Document ID ET-D727
Archive Location | ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1899-1900 (BL) Loan 125/24/8 |
Document description | programme |
Date | 12 January 1900 |
Document form | D - Programme |
Document attributes | Annotated |
Corporate Body | Lyceum Theatre Company |
Production Date(s) | 8th January 1900 to 13 January 1900 |
Venue | Columbia Theatre |
Venue address | Washington and Tillary Streets, Brooklyn, New York [USA] |
Time of performance | 8pm |
Stage Manager | H. J. Loveday |
Scene Designer | Hawes Craven, W. Telbin, W. Hann |
Orchestra | Columbia Theatre Orchestra |
Music Director | J. H. Pitt, Fritz Eisner |
General notes | Annotated '12 Jan'. |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | The Merchant of Venice |
Original author | William Shakespeare |
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Columbia always presenting High-Class Attractions. Bills of the Play. Season 1899 – 1900. Al Hayman, Daniel Frohman, Lessees and Proprietors. Frank V. Strauss & Co. Publishers. 108-114 Wooster St. New York. Montaur, Columbia.
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Columbia Theatre. Families should insist on getting the purest bottled beer brewed. If your Grocer or Wine Merchant does not sell light, medium, dark Golden Rod bottled beers or H-H Extract of Malt order direct from Otto Huber Brewery. Meserole Street and Bushwick Place. New York Telephone – 2992, 38th St. Brooklyn Telepone – 1553 Williamsburgh. Meyer Jonasson & Co. Are offering the reminder of their cloaks, suits, costumes and furs at decided reductions. Broadway and 12th Street. Columbia Theatre Al Hayman and Daniel Frohman proprietors. Week commencing Monday, January 8, 1900. Our annual sales of Muslin underwear, wrappers, corsets, cloaks, shoes, housekeeping linens, cotton dress goods, etc., are now in progress, and afford not to be missed opportunities for securing unequalled values in these and other lines. Abraham and Straus.
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Columbia Theatre. Concerning Future Attractions. Julia Marlow, in Clyde Fitch's most successful play, "Barbara Frietchie," will be at the Columbia Theatre for two weeks, beginning next Monday night, January 15. The immense success that Miss Marlow has achieved in this work is easily explained. "Barbara Frietchie" is a play well calculated to please the public, ranging as it does from gay to grave. There is comedy in the first scene, a street in old Frederick at twilight, and with the Southern stars just beginning to twinkle and the village belles, with their beaux on the stoops or out for a walk, "to the cemetery and back." Then the night comes with sterner scenes and days of trouble follow, bringing dramatic and tragic situations. The production remains the same that enjoyed the long run at the Criterion Theatre, New York, where it was the distinct success of the season. Miss Marlowe's admirers find new cause for satisfaction in her Barbara. She puts forth her finest qualities in the story. Her comedy is charming, her refinement delightful, her womanliness graceful, her emotion sincere, her death tragic. Miss Annie Russell, whose triumphant engagement at the Lyceum Theatre, New York, is drawing to a close, will shortly be seen as "Miss Hobbs" at this Theatre. There is probably no star before the public to-day who can boast of such an exceptionally brilliant and strong supporting company as that of Henry Miller in "The Only Way," the successful dramatization of Charles Dickens' famous novel, "A Tale of Two Cities." The company includes: J. H. Stoddart, Margaret Anglin, D. H. Harkins, Byron Douglas, Joseph Brennan, H. A. Weaver, Jr., Wm. Haworth, Earle Brown, Joseph Adelman, Margaret Dale, etc. The Roger Brothers will shortly play an engagement at this Theatre, presenting their great success, "In Wall Street." At Col. Sinn's Montauk Theatre all this week, "Why Smith Left Home," George H. Broadhurst's latest and best farce, will be seen, with the original case which appeared at the Strand Theatre, London, and who have just finished a long engagement at the Madison Square Theatre London, and who have just finished a long engagement at the Madison Square Theatre, New York. There is abundant chance for humour and roaring complications in the various circumstances that induce Smith's departure from his domicile, and a hearty enjoyment and concurrence by his audience that he does it. The influence of relatives upon recently married couples offers a wide field of interesting study in this lively farce, and furnishes a number of very merry lessons on the subject of how those connected by ties of kinship with the latest wedded pair manage to disturb their connubial bliss. Of course, a play that is good in itself is all the better for being looked after by a company whose capabilities enable them to utilize its chances, and such is the case in this instance, as a glance at the following well-known names will prove: Maclyn Arbuckle, Fred. W. Peters, Dan Mason, M. B. Snyder, Hans Robert, Miss Brandon Douglas, Mrs. A. E. Eberle, Rose Snyder, Gertrude Roosevelt, Anita Bridger, Blanche Carlyle and Mrs. Annie Yeamans. 10 cents will buy a pair of our hair soles. They prevent Rheumatism and keep the feet warm. At all stores of The Bolton Drug Co. Money refunded if they fail to please. Siegel Cooper Co. You can bring the world nearer to you with the proper glasses. You'll see more and better; you will also save your eyes; and if you buy here – money besides. Optical Store – Main Floor, Front.
