Document ID ET-D275
Archive Location | ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1903 (BL) Loan 125/22/2 |
Document description | programme |
Date | 21-24 September 1903 [17] |
Document form | D - Programme |
Document attributes | Annotated |
Production Date(s) | 21 September 1903 |
Venue | Princess of the Wales Theatre |
Venue address | Kennington SE |
Time of performance | 2.30pm 7.45pm |
Producer | Edward Gordon Craig |
Stage Manager | Fred Boustead |
Scene Designer | Edward Gordon Craig |
Conductor | J. H. Wilson |
Music Director | Leonard Chalk |
General notes | Ellen Terry as Beatrice; Edith Craig as Margaret; Matheson Lang as Benedick. |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | Much Ado About Nothing |
Original author | William Shakespeare |
Document ID ET-D275, Image 1 of 5
Kennington Princess of Wales Theatre S.E. Sole Proprietor & Manager Mr. Robert Arthur. Managing Director of Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool, Theatre Royal, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Theatre Royal. Nottingham, Her Majesty's Theatre Dundee, Her Majesty's Theatre Aberdeen. Touring Companies. – One of the Best. Trumpet Call. An American Citizen. Matinee every Thursday at 2.30. The Box Office open at Theatre, from 10 to 9.30. Seats booked by Letter or Telegram at Theatre, and all Libraries. Seats booked by Telephone will not be kept after the rise of the Curtain unless previously paid for. Seats not guaranteed unless booked. No money returned. Pass-out Checks not transferable. Telephone No. 1006 Hop. Telegraphic Address: "Prevoyant." Acting Manager – Mr. John Halpin, Treasurer – Mr. C. F. Parsley, Musical Director – Mr. J. H. Wilson. Extract from the Rules made by the Lord Chamberlain. 1. – The name of the actual and responsible Manager of the Theatre must be printed on every play bill. 2. – The public can leave the Theatre at the end of the performance by all exit and entrance doors which must open outwards. 3.- Where there is a fire-proof screen to the proscenium opening it must be lowered at least once during every performance to ensure its being in proper working order. 4. – Smoking is not permitted in the Auditorium. 5. – All gangways, passages, and staircases must be kept free from chairs or any other obstructions, whether permanent or temporary. Prices of Admission: - (Booked and Reserved) Private Boxed, £2 2s. and £1 11s. 6d.; Stalls, 5s.; Dress Circle, 5s. and 4s.; Family Circle, 3s. 0d. (Unreserved) Pit Stalls, 2s.; Pit, 1s.; Amphitheatre, 1s.; Gallery, 6d. Early Doors 6d. Extra to all parts Unreserved.
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Sulpholine Pepper's skin lotion. The only Effective Remedy for Skin Troubles. Quickly drives away Eruptions, Pimples, Eczema, Acne, Blackheads and all Disfigurements developing a fair spotless skin. [?] and Iron tonic for general debility. Promotes Appetite. Cures Dyspepsia. Nervous Debility. S. Tenchio & Co., high-class Cake and Pastry Manufacturers 49, Commercial Rd. Peckham, S.E. Contractors for Theatre's, Institutions and Hotels. Vans sent to all parts of London daily. To Sell Patents quickly or obtain Working Capital apply to the Engineers Inventions Bureau (Established 1979) 10, Finsbury Square, London, E.C. Subscribers receive advantages offered by no other Office in the World. Inventors patented. Trade Marks and Designs registered. Prospectus post free. Given away! Words of Wisdom For Our Wives. Being a new [?] of advice and information for the married. It is fully illustrated and contains the population question and other information worth hundreds of pounds. Send at once and you will never regret doing so. Post free [?] pages. Illustrated lists, post free – The Managers (8. Dep), 10, Green Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C. "Stage." Miss Adelaide Ross (Mrs. R. W. Ford's) Dramatic School. Patrons: Wilson Barrett, Esq., Edward Terry, Esq., Late Ormond Tearle, Esq., F. R. Benson, Esq., and Robert Arthur Esq. Complete Stage Training. Pupils received and lessons arranged. 33, Rudloe Road, Clapham Park, S.W. Hours: 4 to 8p.m. S. Davis & Co., Manufacturers and Entire House Furnishers. £2 16s. 0d Complete. Mail Carts Bassinettes Invalids' Chairs Sewing Machines Mangles. Dining Room suites from £6 15 0 Drawing Room suites from £5 6 0. Overmantle, Carpet, Linoleum, China and Glass. Send for illustrated Lists (post free). No extra for Credit. 241,243, 245, 247 and 251, Borough High St. S.E. from £1 1s 0d. Easy terms. Not hire. From 10/6. London Branches: Period House Borough, S.E., 126 Tottenham Court Road, 73 and 75, High Street, Peckham. 36, 38,, 40, 42, Stoke Newington Bd., N. 144 and 146, The Grove, and 10, Great Eastern Road, Stratford, E. 329 and 330 Holloway Road, N. Factory: - Swan Street, Borough. Next Week: Mr. Tom. B. Davis's Original Lyric Theatre Co. Florodora. "Hamilton's Silverdep" The new silver depositing and polishing powder does not scratch. Sold everywhere 6d. & 1- per box. Universally admitted to be the best and safest for cleaning silver & electro plate 87, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.
