. Meyer, Augusta Nomburg, Philip Paul, Jessie Pogson, Joseph Rapisarda, Mary Reel, Ethel Reid, L. L. Rounds, Bancroft Bondy, George Giorloff, Isabelle Lehmaier, Otis Skeele, A. Schoolman, Bertha Schubiger, Elma Schwab, Frances Silbert, Esther Simon, Samuel Sinberg, E. M. Smith, Harold Smith, Mrs. H. Smith, Agnes Tatro, L. Taylor, Harold Tench, Mabel Volkland, L. Wachstein, Samuel Wachstein, Beatrice Warren, R. H. Warren, Edith Watters, Marie Woodward, Ethel Wright, Margaret Bullard, Mae Beattys, Elsie Williams, Frances Dolinsky, Mrs. A. L. Moore. May Pole Procession. May Queen, Ida St. John Oye, Jacob Saffer, David Goldstein, Samuel Gluck, Samuel Metzner, Herbert Nusabaum, Abraham Davidson, Philip Jacobson, Morris Unger, Alexander Mavasky, Alvin Bard, Philip Koenigfest, Joseph Maviglia, William Logan, Milton Rosett, James Hourahan, Sol Strassman, Jacques Thousenfriend, Abe Kaplan, Harry Roskin, Emanuel Epstein, William Rutz, William Greenberg, Ruben Leventhal, Isidore Browner, Raphael Klein, Harry Epstein, Max Kampf, Louis Niden, Gardner Lawrence, Winslow Foster, Abraham Richter, Lawrence Rabinowitz, Isidore Rokat, Joseph Raven, William Greenebaum, Patrick Pisacreta, Julius Jeselsohn, Herbert Motykus Edward Gunter, Arthur Dillon, William Junz, Samuel Farkash, R. Ostroff, H. McDevitt, Julian Schwartz, Simon Harrison, Morris Miller, Monroe Yudell, Samuel Goldstein, Isidore Englander, Emanuel Koerner, Alfred Grabenstein, Y. Perlman, L. Wagnen, D. Wurmbrand, M. Divorkin, Max Lerney, D. Solomon, Paul Robinson, M. Korn, Louis Kotharsky, Paul Walpiansky, Philip Kasakove, George Hoffman, Jacob Levin, Morris Sheftman, William Watson, I. Germansky, H. Lomench, R. Rees, W. Orenhorn, B. Abramson, Beatrice Finkelstein, Mollie Weissman, Betty Kaplan, Esther Shapiro, Sarah Gerber, Elsie Eisen, Minnie Isaacs, Bessire Gelbwacks, Eleanor Weiss, Ida Wolfson, Sadie Aspel, Ethel Smith, Isabel Moss, Jennie Silerstein, Dora Friedman, Bessie Schmidt, Yetta Slominsky, Sarah Ulick, Ruth Wascowtiz, Beatrice Klein, Anna Waltrick, Grace Defendes, Bertha Salzberg, Frieda Koenig, Martha Greenwald, L. Setaro, M. Warren, R. Jacobson, Rebecca Garfein, Ruth Begloff, Sadie Riechers, Jennie Fay, Dorothy Miehl, S. Wirner, Katherine Notice, G. Stein, S. Gordore, N. Rich. Morris Dancers. E. O'Keefe, A. Barker, B. Lynch, S. Parson, M. Smith, M. Bavier, A. Gowing, M. Gavin, S. Hazelton, F. Berrian, G. O'Connell, E. Cantwell, M. Woodelton, A. Cox, F, Witttstein, J, Lichtman, T. Horton, O. Ihlseng, H. C. Yoxall, B. Greenberg, W. Sattler, N. Britton, B. Britton, J. Smith, A. Soloshitz, H. Sheffler, M. Melitzer, M. Berman, A. L. Gottsegen, A. L. Kunstler, H. Paget, L. Telsen, S. Levine, M. Sank, M. Fexler, M. Kruger, M. Schiffunse. Participants of the Chorus with a Symphony Orchestra of Eighty. Miss Edith Aber, Miss May Ahearn, Mrs. D. Ahrens, Mr. Jerome R. Allen, Mrs. Paula Allen, Mrs. B. F. Amos, Mr. Gustaf H. Ander, Mrs. John Andreiche, Miss Sophie Apmann, Miss M. Armstrong, Miss Frances Auerbach, Miss Anna H, Auffurth, Miss Rose