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Some Branch Hon. Secretaries. Belfast: Miss Erskine, Longwood, Whitehouse, Birmingham: Mr. W. B. Thursfield, 44, Waterloo Street, Brentwood:Miss C. M. Argente, 65, Westbury Road, Bristol: Mr. J. F. Holloway, Cairns, Villa, Sneyd Park, Cheltenham: Miss Clara Holmes, Evesham House. Darlington: Mrs. Middlemiss, Wear Court. Derby: Mr. Victor Vaughan, 105, Kedleston Road. Dublin: Mr. H. O. Tisdall, 21, Brighton Sq., Rathgar, Ealing, (London): Miss M. L. Thomson, 51 Eaton Rise. Edinburgh: Miss G. H. Gibson-Thomson, 31, Cluny Gardens. Glasgow: Mrs. Wyfer, 6, Burnbank Gardens, Hereford: Dr. Paul. Chapman 1, St John Street. Leamington: Miss Florence Turner, Sherbourne Lodge, Liverpool: Mr. H. E. Brown, Phoenix Chambers, Exchange, New Cross (London): Miss K. E. Golding, 20, Manor Rd, Brockley, S.E and Dr. J. Stanley Davies 316, Queen's Road, S. E. Norwood (London): Mr. E. C. Mundy, 91, St Julian's Farm Road, Plymouth: Mrs. Arthur Picken, 8, Hillsborough, Ripon: Miss Bittleston, The Crescent and Miss Cust Nunn Sharow Cottage. Sheffield: Mr. A. S Price, 43, Southgrove Road, Stanhope: Miss Pulleine, The Rectory, R.S.O. Stratford-on-Avon: Miss Carter, Shottery Hall, Uxbridge: Miss J. E. Stevens, Coniston Lodge. Weston-super-mare: Mr. Wm. Geo. Harrison, Warwick Villa, Beach Road, Wolverhampton: Miss Pearman, Summerfield Road, Worcestershire, Miss E. O. Browne, College Green, Worcester, Worcester: (Victoria Institute) Mrs. E. Day, 5, Britannia Square, Wellington (New Zealand) Mr. W. D. Gorham. Box 502, G. P. O. York: Mr. R. N. Inglis, 4 Coney Street. Officials Hon. General Director: Mr. Acton Bond (Hon. General Secretary), 8, Clifton Hill, London, N.W. ‘Phone No. 6775 P.O. Hampstead. Hon. Superintendent of the school selection: Mrs. Mole I, Trebovir Road, London, S.W. Hon. Auditors: Messrs. Barton, Mayhew & Co. (Chartered Accountants), Alderman's House, Bishopsgate, E.C. Acting General Secretary: Mr. John Beamish, 81, Regency Street, London, S.W. Bankers: National Provincial Bank of England, South Kensington Branch. Objects and Methods. To promote greater familiarity with Shakespeare's Works among all classes throughout the British Empire. It is the rule of the Society to organize Dramatic Readings and acted scenes from Shakespeare's plays as often as possible, and lectures on his life and works. It is proposed to institute special classes for children, with a view to making their early acquaintance with our greatest poet's work as pleasant as possible. To form Shakespeare Clubs and Reading Societies (or help those already existing) in London, in the Provinces, and in the Colonies. The Society is open to give private Dramatic Readings of any Shakespearean play at colleges, institutions, or private houses by arrangement. Membership 1. – The annual subscription for members if 5s.; entrance fee, 5s. A donation of £5 shall constitute life membership. Members take precedence of other Subscribers in the position of seals and may bring a friend to the majority of meetings. 2. – Associates' entrance fee, 2s. 6d.; annual subscription, 2s. 6d. Institutional Associates (i.e. 12 or more persons from an Institution). Entrance Fee, 2/6; Annual Subscription, 1/6. 3. – Children under 16, annual subscription, 1/- On attaining the age of 16 they become Associates, and may become Members on payment of Associates Entrance Fee of 2s 6d. 4. – Anyone wishing to join the Society may obtain all particulars from the Acting General Secretary, Mr, John Beamish, 81, Regency Street, S.W. Special members. All those subscribing £1 : 1 : 0 per annum, instead of 5/-, are entitled at every meeting to two of the specially reserved front seats – which have hitherto only been set apart for the Press Patrons and Distinguished Shakespeareans.