The Atheron High-Class Cigar, fine flavour, rare aroma 3d. In boxes of 50 and 100. A sample box of 60 will be forwarded on receipt P.O. for [?]. Other brands stocked – Bock & Co, L.A. Lecitimidad, Laintimidad, Cabanas, Flor De Cuba.J. S. Murias for Larranaga. Thomas Atherton, Cigar Merchant 246, Kingsland Road, London, N.E. our three characteristics are Perfection in Fit. Perfection in Finish. Perfection in Style. Gayer & Co., High- Class Tailors, 62, Wool Exchange, Coleman St., London, E.C. Terms Cash. Gentlemen waited upon at their own Residence by appointment. Hours of business: 9 to 2. Saturdays: 9 to 2. Mourning orders promptly executed. C. Talbot Wholesale and Retail Fruitier and Greengrocer. Covent Garden Stores 46, Brixton Road, S.W. Mann, Crossman and Paulin's Draught Beers. On sale in Saloons of this Theatre. Kennington Theatre. Monday, September 21st, 1903, for Four Nights, at 7.45 and Matinee, Thursday, at 2.30. Enormous attraction: Miss Ellen Terry and her own company, in Much Ado About Nothing Friday & Saturday Nights only, Miss Terry will appear in a Triple Bill Punchinello the trial scene from the Merchant of Venice. Nance Oldfield. Book seats now for Mr. Tom. B. Davis's original Lyric Theatre Company in Florodora. Dunville's Special Irish Whiskey. May be had at the Bars of this Theatre. G. Woolf, Fruitier and Greengrocer 103 and 121 Newington Butts. Families waited on daily. T. Wightman, Family Cash Grocer, Wine, Spirit and Bottled Beer Merchant. 73, Vassall Road, Brixton. Scotch and Irish Whiskies from 2.6 per bottle. Groceries & Provisions of the Best Quality. Cingalind Tea a speciality.
Document ID ET-D275, Image 3 of 5
Important Announcement: Now on View: Orrom's 1s. Slippers (Ladies) better value than ever: Noiseless, Durable, Cosy. Albert Orrom. 6 & 8, Electric Avenue, and 13 & 15 Atlantic Road, Brixton, S.W. Mason Bros., Hosiers and Outfitters 26 Brixton Road, S.W. New Kennington Park. Close at 2 on Wednesdays. A. Newman & Co. Licenced Victuallers' Glass Merchants. Dealers in China, Earthenware &c. 2, 3, & 4, Wilcox Road. Wandsworth Rd., S.W. Largest Stock in South London. W.J. Scott, Ornamental Hair Manufacturer, Write for Illustrated list of Newest styles. Post free. Transformation from 2 2s. Fringes from £5 6d. Tails of pure long hair length of tail weight price 16 inches 1 oz 3/6, 18 inches 1 oz 5/6, 20 inches 1 [?] inches 7/6, 22 inches 1 [?] oz 10/6. 21, The Pavement, Clapham Common, S.W. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Evenings and Thursday Maintinee Much Ado About Nothing. Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Julian L'Estranger, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. William Luff, Claudio (a Young Lord of Florence) – Mr. Harcourt Williams, Benedick (a Young Lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. Reginald Dance, Balthazar (attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. Theodore Jones, Borachio (follower of Don Jon) – Mr. Hubert Carter, Conrade (follower of Don Jon) – Mr. Francis Darch, Dogherry Two City Officers – Mr. Frederick Powell, Verges Two City Officers – Mr. C. Whittle, Friar Francis – Mr. Reginald Dance, A Sexton – Mr. Stephen Langton, A Boy – Miss Katherine Rivers, Oatcake – Mr. W. P. Leslie, Seacole – Mr. Bert Zardi, Watchman – Mr. John Church, 2nd Watchman – Mr. K. Blackmore, Messenger – Mr. Stephen Langton, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Audrey Campbell, Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Lidle for Bread or Bride Cakes. 24 prize medals awarded. 325, Walworth Road, 168, Newington Butts, 84, London Road, 116, Essex Road. N. Families waited on daily. Schweppe's Soda, Seltzer, Potass, Lemonade, Ginger Ale, and Ginger Beer. Schweppes Soda on sale at this Theatre. The Children's Photographer Lang Sims, Studios, 437, Brixton Road. The Select School : The Select School : The Royal School of Shorthand and Journalism. Principal, Oliver McEwan (The greatest living authority on shorthand) Six hundred youths and Young Ladies can be placed by the Principal in first-class positions this year. Se Prospectus, Free. Address: 22, Oxendon Street, Fanton Street, Haymarket, S.W. Established 1851 Birkbeck Bank Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London 2 ½% deposit accounts 2 ½%. Repayable on demand. The Birkbeck Almanack, with full particulars, post free. C. [?]. Ravenscroft. Manager.