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Columbia Theatre. Week beginning Monday Evening, January 15, 1900. Mr. Charles Frohman presents for the first time in Brooklyn, Julia Marlowe in Clyde Fitch's successful American Drama, Barbara Frietchie. Matinees Wednesday (of first week) and Saturday. Clyde Fitch's play of "Barbara Frietchie, which Julia Marlowe put forward with such extraordinary success at the Criterion Theatre, will be seen at the Columbia, for two weeks, beginning January 15. Mr. Fitch, who knew Frederick in Maryland as a boy, has put some of his own memories of the old town in his play, and has used the legend upon which Whittier founded his famous poem, in his own way, with a result which justifies his employment of the old material and the old name. He has put some of his customary touches of humor in the earlier scenes. The children playing hide and seek on a summer evening, the remarks of the couquettish village belles and some of the minor doings are of a quality he has made familiar in his other plays. But he has worked this time on a larger canvas, with a freer hand. The greater and finer scenes of this play have noble proportions. What is better than all, in his picture of the village girl – a light hearted coquette transformed by love into a heroine, risking all for the love of a true and worthy man – he has given to the contemporary drama a character of vital strength and interest. The role presents Julia Marlowe at her best. She is able to denote every one of Barbara's traits with just the right effect, to lend the lighter moods an exquisite personal charm and humorous expression and to strike later a tragic note correctly. The play is to be seen here with all the advantages of the Criterion Theatre production. Frederick Loeser & Co. Brooklyn's Best Restaurant. Have you had occasion to take advantage of our thoroughly complete, convenient and accessible tea-room on the second floor of our new building? On opening it, our chief object was not a commercial one, but rather than accommodation of our customers. No expense or talent has been soared on the room and its accessories – spacious, airy, cheerful, light, richly furnished, beautifully and attractively decorated. The cuisine and service will be the very best that money can command – quite different in every way from an ordinary restaurant in Brooklyn. A cosy, inviting place, where one may come and restfully enjoy a delicious cup of tea of her own choosing, a dainty bit of salad, delicate breads, pastry or sweetmeats. Revolving stairway to the second floor. The Columbia. Always present high-class attractions. Al Hayman and Daniel Frohman Proprietors. Resident Manager, J. L. McDouall. Harry B. Mather – Treasurer, A. F. W. Collins – Assistant Treasurer, Chas. A. Pearsall – Advertising Agent, Fritz Eisner – Musical Director, Chas. A. Godwin – Master Machinist, Geo. H. Calvin – Property Master, John. C. Bennett – Electrician, Wm. Smith – Engineer, Henry A. Hoyt – Scenic Artist. Frank V. Strauss & Co., Programme Publishers, 108-114 Wooster Street, New York. Next attraction week beginning Monday, January 15, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Charles Frohman will present, for the first time in Brooklyn Julia Marlow, in Clyde Fitch's successful American Drama, Barbara Frietchie. Case, Scenery and Incidental precisely as given during the successful run at the Criterion Theatre, New York. If you posses a Sterling piano you will realize a satisfaction that years will not diminish nor time destroy. It is a sort of idolatrous love, yet ‘tis real, tis' true – its Sterling quality. Burns to keep a secret – sealing wax. For your convenience a new size Sozodont for the teeth and breath 25c. This is the Sozodont Liquid. The Sozodont Powder is also 25c. Sozodont complete large Liquid and the Powder in a box, 75c. At the stores or by mail. Address, Sozodont, P.O. Box 247, New York City. Borine the non-acid, antiseptic mouthwash, gargle and spray. Used by people of refinement and intelligence. Recommended by the leading medical and dental profession. February 19, 1888. Fred. T. Hopkins, Esq. Sir: - I notice your advertisement in regard to Poudre Subtile. Please inform me the price of it. I wish to send for some of it. I have thoroughly tested the Gourand's Oriental Cream, and it is grand. I do not want anything else for a face wash. Reply soon and oblige. Respectfully, Louise Denning, Neligh – Antelope Co., Neb. Just as you recall the name of some great actor whose celebrity is the mark of his superiority over others in his profession, so you may think of that unrivalled and ever delightful dentifrice, Sozodont, than which there has been none to rank it among a cloud of flattering imitarors Sozodont Liquid in a new size is being offered everywhere at 25c., and is already popular. Sozodont Powder is also 25c. A large size of the liquid and the powder together in a handsome box is 75c. Beware of the "flattering imitators." We can recommend B. T. Babbitt's Trade 1776 Mark Soap Powder. A new article for saving labor & expense, 82 Washington St. New York. Save the Trade Mark 1776. Send me ten 1776 Soap Powder trade marks and I will send you a beautiful panel picture, size 14/28, or, if preferred an artists' proof etching. B. T. Babbitt, 82 Washington St., New York. Keeps in every clime! Anker's Bouillon Capsules ready for use in every emergency. What is better after the play, or at other times, than a cup of nourishing beef tea (Bouillon)? In capsules. Anker's Bouillon Capsules are the most convenient form in which it can be had because they are seasoned ready for use and only need the addition of boiling water. For sale by the Bolton Drug Co. Stores or all leading druggists. The Anker MFG. Co. 255 Greenwich Street, New York. C. C. Shayne's name on a fur garment is a guarantee of reliability. There is satisfaction in wearing an article in which you have confidence. You will be pleased with the furs you purchase from Shayne's, 42d Street, near Sixth Avenue.
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Columbia Theatre, telephone [?] Spring. Frank V. Strauss & Co. Publishers, Printers and Advertising Agents. 108, 110, 12 and 114 Wooster Street, Bet, Spring and Prince Sts. New York. Sole owners and publishers of the following programmes: New York. Empire, Knickerbocker, Garrick, Wallack's, Lyceum, Criterion, Manhattan, Herald Square Garden, Madison Square, Bijou, Irving Place, Grand Opera House, New York, Joster & Bial's Weber & Fields, Victoria Music Hall, New York Roof Garden, American, Murray Hill, Pleasure Palace, Eden Musee, Keith's Union Sq, Proctor's 23d St, Third Avenue, Mixer's 125th Street. Brooklyn, Montauk, Columbia, Amphion, Park, Grand Opera House, Bergen Beach, Hyde & Behman's, Bijou, Star, Gayety, Empire, Brooklyn Music Hall. Newark, Newark Theatre, Empire Theatre, Academy of Music – Jersey City, N. J., Bon-Ton – Jersey City, N. J. Casino – Newport, R.I. Sole Eastern Agents for the following programmes. Chicago. Grand Opera House, Powers, Great Northern, McVicker's, Columbia, Alhambra, Academy of Music, Lyric, Bijou, Hopkins, Jack's Opera House. Advertisement inserted in Theatrical Programme throughout the United States and Canada. Estimates cheerfully submitted. Sharing the burden – A young widow put up a costly monument to her late husband, and inscribed upon it – "My grief is so great that I cannot bear it." A year or so later, however, she married again, and, feeling a little awkwardness about the inscription, she solved the difficulty by adding to it one word – a lone." The Glass Washboard never wears out. Never rusts or flattens. Will stand hot or cold water. Good for coarse or delicate fabrics. The Crystal Wash Board. Sold by Grocery Hardware and house furnishing stores. Manufactured by the Mississippi Glass Co. New York, Chicago, St. Louis. A good advertiser recognizes the value of a good medium. Theatres are the attractions – Programmes the medium. Try them. $1.75 Wertheimer's Majestic Glove $1.75. Wertheimer's Majestic Glove. Bad Taste in the selection of gloves will mar the beauty of the finest costume. Wertheimer's majestic gloves are always in good taste. They add grace and elegance to the appearance of any wearer. None genuine unless stamped on clasp. "Wertheimer's Majestic" sold by H. Batterman. If your dealer does not keep them, write to H. Batterman, Brooklyn. Anna Held posing especially for Pozzoni's Medicated Complexion Powder. I have obtained more satisfaction form using Pozzoni's Medicated Complexion Powder than any other I have ever tried. It is as soft as velvet, delicately perfumed, imparts a beautiful rosy tint to the complexion and is very soothing in its application. I can recommend Pozzoni's Powder as superior to all other face preparations. Anna Held. J.A. Pozzoni Co, New York, St. Louis. Bert Ball St. Louis.
