Document ID EC-Z3,788

Archive Location EC IN, XYZ (BL) Loan 125/1/10
Document description letter
Date Dec 6 1903 [15]
Document form B - Letter to Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member
Document attributes Annotated; Typed; Signed
Number of leaves 1
Correspondent W. B. Yeats
Correspondent address 1 West 87th Street, New York [USA]
Addressee Miss Craig [Edith Craig]
Addressee address 7 Smith Square, Westminster, London
Corporate Body The Masquers
General notes He is sad to hear from Miss [Pamela Colman] Smith that the Masquers has failed; he is lecturing; the Stage Society is to produce Where There is Nothing and Lady Gregory will deal with correspondence on it while he is away.
Language English

Works Cited

Title Where There is Nothing
Original author W. B. Yeats
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-Z3,788 Archive location: EC IN, XYZ (BL) Loan 125/1/10