Document ID ET-D572

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D418a-551;561a-589, Lectures 1911-16 (BL) Loan 125/23A/8
Document description programme, three copies
Date 6 July 1912
Document form P - Poster or handbill
Condition foxing
Corporate Body British Empire Shakespeare Society
Production Date(s) Thursday July 6th [1912]
Venue Duke of York's Theatre
Venue address St Martin's Lane
Time of performance 3pm
General notes Handbill for special matinee, with one of Ellen Terry's Shakespeare Lectures. Stamped 'full programme later'.
Language English

Works Cited

Title Letters in Shakespeare's Plays
Original author Ellen Terry
2 scanned images
Image not available

Document ID ET-D572, Image 1 of 2

The British Empire Shakespeare Society. President: SIR HENRY IRVING. Vice-Presidents: MR. GEORGE ALEXANDER, MR. FORBES ROBERTSON, MR. LEWIS WALLER. --- A SPECIAL MATINEE WILL BE GIVEN AT THE Duke of York's Theatre, ST. MARTIN' S LANE, (Kindly lent by MR. CHARLES FROHMAN,) On Thursday, July 6th, WHEN MISS ELLEN TERRY will give an ADDRESS on the "Letters in Shakespeare's Plays." The Entertainment will include contributions from several distinguished Artistes and a DRAMATIC READING by the above Society [overlaid with stamp: FULL PROGRAMME LATER] --- Admission Free to Members and Associates Strangers Tickets (at usual Theatre Prices) may be obtained on application to Mr. CLIVE CURRIE, 76, Princes Square. W. Members and Associates desirous of attending, will please send a stamped addressed envelope to Mr. CLIVE CURRIE, 76, Princes Square, W., tickets will then be forwarded as soon as possible. Doors open 2.30. Commence 3. FARMER 4 SONS, 295 EDGWARE ROAD, W.
Image not available

Document ID ET-D572, Image 2 of 2

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Document ID: ET-D572 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D418a-551;561a-589, Lectures 1911-16 (BL) Loan 125/23A/8