Document ID ET-D504, Image 2 of 7
Savoy Theatre Matinee on Tuesday, June 27th, at 2.30 p.m. Under the Direct Patronage of H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg. In Aid of the St. Pancras School for Mothers. During every hour of 1915 we were losing ten soldiers and eleven babies. The soldiers' deaths we could not prevent, but a large number of the infant lives could have been saved. Because of ignorance which is curable, because of improper conditions which are remedial, we lose these babies who ought to grow up strong and healthy citizens, ready to work for their country, and we allow their brothers and sisters who survive to grow up as weaklings, handicapped in mind and body, and unfitted to take their place as useful citizens. Experts tell us that half of these deaths might be prevented, and that the simple hygienic measures which prevent death in babyhood are also the measures which lay the foundations in strong and healthy minds and in sound bodies, for those who survive to be our future men and women. What the St. Pancras school is doing to save the babies. The house and garden stands in the centre of a densely-populated neighbourhood. All day long it is crowded like a hive with mothers and babies – the busy bees coming in to find the homey of health and strength. We have three doctors, consultations for mothers and babies, an ante-natal clinic for expectant mothers, a dental clinic for mothers and children up to 5 years old, classes and lectures on home nursing, infant care, first-aid and housewifery, an expectant-mothers "at home" on Monday afternoon, sewing, cutting-out, knitting, mending and cookery classes. There is an addition a Belgian babies' clinic and an observation nursery which is open all day for children who are not thriving or whose mothers are temporarily unable to look after them from illness. Here the mothers come and learn how to feed their babies properly and watch their children's improvement, owing to teaching of regularity, cleanliness and order, on which so much proper nursery hygiene depends. President: Her Grace The Duchess of Marlborough, Chairman: Lady Meyer, Hon. Treasurers: H. B. Irving, Esq. E. Dunmore. Esq. Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Alys Russell. Organising Hon. Sec. for Matinee: Mrs. H. B. Irving, Savoy Theatre, Strand. Patrons: Her Grace The Duchess of Rutland, Her Grace Adeline Duchess of Bedford, The Lady Northcliffe, Lady Hall, Mrs. Asquith, The Duke of Rutland, The Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of London, Sir Thomas Barlow, K.C.V.O., M.D.
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