Inventors unable to pay the usual fees should write ELI & Co., Patent Experts 36, Old Street, London, E.C. Established 1850. Purchasers found.
The Cream of Toilet Creams: Byrolin Cream Soap. Thirty Highest Awards. Used by Royal families. Preserves and beautifies the skin, keeps the complexion clear, removes [?], irritation, etc. and prevents and eradicates wrinkles. An antiseptic ointment. To be had in tubes from 7 ½ d, to 2/3, from all Chemists and Druggists. Byrolin Soap in cakes at 6d,. 1/-, and 1/6, is the best superfatted [?] toilet soap. A 1/- cake of soap and a tube of cream will be sent on receipt of nine penny stamps. Dr. Graf & Co, 263, Regent Street, London, W. White's Pianos Cheapest Reliable Instruments in existence) Superb Tone, Finish, and Honest Workmanship. Factory prices for cash, or Terms to suit purchasers. Iron Frame Trichord Pianos from £12 12c (or 8s. monthly). Sound second-hand Pianos from £5 10s. Organs from £3 10s. Tuning, repair and removals. GEO. White & Co. 28 & 36, Upper Kensington Lane, S.E. W. Austin Clark Ladies & Gentlemen's Hairdresser and Wigmaker 258, Ferndale Road, Brixton is now selling the whole of his extensive stock of ornamented hair previous to removing to his new premises 451, Brixton Road (Next door to Electric Avenue). WM. Dunkley's Pianofortes from 20 to 80 Guineas are his own manufacture and have 38 years' reputation. Clapham: 101, High Street. Brixton: Next Brixton Hall. Westminster: 61, Victoria Street, Telephone No. 5554 Battersea. New model: The Century 20 Guineas. Synopsis of Scenery Act 1. Scene – Leonato's House. Act 2 Scenes 1, 2, & 3 – Leonato's Garden, Scene 4 – A Street. Act 3. Scene – A Church. Act 4. Scene 1 – A Prison, Scene 2 – Leonato's Garden. Scene 3 – Monument of Leonato. Scene 4 – Leonato's Garden. The entire production produces under the direction of Mr. Gordon Craig. The Orchestra under the direction of Mr. J. H. Wilson, will play the following selection: Overture [?] - Weher. Three dances "Neil Gwyn" Edward German. Selection "Merrie England" – Edward German. Soite "Rural Scenes" – Albert Mutt. Business Manager – for Miss Ellen Terry Mr. Alfred Courtenay. Stage Manager – Mr. Fred Boustead. Musical Director – Mr. Leonard Chalk. Advance Manager – Mr. G. Aubrey Hall. Mills., Ltd. Fish, Game, Poultry and Ice Merchants. 40 High Street, Clapham. Deliver anywhere at anytime. Telephone 370 Battersea. Wear Dunn's famous hats. The 20th Century Hat 70 Branches. Dunn's hats have the largest sale in the world. Depots: £6, High Street, Clapham. 425, Brixton Road. 18-20, & 348, Walworth Rd. Davis's English and American Artificial Teeth. Complete set, one Guinea. Single tooth, 2/6. Seven years' warranty. 308, Clapham Road; 42 & 44, Rye Lane, Peckham. 8b, Market Parade, Balham. No other addresses. Established 1886. The South London Commercial Training College, 1a, 3 & 5, Saltoun Rd. (Effra. Rd.) Brixton, S.W. Telephone Nos 165 and 165a Streatham. Principal – Mr. Chas. B. Ward (Late H.M. Civil Services &c.) expert and individual tuition in shorthand, typewriting, book-keeping, and business routine. Centre for "Society of Arts." Moderate fees – prospectus free typewriting copying department. Every description of work undertaken.
