Document ID ET-D508, Image 7 of 7
Palladium Alhambra. Sunday, March 18th, at 3. George Robey's Concert in aid of the Union Jack Club Extension Fund. The following Artistes have kindly promised to appear by permission of their respective Managers – London Symphony Orchestra, Conductor – Edmund Maney, Mr. Henry Ainley, Mr. Harry Atkinson (The Australian Orpheus), Miss Lois Barker, Miss Jose Collins, The Gresham Singers, Mr. Rupert Hazell, Miss Shirley Kellogg, Mr. Nelson Keys, Miss Gladys Labin, Miss Jura Lee-Rennell, Mr. Henri Leoni, Mr. Stanley Logan, Luvaun, Miss Violet Loraine, Madame Kirkby Lunn, Miss Helen Mar, Mr. Cooper Mitchell, Mr. Max Mossell, Miss Thelma Petersen, Mr. Arthur Playfair, Mr. George Robey, Madame Elsa Stralia, Mr. Tom Stuart, Mr. Percy Tarling, Mr. Jack Thompson, Miss Irene Vanbrugh, Mr. Augustus Yorke. Reserved Seats – 1/8 to 11/6. Sunday, March 18th, at 6.30. Band of H. M. Irish Guards (by permission of Col. Lord Ardee, C.B.) Conductor – Mr. Charles H. Hassell. Vocalists – Miss Flora Woodman, Miss Laura Evans-Williams, Miss Margaret Balfour, Miss Elsie Gough, Mr. Walter Glynne, Mr. Sidney Pointer, Mr. Fraser Gange, Mr. Bridge Peters. Songs at the Piano – Mr. Ernest Hastings, Entertainer – Mr. Selwyn Driver, Irish Folk Songs – Mr. Jerome Murphy, Monologue – Miss Gertrude Tomalin. Admission Free. Doors open at 6. Commence at 6.30 p.m. Numbered and Reserved Seats including tax 1s. 2d., 1s. 8d., 2s, 2d., 2s, 8d., 3s, 3d., and 5s, 3d. Box Office at the Palladium open on Sundays from 1 p.m. No Booking Fee. Telephone: Gerrard 1004. Seats from 2s, 8d. can be reserved until 7 p.m. Tickets can be obtained on week days at N.S.L. Offices, 34, Red Lion Square, W.C., or at Palladium Advance Booking Office. Sunday, March 18th, at 7 George Robey's Concert in aid of the Motor Transport Volunteers. The following Artistes have kindly consented to appear by permission of their respective Managements – The Alhambra Orchestra, Conductor – Mr. John Ansell. Mr. Henry Ainley, Miss Lois Barker, Miss Norah Blaney, Miss Hutin Britton, Mr. Harry Dearth, The Gresham Singers, Mr. Mark Hambourg, Mr. Rupert Hazell, Mr. Harry Hudson, Mr. Stanley Kirkby, Mr. Nelson Keys, Miss Shirley Kellogg, Miss Gladys Labin, Miss Kura Lee-Rennell, Miss Carrie Tubb, Mr. Matheson Lang, Mr. Henri Leoni, Mr. Stanley Logan, Miss Violet Loraine, Luvaun, Miss Helen Mar, Mr. Austin Melford, Melsa, Mr. Cooper Mitchell, Mr. Arthur Playfair, Mr. George Robey, Miss Madge Saunders, Mr. Tom Stuart, Mr. Percy Tarling. Mr. Horatio Bottomley will speak on the work of the Motor Transport Volunteers. Reserved Seats 5/3 to 11/6. Tickets will not be sent nor enquiries answered unless a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed for reply. No allowance will be made for any ticket lost, mislaid or not used. Henry Mills, Secretary.
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