Document ID ET-D418
Archive Location | ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1919-1922 (BL) Loan 125/22/10 |
Document description | programme |
Date | 19 February 1926 |
Document form | D - Programme |
Corporate Body | British Empire Shakespeare Society |
Production Date(s) | Friday February 19th 1926 |
Venue | Haymarket Theatre |
Time of performance | 2.45pm |
General notes | Address by Sybil Thorndike. Presentation of prizes by Dame Ellen Terry. |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | Actors in Shakespeare |
Original author | Ellen Terry |
Document ID ET-D418, Image 1 of 5
Haymarket Theatre (kindly lent by Mr. Frederick Harrison). The British Empire Shakespeare Society. (Founded by Miss Morritt in 1901). "Using no other weapon but his name." Council. President: H.H. Princess Marie Louise, G.B.E. Vice-Presidents: Mr. A. Acton-Bond, Hon. R.A.M, Mr. Henry Ainley, Sir Barry Jackson, M.A, Sir Frank Benson, LL.D, Mr. Arthur Bourchier, M.A., MR. W.L. Courtney, LL.D, Sir J. Forbes-Robertson, Mr. Frederick Harrison, M.A., Lord Howard de Walden, Mr. Henry Arthur Jones, M.A., Capt, Liddell, M.V.O., Sir John Martin-Harvey, Sir Henry Newbolt, M.A., Mr. Nigel Playfair, Miss Sybil Thorndike, LL.D., Sir Charles Wakefield, Bt., C.B.E, Sir E., Marshall-Hall, K.C. (Hon. General Treasurer). Non Sans Droiet. Hon. General Director – (Hon. General Secretary): Miss Edith Craig, 31 Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2, ‘Phone Gerrard 3873, An Address by Miss Sybil Thorndike, LL.D presentation of prizes by Dame Ellen Terry, G.B.E., LL.D, Friday, February 19th, 1926, at 2.45 p.m.
Document ID ET-D418, Image 2 of 5
Programme "Actors in Shakespeare" an address by Miss Sybil Thorndike. Chairman Mr. Henry Ainley. Vote of thanks to Sybil Thorndike. Proposed by – Mr. Arthur Bourchier, Seconded by – Mr. Nigel Playfair. Vote of thanks to the Chairman Proposed by – Sir Charles Wakefield, Bart, Seconded by – Capt, Liddell, M.V.O. There will be a short interval to enable members who have won prizes and certificates to assemble on the stage. Distribution of Prizes and Certificates by Dame Ellen Terry. Elocution awarded by Mr. Nigel Playfair. Professional Ladies, Miss Gibson – First prize give by Mr. Henry Arthur Jones, Miss Joyce Barnes – second prize given by Capt. Liddell, Miss Davies – High Commended – Certificate, Professional Juniors, Master Oliver Flint – First prize given by Sir Charles Wakefield, Br. Miss Margaret Hayes – Highly Commended. Amateur Ladies. Mrs. Vassall – First prize given by Mr. Nigel Playfair, Miss Constance Gregory – Second prize given by Mr. Percival Hall Jones, Miss C. Davies – Highly Commended – Certificate, Miss Peggie Robb-Smith – Highly Commended – Certificate, Mrs. Bernard Short – Highly Commended – Certificate. Amateur Ladies (Over the age of 15 and under 19. Miss Marie Seton – First prize given by Mrs. Masser Horniman, Miss Evelyn Attersole – Second prize given by Mr. J. M. Dent, Miss Mary Brash – highly Commended – Certificate, Miss Violet Craven – Highly Commended – Certificate. List of awards continued. Amateur Gentlemen Mr Michael Franklin – First prize given by Mr. Arthur Bourchier, Amatur Juniors Miss Vera Cook – First prize given by Miss Sybil Thorndike, Miss June Gordon – Second prize given by Sir Charles Wakefield, Br. Miss Monica Brett, Highly Commended – Certificate, Miss Margaret Simond – Highly Commended – Certificate, Master Malcolm Hayes – Highly Commended – Certificate. "Hamlet" Class. Miss Evelyn Purkis – First Prize given in memory of Margaret Herbert George, Miss Laglen – Highly Commended – Certificate, Sonnet or Lyric – Miss Sylvia Colomb – First prize given by H.H. The President, Mrs. Gordon – Highly Commended – Certificate, Acted Scene Bristol – First prizes given by Mr. A, Acton-Bond Miss A. Coates, Miss Violet Craven, Miss Cynthia Hortin, Bath – Highly Commended Miss Kathleen Parsons, Miss Evelyn Purkis, Miss Mary Southern, Miss Vassall. Essay. Awarded by Mr J, W, Joynt, M.A. Seniors, Mr. W. Dean Herring – First prize given by Lord Howard De Walden, Miss Violet M. Brown – Second prize given by Mrs. Masser Horniman, Mr. James Bury – Commended – Certificate, Mrs. McWilliam – Commended – Certificate, Mrs. Moscardi – Commended – Certificate, Miss Edith Pocock – Commended – Certificate, Miss Esme Scott-Harston – Commended – Certificate. Juniors, Miss Helena Jones – First prize given by Mr. J. W. Joynt, Miss Janet Baker – Commended – Certificate, Miss Beatrice Bellairs – Commended – Certificate, Miss Joan Brady – Commended – Certificate, Miss Margaret Jones - Commended – Certificate, Miss Audrey Phillips - Commended – Certificate, Miss Joan Stonehewer - Commended – Certificate, Miss Joan Swan - Commended – Certificate, Miss Mary Truelove - Commended – Certificate. Vote of thanks to Dame Ellen Terry. Proposed by Mr. Frederick Harrison, Seconded by – Mr A. Acton-Bond. Vote of thanks to Mr. Frederick Harrison. Proposed by – Sir Edward Marshall-Hall, K.C.
