Document ID EC-Z3,080
Archive Location | EC IN, B (BL) Loan 125/1/1 |
Document description | letter |
Date | 27/1/34 [15] |
Document form | B - Letter to Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member |
Document attributes | Annotated; Signed; Handwritten |
Number of leaves | 1 |
Correspondent | J. G. Birkby |
Correspondent address | 'Leslie', Longley Road, Worsley, Manchester, |
Addressee | Madam [Edith Craig] |
General notes | Asks if one of the scrolls given to guests at Ellen Terry's Jubilee banquet is for sale, having enquired from Mr Winston Churchill, Mr W. Nicholson, Mrs Enthoven and secondhand booksellers; encloses a donation to the cottage fund [Ellen Terry Memorial Museum]. |
Language | English |
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Document ID: EC-Z3,080 Archive location: EC IN, B (BL) Loan 125/1/1