Document ID ET-D313, Image 3 of 5
Harrison Smith & Co., Vauxhall Works. Dollman St. Birmingham. Wood and Iron Buildings, Stables and Coach Houses, Motor Car Houses, Poultry and Kennel Appliances, Greenhouses and Garden Frames. Albion Hotel, Edmund Street, Family & Commercial. Luncheons, Teas, Dinners, Suppers, Choicest Wines and Spirits. Tel. No. 05264. What !!! 2s per week hire for the finest pianos in the world? Neumeyer Piano Depot Station Street. (Five seconds from trains), and we will show you how it is done. Every piano guaranteed for 25 years, and to be superior to any other piano on the market. Annual sale over 3000. Carlton Billiard Rooms, One Fletcher's Café. Fore St., Corporation Street. Electric Lift. 10 Tables. 2 Private Tables. Padmore's Make. Ask your Chemist for "Camwal" Table Waters. Soda, Seltzer, Lithia, &c., Renowned for Purity and High Quality. The New Furnishing Firm. Lee, Longland & Co. (Late with Chamberlain, King & Jones Ltd.) 304, Broad St., Birmingham. Artistic Reliable Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, at Moderate Prices. Cast-off Clothing. Full value given by G. Makepeace 142, Digbeth. Tuesday, Nov. 8th, Wednesday, Nov. 9th. and Saturday, Nov. 12th. Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Charles Thursby, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. T. A. Shannon, Claudio (a young Lord of Florence) – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams, Benedick, (a young Lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato, (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. J. S. Hamilton, Balthazar (attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. Penderel Price, Followers of Don John, Borachio Mr. Alfred Bucklaw, Conrade – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Two City Officers, Dogberry – Mr. John Willes, Verges – Mr. Tom Paulton, Friar Francis – Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, A Sexton – Mr. Paul Burnand, A Boy – Miss Phyllis Carr, Oatcake – Mr. Goodwin Nock, Seacole – Mr. Charles A. Staite, Watchman – Mr. James Cazenove, 2nd Watchman – Mr. George Herbert, Messenger – Mr. Leonard Craske, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Penelope Wheeler, Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Act 1. Scene - Leonato's House. Act 2. Scenes 1, 2 & 3 - Leonato's Garden. Scene 4 – A Street. Act 3. Scene - A Church. Act 4. Scene 1 - A Prison. Scene 2 - Leonato's Garden. Scene 3 - Monument of Leonato. Scene 4 - Leonato's Garden. Rainproof coats and overcoats in Real Harris, Scotch Homespuns and Pure Shetland Wools. Prices extremely low. Day & Bryant 317, Broad Street (Corner), :Set the Fashion to the World". Rover Cycles. Best value in the trade the Ten Guinea Rover, Rover Cycle Depot, Victoria Square, Birmingham. An admirable food of the Epps's Cocoa. Finest quality and flavour. Nutritious and economical. Telephone 1315. W. Matthews, Cab, Car and Carriage Proprietor. 65, Hagley Road, Birmingham. Private Buses for Balls, Weddings and Parties. All Business Transactions Punctually carried out. J. W. Parfitt, 110 & 111, Monument Rd, and 141, Gt. Tindal Street, Ladywood. Carriages of every description made to order. All kinds of repairs and re-painting done on the shortest notice. Bakers' and Confectioners' new catalogue. Complete Bakehouse Requirements, &c., Free. Send Post Card. Lomas & Co., 155 & 160, Moor St., Birmingham. Thursday Matinee and evening, Nov. 10th, Shakespeare's Comedy, The Merchant of Venice. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. Prince of Morocco (Suitor to Portia) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (a Merchant of Venice) Mr Charles Thursby, Bassanio ( his Friend, suitor to Portia) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Friends to Antonia and Bassanio – Gratiano – Mr E. Harcourt Williams, Salarino – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Solanio – Mr. Halliwell Hobbs, Lorenza in love with Jessica - Mr T. A. Shannon, Shylock (a Jew) M. Alfred Bucklaw, Tubal (a Jew, his friend) – Mr. Charles Whittle, Launcelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock and afterwards Servant to Bassanio) – Mr. John Willes, Old Gobbo (Father to Launcelot) Mr. Leonard Craske, Servants to Portia – Balthazar – Mr. Paul Burnand, Stephano – Mr. Penderel Price, Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia) Miss Audrey Campbell, Jessica (Daughter of Shylock) – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia (a Rich Heiress) Miss Ellen Terry. Manificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, Servants to Portia, and Other Attendants. Act 1 – Venice. Act 2, Scenes 1 and 3 – Venice. Scene 2 – A Street in Venice. Act 3. Scenes 1 and 3 – Portia's House, Belmont. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice. Scene 5 – Portia's House, Belmont. Act 4 – A Court of Justice, Venice. Act 5 – The Garden, Belmont. There will be no interval between Acts 1 and 2. For Miss Ellen Terry, General Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Acting Manager – Mr. Thomas Courtly, Advance Representative - Mr. G. Aubrey Hall, Stage Manager – Mr. Charles La Trobe, Assistant Stage Manager – Mr. Charles Whittle, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson. The Orchestra under the direction of Mr. W. Southworth, Mus. Bac., Dunelm, will play the following selections of music every evening. Overture "La Brasseur de Preston" – Adam. Three Dances "Nell Gwynn" – German, Selection "La Favorite" – Douizetti, Intermezzo-Pepinette - [?], Peasant Dance – Stretezhi. If you have not yet bought your new bicycle, you would be well advised to purchase a Royal Enfield, "Made like a Gun" Edgbaston and District Agent: - Wilson C. Walker, The Cycle Depot, 29, Upper Hagley Road, Edgbaston. Noted house for refreshments and high-class confectionary. W. E. Powell, 267 & 8, Broad Street. Rob Roy pens. The Rob Roy Pen, Hinks Wells Co. Birmingham. "The Good Points of Rob Roy Make writing a Joy". Write for 30 samples, 2d. Post Free. Hinks Wells & Co., B'Ham & London. Rob Roy Pens. Macdonalds Teeth. Patronised by H.M. War Dept. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sets, 20/- each. Tooth, 2/- Each. Other Qualities Equally Cheap. 19, New Street (Opposite Grammar School). Advice Free 9 to 9 Daily. Moore's Oyster Bar. Finest in the Midlands. Cannon Street, First Door from New Street on left. English, Dutch, Portuguese, and American. All guaranteed from Pure Waters. Also at Christ Church Passage, Opposite Waterloo Bar. Reeve's Positive Corn Cure in 4 days 1/1½ Post Free. Reeve, Chemist, 18, New Street (Corner City Arcade).
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