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You will always find it pleasant to lunch at The Delicatessen, 321-325 Robert St. The Cleanest and Most Liberally Managed Restaurant in the Northwest. Between Third and Fourth. Mr. Theodore Bollman has reorganized his German Company, and will begin his second subscription season of twenty-five performances at the Metropolitan Opera House next Sunday night. Mr. Bollman has made a number of changes, he claims, are for the better, and he will give the best performances in German that has ever been given in the Northwest. He will begin his season next Sunday night in the great German success, Grossstadtluft. This will be the first presentation of this play either in German or English in St Paul. The opening sale of seats for this engagement will be announced later. W. M. Lawrence, President, Millard Fifield, Sec, and Treas. National Steam Laundry Company (Incorporated). 56, 58 and 60 W. Fourth St. Special Attention Given to All Orders Work Delivered Promptly. Telephone 162-2. Pillsbury's Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn. Pillsbury's Best Flour makes more bread, makes whiter bread, makes better bread than any other manufactured. For sale by all first-class grocers. Robert Mantell's new and successful drama, The Face in the Moonlight, presents that popular young actor in a line of business which it is said will surprise his admirers, who have heretofore seen him in serious roles exclusively. In Victoire Ambroise and Jacques Ferrand, alias Rabat, Mr. Mantell has a dual role, one character being a handsome officer in Napoleon's army, and the double being a reckless, boisterous brigand with a spice of comedy in his deviltry. Startling and almost instantaneous changes of costume and make-up are strong features of the action of the play, one of which is an absolute change in what seems but a second, from the full uniform of the French officer to the picturesque costume of the bandit. The story is a powerful and interesting one and has been highly praised by the Eastern dramatic critics. Northwestern Fuel Co. Coal, Wood. 154 East Third Street. Telephone Call 375-2. S. W. Vanderwarker, Agent. Removal Notice! We have removed to our new store, 103-105-107 East Sixth Street, Opposite Metropolitan Opera House. Schliek & Co. (Continued from page 5). Scene 3 – The same – Hawes Craven, Scene 4. – The Hall in Northampton Castle – Hawes Craven, Act II. Scene – Rosamund's Bower - Hawes Craven, Act III. Scene 1 – Montmirail – "The Meeting of the Kings" - Hawes Craven, Scene 2 – Outside the Wood near Rosamund's Bower - Hawes Craven, Scene 3 – Rosamund's Bower - Hawes Craven. "At Merton the Archbishop assumed the ordinary habit of the black canons of the Augustinian Rule, which dress be wore to the end of his life." – Grim. Act IV. Scene 1 – Castle in Normandy – King's Chamber – W. Telbin. Scene 2 – A Room in Cantebury Monastery – W. Telbin, Scene 3 – North Transept of Canterbury Cathedral – W. Telbin. Period: - Twelfth Century. Souvenir of "Becket" – Price 25 cents with illustrations by J. Bernard Partridge, W. Telbin, J. Harker & Hawes Craven, to be had in foyer. The Overture, Entr'actes, and Incidental Music by C. Billiers Stanford. Overture. Entre'acte "King Henry", Entra'acte "Rosamund's Bower", Extre'acte "Becket's Rest", Entra'acte – "The Martydom". Musical Director: - Mr. Meredith Ball. The Costumes, etc., from designs by Mrs. Comyns Carr, and Mr. Charles Cattermole, R. I., executed by Mrs. Nettleship, Mrs. Reid, T. Pratt & Sons, Pocock Brothers, Bieati, and Auguste et Cie. Chorus Master, Mr. Tabb. Perruquier, Mr. Fox, Appointments by Mr. Arnott, Machinist, Mr Fillery. The intervals between the acts are: After Prologue, 12 minutes: after Act 1, 13 minutes; after Act II, 7 minutes; after Act III, 14 minutes. For Mr. Irving, Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Treasurer – Mr. C. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker, General Agent for Avbbey, Schoeffel & Grau – Mr. John E. Warner, Secretary and Treasurer for Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau – Myron B. Rice. Friday Evening – The Bells and Nance Oldfield, Saturday Matinee – The Merchant of Venice, Saturday Nifht – Louis XI. Smoke Tam O'Shanter. St. Paul's Best 10 Cent Cigar. Md'd by H. E. Driese, 452 St. Peter St. R. A. Lanpher & Co., Agents for extra quality Dunlap & Co copyrighted celebrated hats fall and winter styles '93 now on sale. Men's Furnishers and Shirt Makers. 353 Robert St. George W. Burden, Livery, Sales and Boarding Stable Telephone 617-2. 102 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minn. Diamond Jo Line Steamers. The Old Reliable between St. Paul and St. Louis. Why not spend your summer vacation on the Father of Waters? The finest scenery. The best service. The choicest meals and the coolest breezes can all be had on board our elegant steamers. The memory of a trip on the Mississippi will be a joy forever. For rates and information apply to C. R. Brockway, Agent. Office and Dock, Foot Sibley St. Allen & Co. Fine Livery St. Paul. Minn. 180-182 East Sixth St., Tel. 576-2. Cor. Fifth and Cedar Sts., Tel. 576-3. Wm. Dawson, President. Robt. A. Smith, Vice President, Wm. Dawson. Jr., Cashier, Robt. L. Miller, Assit. Cash. Bank of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. Capital, - $600,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $200,000. Cor. Sixth