Document ID EC-D161

Archive Location EC PION, PION15 (BL)
Document description programme, two identical, one annotated
Date Weds 8 Feb 1911 [15]
Document form D - Programme
Document attributes Annotated
Corporate Body Pioneer Players
Production Date(s) Weds 8 Feb 1911
Venue Royal Albert Institute
Time of performance 8pm
Producer Edith Craig
General notes In aid of the Windsor and Eton Branch of the London Society for Women’s Suffrage; concert of music composed by women composers; performers include Edith Craig, Olive Terry and Nellie Sargent.
Language English

Works Cited

Title How the Vote Was Won
Original author Cicely Hamilton and Christopher St John
Title Two Dreams in the Desert
Record updated:

How to find this document

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Document ID: EC-D161 Archive location: EC PION, PION15 (BL)