Document ID ET-D322
Archive Location | ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1905 (BL) Loan 125/22/4 |
Document description | programme |
Date | 17 February 1905 |
Document form | D - Programme; O - Commercial artwork (eg. picture postcard, photograph) |
Document attributes | Annotated |
Number of leaves | 2 |
Production Date(s) | Friday February 17th 1905 |
Venue | Theatre Royal |
Venue address | Haymarket |
Time of performance | 2pm |
Stage Manager | John Harwood, Cecil King |
Music Director | Paul Graener |
General notes | Benefit matinee for M. Orleneff and Mme Nasimoff and their company of Russian actors. Contains photographs of Mr Tree, Ellen Terry, Winifred Emery, Cyril Maude and members of the Russian Company; two copies. |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | The School For Scandal |
Original author | Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
Title | The Ballad-Monger |
Original author | Walter Besant and Walter Pollock |
Title | A Zealous Fool is Worse Than an Enemy |
Original author | Balvotski |
Title | Nance Oldfield |
Original author | Charles Reade |
Title | In The Night |
Original author | Stachovitch |
How to find this document
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Document ID: ET-D322 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1905 (BL) Loan 125/22/4