Document ID EC-D121

Archive Location EC PION, PION2 (BL)
Document description programme
Date 7 April 1916
Document form D - Programme
Corporate Body Pioneer Players
Production Date(s) Friday 7 April 1916
Venue Savoy Theatre
Time of performance 2.45pm
Producer [Edith Craig]
Orchestra Sir Thomas Beecham
Conductor Mr Carlton Mason
General notes Smokes for the Wounded matinee; Lady Tree, Dora Bright, Adeline Genee, Henry Ainley, Dorothy Varick, H. B. Irving, Isolde Menges, Flora Woodman. H. B. Irving.
Language English

Works Cited

Title The Van Dyck
Original author Cosmo Gordon Lennox
Title The Dryad
Original author Dora Bright
Title The Theatre of the Soul
Original author N. [Nikolai] Evreinoff
Translated by Christopher St John
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-D121 Archive location: EC PION, PION2 (BL)