Document ID ET-D449

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D418a-551;561a-589, 1908 (BL) Loan 125/23A/3
Document description programme, two copies
Date 28 February 1908
Document form D - Programme
Document attributes Annotated
Production Date(s) 28 February 1908 to 29 February 1908
Venue Theatre Royal
Venue address Nottingham
Producer Charles Cartwright
Stage Manager Frank Powell
Scene Designer W. T. Hemsley
Costume Maker L. & H. Nathan, Miss Fisher
Costume Designer Edith Craig
Orchestra Theatre Royal Orchestra
Music Director Mark Strong
Language English

Works Cited

Title Henry of Lancaster
Original author Gladys Unger
Record updated:

How to find this document

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Document ID: ET-D449 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D418a-551;561a-589, 1908 (BL) Loan 125/23A/3