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Some Branch Hon. Sectretaries: Aberdeen: Mr. F. H. Hoggarth, 10 St. Mary's Place. Bath: Miss M. Churchill, Hillside, Limpsley Stoke, Belfast: Mr. S. A. Bulloch 29 Malone Park, Brighton: Mr. Lincoln Taylor, 48 Eaton Place, Bristol: Mr. W. S. A. Brown, 9 Tyndall Avenue, Cambridge: Miss G. Hazel Fry, Pinehurst, Grange Road, Mr. J. T. Lancaster, the Leys School. Cheltenham: Miss M. Pownoll Williams, 1 Queen's Circus, Darlington: Mr. W. A. Nicholls, 30 Thompson Street, E, Derby: Mrs. W. E. George, 31 Hartington Street, Dublin: Mr. W. H. Orpen, Wood Berry, Merrion Road. Mr. W. McC. Sherwood, 4 Belgrave Sqyare, Rathmines, Dunedin (New Zealand) Mr. H. W. Hunter P.O. Box 208, Ealing (London) Miss Duke, 13 The Common, Ealing, W. Edinburgh: Miss M. C. Forbes, 11 Darnaway Street, Enfield: Mr. F. C. Raphael, 35 Chase Green Avenue, Folkestone: Mrs. Brameld 26 Church Street. Glasgow: Mrs. Wyper, 60 Gt. George Street, Hillhead. Leamington & Warwick: Mrs. Humphriss, The Saltisford, Warwick, Malvern: Miss V. Bayfield, Pickersleigh Court. Newcastle: Mr. R. Woolf, 18 Haldane Terrace Jesmond. Oxford: Mrs. Yates 13 Bevington Road, Portsmouth Miss M. G. Breton, Queen's Crescent, Southsea. Reading: Miss Hay, Jacolines, Southern Hill, Sheffield: Mrs McWilliam, 1 Denbank Avenue, Sandygate. South-East London: Dr. Davies, 43 Tressillian Road, Brockley. Southend-on-Sea: Miss M. Eyre Ellis 59 Station Road, Leigh-on-Sea. Stratford-on-Avon: Miss D. E. Wallis, Red Walls, Wimbledon, Miss M. Stewart, 184 Worple Road. Headquarters – Hon. Assistant Secretary: Miss Jenkinson, 122 Palace Road, Tulse Hill, S.W.2. Officials Hon. General Dircetor – (Hon. General Secretary): Miss Edith Craig, 31 Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. ‘Phone No. Gerrard 3873. Hon. General Treasurer: Sir Edward Marshall-Hall, K.C., 3 Temple Gardens, E.C.4. Hon. Assistant General Secretary: Miss Jenkinson, 122 Palace Road, Tulse Hill, S.W.2. Hon. Auditor: Mr. Henry Haydon, A.S.A.A., 37 St. Mary Axe, E.C. Hon. Solicitors Messrs. J. H. Mote & Son, 11 Gray's Inn Square, W.C.1. Bankers: National Provincial Bank, Limited, South Kensington Branch. Objects and Methods. 1. – To promote greater familiarity with Shakespeare's Works among all classes throughout the British Empire. It is the rule of the Society to organise Dramatic Readings and acted scenes from Shakespeare's plays as often as possible, and lectures on his life and works. 2. – To help the rising generation not only to study Shakespeare's Works, but to love them. To institute special classes for children, with a view to making their early acquaintance with our greatest poet's work as pleasant as possible. 3. – To encourage the study of Shakespeare by Prizes given yearly for the best reading, recitation, acted scenes from his plays, or essay on Shakespeare, by Members of the Society. 4. – All Members and Associates are requested to attend as many readings, etc., as possible, and to make the Society known to their friends. 5. – The Society is open to give Pastoral Performances and Dramatic Readings of any Shakespearean play at colleges, institutions or private houses by arrangement. Cordial co-operation is extended to existing Shakespeare Societies. Membership. 1. – Membership of the Society is open to both adults and children. Membership of one centre implies membership of the Society throughout the Empire. 2. – The Entrance Fee for all classes of membership is 5/-. 3. – Special Member. Subscription £1 1s per annum. This entitles the holder to three front seats at every meeting. 