Document ID EC-D176

Archive Location EC PAG BOX, PAG1 (BL)
Document description programme
Date 18 Oct 1912 [12]
Document form D - Programme
Document attributes Annotated
Production Date(s) Friday 18 October 1912
Venue Little Theatre
Venue address Adelphi, London
Producer Jess Dorynne, Edith Craig
Stage Manager Regina Laurence, Sydney Pease
Choreographer Ina Pelly
Music Director Rosabelle Watson
General notes Actors include Olive Terry, Ina Pelly, Nicholas Hannen, Jes Dorynne, Estell Stead, Martha Vigo, Charles Staite.
Language English

Works Cited

Title The Telegram
Original author Jess Dorynne
Title The Gentleman Who Was Sorry
Original author A. Neil Lyons and Philip E. Hubbard
Title The Sacrifice
Original author Alfred Crocker
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-D176 Archive location: EC PAG BOX, PAG1 (BL)