Document ID ET-Z2,206

Archive Location ET OUT, L (BL) Loan 125/31/4
Document description letter
Date May 23rd 79 [11]
Document form A - Letter from Ellen Terry, Edith Craig or family member
Document attributes Signed; Headed notepaper; Handwritten
Number of leaves 1
Correspondent Ellen Terry Wardell
Correspondent address 33 Longridge Road, South Kensington
Addressee Mrs Lewis
General notes She declines an invitation but has to act in Hamlet and Lady of Lyons and see children who have whooping cough in Brighton; acting generally improves by the eighth night.
Language English

Works Cited

Title The Lady of Lyons
Title Hamlet
Original author [William Shakespeare]
Record updated:

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Document ID: ET-Z2,206 Archive location: ET OUT, L (BL) Loan 125/31/4