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Holiday Presents. At Levi Weinberger's 162 Lexington St., sole agency for Burt's shoes. We offer Ladies Parisian Shoes, made by F. Pinet, 44 Rue de Paradis, Pris, France for Christmas Presents. This is a suitable present and not easily duplicated in Philadelphia or New York as very few shoe houses import directly, the duty on these shoes being very high. Every pair put up nicely in a box and stamped Pinet. Ladies' fine slippers, for Christmas presents, made in Paris, France, by Ferry, Rue de Auber. Louis Quinze Heels perfectly lovely. Burt's fine French Kid, hand made, put up in a neat box. These shoes are guaranteed, and wherever the purchaser is dissatisfied with the wear we give another pair. We purchased at the late New York bankrupt sales the finest lot of Gentlemen's Slippers ever shown in Baltimore, which will be sold much under their actual value. Gentlemen's embroidered, pale pink silk rosebuds, ribbon embroidered, the latest New York novelties, only $1.98, worth $3.50. Gentlemen's plush slippers, $2.98, worth $5. Gentlemen's point-toe slippers, $2.98, worth $5. Gentlemen's Blue Fine Kid Slippers. Gentlemen's Velvet Embroidered Slippers, only 98 cents. Gentlemen's Cloth Silk Embroidered Slippers, only 98 cents. Burt's Child's Spring Heel, only $2. At Levi Weinberger's 162 Lexington St. Sole Agency Burt's Shoes. Jm Chanut Paris, Paris Kid Gloves for Ladies, Gentlemen and Misses. The best fitting, the best wearing, the cheapest of all gloves. No. 16 N. Charles Street. Ladies trying one pair of the Chanut Paris made gloves, will find them superior in fit, elegance and durability to any other make sold in the market. Manufactory 43 B. St. Germain, Paris, No 16 N. Charles St., Balto, MD. N. B. – All our Gloves are repaired free of charge, and cleaned for 5 cents per pair. La Blance Face Powder. Geo. H. Jones, Manager. J. Haney, Manufacturer of every description of human hair goods. Ventilated invisible waves and bangs a speciality; also, wigs, braids, curls, etc. 35 N. Charles St., 1 door above Lexington. Wm. H. Beach, Grand Bowling and Billiard Halls. Opposite the academy of music Sherwood Whiskey and Milwaukee beer a speciality. Choice brands of wines, liquors & cigars. Dalsheimer & Bro. One Price House, 55 North Eutaw Street. The popularity of our Hand Made Shoes is owing to their softness, pliability and ease to the feet, and in these respects they excel any shoes made in this city. Our $2.00 Hand Made, Spring Heels will give children perfect comfort and keep their feet in proper shape, and parents will be surprised at the excellent wear they give; we guarantee they will stand three half soles. This Style. Hand made $3.50. Coming for One Week, December 31. Louis Aldrich and Charles T. Parsloe, with their Superb Star Company. In the greatest play of the age, My Partner by Bartley Campbell, Esq., pronounced by Press and Public a perfect performance. "A simply story of the West, but not of flight or savage brave, but of a love as tender true, as ever knight to lady gave." Nathan Gutman 66 Lexington St., Near Charles, Silk, Dress Goods, Laces, gloves , dress trimmings, &c. Paris novelties of our own direct importation. The largest stock of wraps in the City. M. Goldenberg, 132 Lexington St., near Park, Bargains in Silk, Dress Goods & Dry Goods generally. Largest ad finest stock of plush Coats, Dolmans and Langtry's. $25.00 and upwards. New York Confectionery Co., 140 Lexington Street. Oyster and lunch parlor. Hours for business from 7. A.M. to 12 P.M. S. Hamilton Caughy. N. W. Caughy. Noah Walker & Co. Wholesale and Retail Clothier, 165 & 167 Baltimore St., Bet. Calvert and Light Sts. Will send, on application, Rules for Self Measurement and a full line of samples free. Children's Clothing a Speciality. William Adler, Popular dry goods & Notion House. 