Document ID ET-D602, Image 2 of 3
A. J. Nutting & Co., Leading Clothiers of Brooklyn. Official Programme Haverley's Theatre Rich. G. Hollaman, Publisher, 73 Fulton, St., N. Y. List of attractions – Season of 1883 – 1884. Only appearance in Brooklyn this season of the following stars and combinations: Mr Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry, and his entire Lyceum Theatre Co., from London, England, under the management of Henry E. Abbey, Mr. Edwin Booth, under the management of Brooks & Dickson, Mr. John McCullough, under the management of Wm. M. Connor, Augustin Daly's Original Co., in his latest successors, McCaull's Opera Comique Co., it "The Beggar Student." The original Union Square Theatre Co. The Great Success, "The Silver King." Mr. J. K. Emmet, in his New Play, "Fritz, the Bohemian." The powerful drama, entitled "The Pavements of Paris." Marie Prescott and Company. Mr. Lester Wallack and Company. Duff's Standard English and Italian Opera Co. The Grand Military Dra,a "Her Atonement," with Brass Band and Drum Corps. Rice's Surprise Party, in "Pop." The Standard Opera Company in "The Merry Duchess." M. W. J. Furguson, in his latest success "A Friendly Tip." Miss Clara Morris in "Article 47." Mr. Thos. W. Keene and Company. J. H. Haverly's Comedy Company. Mrs. Langtry, in her Repertoire of Standard Plays. Emma Abbot English Opera Co Thatcher, Primrose & West's Minstrels. Return Engagement, The Latest Landon and New York Melodrama, "In The Ranks." Return engagement of the Great Success, "The Romany Rye." Mr. and Mrs. Geo Knight, in "Baron Rudolph." The original Wallack Theatre Company. Next week, Monday, Janudary 7, 1884, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, The Latest New York Success. The Strangers of Paris! Original New York Cast. Grand Scenic Effects. The Stranglers of Paris, the dramatic sensation of New York, will be presented at Haverly's Theatre next week. It is said to eclipse anything of the kind recently attempted on the American Stage. It is a dramatization of Belot's celebrated novel, "The Stranglers of Paris," and is from the pen of David Belasco, an adept at this sort of work. To give the reader an idea of the magnitude of the piece it is only necessary to say that over seventy people take part in the action of the play, and ten tons of scenery, mechanical appliances, properties, etc. are used. The story is of the most weird and sensational character, and of course gives every opportunity for the scene painter, the stage carpenter, the machinist, and the best efforts of a skilled dramatic company. This latter includes that rare portraiture of picturesque stage villains, Henry Lee, besides Miss Salina Fetter, W. H. Compton, Miss Libble Noxon, Mr. James Wallis, Fred'k Haubner, HelenOttolengul, Marie Frazer, Dore Davidson, and nearly seventy others of well-known ability. The next feature of this presentation of the drama is the completeness and detail of all the scenes, especially those of the prison yard, the bridge, the convict ship in mid-ocean, in which the blended arts of the stage painter and the stage machinist seem to have reached their height. Telephone No. 526. Lowest Prices! For all articles usually sold in first-class drug stores, at Dougals' Pharmacies. 423 Fulton Street, Cor. Pearl, Brooklyn and Flatbush Avenue, Cor. Clarkson St. – Flatbush Avenue, cor. e. Broadway, Flatbush, L. I. I guarantee all articles as Genuine and the Very Best that can be bought. My Prescription Department will, as heretofore, be supplied with the Purest and Freshest Drugs and Chemicals in the Market, and will be superintended by skilful and conscientious Clerks only. Below will be found a few of the leading Standard articles, with prices attached. Scheneck's Pummonic Syrup – .75, Warner's Kidney & Liver Cure – .85, Quinne, Pills or Powder, let a gr, Kidder's Rochelle Salts, per lb., .50, Jayne's Expectorant - .70, Wyeth's Beef, Iron and Wine - .60, Dailey's Salve – .18, Brummell's Cough Drops - .10, Horsford's Acid Phosphate, .38 – 75, Vinegar Bitters - .75, Hostetter's Bitters - .75, Sozodont - .50, Lubin's Extracts - .60, Dudley's Emulsion - .75, Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer – 1.00, Chevalier's Life for the hair - .70, Hill's Hair Dye - .37, Schenck's Mandrake Pills - .15, Brandreth's Pills - .15, Tobias Horse Liniment - .75, Lydia Pinkham's Compound - .75, Ayer's Cherrry Pectoral - .75, Scheneck's Seaweed Tonic - .75, Wei de Meyer's Catarrh Cure - .75, Pond's