Auspitz, Mr. John Avery, Miss Rosalie Bacon, Mrs. Henry Bahrs, Mr. W. R. Barbour, Mr. H. D. Barlow, Miss F. H. Baron, Miss Emily L. Baron, Mr. Theodore R. Baron, Mrs. Theodore R. Baron, Mrs. C. H. Barrett, Mr. Joseph L. Battle, Miss Marriet Bawden, Miss Mabel E. Beer, Mr. C. H. Benedict, Miss Helen Benson, Mrs. Helen Berg, Miss Ida Berger, Miss Belle Berhoff, Mrs. Wm. J. Bernard, Miss Paula Berholz, Miss Hildergarde Bernis, Miss Elixabeth Bickman, Mr. Lee M. Bingham, Miss Eva M. Bishop, Miss Helen M. Boucher, Miss Annie T. Boylan, Miss Grace Brawley, Mr. Horatio J. Brewer, Mr. Edwin S. Brooke, Mrs. Jennie M. Brookes, Mrs. D. S. Brown, Miss May L. Brown, Miss Grace H, Buck, Miss Martha Burkhardt, Miss H. Marion Burr. 33. Presented by New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebrated Committee. 33. English Interlude. Mr. Wilson A. Burrows, Mr. Wilson A. Burrows, Jr., Mr. L. W. Burton, Miss Edith M. Butler, Mr. J. Holmes Butler, Miss Anna M. Butt, Miss Martha D. Callan, Miss Florence E. Camfield, Mr. Albert H. Cann, Mr. Elias N. Caplan, Miss F. Carson, Miss A. Helene Carter, Miss Marion Carter, Mr. Leon A. T, Chastel, Mr. John W. Chatterton, Miss Amie M. Chayes, Miss Hilda H, Chayes, Mr. Edmund B. Child, Mr. Ryland E. Clarke, Miss M. H. Coats, Mr. Thomas F. Cloney, Mrs. Charles A. Coleman, Miss Louise H. Colwell, Mr. C. H. Conner, Miss Margaret E. Consedine, Miss Bessie Cooke, Miss Hilda Cooke, Mr. Dwight Cooley, Miss Helen H. R. Cooley, Mr. James Creveling, Miss Esther M. Crockett, Mr. Robbins P. Croweli, Mrs. W. B. Crowell, Miss Elizabeth Curtiss, Mr. L. N. Dailey, Miss Magdalen E. Damm, Mr. W. S. B. Dana, Mr. George D. Dannenberg, Miss Mary E. S. Davidson, Mr. Frederick W. Davis, Miss Evangeline de Aguero, Mr. Garrett De Mott, Dr. Caroline A. Dennis, Miss Harriet De Puy, Mrs. Andrew Destampes, Miss Estelle De Vos, Miss Lillian A. DeWitt, Mr. Ha. E. Distelhurst, Miss Elizabeth Doerr, Mr. G. F. Dohring, Mrs. C. A. Drake, Mr. Morris Dubnik, Mrs. Andre M. Dupay, Mrs. Marie d'Uston, Mrs. Martin J. Dwyer, Mrs. Robert G. Ederhardt, Miss Gertrude L. Edick, Mrs. Walter Edwin, Miss Marie M, Ehlers, Mr. Henry F. Eifert, Miss Grace Eilliott, Miss Alice M. Elmore, Miss Lou Elwell, Miss H. T. Emerson, Mr. Claude E. Emmons, Miss Luella F. Enzeroth, Mr. Ralph C. Erskine, Miss Celeste Eshleman, Miss Helen E. Ewald, Mr. Paul Farber, Mr. A. Farrell, Miss C. A. Fehrs, Miss E. Fessler, Mrs, Oliver Cromwell Field, Mrs. L. J. Fisher, Miss Anna Fluegel, Miss Elva Follett, Miss Elizabeth Forbes, Miss Rose Forscheleiser, Miss Ella L. Freed, Miss Anna M. Freese, Miss Freda Fried, Miss Ella Frishcman, Miss Bertha Frobisher, Mr. Edwin Fulton, Miss Agnes Furrer, Mrs. Emile Gad, Miss Joan T. Gardiner, Mrs. J. G. Gates, Miss Henrietta K. Geagen, Miss Ninetta Gent, Mrs. A. M. German, Mr. Wm. H. German, Mrs. Wm. H. German, Miss Ella M. Giles, Miss Reba Gillon, Miss Frances E. Gilmore, Miss Lena R. Gitler, Miss Selina Goldwater, Mrs Wm. S. Gordon, Mr. James Gradel, Miss Alice L. Granbery, Mrs. M. Gray, Miss