Document ID EC-B241
Archive Location | EC LIBRARY (SMA) |
Document description | letter |
Date | 24 Jan 1929 [15] |
Document form | B - Letter to Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member |
Document attributes | Signed; Handwritten; Enclosure |
Number of leaves | 1 |
Correspondent | 11 rue Louis Philippe, Neuilly sur Seine, France |
Addressee | Madam [Edith Craig] |
Addressee address | Annette K. A. Meakin |
General notes | Sends copy of her translation of Corneille's Polyeuctes for possible London production; suggests music of Bach and Handel at intervals; inserted in EC-H493. |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | Polyeuctes |
Original author | Corneille |
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