Document ID ET-D620

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1884 (BL) Loan 125/24/2
Document description programme, cutting
Date 28 February 1884
Document form D - Programme; G - Cutting (e.g. item taken from newspaper, journal or book)
Condition mounted on card
Corporate Body Lyceum Theatre Company
Production Date(s) Thursday February 28 1884
Venue Boston Theatre
Venue address Boston [USA]
Time of performance 7.45pm
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Music Director Meredith Ball
Language English

Works Cited

Title Much Ado About Nothing
Original author William Shakespeare
1 scanned image
Image 1 of 1

Document ID ET-D620, Image 1 of 1

BOSTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1884. BOSTON THEATRE TOMPKINS & HILL - Proprietors EUGENE TOMPKINS - Manager --- RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF MR. HENRY IRVING, MISS ELLEN TERRY, And the LYCEUM THEATRE COMPANY, under the Direction of Mr. HENRY E. ABBEY. --- THIS EVENING SHAKESPEARE'S Comedy in 5 Acts, Much Ado About Nothing! --- CAST OF CHARACTERS. --- Benedick, A Young Lord of Padua: Mr HENRY IRVING. Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon: Mr. TERRISS. Don John, His Bastard Brother: Mr. HAVILAND. Claudio, A Young Lord of Florence: Mr. LYNDAL. Leonato, Governor of Messina: Mr. WENMAN. Antonio, His Brother: MR. HARBURY. Balthazar, Attendant on Don Pedro: Mr J.ROBERTSON Borachio, Conrade, Followers of Don John: Mr. F.TYARS, Mr. CLIFFORD. Friar Francis : Mr. MEAD. Dogberry,Verges, Two City Officers) Mr. S.HOWE, Mr CARTER. Seacol, Oatcake, Watchmen: Mr. ARCHER, Mr. HARWOOD. A Sexton: Mr. LOUTHER. A Messenger: Mr. ANDREWS. A Boy: Mss F. HOLLAND. Hero, Daughter to Leonato: Miss MILLWARD. Margaret, Ursula, Gentlewomen attending on Hero: Miss. HARWOOD, Miss PAYNE. Beatrice, Niece to Leonato: Miss ELLEN TERRY. Ladies, Gentlemen, Maskers, Pages, Attendants, Musicians, Guards, Watchmen, Soldiers, Servants &c. &c. SCENE-MESSINA. Synopsis of Scenery ACT I. Scene 1. LEONATO'S HOUSE Scene 2. BEFORE LEONATO'S HOUSE Scene 3. HALL IN LEONATO'S HOUSE ACT II. Scene 1. BEFORE LEONATO'S HOUSE Scene 2. LEONATO'S GARDEN (Evening) ACT III. Scene 1. LEONATO'S GARDEN (Morning) Scene 2. THE CEDAR WALK Scene 5. A STREET ACT IV Scene. INSIDE OF A CHURCH ACT V. Scene 1. A Prison Scene 2. LEONATO'S GARDEN Scene 3. The Monument of Leonato Scene 4 - Hall in Leonato's House For Mr. IRVING Stage Manager - Mr. H. J. LOVEDAY. Musical Director - Mr MEREDITH BALL. Acting Manager - Mr. BRAM STOKER. For Mr. ABBEY. General Business Manager - Mr. MARCUS R.MAYER Business Manager and Treas. - Mr. JAMES H.PALSER FRIDAY: THE MERCHANT OF VENICE SATURDAY: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING NEXT WEEK: ABBY'S GRAND ITALIAN OPERA The Pianos used at this Theatre are from the celebrated manufactory of CHICKERING & SONS. The Cabinet Organs are from the manufacturers, MASON & HAMLIN. OPERA GLASSES TO LET AT THE STAND IN THE FRONT LOBBY DOORS OPEN AT 1.30 and 7.15 BEGINS AT 2 and 7.45

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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Document ID: ET-D620 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1884 (BL) Loan 125/24/2