Magna A. Gray, Miss Helen Green, Miss Jennie G. Greer, Miss Sarah Greer, Miss Hermoine E. Groy, Mrs. John H. Haddon, Miss Lillie Hagemann, Miss Stella Haile, Mr. Adrian K. Hall, Miss Johanna W. Hamburger, Miss Maud M. Hammick, Miss Mildred Hancock, Mr. E. E. Handel, Mrs, E. E. Handel, Miss Martha Handel, Mr. Walter S. Hannan, Miss Ruth Harris, Miss Elvira Hartoch, Miss Anna L. Heinrich, Mr. Carll Heinrich, Miss Laura E. Henderson, Mr. P. R. Herington, Miss Edith Herman, Mr. Charles T. Hesser, Miss Pauline Hesser, Miss Bertha Heymann, Mr. O. W. Hill, Miss Henrietta C. Hobein, Miss Sara Hoexter, Miss Anna Hoffman, Mrs. W. Hoffman, Mrs. J. E. Homans, Miss Dorothy Hopper, Miss Caroline E. Horn, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Horner, Mrs. H. Horsfall, Mr. Judson House, Mr. Andrew Howard, Miss Jessie Howard, Miss Elvira E. Howe, Miss Gladys A. Hovsradt, Miss Isabelle Hume, Mr. Sam Hurwitz, Miss Babetta Huss, Miss Irene Hyland, Miss Mabel W. Hypes, Miss Marguerite Hypes, Mr. Lewis L. James, Miss Marion Jester, Miss Ida Kaiser, Mrs. W. C. Kaufmann, Mr. Alexander Kaylen, Miss Agnes M. Keller, Miss Margaret Kemble, Mr. J. F. Kennell, Mrs. H. Kieff, Miss Lisette E. Kinkel, Mr. Herman Klatt, Miss Julia Klein, Mr. Wm. J. Koepchen, Miss Ida C. Krumwiede, Mr. William W. Krafft, Mr. Franz C. Lachmund, Miss Mary F. Laird, Miss Charlotte Lange, Miss Millicent Latz, Miss Annabel Lee, Mr. Albert F. Leselle, Miss Norah E. Letts, Miss Cornelia Lewis, Miss Anna Loewe, Mrs. O. T. Lewis, Miss Mary Luft, Miss Louise C. Lutz, Mrs. Genevieve B. Lynch, Mrs. Genevieve B. Lynch, Mr. Karl Maas, Mr. A. J. S. Machin, Mr. W. H. Madden, Miss Margaret Maier, Mr. W. W. Mallory, Miss Cyrille Manheimer, Miss Clara L. Mann, Miss L. B. Mann.

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34. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 34. English Interlude. Mrs. Walther J. Mann, Mr. E. W. Manlove, Mrs. W. F. Marquette, Mr. Josepg Mathieu, Miss H. Mayer, Mr. Alexander S. MacBride, Miss L. I. McCormick, Miss S. P. McCoun, Mrs. J. Mc Donald, Mr. Robert MacDonald, Mr. Vincent McDonald, Mr. J. E. McGahen, Miss Lucy MacIntyre, Mr. Wm. D. McJennett, Mr. Robert McKinley, Miss Annie McLean, Miss Margaret McLean, Mrs. William Meister, Miss E. B. Merrill, Miss E. D. Merrill, Miss Cecilia Messner, Mrs. Roland E, Meyer, Mr. Charles F. Miller, Mrs. William Miller, Mr. Silvester A. Millwater, Miss Lavina I. Mockridge, Mr. Taylor More, Miss Mabel Morey, Miss Katherine W. Morrison, Mr. r. J. Morse, Miss Belle Nachtigall, Miss Elsa A. Needham, Miss Edna N. Neefus, Miss Ethel M. Nelson, Miss Lela T. Newell, Mr. Charles H. Newman, Mrs. Charles H. Newman, Mrs. C. H. Nichols, Miss Mae Nielson, Mr. Eliphalet Nott, Miss Elsie M. Olson, Mr. Robert W. Olsen, Miss Pauline J. Ortman, Miss Helen A. Parker, Miss Lydia E. Patterson, Miss Helen K. Pearce, Miss Elsie M. Peterson, Miss Ellen A. G. Phillips, Mrs. Evelyn D. Phillips, Mr. G. W. Phillips, Miss Margaret I. C. Phillips, Mr. Frank S. Pierce, Mr. George