Document ID EC-A16

Archive Location EC PION, PION5 (BL)
Document description letter, carbon copy
Date 5 July 1920
Document form A - Letter from Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member
Document attributes Typed
Number of leaves 1
Correspondent Hon. Secretary
Addressee Mrs Charles H. Archibald [Ruth Helen Davis]
Addressee address Hotel Victoria WC
General notes Edith Craig passed her letter on; suggests meeting at Gourmets Restaurant with Miss Craig to discuss American rights of correspondent's version. On reverse of printed list of productions by the Pioneer Players.
Language English

Works Cited

Title The Children's Carnival
Original author [Saint Georges de Bouhelier]
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-A16 Archive location: EC PION, PION5 (BL)