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C. C. Shayne, manufacturer, has declared war against London, Paris and Geneva fur merchants. His prices on reliable furs are so low that American tourists will buy at home in future. 42d Street, near Sixth Avenue. Chandler, Piano and Music Warerooms, 500 Fulton Street has the largest stock of Pianos, Organs and Sheet Music in the City. Every grade of Piano from the highest to the lowest in price, rented or sold: and every instrument guaranteed to be as represented. A skin of beauty is a joy forever. Dr. T. Felix Gouraud's Oriental Cream, or Magical Beautifier removes tan, pimples, freckles, moth patches, rash and skin diseases and every blemish on beauty, and defies detection. It has stood the test of 52 years and is so harmless we taste it to be sure it is properly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar name. Dr. L. A. Sayre said to a lady of the haut-ton (a patient) "As you ladies will use them I recommend ‘Gouraud's Cream' as the least harmful of all the skin preparations." For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers in the United States, Canadas and Europe. Purifies as well as beautifies the skin, no other cosmetic will do. Hotel Montauk 230-232 Duffield St. Table d'Hote Dinner, with wine from 5.30 to 8.30 p.m., 50c. Restaurant A la Carte. Meals at all hours. Single rooms, 50c. per day. Suites, $2 per day. Elevator. Always open. Geo. Marinus, Prop. Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti Euchre Clubs Trump which wins? Aids digestion. The gum of health. Chew gum, everybody – chew for pleasure, chew for good digestion – chew Adams' Pepsin Tuti-Frutti, the sweet and the pure. To enjoy the play thoroughly, have 1 Werner 2 pint 25c Champagne between the acts. Banking House Haight & Freese. New York, 53 Broadway, Philadelphia, 402 Walnut St, Boston, 85 State Street. Our offices being connected by private wires, enables us to promptly execute orders for investment or on margins 5 to 10 per cent on the New York, Boston, and Philadelphia exchanges. Write or call for our "400-page security manual." It is acknowledged an authority by Banks, Exchanges, the Press and Boards of Trade throughout the country, and is the most condensed and statistically reliable publication ever issued by a banking house. Government, Municipal and Railroad Bonds bought and sold, also prices furnished for purchase, sale or exchange of same. Uptown Office, 1132 Broadway, near 26th St. Horton's Ice Cream recognized standard ice cream of the world. 495 Fulton Street. "I'll never marry agin so young if I live to the age of Methuselah," exclaimed an Irish peasant who had married when he was nineteen and thought that he had not done well. And he kept his word; he was eighty when he married the second time. Hotel Brandon, 292-296 Washington St., 317-321 Fulton St Ladies Restaurant. F. S. Post Proprietor. Specialities made of broiled lobsters, rarebits and steaks. Burnham's Clam Bouillon. Makes delicious hot clam punch. [?] Ba la Spirite best fitting corset in the world. Only gold medal. Paris exposition 1889. Strouse Adler & Co. Manufacturers 412 Broadway, N. Y. A. M. Samuels 466 Fulton St., Near Elm Place. Special Sale of Holiday Ribbons. No. 1. ¼ inch a piece 10 yds. Full, 12c, No. 2. ½ inch, a piece 10 yds full, 20c, No. 5. 