Document ID ET-D702

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1894 (BL) Loan 125/24/6
Document description programme
Date 28 February 1894
Document form D - Programme
Corporate Body Lyceum Theatre Company
Production Date(s) 26 February 1894 to 10 March 1894
Venue Abbey's Theatre
Venue address Broadway and 38th St, New York [USA]
Time of performance 8.15pm
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven
Music Director Meredith Ball
Language English

Works Cited

Title Olivia
Source title The Vicar of Wakefield
Original author W. G. Wills
2 scanned images
Image not available

Document ID ET-D702, Image 1 of 2

THE CIVIC FORUM LECTURE BUREAU PRESENTS ELLEN TERRY IN SHAKESPEAREAN DISCOURSES WITH ILLUSTRATIVE ACTING SUBJECTS SHAKESPEARE'S HEROINES TRIUMPHANT SHAKESPEARE'S HEROINES PATHETIC THE LETTERS IN SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS GARRICK THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA Monday Afternoon, November 21, at 2.30 SHAKESPEARE'S HEROINES TRIUMPHANT "Yesterday afternoon at the Hudson Theatre Miss Ellen Terry gave the second of her three discourses - this time on 'Shakespeare's Heroines Pathetic.' Again the place was filled, again the delight of the audience was expressed with enthusiasm, again there was the matchless treat of beholding a matchless actress making a holiday excursino with some of her friends and acquaintances from the playwright's world of witchery. Viola, Desdemona, Juliet, Cordelia, Cleopatra, Hermione, Lady Macbeth and Ophelia were the characters of the occasion... She is giving to a discriminating and appreciateive public a liberal and memorable entertainment... Her adventure in this Shakespearen series is already a famous success from all points of view. It is a success which she can continue for several seasons to come." NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 11, 1910.
Image not available

Document ID ET-D702, Image 2 of 2

HONORARY RECEPTION COMMITTEE Doctor Horace Howard Furness Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Sinnickson Mrs. John L.LeConte Mrs. Charles Emory Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Wister Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson Clothier Mr. and Mrs. C.Stuart Patterson Mr. and Mrs. George Willing Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Trotter Mr. John Stokes Morris Mrs. William Pepper, Sr. Doctor and Mrs. J.Nicholas Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MacVeagh Reverend and Mrs. Louis K.Lewis Doctor and Mrs. Talkcott Williams Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.Gorham Miss Juliet F.Heyl Mr. and Mrs. C.Heide Norris Mrs. William Penn Troth, Jr. Miss Linda H.Pancoast Doctor and Mrs. Wilbur Paddock Klapp Mrs. John Tiers Miss Hilda Justice Mrs. Samuel L.Shober Mrs. Theodore W.Reath Mrs. G.Brinton Roberts Mrs. Hampton L.Carson Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howard Williams Doctor and Mrs. Edward Parker Davis Judge Wiliam White Wiltbank Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jaquett Sellers Doctor an dMrs. George McClellan Mrs. Persifor Frazer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Starr Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke, Jr. Mr. Richard Ashhurst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.Coates Doctor and Mrs. John C.DaCosta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeWitt Cuyler Mrs. John Wister Mr. and Mrs. Sharswood Brinton Mrs. Arthur Biddle Doctor and Mrs. Charles Smith Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wheeler Doctor and Mrs. J.P.Crozer Griffith Mr. J.G.Rosengarten Miss Emily Bell Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M.Clark Miss Mary W.Paul Mr. and Mrs. Francis I.Maule Mr. and Mrs. William Grattan Audenried Mr. and Mrs. W. Hinckle Smith Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman Doctor James Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jungerich Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Forsyth Joline Mrs. Edward Troth Doctor and Mrs. Edward Beecher Finck Mr. and Mrs. Harold Montgomery Sill Mrs. Clarke Merchant Mrs. Chandler Hare Miss Gerturde Van Pelt Mrs. William R.Tiers Mr. Alexander Krumbhaar Mr. and Mrs. George Brinton Phillips Mrs. Michael Dallett Miss Helen K.Morton Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Effingham Perot Mr. and Mrs. A.W.von Utassy Doctor and Mrs. WEbster Fox Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wirgman Mr. and Mrs. C.Morton Smith Mr. and Mrs. Howard W.Page Mrs. David E.Williams Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Blight, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard W.Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zantzinger Mr. and Mrs. Harold E.Gillingham Miss Cornelia L.Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lowber Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Franklin McCrea Wirgman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbons Davis Mr. and Mrs. H.Churchman Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Chew Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lippincott Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ilsley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas harvey Dougherty Reverend and Mrs. Carl E.Grammer Mrs. Alexander J.Cassatt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Augustus Davis Mr. and Mrs. George H.Earle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S.Dixon Mrs. Samuel Chew Miss Alic Gibson Brock Mr. and Mrs. William W.Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horstmann Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.Harrison, Jr. Miss Sophy B.Keating Mrs. John H.Easby Mrs. William T.Carter Mrs. Arthur V.Meigs Doctor and Mrs. S.Solis Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.Dunn Doctor and Mrs. George Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Starr Miss Louise D.Ewing Mrs. John Wanamaker Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H.Strawbridge Mr. and Mrs. L.J.Levick Mrs. John Clark Sims Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L.Clark Mr. and Mrs. John H. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. William Redwood Wright Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones Wister Mrs. J.Albert Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L.Baily Mr. and Mrs. James Potter Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Wistar Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke, 3rd Mrs. Richard A.Tilghman Mr. E.Spencer Blight Mrs. Owen Wister Doctor and Mrs. J. William White Mr. and Mrs. Elliston Perot Doctor and Mrs. William Jusser Capp Reverend and Mrs. Floyd W. Tomkins Honorable and Mrs. Wm. Wilkins Carr
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Document ID: ET-D702 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1894 (BL) Loan 125/24/6