308 North Howard Street, Opp. Richmond Market, Baltimore. Mueller, Photographic Artist. Excellent Work At Moderate Rates. Please visit our Studio and examine Specimens of our work. 160 S. Broadway. Ladies' underwear. Special Department. We manufacture our own Goods, and guarantee fit and wear. Brylawski, No. 60 Lexington St. How to get $5 per week when sick or disabled $100 in case of accident or total disability. $500 in ten years. Your children to be industrious, yourself and family a good home at a small cost. Our journal for three months free of cost, by sending your name and address (with six stamps 1c stamps for postage) to James Carter, 49 N. Liberty Street. Name Paper. Baltimore, Md. Aaron Brag, 489 & 491 W. Baltimore St., between Arch and Pine, The Most Popular and Most Reliable Furniture & Carpet House in the City. A. Staib, Practical Watchmaker, 80 W. Fayette St., Between Charles and ST. Paul. Fine Silver and Gold Watches, Clocks, all guaranteed. Fine Watch Repairing a Speciality. Staib's. Hats, Bonnets & Feather. Hats & Bonnets bleached or dyed and altered to fashionable shapes. Feathers cleaned, curled and dyed in the most approved manner. We have also the Novelties in Shapes, and are receiving additions constantly. Wilson & Perry, 101 Lexington Street. The Old Staten Island Fancy Dying Establishment, 43 North Charles St. Dresses and Ladies' Garments cleaned and Dyed. Crape renovated equal to new. Barrett, Nephews & Co. The Peabody School of Languages, 131 N. Charles Street, Near Centre Street, Near Centre Street. Modern Languages, Ancient Languages, Competent Teachers, Practical Method. Prof. R. C. Beer, Director. The only reliable and standard brands of cigarettes and fine tobacco, Kinney Bros. Veteran, Corporal, 1-2, St. James, &C. Sultana, Caporal, Ambassador, St. James 1-2, &C. Pure Tobacco and Pure Rice Paper. Pioneer Cigarette Manufacturers of America. Jas. Pentland, Florist, Removed to 27 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD. Baskets and Bouquets of Flowers, Ornamental Floral Designs, Decorations for Parties, Weddings, Suppers, etc. Arranged in the best style of the art. Excelsior, S. W. Cor. Baltimore and Light Sts. The Place to Outfit. All the Novetlies of the Season now ready. If you want fine ready made clothing our house is the place to buy them. Likes, Berwanger & Co. One Price Clothiers 216 and 218 W. Baltimore Street. Jointless, Matting. J. Crawford & Lyon, John W. Hall, William A. Lyon, Special Partner. Lyon & Co. Limited Carpets. 236 W. Baltimore St., 2 doors above Charles. Inspect before you buy New York Prices Guaranteed. The best place! Silver Plated Ware Manufacturers. Chas. W. Hamill & Co, Calvert and German Streets. Baltimore's only live Hatter! Jos. Sigmund, 63 N. Eutaw Street. John B. Stetson & Co's Fine Stiff Hats. Correct Styles. Moderate Prices. Pels' made Shoes for Ladies at $3.50 are superior to all others. Pels' ladies' $2.50 button boots cannot be excelled anywhere. Shoes of every description made to order at short notice and moderate prices. Pels' Ladies' Slippers are the Handsomest in Balto. Pels' Custom Shoemakers. 59 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore. Try the XLNT Corn Cure and you will mark the day with a white stone that your attention was called to it. All that use it are enthusiastic in its praise, and your comfort and ease is also desired. Try it at once. 25 cents per bottle. J. H. Perkins & Co's Pharmacy. (C.V. Emich) No. 136 North Howard Street. Finger Nails Beautified. Mll'e Reid, Manicure. Office for ladies and gentlemen. Removed to 89 North Charles Street. Manicure Goods for Sale. Bill of the Play. All inquiries concerning the Advertising Department must be sent to H. J. Conway Academy of Music. The Box Office of this Theatre is open daily, from 8.30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M., at McCaffrey's Music Store, No. 9 North Charles Street, and from 7.30 P.M. till 10 at the Academy, in charge of Mr. Alvin Talbott. The lowest prices will be maintained and duly announced in local newspapers. The Doors will be opened at 7.39 o'clock. The performance will begin at 8 o'clock promptly. For the Matinees, the doors will be opened at 1.30 and the play begin at 2. A Toilet Room for ladies will be found at the south side of the Foyer where a maid is always in attendance. Ladies may here have their wraps, hats and parasols checked. A Cloak Room for the accommodation of all, where wraps, umbrellas, coats and canes may be left, and checks will be given. The Manager will consider it a favor if the patrons of the Academy will report to his office any inattention on the part of employees. Coming Attractions. Sothern, Modjeska, Fanny Davenport, in Fedora. Jalma. Princess Chuck. Mapleson Grand Opera, Patti and Gerster. "Rajah" and "Esmeralda," from Madison. Sq. Theatre Original Companies. Abbey Grand Opera, Nilsson, Scalchi, Campanini. Salsbury's Troubadours and many others. Esmeralda. One of the most brilliant successors of the Madison Square