Document ID ET-D406

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1917-1920 (BL) Loan 125/22/10
Document description programme
Date 20 December 1918
Document form D - Programme; O - Commercial artwork (eg. picture postcard, photograph)
Document attributes Annotated
Corporate Body National Milk Hostels
Production Date(s) Friday December 20th 1918
Venue London Palladium
Time of performance 2pm
Conductor Horace Sheldon
General notes Christmas Matinee in aid of National Milk Hostels for providing wholesome milk for poorest families; Lady Maud Warrender; item performed by Ellen Terry. Photograph on cover, 'Fetching Baby's Milk'.
Language English
6 scanned images
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Document ID ET-D406, Image 1 of 6

A Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Fetching Baby's Milk. Programme of Lady Maud Warrender's Grand Christmas Matinee (under the patronage of H.R.H. Princess Patricia of Connaught) in aid of the national milk hostels for providing wholesome milk for poorest families. London Palladium Managing Director – Charles Gulliver – Friday, December 20th, 1918 at 2 p.m.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The children to-day are the Nation to-morrow. There are 8,000 War Orphans and 32,000 Motherless Children of Men of the Services. The National Milk Hostels since August, 1914, have sent into the homes of the poorest families wholesome milk for the use of an expectant or nursing mother, or for a sick or convalescent child. Over 300,000 cases have been relieved, and a very large number of these have been cases in the home of our soldiers and sailors. We all know how excessively milk has increased in price, and this helps us to realise the heavier liabilities thrown on the National Milk Hostels if they continue the same relief, and heavier still as later urgent cases are added. In this week of Christmas plenty for so many of us, we cannot forget that in many poor homes there is always a vital need of something to help sustain a delicate working mother or a sick babe, and there is no substitute for it – MILK. Your help is needed to buy the milk. No other Christmas gift you are making can be of such value – it may even be a child life-saving value – nor can any appreciation equal the deep gratitude these poor mothers will express to you for your help to-day. National Milk Hostels. Council. Patroness: H.R.H. Princess Patricia of Connaught. Patron: The Right Hon. The Earl of Derby, K.G., The Dowager Duchess of Abercorn, The Duchess of Hamilton, The Duchess of Portland, The Marchioness Camden, The Marchioness of Crewe, The Marchioness of Headfort, The Countess Fitzwilliam, The Countess of Lonsdale, The Countess of Onslow, The Countess of Rocksavage, The Lady Llangattock, The Hon. Lady Bailey, Lady Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. T. Craven. Committee. Chairman: Muriel, Viscountess Helmsley. Deputy Chairmen The Countess of Clonmell, Mrs. Henry Sturgis. The Duchess of Sutherland, The Countess of Rothes, The Lady Celia Coates, The Lady Maud Warrender, Jessie, Lady Camoys, Mrs. R. Emmet, Sir Alfred Friipp, K.C.V.O, Dr. Edmund Cautley, Hon. Treasurer: Mr. H. Dixon Scott, Secretary: Miss Helen H. Blackburne, 39, St. Jame's Street, S.W. 1.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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Programme. 1. Mazuz & Mazette, 2. Miss Elsie Southgate, 3. T.E. Dunville, 4. Miss Teddie Gerard, 5. Lambelet's Ballet, 6. Miss Ellen Terry, 7. Prize guessing competition by the Audience (Please see slip in Programme), 8. The Lady Maud Warrender "Have you news of my boy Jack?" Words by Rudyard Kipling. Music by Edward German. "Have you news of my boy Jack?" Not this tide. "When d' you think that he'll come back?" Not with this wind blowing and this tide. "Has any one else had word of him?" Not this tide. For what is sunk will hardly swim, Not with this wind blowing and this tide! "Oh dear, what comfort can I find?" None this tide, nor any tide, except he didn't shame his kind, not even with that wind blowing and that tide! Then hold your head up all the more, this tide, and every tide, because he was the son you bore, and gave to that wind blowing and that tide! 9. (a) Film of H.M.S. "Vindictive" at Zeebrugge, kindly lent by The Ministry of Information (b) Film, Opening of a National Milk Hostel at Whitechapel by the Duchess of Portland. Prize Guessing Competition for the Audience. As shewn in the Programme, the Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Horace Sheldon, will play a few bars or less of 25 selections of well-known songs, etc. A prize will be given to each of five members of the audience who can correctly give the titles of the pieces in the order as played. If no list is correct then the next best five will win, and if more than five lists are equally correct the five winners will be drawn for. Be ready and write down now your full name and address and add Mr., Mrs., or Miss, and write plainly. The prizes will be sent on to the five winners. Pencils on sale at 1d each. [form for entering the competition]

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10. Auction by Miss Violet Loraine, of Certified Relics of H.M.S. "Vindictive," presented by Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, K.C.B., D.S.O. 11. Hanlon Charles Trio. 12. Miss Carrie Tubb (1) "The Housemaid's Ave Maria" – Craxton. (2) "The Orchard by the Sea" – Herbert Oliver. 13. Max Darewski. 14. Miss Violet Loraine. 15. Man-O'-War Caps have a turn. 16. Two Little Bits of Greece. From "As You Were". By kind permission of Mr. C. B. Cochran. 17. J. W. Rickaby. 18. Sam Barton. 19. Lilian Byrne. 20. Carl Hertz. At the Piano – Miss Auriol Jones. "God Save the King".

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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From the Letter File of the National Milk Hostels. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, in sending a donation of £100 from the front, adds: "I hope it will help the all-important work of providing pure milk for the poor children of London, a matter of such vital importance in these days." From an East-End Hostel. "It would be a real tragedy if our milk supply was stopped." From Hackney "We should like the National Milk Hostels to realise how very much they have benefited the poor mothers of this neighbourhood by the milk they have supplied to these, both before and after the time when they become mothers. The real good milk has helped them just at the time when they most needed the nourishment. Once poor woman, whose thirteenth baby was born since she had been receiving the milk, has told us that it is the healthiest and heartiest of all her thirteen." From a Guy's Hospital Doctor. "Every day I am able to pick out half a dozen infants or more whose miserable condition is directly the result of the want of a sufficient amount of pure milk. You will realise, therefore, how helpful the assistance of the Hostels has been." The Secretary at Hoxton writes: "If I could not give milk in this maternity (typhoid) case nothing else would do." A Matron writes: "The mothers of some of these children receive free milk daily, but owing to the large number of children we have here we can only give milk to the very poorest of the expectant mothers." From a Whitechapel Matron: "We find all our mothers speak most highly of the great benefit that they and the baby have derived from it." "There are so many cases of young and ailing children whose constitutions may be built up by help of this kind, and altogether it will be a great boon." "We think it is one of the most beneficial schemes which has been started, and on behalf of the poor mothers and babies we are most grateful to the Society." Entertainment Committee. The Lady Maud Warrender (Chairman), The Countess of Rothes, The Countess of Clonmell, Lady Rees, Mrs. R. Emmet, Mrs. Edward Hulton, Mr. H. Dixon Scott. The Council and Committees gratefully acknowledge the generosity of Colonel Charles Gulliver for lending the Theatre, arranging the Programme, and carrying out all the arrangements for the Matinee free of expense. The Council and Committees wish to express their thanks to: The Artists who have so kindly given their services. Sir George Elliott for waiving his contract rights. The Ladies who have assisted in selling Programmes, etc. ; and to Mr. Foster Marner for all his ready help as Honorary Manager.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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By Appointment to H.M. The King. J. Miles & Co Ltd printers 68 & 70, Wardour St., London W.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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Document ID: ET-D406 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1917-1920 (BL) Loan 125/22/10