Document ID ET-D255b
Archive Location | ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1901-2 (BL) |
Document description | programme fragment |
Date | 10 June 1902 |
Document form | D - Programme |
Document attributes | Annotated |
Production Date(s) | Tuesday June 10th 1902 |
Venue | Her Majesty's Theatre |
Time of performance | 8.15pm |
Producer | [Herbert Beerbohm Tree] |
Scene Designer | Walter Johnsone, W. Telbin, Hawes Craven |
Costume Maker | B. J. Simmons & Co. |
Costume Designer | Percy Anderson |
Music Director | Norman Bath |
General notes | Mr Tree as Sir John Falstaff; music by Raymond Roze and Norman Bath. The dress worn by Ellen Terry was made by Edith Craig. |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | The Merry Wives of Windsor |
Original author | William Shakespeare |
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Document ID: ET-D255b Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1901-2 (BL)