L. Platzer, Mrs. George L. Platzer, Mr. J. D. Plumb, Miss Rhoda Pollak, Miss Rita Pollak, Mrs. H. M. Porter, Miss Fifine Pressier, Miss Ethel D. Pugh, Mrs. J. Quinlan, Mrs. S. Raboch, Mrs. E. A. Radiger, Miss Sara Rallya, Mr. J. Clark Read, Mr. Joseph Renhall, Miss Louise Rennert, Mr. Gerald Reynolds, Mrs. A. Rhoades, Miss C. Richardson, Miss Caroline L. Ritchie, Miss Carol M. Rix, Mr. Albert E. Rogers, Mrs. Albert E. Rogers, Miss Cecelia Rooney, Mr. Louis Rosen, Miss Irma B. Ross, Mr. A, Rothenberg, Miss A. Louise Ruscoe, Miss Helen A. Sage, Mr. Albert G. Salmon, Miss Clara D. Schaup, Mr. A. M. Scheffey, Mr. Charles L. Schepp, Miss Helen E. Scheuerman, Miss Minnie Scheuerman, Miss Alice H. Schlott, Miss Helen J. Schmidt, Miss Lily M. Schmitt, Miss Genevieve M. Schmitz, Mr. Charles S. Schnepp, Miss Evelyn Schneider, Miss Emily Scholermann, Mrs. Walter A. Schott, Miss Mary Schupack, Miss Alma Shcutte, Miss Florence Schutte, Miss F. Schwarz, Miss Marica L. See, Mr. S. H. Seeley, Miss M. Seeman, Mrs. Eveline L. Selby, Mr. Frederick K. Seward, Mrs. William Shannon, Miss Ethel Shapiro, Miss Alice B. Sheridan, Mrs. C. S. Shields, Mr. C. H. Shoebridge, Mrs. C. H. Shoebridge, Mr. Harold Sichel, Miss Olga Sidney, Miss Louise Siede, Miss Louise Siegman, Miss Sielken, Miss Laura Simmons, Mr. W. R. Skinner, Mr. Alfred M. Smith, Miss Bertha E. Smith, Miss Ethel Lee Smith, Mrs. Percy J. Smith, Mr. W. E. T. Smith, Mrs. Albert W. Staub, Mr. Philip Stawski, Miss Bella Stebbins, Miss Marjorie Steet, Miss Agnes Steffens, Mr. Chester H. Stevens, Miss Belle Stewart, Miss Queena Stewart, Miss Augusta Strangfeld, Miss Edna M. Strecker, Miss Elizabeth Struckman, Miss Harriet Steuben, Miss Sophie Sugarman, Mrs. A. C. Taylor, Mr. Robert W. Tebbs, Miss Georgianna L. Tinker, Miss Ludmilla Toretzka, Miss Anna D. Tuttle, Mrs. Bayard H. Tyler, Miss Mary S. Tyler, Miss Nita B. Valiant, Miss Lyla Van DerBeck, Miss E. Mae, Vanderboget, Miss Grayce Van Winkle, Miss Bernice R. Van Zile, Miss Grace von Culin, Miss Lillie C. von Culin, Miss Edna von der Heide, Miss Leona J. Wagner, Miss Beatrice E. Wait, Miss B. C. Wait, Miss Evelyn T. Walker, Miss Molly T. Walker, Mrs. Charles A. Walters, Miss Clara D. Weingarten, Miss Martha S. Weingarten, Miss Marieanne Weiss, Mr. Frank Weitenkampf, Miss Eleanore Weldon, Mrs. Franklin Welker, Miss Margaret West, Miss Bernice White, Miss Emma W. White, Mrs. R. A. White, Miss Jenny B. Whitney, Miss E. J. Whyte, Mr. William Wield, Mrs. E. Wilkens, Miss Blanca Will, Mr. Douglas W. Williams, Mrs. Pearle Williamson, Miss Florence D. Wills, Miss Catherine Wilson, Mrs. W. A. Winter, Mr. George W. Woltz, Mr. Josiah D. Wooten, Mr. J. King Wright, Mr. H. G. Wurthmann, Miss Elizabeth Wyeth, Miss Helen Zagat, Miss Lillie Zagat, Miss Matilda E. Zaisser, Mrs J. J. Zimmele, Miss Bertha L. Zschaebitz, Miss Laura Zschaebitz. 35. Presented by the New York Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee 1916. 