Document ID ET-D241, Image 4 of 5
Opera Glasses on Hire, 2s. Now ready. Prices 10s, 6d. net. Art for Love. A souvenir of the Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar held at the Royal Albert Hall. June 21 & 22, 1899. Compiled and edited by H. Beerbohm Tree. The Times says: - A handsome volume, full of interesting contributions… beginning with some verses by the poet Laureate on the wreck of the Stella. It also contains poems by Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Henley, Sir Lewis Morris, Mr. John Davidson, Mr. Stephen Phillips, Mr. William Watson, Mr. Watts-Dunton and Miss Violet Hunt. Naturally Mr. Tree has drawn contributions from our leading playwrights; and he is able to number among his collaborators many other distinguished men and women of letters as well, including Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mr. Andrew Lang, Mr, Anthony Hope, Mr. Sidney lee (on a congenial Shakespearean subject), Mr. Birrell, Mr. Burnand, and Sir Walter Besany. Among the poems and stories and essays and fragments which these writers and many more have sent to Mr. Tree are scattered drawings and reproductions of pictures by a long list of noted painters and draughtsmen beginning with the President of the Royal Academy. Nor do the attractions of the volume and here, for there are among its pages no less than nine original compositions by nine and leading musical composers. Furthermore, its contribution is accompanied by the contributor's photograph, and in many cases with a specimen of handwriting too. In short, the souvenir appeals like to ear, the mind, and the eye ; and it's purchasers will have the added satisfaction of knowing that the price and it goes to swell the funds of the hospital. Every copy sold will benefit the funds of the Charing Cross Hospital. The Nassau Press, 20, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. H. Virtue & Co., Limited, 26, Ivy Lane, E.C. A Lyceum Historiette by John Hollingshead. Printed and published by the Nassau press 20, Bedford Street, Stand, W.C. Established 1851 Birkbeck Bank Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, 2 ½% deposit accounts. Repayable on demand. The Birkbeck Almanack with full particulars, post free. Francis Ravenscroft, Manager. All communications respecting advertisement space on this program must be made to C. Pool & Co. Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.C. Telephone - [?] Holborn. Hinde's Hair Curlers. Bryant & May's special patient safety matches. are used throughout this Theatre. Topping & Spindler Flushing Holland. City and Suburban, Chester Cup, Kempton park Great Jubilee, Derby Etc. Double and Treble events. S. P. Accumulators, &c. "The Continental Sportsman" containing the latest market movements on above, also sporting diary and ready [?], free on receipt of address. Telegraphic instructions can be sent to London for S. P. All letters to be addressed – Topping & Spindler, Flushing Holland. Postage, [?]. Post Cards, 1d. All communications respecting advertisement space on this Programme must be made to C. Pool & Co., 25, Bouverie St., Fleet St., S.C. Telephone – 847 Holborn.
Opera Glasses on Hire, 1s. All communications respecting advertisement space on this Programme must be made to C. Pool & Co., 25, Bouverie St., Fleet St., S.C. Telephone – 847 Holborn. The Border Blend Whisky supplied to the Bars of this Theatre by Sutton Bendle & Co. 148, Sloane Street, S.W. Alexanders Royal Ascot. Old Highland Whisky. Irwin Alexander, London, Dundee, Paris. Royal Yacht Liquor Scotch, Gold Cup Irish. Supplied at all the Buffets. Rosbach Table Water. Natural Sparkling. James Lyle & Co., 15, Old Bond Street supply this Theatre with the finest blend of tea and coffee. Delicious in taste. Delicious in aroma. Sole proprietors of the celebrated club blend coffee. Established 100 years. Refreshment Department. Brands of the Finest Quality only at West End Restaurant Prices. Idris Soda Water, Seltzer Water, Ginger Ale, Lemonade, Ginger Beer, Potash Water, Gold Medal Paris Exhibition, 1900. As supplied by Royal Warrant to the Queen. The only Mineral Water supplied in this Theatre. Highest award and gold medal. Long & Co., Brewers, Southsea, supply the whole of the Draught and bottled Beers sold in this Theatre. London Stores, 1, Curlew Street, S. E. Scotch Whiskies. Roy's Club, Royal Ascot, Border Blend, Rosbach Water. Neapolitan ices of the Finest Quality. Brandies. Otard's V.S.O.P. Otard's *** Champagne Heldsieck, G.H. Mumm, Bollinger and Jacquesson & Fils. Liqueurs – Various. Cigarettes – Turkish Monopoly.
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