Document ID ET-D501, Image 1 of 2
Telephone- HOP 1290.
Licensed by the Lord Chamberlain to the Lessee and Manager ... LILIAN BAYLIS.
The Shakespeare
Tercentenary Festival
APRIL 22nd to MAY 5th, 1916
Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of his death.
Plays produced by BEN GREET.
Played by the Vic, Repertory Company, includina
Robert Atkins Ethel Harper Ray Litvin Mark Stanley
Katherine Carew Henry Kendall Mona Maughan Margaret Sutcliffe
Muriel de Castro Gwen Lally Ernest Meads Sybll Thorndike
Arthur Fayne Victor Lewisohn William Stack Ernest Walker
and helped by their Guests, amongst whom are Olive Walter
Viola Tree, Estelle tead, Beatrice Wilson & J. Fisher White.
Saturday, April 22nd. at 7.45 ... Twelfth Night
Easter Monday, April 24th
at 2.30 ... The Taming of the Shrew
at 7.45 ... Othello
Tuesday, April 25th, at 2.30, SPECIAL MATINEE
given by friends of the Vic., including
Miss Mary Anderson, Mr. Henry Ainley
and Miss Ellen Terry
Our unusually low prices will be doubled on this occasion to try and
make up the deficit on the Shakespeare Season.
At 8.30, Lecture by William Poel on
Shakespeare's Theatre,
illustrating by 100 slides the development of the form of the
Theatres from the earliest time to the present day, including many
pictures which show scenes from Shakespeare's Plays in the
costumes of his age.
Wednesday, April 26th
at 2.30 ... Much Ado About Nothing
at 7.45 The Winter's Tale
Thursday, April 27th, at 2.30 Macbeth
Friday. April 28th, at 7.45 ... Taming of the Shrew
Saturday, April 29th, at 1.50
HAMLET in its entirety.
Stall 2/6 & 1/3 (reserved). Pit 4d. and 6d. Gallery 3d.
Monday, May lst, at 7.45 Macbeth
Tuesday. May 2nd, at 8.30, Lecture by Arnold Dolmetsch
assisted by his family, on The Original Music and
Dances of Shakespeare's Plays.
Wednesday, May 3rd,
at 2.30 ... The Merchant of Venice
at 7.45 Much Ado About Nothing
Thursday, May 4th, at 2.30 ... Henry V.
This Play will be given in the Elizabethan manner.
Friday, May 5th, at 2.30 & 7.45 . .. As You Like It
(Last performance of the Season.)
Reserved Stall Ticket, transferable, available for the entire Festival, £1 1s. & £2 2s,
Series Ticket 10/6, admitting to all performances excepting the Special Matinee and "Hamlet."
Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7.45.
April 6th and 8th
Maude Willby, Dorothy Wiley, Anderson Nicol,
S. Harrison and Frederick Hudson.
April 13th and 15th (Passion Week)
(In Opera Form)
ELIJAH, Mendelssohn.
Produced by BEN GREET.
The Widow Mdme. Gleeson-White.
The Angel Miss Dilys Jones.
Obadiah Mr. Robert Percival,
Elijah Mr. Thorpe Bates.
April 21st (Good riday)
Chas. Corri's Sacred Concert
from other well-known Works. (See Special Bills.)
April 27th and 29th
ELIJAH will be repeated by Special Request.
May 4th and 6th
Last Operas of the Season.
Mascagni, and
PAGLIACCI, Leoncavallo.
Dorothy Wiley, Maude Willby, Robert Cortis,
Robert Percival, Fredk. Hudson and S. Harrison.
If the attendances at the Thursday and Saturday
Operas continue to crowd the House, as during
March, two more weeks of Opera will be arranged.
The Operas to be chosen from those given during-
the season by votes from the audience.
Full Chorus and Orchestra.
Conductor- Mr. CHAS. CORRI.
The small permanent Orchestra for Lectures and Plays is also
under Mr. Corri's direction .
Our Season continues from September to May, during which
time 20 Shakespeare and Classical Plays and the following
Operas have been given- Carmen, Cavalleria Rusticana and
Pagliacci, Daughter of the Regiment, Don Giovanni, Maritana,
Rigoletto, La Traviata, Il Trovatore, Martha, Faust, Lily of
Killarney, The Bohemian Girl.
Stalls 2s. 3d. Pit 4d. and 6d. Gallery 2d. Matinees 3d.
Boxes £ 1 1 s.. 10s. 6d., and 6s. 6d.
This Programme is subject to alteration (see Weekly Bills).
Special Terms for School Parties of more than 20 in number.
Letters requiring an answer should be accompanied by a stamped envelope.
Postal Orders, etc., to be made payable to the Manager, LILIAN BAYLIS.
The Victoria Hall is situated nearly opposite Waterloo Station, a hundred yards south of the Union Jack Club .
Members of His Majesty's Forces in Uniform admitted at half-price (as always the rule here).
Merser & Sons, Printers (T.U.), Kennington Cross, S.E.