Document ID ET-D430
Archive Location | ET PROGS ET-D418a-551;561a-589, 1899-1911 (BL) Loan 125/23A/1 |
Document description | programme, three copies |
Date | 28 October 1904 |
Document form | D - Programme |
Production Date(s) | 28 September [1904] to 1 October [1904] |
Venue | Grand Theatre |
Venue address | Boscombe |
Time of performance | 2.30pm 8pm |
Stage Manager | Charles La Trobe |
Costume Maker | Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig] |
Music Director | Christopher Wilson |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | The Merchant of Venice |
Original author | William Shakespeare |
Document ID ET-D430, Image 1 of 5
MR. MOUILLOT - Sole Proprietor
BOX OFFICE-Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Document ID ET-D430, Image 2 of 5
ELD'S CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORES. 74, Commerical Road, Bournemouth.
[14 empty ad boxes containing] TO LET.
The Wholesale Tobacco Supply Stores will be glad to see you at 3, Commercial Road, (Next door to the London Hotel) Bournemouth. Alfred Sutton-Proprietor. Importer of Havana & Mexacan Cigars. The Largest Stock in Bournemouth to select from.
Document ID ET-D430, Image 3 of 5
Sole Proprietors of the well-known whisky brands - Bobbie Scott & King Robert.
Robert Scott & Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, 114, Old Christchurch Road.
Sole Agents for Messrs. J.W.Rogers & Co., Brewers Bristol.
Coals. Coals. Good Kitchen Coal at 21/- per ton.
1/- per ton less for orders of 5 tons or over.
Best Coals of other qualities always in stock at lowest current prices. Price list on application. G.T. Walley, Coal Merchant. Latimer Road, Winton, Bournemouth. Te.. No. 771.
[empty box] TO LET.
MONDAY, September 26th, for Six Nights at 8, and MATINEE WEDNESDAY, at 2.30.
First Visit to Boscombe of Greatest Actress MISS ELLEN TERRY AND HER COMPANY.
Wednesday, Sept. 28th, Matinee and Evening, and Saturday Evening, Oct. 1st.
Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig.
Duke of Venice: Mr. J.S.Hamilton
Prince of Morocco ( Suitor to Portia): Mr. George Fitzgerald
Antonio (a Merchant of Venice): Mr. Charles Thursby
Bassanio (his Friend, Suitor to Portia): Mr. Matheson Lang
Friends to Antonio and Bassanio:
Gratiano: Mr. E. Harcourt
Salarino: Mr. Eustace Le Grand
Solanio: Mr. Halliwell Hobbes
Lorenzo (in Love with Jessica): Mr. T.A. Shannon
Shylock (a Jew): Mr. Alfred Bucklaw
Tubal (a Jew, his Friend): Mr. Charles Whittle
Lancelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock, and afterwards Servant to Bassanio): Mr. John Willes
Old Gobbo (Father to Lancelot): Mr. Leonard Craske
Servants to Portia:
Balthazar: Mr. Paul Burnand
Stephano: Mr. Penderel Price
Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia): Miss Audrey Campbell
Jessica (Daughter of Shylock): Miss Hutin Britton
Portia (a Rich Heiress): Miss Ellen Terry
Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, SErvants to Portia, and other Attendants.
Act 1: Venice.
Act 2-Scenes 1 and 3: Venice, Scenes 2 and 4: A Street in Venice.
Act 3-Scenes 1 and 3: Portia's House, Belmont, Scenes 2 and 4: A Street in Venice, Scene 5: Portia's House, Belmont.
Act 4: A Court of Justice, Venice
Act 5: The Garden, Belmont.
There will be no Interval between Acts 1 and 2
General Manager (for Miss Ellen Terry) Mr. Alfred Courtenay
Acting Manager: Mr. Thomas J. Courtly
Advance Representative: Mr. G. Aubrey Hall
Stage manager: Mr. Charles La Trobe
Musical Director: Mr. Christopher Wilson
Programme of Music
Overture "Poet and Peasant" - Suppe
Two Pieces - Matt
Three Dances "Henry VIII" German
Entr'acte "L'Extase" - Thome
Intermezzo "Forget-Me-Not" - Macbeth
Entr'acte "Alla Stella Confidente" - Robandi
Serenata - Mascagni
Conductor Mr. W. Hannan.
The arrangements for the Electric Lighting of this Theatre are under the direction of Messrs. Bacon & Curtis, Ltd. Bournemouth.
For the Best laundry work and for prompt delivery employ The Bournemouth Steam Laundry.
Good family laundry work specialy studied. We never fail in our deliveries. Apply-The manageress, The Bournemouth Steam Laundry, LIttledown Road, Tel. No.89.
For particulars apply to Rowland Stewart, Manager, Theatre Royal.
Document ID ET-D430, Image 4 of 5
[15 empty ad boxes containing] TO LET.
British & best. Caley's Milk Chocolate. Can be obtained at this Theatre.
Document ID ET-D430, Image 5 of 5
Prospective Engagements. Monday, October 3rd, for Six Nights Only. at 8, THE FEMALE SWINDLER.
Monday, October 10th, for Six Nights Only. at 8, AS MIDNIGHT CHIMES.
Monday, October 17th, for Six Nights Only. at 8, A MODERN JUDAS.
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Document ID: ET-D430 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D418a-551;561a-589, 1899-1911 (BL) Loan 125/23A/1