Document ID EC-Z3,226/4

Archive Location EC IN, Joe Evans (BL) Loan 125/1/5
Document description letter
Date Friday 5th October 1888 [14]
Document form B - Letter to Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member
Document attributes Annotated; Signed; Handwritten
Number of leaves 2
Correspondent Joe Evans
Correspondent address c/o East 31st Street, New York [USA]
Addressee Edy [Edith Craig]
General notes He is glad to hear her news and from Mme Nordica from Berlin; mentions R. Taber, Bedlam, Courtney Thorpe, Coquelin, Mlle Harding, Saint-Gaudens, Palmers' Theatre, the Star, Mr E. Hamilton Bell, Mrs Ian Robertson, Mrs Potter; would like to see her.
Language English

Works Cited

Title Macbeth
Original author [William Shakespeare]
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-Z3,226/4 Archive location: EC IN, Joe Evans (BL) Loan 125/1/5