Document ID EC-A29

Archive Location EC MERRY BOX, MERRY 13 (BL)
Document description open letter
Date 19 May 1936 [8]
Document form A - Letter from Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member
Document attributes Typed; Signed; Headed notepaper
Number of leaves 1
Correspondent A. M. Ranson
Corporate Body Ashford Conservative & Constitutions Association, Wellesley Road, Ashford, Kent
Venue County Theatre
Venue address Ashford
Producer Edith Craig
General notes Advertising forthcoming fund-raising production in December 1936, for which vouchers are to be sold by branches.
Language English

Works Cited

Title [The Merry Wives of Windsor]
Original author [William Shakespeare]
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-A29 Archive location: EC MERRY BOX, MERRY 13 (BL)