Theatre artists this season is that of Miss Louise Dillon, as Esmeralda. She took the place of Miss Annie Russel, which was considered very difficult to fill. How well Miss Dillon has succeeded is evidenced by the voice of the Press throughout the West and South, particularly in the latter section, where the lady is an especial favorite. She was born in Savannah, Ga., and has bee all her life in the profession which she now adorns. Farewell American Tour of the Eminent Polish Actress Modjeska. During her engagement she will appear in "As You Like it;" "Camille;" "Twelfth Night;" and a new Play entitled "Thora, or A Doll's House," from the pen of the Norwegian dramatic author named Herrick Ibsen. The play is in three acts, the date modern, the scene is laid in Norway and is a story of one day's life, representing morning, noon and night. It is entirely of a domestic character, a true story in real life, which borders mainly upon the actions of a young and innocent wife addicted to telling white lies," and who does not see the sin of it. Not knowing that it is a crime, she forges her father's name to procure money to save the life of her husband. The motive of the play is a strong one, and the plot interesting. Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For sale by all druggists – price 25 cents. Wm. H. Rose & Co., Sole Manufacturers of Patent Spring Clasping Loop Neck Wear. To be worn to be appreciated. Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs; Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs and Gent's Fine Gloves. With Patent Fasteners. Gentlemen's Fine Furnishers, 27. N. Charles St., near Lexington. Big It! As runs the old son – "There is something within which speaks," so also there is within us a something which serves a purpose, and all animal creation has it. Stages of developments are numerous and uses varied. Fiddle-strings take their peculiar quality from it as developed in one member of the animal creation, while the gentle sausage derives shape from its most happily constituted character as it is brought into perfection in another member of the animal kingdom. Of late its development has become strikingly apparent in sundry species of the human family, and had the well-known western Senator, who, some years ago, made the aristocracy of it the subject of a popular magazine sketch, waited until quite recently, specimens could have been brought to his attention which would have largely added to the interest of his effort. Now would his pen trace gracefully flowing sentences, not of the aristocracy of it, but of the entire absence of aristocracy without it. The it has become the one all-pervading semblance of personale, and the body that once was so familiar and pleasing to the eye is now no more. All it, big it, and while the world may look on and breathlessly exclaim, "for Heaven's sake, what is it? No one but an experienced artist in sausage, or an old-time manufacturer of violins and other stringed instruments could possible solve the conundrum. Being of peculiar construction, and habituated to absorption, as it expands and assumes proportions, all creation itself could not glut it, while everything on earth is viewed as its own to gobble in at pleasure. Any effort on the part of others to seek now and then a little nourishment in form of railway passenger business is met with an emanation which, if such could be, would straightway kill. However, as the man said who unfortunately lived near a soap and glue factory, the atmosphere is not very salubrious if odoriferous, and soap and glue must be made, if for no other purpose than to render the more pleasing and delightful contact with other things. As the B. & O. is not in the fiddle or the sausage business, even figuratively, it has no use for abnormal developments, either in one way or the other, and having no dime museum to sustain is not in the market for curiosities. It will continue business at the old stand. There will be no exactions in the way of making the public pay the fiddler for dancing not done. If you have a bad cough or cold use Darby's Superior Cough Drops. They excel all others1 For sale by all druggists. Manufactured by Darby & Co., Baltimore, MD. The latest Kinney Bros. Straight Cut Cigarettes. The finest grade as to Quality, Purity, Flavor and Workmanship ever offered for Sale. Everybody knows what Excelsior Sells.
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