4. – Privileged Member – Subscription 10/- per annum. This entitled the holder to two stalls at every meeting. 5. – Ordinary Member. Subscription 5/- per annum. This entitles the holder to one seat and the privilege of bringing a friend to the majority of meetings. 6. – Junior Member. Subscription 1/- per annum. This class is for those under fifteen years of age. The holder is entitled to one seat. 7.- Associate. Entrance fee 2s 6d. ; Annual Subscription 2s 6d. 8. – Institutional Associates (i.e., twelve or more persons from an institution), Entrance Fee 2s 6d. ; Annual Subscription 1s 6d. Associates have the right to attend all meetings, but they may not bring a friend without extra payment. Institutional Associates are not entitled to vote, though one person may register to vote for every twelve. No further Entrance Fee is necessary when a subscriber transfers from one Centre to another. Printed by Truslove & Bray Ltd., West Norwood, S.E. 27.
Document ID ET-D418, Image 4 of 5
Haymarket Theatre (kindly lent by Mr. Frederick Harrison). The British Empire Shakespeare Society. (Founded by Miss Morritt, 1901) "Using no other weapon but his name". Council. President: H.H. Princess Marie Louise, G.B.E. Vice Presidents, Mr. A. Acton-Bond. Hon. R.A.M, Mr. Henry Ainley, Sir Barry Jackson, M.A, Sir Frank Benson, LL.D., Mr. Arthur Bourchier, M.A., Mr. W. L. Courtney, LL.D, Sir J. Forbes-Robertson, Mr. Frederick Harrison, M. A., Lord Howard de Walden, Mr. Henry Arthur Jones, M.A., Captain Liddell, M.V.O., Sir John Martin-Harvey, Sir, Henry Newbolt, M.A., Mr. Nigel Playfair, Miss Sybil Thorndike, LL.D, Sir Charles Wakefield, Bt., C.B.E., Sir E. Marshall-Hall, K.C. (Hon. General Treasurer). Hon. General Director – (Hon. General Secretary): Miss Edith Craig, 31 Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. ‘Phone: Gerrard 3873. Miss Sybil Thorndike will give an address entitled "Actors in Shakespeare" on Friday Afternoon, February 19th, 1926 at 2.45 p.m. Doors Open 2.15 p.m. Chairman – Mr. Henry Ainley, other speakers will include Mr. A. Acton-Bond, Mr. Arthur Bourchier, Mr. Frederick Harrison, Mr. Nigel Playfair, Sir Charles Wakefield, Bt. Distribution of Annual Essay and Elocution Prizes by Dame Ellen Terry. Admittance can be obtained on presentation of the current year's Membership Car. A special members card will admit three, free of charge, to the Stalls, A special members card will admit three, free of charge, to the Stalls, A Priviliged members card will admit two, free of charge, to the Stalls, an Ordinary members card will admit two, free of charge, to the Dress Circle, A Junior members card will admit one, free of charge, to the Dress Circle, an Associate's members card will admit one, free of charge, to the Upper Circle. Extra Tickets for Non-Members may be purchased from the Assistant Secretary, Miss Jenkinson, 122 Palace Road, Tulse Hill, S.W. 2, as follows: - Stalls 5/- Dress Circle 4/- Upper Circle, 3/- Gallery 2/-. Students will be admitted in parties of 12 or more at half price. The front four rows of the Stalls will be reserved for Special Members until 5 minutes before the time of commencement of the matinee. Other seats can only be secured in order of arrival at the Theatre. Truslove & Bray, Ltd., Printers and Bookbinders, West Norwood, S.E. 27.
Document ID ET-D418, Image 5 of 5
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Document ID: ET-D418 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D235-418, 1919-1922 (BL) Loan 125/22/10