and Jackson. The War of the Revolution against Great Britain began April 19th, 1875. The War of Revolution against Dyspepsia's terrors began with the advent of Adams' Pepsin Tutti-Frutti. Visitors join the multitude that dines at The Delicatessen, 321-325 Robert St. St. Paul, Minn. John Martin has removed to the corner of Third and Minnesota Sts. Wines, Liquors and Cigars family trade a speciality. Amending the Motion. He was a small man, the conductor of an electric car, and she was a large, powerful looking woman. "I want you to put me off at Dundas Street." Said she. He viewed her majestic figure for a moment and replied: "Madam, I will stop the car and let you get off." – Toronto Empire. Germania Bank of St. Paul. Paid Up Capital $400,000. Wiliam Bickel. Cash, P. M. Kerst, Asst Cash. Pays interest on time deposits. It's Foreign Department sells exchange on all principal cities of the world, and Steamship Tickets for Bremen, Hamburg, Liverpool, and French Steamers. Chas. H. F. Smith & Co. Bankers and Brokers, stocks, grain and provisions. Direct private wires. To Chicago and New York. Members Chicago Board of Trade. Dealers in Local Securities. Chamber of Commerce Bidg., St. Paul. Minn. Telephone, 341. German American School for vocal music, of Mrs. Theodore Bollmann. Graduate of the Vienna Conservatory of Professor Gansbacher and of the celebrated vocal teacher Signora de Ruda of Berlin. Office 539 Wacouta Street. Thorough cultivation of the voice at moderate charge. Examinations for admission and applications between the hours of 2 and 3 and 6 and 7 p.m. Adolph Rank, House and Sign Painter, and Interior Decorator, 34 East Sixth Street, St. Paul, Minn. Clara – Men are the most impatient creatures. Harry knows that I have an offer from Mr. Oldchap, who is just rolling in wealth, yet Harry is just as unreasonable and babyish as if he thought I really cared for that old gray head. Harry is so ugly about it that he wont do me the smallest favour. Mother – What did you ask Harry to do? Clara – I merely asked him to wait and be my second husband – New York Weekly. "The Milwaukee." The only Electric Lighted Trains. The latest private Compartment Cars, The latest Library Buffet Smoking Cars, The most luxurious Sleepers, The celebrated Electric Berth Lamp, The finest Dining Car Service, The Government Fast Mail Line, The most comfortable Parlor Cars, The best and most Frequent Service, Safety, Speed, Comfort, Elegance, Secure sleeping berths early. Apply to any Ticket Agent, or Address. J. T. Conley, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. Topliff & Co., dealers in wares of Gold and Silver, precious stones. Watches, cut glass, opera glasses, card cases, pocket books, canes and umbrellas. Fourth and Robert Streets. St. Paul, Minn. Gee-whiz see her cir-ker-late. The Novelty Circulator furnished by the Model Heating Company. J. T. Holmes. Plumbing, Gas, Steam and Hot Water Heating. 343 Minnesota Street. Friday evening, September 29, 1893, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry, The London Lyceum Theatre Company, under the direction of Abbey, Schoeffel & Graus. The performance will begin with The Bells. Adapted by Leopold Lewis from "The Polish Jew," by Erckmann-Chatrian. Mathias (his original part) – Mr. Irving, Christian – Mr. William Terriss, Walter – Mr. Howe, Hans – Mr. Johnson, Doctor Zimmer – Mr. Harvey, Notary – Mr. Gurney, President of the Court – Mr. F. Tyars, Clerk of the Court – Mr. Lacy, Mesmerist – Mr. Archer, Catherine – Miss Maud Milton, Sozel – Miss Kate Phillips, Annette – Miss Amy Coleridge. Alsacem 1833. (continued on page 8.) Candy especially between the acts Ryan fruit Store just over the way. Save your clothing. You can make them last much longer and always look new by joining us. For one dollar per month we will clean, press and repair all of your clothes: will also call for and deliver them in any part of this city as often as you desire. For further information call and see us. Continental Tailoring Co. Telephone Call, 1382: 150 E. 6th St. Negligee shirts latest styles and newest patterns, summer underwear, straw hats in all the [?] shapes, bathing suits the finest in the city at J. C. Bailie's 404 Jackson St. L. Mitsch. M. Heck. Mitsch Wagon Co. Manufacturer of Business Wagons and Trucks of all kinds. Repairing a speciality. Iron work of every description. 54 W 7th St., Cor. Washington : St. Paul. Chas. Kartak. Manufacturer of the Junior Pioneer Association Cigar. 131 ½ E. Seventh St., St Paul. Minn. Going to Chicago during World's Fair. The North-Western Line [?]. See that your tickets read via the "North-Western Line." "Badge State Express" – Leaves St. Paul, daily 8.00am., arrives Chicago, 9,35p.m. "World's Fair Express" – Leaves St. Paul, daily except Sunday, 6.25 p.m. arrives Chicago, 7.45 a.m. "North-Western Limited" Leaves St. Paul, daily 8.10 p.m., Arrives Chicago, 9.30 a.m. Equipment Unsurpassed! Service Unexcelled! City Ticket Office: 159 East Third St. Another Story. Askem – Where's the rich heiress you're engaged to? Tellum – You see that lovely girl at the other side of the room? Askem – Yes, I say, old man, what a superb, Tellum – Well, it isn't she. It's that grand old ruin in yellow sitting next to her. – New York Herald. John Smith has reopened 445, 447, 449 St. Peter St. Where he will be glad to see all his Old Friends.
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