Document ID ET-D684, Image 7 of 9
The popular S. C. Corsets. S. C. No. 557. Extra long waisted. Are unexcelled in point of comfort, finish, durability and correct shape. For sale and highly recommended by all first-class dealers. Made to suit all forms, from 75c to $4. Try them and you'll wear no other. F. C. Flood, dealer in men's furnishing goods, underwear, latest styles of neckwear, full line of canes & umbrellas. 44 Columbus Av., Boston. Speciality made in Laundry Work. Dress reform and hygiene rooms. 130, Tremont St., Rooms 50 and 51. Black Silk and Equestrian Trousers and Silk Underwear, from Silk Sponge Flannel; also garments from Merino, Lisle and Cotton, for men, women and children. Divided skirts, also Silk, Homespun and Jersey Skirts. Mrs. E. M. Briggs. (over MadDonalds). [?] [?] Cluitts Custom Make. All lengths of sleeves. Shirts for gentlemen. Full dress [?]. Finest all rail route, between Boston and New York, is the Springfield line. Four solid through express trains daily. Coming attractions at this Theatre. James T. Powers, Modjeska, The Bostonians, The Cadets, Mounet-Sully, Hoyt's A Temperance Town. John C. Paige, 20 Kilby St., Boston. The whole of a large building, six floors devoted to insurance business. Speciality: the care of the entire insurance business of property owners. No estate or concern too large or too small. Winter boarding for horses. Single or Box Stalls. Plenty of yard room for exercise. Horse sent for and returned. Home of Golden Cross 14, 773 Coachers, Roadsters and Fillies for sale. E.S. Payson & Co., Lexington, or 116 Boylston St., Boston. At "Grassland." Banking rooms for ladies. Stocks and bonds bought and sold. Dividends collected. Accounts opened of $50 and upward. Interest allowed on Deposits. The only Banking House in the City for Ladies. The Jos. D. Lowe Co., 131 Tremont Street. Established 1886. Great hit for purity. The success of the Purified Brandies, Whiskies, etc. exhibited at the World's Fair, Chicago, by the Cushing Process Co., of Boston was not unexpected. The analysis by the leading professor of chemistry of the agricultural department, proved the superior qualities and purity of these goods for medicinal uses, and the awarding of the highest honors was the result. Considering the large sales and popularity of the products of this Company the success at Chicago is not to be wondered at. Their process of purifying is based on scientific principles, and is now accepted as the leading Physicians, and the company are almost daily received the most flattering testimonials from patrons. Cushing Process Co., 580 Washington Street, Boston, Mas. Beckfords Photo Studio, 43 Winter St. Boston. When in want of Artistic Photos or Portraits you can save both time and money by placing your orders with us. Four solid through express trains daily between Boston and New York, via Springfield line. Dr. Buntin Chiropodist. No 7 Temple Place Room 26. Up one flight elevator. Corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, inflamed joints, etc. Manicure. Knabe Piano Fortes. Unequalled in Tone, Touch, Workmanship and Durability. Terms reasonable. Oliver Ditson Co., Sole Agents, E. E. Tyler, Mgr., 453-463 Washington St. Astonishing Bargains. $10,000 hats and bonnets selling for $4.25. All other Millinery Goods selling at Cost at Mrs. J. J. Grace, 26 Temple Place. Hot Water Bottles. We offer good quality Bottles at following low prices: 1-quart – 68c, 2-quart – 80c, 3-quart – 92c, 4 quart - $1.05. We carry in stock a complete line of Rubber Goods. Mackintoshes at manufacturers' prices. Conant Rubber Co. 20 Summer Street. (Opposite Jordan, Marsh & Co.) The Boston Glove of December 6th, reporting a lecture by Mrs. Jenness Miller, at the residence of Mrs. A. A. Pope, in Boston, contains the following: "Mrs. Miller said it was often raised as an objection to her designs that her clothes are all very expensive. That golden brown gown, material )it was Velutina, not velvet) cost – goods, making and trimming – all told, less than $30.00." The Everett Piano. Before you purchase call and hear the [?] on piano player. A person without knowledge of music can play any piece written however difficult. We can attach it to any upright. E. B. Wood, 171 Tremont St. Jas. A. Hawkes, Tailor, 13 Avon Street, Rooms 2 and 3, opp. Jordan, Marsh & Co., Boston, Mass. Littlefield Tailor and Outfitter. 21 and 23 Beacon St. Fall styles right up to date. Every household should have a supply of Rienzi a select and pure bottled beet. Rochester Brew. Co. Boston Depot. Office 30 Avery St. Bottling Dept 295-305 A St. Jordan, Marsh & Co. the celebrated Neilson Suede Gloves. These Gloves have attained the highest point of perfection yet reached. Not only do they fit perfectly, but being made of the best and most carefully selected French Suede Skins, therefore pliable and firm, they will not stretch out of shape after being worn a few times. The best results of our long glove experience are shown in the making of these gloves. They were cut after our own ideas, and every pair we sell is fitted and warranted. 7-Hook Neilson Suede Gloves - $1.50 per pair, 8 Inch Neilson Mousquetaire Gloves - $2.00 per pair. We also carry a full line of Button Gloves. Jordan, Marsh & Co. Highest Grade Mackinsotshes for men, and women, boys and misses. Finest textures, exclusive styles, popular prices. Everything in rubber goods. Metropolitan Rubber Co. Cleve & Krim. – Proprietors. 49 Summer Street.