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The "Horns" hotel and assembly rooms. Kennington Park. S.E. Proprietor Mr. R. J. Brinkley. Manager Mr. Jean Kohl (one minute from Kennington Theatre). Horns ordinary luncheon from 12 to 3 o clock, Soup, Joint or Entrée, Cheese, Bread and Butter, 1/6. Special suppers nightly up to 12.15 o'clock, 1/-. A rich and varied menu a la [?] daily, Luncheons, Dinners and Suppers in Dining Room on First Floor. Afternoon teas. Special facilities for indoor and outdoor catering of every description. Reduced prices to professionals. Small and large rooms for rehearsals. The New Century pamphlet (Copyright and Registered). Post free 13 stamps. Containing 30 pages, showing safe and reliable method for making £2 a per week. For every £10 invested. Under own Control. No risk : No loss!! 6, York Buildings, Adelphi, London, W.C. For Cheap and Stylish Boots and Shoes try Dawson's (opposite this Theatre) 174, Kennington Park Road. For high-class tailoring go to G. Nyman, 123, Westminster Bridge Road. Ladies' costumes & speciality from 2 ½ Guinea. Monday, September 28th, 1903, for six nights at 7.45: and matinee, Thursday, at 2.30. Mr. Tom B. Davis'. Original Lyric Theatre Company Florodora written by Own Hall music by Leslie Stuart. Madame Emils'. Special skin lotion. Bottles, 1s, and 1s. 9d. All kinds of Theatrical Preparations kept in stock. Needhams, Ltd., cash chemists, 157, Newington Butts, S.E. Metcalf, Furnishing Ironmonger. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & General Repairs & Speciality. 304, Brixton Hill (Opposite Christ Church Road). Wright & Greig, Ltd. Distillers, Glasgow and London. Special Scotch Whiskies, "Premier" Old Scotch. "Roderick Dhu" Old Highland. To be had at the Bars. Furnish on the easy payment system Jay's furnishing company, 225, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S. E. Furniture, carpets, and bedding, supplied on easy terms and delivered free in town or country. Weekly, monthly or quarterly payments taken at cash prices. Hugo Baruch & Co, Theatrical Costumiers and Military Tailors for Ladies and Gentlemen. Complete outfits for Operas, Plays, Pantomimes, Circuses and fancy ball dresses. 32 Shaftsbury Avenue, W.C (opposite the Lyrie Theatre). Telegrams: "Ethan, London". Telephone: 2250 Gerrard.
Dewar's White Label Whisky sold at all the Bars of this Theatre. Rupture cured by the use of our Patent Truss invention. The Lancet, October 3rd 1885 says: "It is comfortable, adapts itself readily to the movements of the body and is very effective." British Medical Journal May [?] says : - "It is a very ingenious and successful truss." Medical Times and Hospital Gazette [?] says: "Hodges & Co have for years past devoted their attention and skill to the improvement of trusses for the treatment of various kinds of Hernia, following the principles laid down by Professor Wood, of Kings College Hospital. Particulars Hodges & Co, College Street, Chelsea, London, W. Prospective Engagements. Miss Julia Neilson and Mr. Fred Terry with their company. The Latest and Greatest Comic Opera by Sidney Jones My Lady Molly. Mr. Beerbohm Tree's Company with resurrection. The original Savoy Opera Company etc., etc., etc. Mr. Robert Arthur begs to announce that he has in active preparation for Production on Boxing Day (Saturday, Dec. 26th) at 2 o'clock, the Gorgeously Mounted, Attired and Featured, Screamingly Funny Pantomime, entitled – The Forty Thieves in which will appear amongst other Star Artistes, Mr. Tom. E. Murray. The Pantomime will be Staged on a scale hitherto unprecedented. The very Pantomime for the Young, the Middle Aged, and the Old. Seats may now be secured at usual prices - Stalls, 4s. Dress Circle. 4s. and 3s. Family Circle, 2s. 6d. Children half-price (Matinee only). Herbert Tear. Photographic Artist. 12 Clapham Road. S.W., near "Oval" Station Electric Railway. Telephone 2355 Hop. Pianos! Pianos! A.G. Clark, Piano and Musical Instrument Stores. Iron Frame Pianos for Cash or from 10/6 per month. Tuning and Repairing a Speciality. Now open, our special show room for Bassinettes, Mail-Carts and Wringing Machines. Address 172 & 174, Wandsworth Rd., S.W. Do you suffer from headache? If so, it may be your eyes: Consult : Spencer Hill. F.S.M.C. Eyesight Specialist and Optologist (by examination). 2, The Pavement, Clapham Common. Consultations free. Do you know McNish's "Doctor's Special" Whisky? If not, try it at these Bars. On easy terms. Men's, Youth's & Boys' clothing read made or to measure. Ladies' and Children's Costumes, Jackets, Boots & Shoes and General Drapery. Splendid selection and latest fashion. Call or wrote T. Lloyd Jenkins 194, Stockwell Rd., Brixton, S.W. "The Blue House" shirt and collar dressing Family LaundryR. Kennington. 89. Lower Kennington Lane. L. Kennington Park. 41, Camberwell New Road. V. Vauxhall Station. 10, Wandsworth Road. Receiving offices also in all other Districts in London.
