Document ID EC-H754
Archive Location | EC LIBRARY (SMA) |
Document description | play |
Date | 1941 |
Document form | H - Play (includes manuscript and published) |
Document attributes | Annotated |
Corporate Body | The Pilgrim Players, Canterbury |
Publisher | SPCK |
Production Date(s) | 6 Dec 1940 |
Venue | Holy Trinity Church |
Venue address | Chesterfield |
Producer | E. Martin Browne |
General notes | Inscribed 'to Edith Craig from the author and Martin, Yew Tree House, Littleover near Derby'. |
Language | English |
Works (titles of works of art)
Title | Beginning of the Way |
Subtitle | A Nativity Play |
Original author | Henzie Raeburn |
How to find this document
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