Extract - .35 - .70 -1.35, Carter's Little Liver Pills - .15, Hale's Honey Horch'd Tar, .38 - .75, St. Jacob's Oil - .35, Carbolic Salve - .18, Vaseline - .13-.25, Tamar Indien Grillon - .50, Hop Bitters - .70, Ayer's Sarsaparilla - .75, Florida Water - .50, Allcock's Porous Plasters - .10, Scott's Emulsion - .75, Hall's Vegetable Hair Renewer - .70, Cuticura - .40 - .75, Ayer's Pills - .15, Herrick's Pills - .15, Valentine's Meat Juice - .75, Liebig's Extract of Beed - .40 - .75, Peter Moeller's Cod Liver Oil - .55, Fellows Hypophosphites – 1.10. All other articles at a proportionate reduction from former prices. Refined Camphor, 25 cts, a Pound 16 oz. True Dalmatian Insect Powder, 50 cts, a Pound. Bon Bons. Chocolates. Hiegler's 339 & 341 Fulton Street, opposite Pierrepont Street, (Branch of 863 Broadway, N. Y) Candies packed and shipped to all parts of the Country. Cigars! Cigars!! For the holidays. The subscribers offer to the public a superior assortment of very fine imported and domestic cigars. These goods are selected with great care, and are put up in neat boxes containing 25, 50 and 100 each, just the thing for Holiday Presents. All purchasers can rely upon our stock being strictly such as represented. Popular Goods and Popular Prices. Mendez & Jauregui, 345 & 347 Fulton St., Brooklyn. It is nothing but pleasure to polish and clean silverware and jewelry with "Dazzleine," A splendid opportunity to purchase Sealskin and Otter Sacques and Dolmans, Fur and Silk-lined Wraps, direct from reliable manufacturer is now offered by C. C. Shayne, 103 Prince Street, (near Broadway,) N. Y Mr. Shayne has the reputation of manufacturing the leading styles in reliable and elegant furs, and is now selling at retail at regular wholesale prices. A word to the wise, etc. Ladies are taking advantage of this splendid chance, and Mr. Shayne's store is crowded with customers. Joseph J. Byers & Co. Leaders of Styles in fine shoes, dancing pumps, &c. For fall and winter wear. 110 Court St., cor. State, under River's. Specialities in Gent's shoes to order. Moderate prices. Lyons Silk Umbrellas. Rubber Clothing. Pearls in the mouth. Beauty and Fragrance are communicated to the mouth by Sozodont, which renders the teeth pearly white, the gums rosy, and the breath sweet. By those who have used it, it is regarded as an indispensable adjunct of the toilet. It thoroughly removes tartar from the teeth, without inuring the enamel. Sold by druggists and fancy goods dealers. Dress suits to order. G. Rossberg, Merchant Tailor. 282 & 284 Fulton St., Brooklyn, Piano Fortes Grand, Square and Upright, all sizes; small, medium and large. Organs, all styles, low for cash, to-let, or by instalments. J. M. Pelton, 28 East Fourteenth Street, N. Y. D. C. Hall & Co. Sole manufacturers of Patent Perforated Buckskin Under-Garments for ladies and gentlemen. No. 86 Leonard Street. New York. Tifft Fine Confectionery. Fulton Street. Cor. Lawrence. Tifft. Wechsler & Abraham 297 & 299 Fulton St., 266 & 268 Washington St. have been appointed sole agents for Brooklyn of the genuine foster kid glove. In three qualities, with the improved fastening just introduced. The new fastening cannot become entangled in lace, fringe, or other articles, is very simple, and is sure to become very popular. Our salespeople at the glove counter will be pleased to show the glove and give any desired information. Wechsler & Abraham. Leslie's Bitters. Excite the appetite moderately increase the temperature of the body and force of the circulation and give tome and strength to the system. They are the best for Cocktails. Wm. M. Leslie. 87 Water Street, N. Y. "Metelski Wavelet." The most beautiful style of head dressing natural ways only to be combed out, no water or liquid of any kind to be used. Perfect in its naturalness and cannot fail to please ladies with the most fastidious taste. Also a magnificent assortment in shell, amber and jet hair ornament, including novelties in shape and style of back combs not found elsewhere. W. Metelski, French Hair Importer, No. 327 Fulton Street. Behning Pianos. Over 22,000 now in use: warerooms: 15 E. 14th St., N. Y. Furs, Alaska Sealskin Sacqures. Dolmans, Paletots, and Newmarkets, manufactured under my own supervision, from selected skins, London dressed, at prices far below retail figures; buying for spot cash and giving my personal attention to the manufacturing of my stock, with a nominal expense account I can and will give my patrons the benefit of the same; every garment guaranteed as represented: to order without extra charge. Repairing and dyeing reasonable. Money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. Burke, Manufacturer 214 Broadway, N. Y. H. M. Winter, importer of French Millinery Goods, bonnets and round hats, paris, 52 Fau'bg Poissonniere, Brooklyn, 489 Fulton Street. 