35. Patrons and Patronesses for School and College Nights. Patrons and Patronesses for school night. Joseph Silverman, D. D., Miss Olivia Leventritt, Mrs. Belle Freedman, Mrs. Julius Beer, Mrs. Hattle K. Bunzle, Mrs. M. Levy, Mrs. Julius Ellinger, Mrs. Chas L. Bernheimer, Mrs. Irving, Lehman, Mrs. Mortimer L. Schiff, Mrs. Oscar S. Straus, Mrs. Isaac Gimbel, Mrs. Mymon Oppenheim, Mrs. P. J. Goodhart, Mr. Edward W. Stitt. Patrons and Patronesses for college night. President Frank D. Blodgett – Adelphi College, Dean Archibald L. Bouton – New York University, Provost William T. Brewster – Barnard College, Chancellor Elmer E. Brown – New York University, President Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia University, Professor Helen Grey Cone – Hunter College, President George F. Davis – Hunter College, President W. H. S. Demarest – Rutgers College, Dean Virginia Gilderseleeve – Barnard College, Dean Frederick P. Keppel – Columbia College, President H. N. MacCracken – Vassar College, Present Sidney E. Mezes – College of the City of N. Y., Professor Lewis F. Mott – College of the City of N. Y., President Joseph A. Mulry, S. J., - Fordham University, President M. C. O'Farrell – College of New Rochelle, Professor William Lyon Phelps – Yale University, Dean James Earl Russell – Teachers' College, Professor Ashley H. Thorndike – Columbia University. "For This, Much Thanks" The Board of Directors desire to extend sincere thanks for courtesies to: The Metropolitan Opera Co. The College of the City of New York, The Board of Education, Hoffman, Keogh and Jay, Attorneys, Dr. Brander Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ballard, John Wanamaker & Co., Steinway & Sons, Mr. E. Kane, Mr. Jaxson Knox, Mr. Palmer Smith, Mrs. Anna Wilcox, Miss Maud Langtree, Mr. Solomon Lowenstein and Mr. O. J. Simmonds, of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Miss Staufer, Miss trump, Miss A. Spiller, Mrs. Mary Austin, Mr. Walter MacAfer and to all the Artists and Participants who have so generously contributed their valuable services for this celebration.

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36. Program of the Community Masque Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye. 36. New York City Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration at the Stadium of the College of the City of New York. West Stand, West Arena, East Stand, East Arena. 136th Street. Illustrations from the scenery and costume designs of Joseph Urban and Robert Edmond Jones. Arranged, Engraved and Printed by Vechten Waring Company 37-39 East 28th Street, New York. V. Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration V. In Shakespeare's time men wrote with the quill but genius triumphed as genius always will. The two best writers Shakespeare and Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. The action of every pen matched to suit the requirements of Writer or Artist. Self-filling, safety, regular and pocket types $2.50, $4.00, $5.00 to $150.00. "Its service does not show on the surface." At the best stores. L. E. Waterman Co., Cortlandt St. & Broadway, N. Y.

