Document ID EC-P98

Archive Location EC MISC BOX, MISC12 (BL)
Document description postcard
Date 29 December 1927
Document form P - Poster or handbill
Document attributes Annotated
Postmarked DEC 29 1927  [29 December 1927]
Addressee Miss Vera Holme [Vera Holme]
Addressee address Tigh -na-Crich, Lochearnhead, Perthshire
Corporate Body The Arts Theatre Club, 6 & 7 Great Newport St, London WC2
General notes Invitation to New Year’s Eve Grand Variety Programme. Redirected c/o Miss [Edith] Craig 31 Bedford Street.
Language English
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-P98 Archive location: EC MISC BOX, MISC12 (BL)