1-inch, per yard, 4c., No. 7. 1 ¼ inch per yard – 5c., No. 9. 1 ½ inch per yard, 7c., No. 12. 2-inch per yard, 8c., No 16. 2 ½ inch per yard – 9c. Trimmed hats our speciality. Telephone 1805 main. Table D'Hote Lunch. 40c. From 12 to 3 p.m. A' La Carte at all hours. Restaurant and Café. Special Attention to Theatre Parties. 48 Willoughby and 387 Jay Sts. Columbia Theatre. A cure for colds. Mens overcoats, $9 to $35. Browning King & Co. Fulton St., cor, DeKalb Ave. Caleb V. Smith, Manager. Columbia Theatre, Washington and Tillary Streets, Brooklyn. Al Hayman and Daniel Frohman, Proprietors. Resident Manager, J. L. McDouall. Evenings at 8. 1899 Season 1900 Matinees at 2. Ladies will please remove their large hats. They can be checked in Ladies' Parlor free of charge. Note – tickets for the Columbia can be ordered byTelephone, 1609 Brooklyn, or by Mail or Telegraph, and will be retained until 1 p.m. for matinees, and until 7 p.m. on the day of any evening performance. Week beginning Monday evening, January 8, 1900 Matinee Saturday only. Engagement of Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and the London Lyceum Company. Friday evening, January 12, Shakespeare's Comedy The Merchant of Venice. In Five Acts. Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassanio – Mr. Arthur Royston, Duke of Venice – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. James S. Hearn, Salanio – Mr. Charles Vane, Salarino – Mr. L. Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. Harry B. Stanford, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Leonardo – Mr. H. R. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. W. Ablitt, Clerk of the Court – Mr. C. H. Kenney, Jessica – Miss Cecil Cromwell, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton and Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Programme continued on second page following. The only salesrooms in greater New York for the celebrated pianos Sohmer pianos are now located in the Sohmer building Fifth Avenue corner 22d Street. The "Sohmer" heads the list of the highest grade pianos. Pure! Delicious! Bonbons Chocolates. Hiegler's 335-337 Fulton St. 458 Fulton St, Brooklyn. Large variety of fancy boxes & baskets suitable for presents. Candies sent everywhere by mail or express mail orders receive most careful attention. Heigler's Cocoa & Chocolates unequalled for purity & flavour – sold at [?] stores & by grocers everywhere. Wissner Pianos used by the world's greatest artists. Fulton and Flatbush Aves. Promotes Health Jaeger pure wool underwear. Send for illustrated catalogue. New York: 16, West 23d St, 166 Broadway. Brooklyn: 504 Fulton St. Brooklyn City co-operative Building and Loan Ass'n. Main office 91 Court Street. Instalment Shares. Books issued for any sum from 50 cents up. Interest 6% per annum. Prepaid Shares issued in sums of $50 and $100 and upwards. Interest 5½% per annum. Write or call for pamphlet. John H. Kampf, Secretary. Thomas F. Lewis, President.