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VI. Program of Caliban by the Yellow Sands. VI. American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Franklin H. Sargent, President. The Standard institution of dramatic education for thirty-three years. Connected with Charles Frohman's Empire Theatre and Companies. Detailed catalogue from the Secretary. Room 171 Carnegie Hall. New York. The New Singing Society L. Camilieri, Conductor. Meets on Friday Evenings, at 8 o'clock, at National Board Building, 600 Lexington Ave. Open Air Meetings in Summer All Young Men and Women are Welcome. The purpose of the society is to teach young people to use the voice effectively – the most beautiful and appealing of all musical instruments. To reveal the pleasure and inspiration to be gained by signing together. To make the rehearsals periods of enjoyment and recreation. By a combined appear to ear and eye, sight reading and singing is taught within a short time. The New Singing Society will be happy to perform all suitable songs which are submitted to it. New songs and poems are needed to voice the atmosphere of our time. American poets and composers should take advantage of this opportunity to popularize their compositions. Organization Committee and Patronesses. Mrs. Martha B. Schirmer, Chairman, Mrs. Frederick H. Cone, Miss Caroline B. Dow, Mrs. Harry Harkness Flagler, Mrs. Edward S. Harkness, Miss Dorothy Heroy, Mrs. Otto Kahn, Mrs. Albert Lythoe, Mrs. Dunlevy Milbank, Mrs. Wm. Fellowes Morgan, Miss Charlotte R. Stillman, Mrs E. T. H. Talmage, Miss Edith L. Jardine, Secretary. VII. Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration. VII. Shakespeare! Enchanter for all tongues – all creeds! Thou has a word for all men's needs; around the whole wide world it rings, and with the lark in Heaven sings! Deep buried in the ocean lie the must'ries of thy craft. In vain man's eye. Doth search for mystic clue and sign to find the secret of thine art divine; none shall with brighter lustre shine; nor shall thy radiance e'er decline! – Laura Sedgwick Collins. "She is the most versatile woman in America." – Sir Henry Irving. "Her versatility is marvellous." – New York Herald. "Miss Collins read a Masque … which was well received, as was her reading of the synopsis of Percy MacKaye's famous Masque on ‘Shakespeare." – Knickerbocker Press, Albany, N. Y. "Miss Laura Sedgwick Collins, of New York City, one of the most talented women who ever appeared before an Albany audience, read parts from Percy McKaye's Shakespeare Masque yesterday afternoon before the Women's Club of Albany at the Albany Institute and Historical Art Building. So great was the impression that she made on her audience last fall, at one of the regular meetings of the drama section, that the lecture room in the Historical Building was not large enough yesterday afternoon to hold the large assembly." – The Argus. Musician, Reader, Director, Instructor. Miss Collins has a varied repertoire and among other selections presents by arrangements with the authors: "Caliban, by the Yellow Sands," Percy MacKaye. "Jonathan." Thomas Ewing. "The Iberian," "The Plea of Love," "The String," Osborn Rennie Lamb. "The Dew Drops." William Norman Guthrie. "Poems" and "Scenes" Cahrles de Kay (with incidental music, original and specially composed) Author and Composer of "The Empire State, "Lincoln Song," "The New York City Flag," "Hail! Gentle Peace!" etc., and mysic to Sophocles Arts in New York, Boston and at Sander's Theatre, Harvard University. For terms and dates for engagements, address: Hotel Chelsea, 222 West 23rd Street, New York City.

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VIII. Program of Caliban by the Yellow Sands. VIII. Caliban in book form illustrated. Everybody who has seen Caliban should possess a copy of Percy MacKaye's work. The book, containing the complete text, with an introduction and illustrated with beautiful drawings by Urban and Jones, is for sale in two handsome editions. Blue Paper Decorated in Colors, net 50 cents. Cloth Decorated in Colors, net $1.25. At all Bookshops. Tell your friends to read the book before they go to see the Masque. It will double their enjoyment. Send the book to your friends as a souvenir of the greatest Shakespeare festival ever held. An ideal graduation gift. "Caliban" for sale wherever books are sold. Doubleday, Page & Co. Garden City, New York. Thought given to the arranging of types for Forceful and Artistic display: Experienced Assistance given in the Preparation, Printing and Distributing of House Organs: Effectiveness assured: Busy men helped in the Writing of Advertisements, and in the Compiling and Systematizing of technical data: Catalogues and Booklets printed in a thoroughly workmanlike and common-sense manner. Entire responsibility assumed for all details: Very Real Effects produced in Illustrating Goods – in black or colors: Trade Marks devised and Attractive names given to new products: Advertising campaigns outlined and Economically conducted: Vechten Waring Company 37 & 39 East 28th Street, New York (Telephone : Madison Square 6796). South Pacific Lines. 1616 1916. "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin" Had Shakespeare known California as it is today, what word-pictures might not his genius have evolved by choosing as background for his immortal characters. Sacramento Valley, Yosemite, Golden Pacific. Southern Pacific – Sunset Route takes you to the very country where the Bard of Avon is being re-enacted for the motion picture screen on America's premier out-of-door stage. Go where even temperature sunny skies, balmy air make for ideal climate. For literature and information write to 1158 Broadway, at 27th St. 366 Broadway At Franklin St. 39 Broadway Near Wall St.

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