26 Rue d'Enghien, Paris. Rothschild 269 & 271 Fulton St., Importer of Fine Millinery Goods the latest Parisian novelties in fine flowers for evening wear, especially the newest designs in corsage bouquets and dress garnitures. Haverly's Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. W. A. McConnell – Lessee and Manager. Monday, December 31, 1883. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. Engagement of Mr Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and the Lyceum Theatre Co. Under the direction of Mr. Henry E. Abbey. Wednesday and Thursday Evenings will be presented Shakespeare's Play. The Merchant of Venice. Shylock – Mr. Henry Irving, Duke of Venice – Mr. H. Howe, Prince of Morocco – Mr. T. Mead, Antonio – Mr. T. Wenman, Bassanio 0 Mr. W. Terriss, Salanio – Mr. Lyndal, Salarino – Mr. Harbury, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. Norman Forbes, Tubal – Mr. J. Carter, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. S. Johnson, Old Gobbo – Mr. Archer, Gaoler – Mr. Harwood, Leonardo – Mr. Marion, Balthazar – Mr. Harvey, Stephano – Mr. Clifford, Clerk of the Court – Mr. Louther, Nerissa – Miss Paine, Jessica – Miss Millward, Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Magnificoes, Officers of the Court, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Pages, Citizens, Soldiers, Jews, Masters, Musicians, Serenaders, Gondoliers, Moors, Fruit Sellers, Water Carriers, Servants, &c. Scene – Partly at Venice and partly at Belmont. Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1. – Scene 1 – Venice. A Public Place – (W. Talbin.) Scene 2 – Belmont. Portia's House – (Hawes Craven) – Scene 3 – Venice. A Public Place – (W. Telbin.) Act II. Scene 1 – A Street – (W. Hann). Scene 2 – Another Street – (Hawes Craven) – Scene 3 – Shylock's house by a Bridge – (W. Telbin.) Act III. Scene 1 – Belmont, A Room in Portia's House – (W. Hann). Scene 2 – Venice. A Street – (W. Hann.) Scene 3 – Belmont. A Room in Portia's House – (W. Hann), Scene 4. – Venice. A Street – (W. Hann). Scene 5 – Belmont. A Room in Portia's House (W Hann). Act IV Scene – Venice – A Court of Justice – (W. Cuthbert), Act V – Scene – Belmont, Portia's Garden with Terrace – (H. Craven) During the evening the Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. J. Meredith Ball. Will perform the following selections: Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Lyende – "La Veneziana" – Hamilton Clarke, Entr'acte – Hamilton Clarke, Ballet Music – "Faust" – Gounod. Incidental Music Composed by Hamilton Clarke. Friday and Saturday Evenings, Jan, 4 and 5. The Bells. Mathias – Mr. Henry Irving. To be followed by Mrs. Cowley's Comedy, in Two Acts. The Belle's Stratagem. Doricourt – Mr. Henry Irving, Letitia Hardy – Miss Ellen Terry. Saturday Matinee, Jan. 5, Charles I. Charles I – Mr. Henry Irving. Queen Henrietta Marie – Miss Ellen Terry. For Remainder of programme see following page. W M. Wise, No. 239 Fulton Street, Opposite Clark. Fine Diamonds! Fine watches! Fine Jewelry! Sterling silver ware! Hats. We have just received our importation of English Hats. Styles correct. Qualities best Balch, Price & Co. Importers & Manufacturers. Near Smith St. 376 & 378 Fulton St. Barthman & Strait No. 289 Fulton Street, (Next to Loeser's Toy Department.) Jewelers, manufacture all their own goods, and sell them at Factory prices. Call and be convinced before purchasing Holiday Presents. Red Label Champagne. Theophile Maison Fondeeen 1864. Roederer & Co. Reims. New York Office: 6 South William Street, N. Y. Balch, Price & Co., Manufacturer of Seal Dolmans, Seal Sacques, Fur Lined Wraps, &c., &c., Nos. 376 & 378 Fulton Street, Largest Stock, Lowest Prices. Coal. Lynan & Wearne Coal Merchants, 3d St. & Gowands Canal, under contract to furnish this Theatre with Coal. Telephone call 595. Delbeck & Co. Champagnes are the finest imported. The best Pianos sold on easy monthly payments. Warerooms: 323 Washington St., Next to Post Office. Phelps & Son. Pianos, $5 to $20 monthly instalments. $5 to $20. Possess the finest tone, and are the best finished and most durable instruments in the market.