Document ID ET-D275, Image 5 of 5
J. Whittaker & Co., Coal Merchants. Brixton Station, S. W., Rosendale rd., W. Dulwich, S.E., & Honor Oak Coal Depot (S.E,&C.R.), S. E. Deliver Daily in this District. All qualities the Finest obtainable. Strove Coals - 19/0 (Very Hot Burning). Best Hard Kitchen – 20/- (Nearly Smokeless: Clean Burning). Silkstone Nuts – 21/6 (Small size Coal: Brown Ash). Best Bright House – 22/- (Durable Coal for any purpose) Prompt delivery. Selected House – 23/- (Good Sitting Room Coals). Derby Brights – 24/- (Well-known clean and reliable Coals). Selected Parlour – 25/- (Highly recommended: Brown Ash). J. W. & Co.'s Best Coal – 26/- (Very Clean for Drawing Room). Prompt delivery. Terms-cash. (Subject to Alteration). The Talk of London is the value they give at J. Simmons & Co., Complete House Furnishers, 230 & 232, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. Before purchasing elsewhere inspect their stock of Dining, Drawing and Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets, China, Glass, Electro Plate, &C. Enormous quantity of well-seasoned Cork Linoleum, at 1s. 21/2d. square yard. A large selection of useful presents. Where to furnish: France & Sons, 315 & 317, Kennington Road (Twenty show-rooms) A large selection of superior New and Second-hand Furniture, Linoleum, Carpets, Bedsteads, etc. Estimates Given for any Quantity. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Arrangements can be made for Payment by Instalments. Established 55 years. Chocolate Kohler. The Playgoer. The magazine's for all who go to the Theatre or Music Hall. 6d. Illustrated. Illustrated Interviews. Pictorial Souvenirs. Favourite Entertainers. The Stage of To-day. "A bright spirited magazine, excellently illustrated." – Daily Telegraph. On the 15th of each month. 6d. Nat. Kronthal natural Sparking Mineral Table Water. On sale at this Theatre. Contractors to this Theatre. L.G. & North Hants Dairy Co., Ltd … Dairy Farmers, 114, Brixton Road. Head Office : 329, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton. Farms – "Newlands" Tooting. "Hermerton," Wiltshire. "Southeott," Leighton Buzzard. The Topical Times (20th Year of Publication) Every Saturday, Price 1d sport and entertainments, 35, Surrey Street, Strand, W.C. £100 Insurance Policy One Hundred Pounds Sterling will be paid by the Scottish employers' Liability and General Insurance Company, Limited 9, King Street, Aberdeen, to the legal representatives of any person instantaneously killed by any accident to any Train, Tram, Bus, Cab, Carriage, or Motor Car in which the deceased was travelling as an ordinary passenger. Provided, that at the time of the said accident he person so killed was the owner of this Insurance Coupon during the current week with his or her usual signature written thereon. Applications must be made by the next-of-kin of the deceased within three days after death, to the above address. Signature …………………. What shall I drink? "Montserrat," Limetta or Pure Lime Juice Cordial most refreshing. On sale in the Saloons of this Theatre. [?] & Bayley, Designers and Printers, 192. Kennington Park Road, S.E – Phone 1244 Hop.
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Document ID: ET-D275 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1903 (BL) Loan 125/22/2