Document ID EC-D186/2
Archive Location | EC PION, PION10 (BL) |
Document description | programme |
Date | 12 November 1909 |
Document form | D - Programme |
Document attributes | Annotated |
Production Date(s) | Nov 12th 1909 |
Venue | Scala Theatre |
Producer | Edith Craig |
General notes | The Actresses’ Franchise League and The Women Writers’ Suffrage League matinee; annotated with 35 autographs. |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | A Pageant of Famous Women |
Original author | Cicely Hamilton |
Title | The Pot and the Kettle |
Original author | Cicely Hamilton and Christopher St John |
Title | The Master |
Original author | Gertrude Mouillot |
Title | The Outcast |
Original author | Beatrice Harraden |
How to find this document
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Document ID: EC-D186/2 Archive location: EC PION, PION10 (BL)