Document ID ET-D391

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1912-1915 (BL) Loan 125/22/8
Document description programme
Date 11 October 1913
Document form P - Poster or handbill
Document attributes Annotated
Corporate Body Charing Cross Hospital
Production Date(s) Saturday October 11th 1913
Venue London Coliseum
Venue address Charing Cross WC
Time of performance 8.30pm
General notes Good Samaritan performance organised by Sarah Bernhardt, attended by the King and Queen. Songs, recitals, skits and plays; recital by Ellen Terry.
Language English

Works Cited

Title Ten Little Nigger Boys all in a Row
Original author Harry Grattan
Title Phedre
Original author Racine
3 scanned images
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Document ID ET-D391, Image 1 of 3

LONDON COLISEUM CHARING CROSS W.C. Chairman and Managing Director - OSWALD STOLL Manager - ARTHUR CROXTON UNDER THE GRACIOUS PATRON AGE OF THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN Their Majesties the King & Queen, together with other Members of the Royal Family,have expressed their intention of being present at the "Good Samaritan" Perform- ance organised by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt at the London Coliseum on Saturday, October 11, 1913, at 8.30 In aid of the Earl of Lonsdale's Special Appeal on behalf of the Charing Cross Hospital and the Funds of the French Hospital in London.
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Document ID ET-D391, Image 2 of 3

His Majesty The King has graciously approved of the inclusion of the following Artistes in the Programme The order and artistes may be subject to alteration. Miss Ellen Terry will speak a few words written by Mr. Owen Seaman. Revue Tabloid played by the most famous Revue Artistes in Paris. Arranged and produced by Madame Rasimi. Mr. Robert Hale will sing his famous HUNTING SONG from "Everybody's Doing It" at the Empire Theatre. (By permission of Mr. Walter Dickson) "Ten Little Nigger Boys all in a Row" Written and produced by Mr. Harry Grattan. Messrs. Fred Emney Will Evans George Formby Neil Kenyon George Mozart George Robey Mark Sheridan George Graves Alfred Lester Huntley Wright Mr. W. C. Fields will give a display of remarkable Pyramid Shots. Madame Yvette Guilbert in selections from her repertoire. Messrs. Green and Wood the Humpsti-Bumpsti Comedians. Mr. Harry Tate in his "Fishing" Travesty. M. Harry Fragson and a Piano, Mlle. Lydia Kyasht will Dance. Mr. G. P. Huntley "Buying a Gun" from Mr. Harry Grattan Madame Kirkby Lunn will Sing. Messrs. Billy Merson and James A. Watts in Russian Ballet Skit. Danseur - Mr. Billy Merson Mlle. Havatollova - Mr. James A. Watts Madame Sarah Bernhardt and COMPANY in Act II. of Racine's "PHEDRE " Phedre - Mme, SARAH BERNHARDT Hippolyte - M. R. JOUBE Theramene - M. FAVIERES Aricie - Mlle. SEYLOR OEnone - Mme. BOULANGER Isurene - Mlle. DUC Musical Sketch By Seymour Hicks and Max Pemberton in which the principal Ladies and Gentlemen in Musical Comedy and Opera will appear, including Miss Yvonne Arnaud Miss Constance Drever Miss Florence Smithson Miss Ellaline Terriss Messrs. Joseph Coyne, George Grossmith, C. H. Workman, etc. "The Marseillaise" will be played by the Largely Augmented Orchestra; under the conductorship of SIR HENRY J. WOOD, at the close of the programme, followed by The National Anthem the solo of which will be sung by MR. IVOR FOSTER, the audience being requested to join in singing the chorus. Amongst the Theatrical and other Managers who have kindly given their permission for any of their artistes to be drawn upon for the purposes of the "Good Samaritan" Performance are :- Sir Herbert Tree, and Messrs. Frank Allen, ... Allan Aynesworth, Granville Barker, Alfred Butt, Charlot and Leveaux, Arthur Chudleigh, Robert Courtneidge, Tom B. Davis, Walter Dickson George Edwardes, P. Michael Faraday, Walter De Preece, Charles Frohman, Charles Gulliver, Carl F. Leyel: Henry Tozer, J. E. Vedrenne.
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Document ID ET-D391, Image 3 of 3

The entire Auditorium will be transformed, with masses of gold, pink carnations, and fleur-de-lys, and will be brilliantly illuminated. A new Royal Box, next to the stage on the level of the Balcony Stalls, is being constructed. All persons with tickets are re- quested to be in their seats not later than 8.15 p. m., when an Overture will be performed by a largely-augmented orchestra. The curtain will rise at 8.30 p.m., on the entrance into the theatre of Their Majesties and the Royal Party. PRICES OF ADMISSION Boxes - By arrangement Fauteuils 10 gns. Fauteuils 7 gns. Fauteuils 5 gns. Balcony Stalls 7 gns. Balcony Stalls 5 gns. Balcony Stalls 2 gns. Grand Tier Stalls 2 gns. Grand Tier Stalls 1 gn. Grand Tier Stalls 10/6 Balcony 5/. Promenade Royal Circle I gn. Promenade Grand Tier 10/6 Promenade Balcony 5/- Tickets may be obtained from the Countess of Lonsdale, Charing Cross Hospital, W.C.; or from the Advance Booking Office, London Coliseum (Telephone: Gerrard 7541). MILES & CO, LTD. PRINTERS TO H.M. THE KING 68 & 70 WARDOUR STREET. W
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Document ID: ET-D391 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1912-1915 (BL) Loan 125/22/8