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Columbia Theatre. Bonnets, Toques and Round Hats, in choice variety, latest importations lowest prices at The Paris, 76 Court Street, Corner Livingstone. Filley & Ingraham. Long Island Veterinary Hospital. 285 Jay St. Tel. Main 1[?]74. Largest and finest equipped sanitary hospital in the country. For treatment of dogs, etc. Steam Heated, Ambulance Service Free. Open Day and Night. Kodak, there is no Kodard but the Eastman Kodak. Send for booklet, "Pocket Photography." Hastings & M. [?] 113 Nassau St, New York City. Arrow Brand, Encore 2 for 25c. Cluett, Peabody & Co. Makers. "Briggs says he treats himself to a cocktail every morning. What does he take it for?" "For the best of reasons." "What's that?" "His wife is away and can't stop him." Heide's Licorice Pastilles, Heide's Mint Jujubes, Heide's Assorted Jujubes. Heides Licorice Pastilles, Mint and Assorted Jujubes are the best. Try them and be convinced. 5c boxes. Heide's Licorice Pastilles Mint and Assorted Jujubes 5c boxes. Most Delicious. A fire-proof home! Why not? It only costs ten per cent more than the ordinary wood construction and the interest on the extra cost is soon saved in the lower rate of insurance. Then there is the satisfaction that the loved ones are safe, the valuables secure – so why not? Catalogue on application. The Roebling Construction Co, 121 Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. Sleep on it Thirty Nights, and if your are not completely satisfied – if it is not the equal of a $50 hair mattress in cleanliness, durability and comfort – return it, and your money will be immediately refunded. We pay express charges anywhere, and offer The Ostermoor Patent Elastic Felt Mattress, $15. 314 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., November 27, 1899. Compressing the felt. Binding and closing the tick by hand. Trade Mark. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co., Elizabeth Street, New York. Dear Sirs – I have used your Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses in my house for over twenty-five years, and have seen them for that length of time in use in St. Mary's Hospital, and I do not hesitate to state that they are equal, and in many respect superior, to those made from the best quality of curled horsehair. For cleanliness and durability I doubt if the Patent Elastic Felt has any equal. Very respectfully – John Byrne, M.D. Patent Plastic Belt consists of airy, interlacing, fibrous sheets, of snowy whiteness and great elasticity: closed in the tick by hand, and never mats, loses shape, or gets lumpy; is perfectly dry, non-absorbent, and is guaranteed absolutely vermin-proof. Tick may be removed for washing without trouble. Softer and purer than hair can be. No re-picking or re-stuffing necessary. How to order. State exact size mattress desired (size 6 feet 3 inches x4 feet 6 inches will be sent unless otherwise specified), and give address plainly. Smaller sizes cost less. Not for sale at stores. If you are sceptical or don't need one now, send for our handsome pamphlet, "The Test of Time," mailed free for the asking. It gives full particulars and prices. Take care! Don't be cheated! There is not a single store in the country that carries our mattress. Almost every store now has an imitation so-called "felt," which is kept in stock to sell on our advertising. Our name and guarantee on every mattress. Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses can be bought only of Ostermoor & Company, 116 Elizabeth Street, New York. We have cushioned 25,000 churches. Send for our book, "Church Cushions." Baldwin Men's and Boy's Clothing to order, and ready to wear. Moderate prices no misrepresentation. 380 and 382 Fulton St, Buy of the manufacturer, and save dealer's and agent's profits. Sterling Pianos. 127,000 Sterling instruments in use. More than 7,500 Sterlings in use in Brooklyn. The Sterling Piano Co., 536 Fulton Street, opp. Montauk Theatre. Programme Continued. Synopsis of Scenery. Act I. – Scecne 1 – Venice, a public place (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – Belmont, Portia's House (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Venice, a public place (Hawes Craven). Act II. – Scene 1 – A street (Hawes Craven), Scene 2 – Another street (Hawes Craven), Scene 3 – Shylock's house, by a bridge (W. Telbin). Act III. – Scene I – Belmont, room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Scene 2 – Venice, a street (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Belmont, room in Portia's house (W. Hann), Scene 4 – Venice, a street (Hawes Craven), Scene 5 – Belmont, room in Portia's house (W. Hann). Act IV. – Scene – Venice, a court of justice (Hawes Craven), Act V. – Scene – Portia's garden, with terrace (Hawes Craven). Programme of Music. Overture "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Entr'acte "Air de Ballet" – Gounod, Entr'acte "Portia" – Hamilton Clarke, a. Dance "Henry VIII" – Edward German, b. Ballet Music "Faust" – Gounod, Entr'acte – "Aubade Printaniere" – Paul Lacombe. For Henry Irving, Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Musical Director – Mr. J. H. Pitt, Business Representative – Mr. Bruce Edwards, Treasurer – Mr. Chas E. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. Programme continued on second page following. Phillips' Digestible Cocoa. The only Cocoa with a rich chocolate flavour. Fine confectionery, bon-bons and chocolates. [?] ice cream and ice cream soda. 319 Washington Street. One block above this Theatre. An elegant resort for ladies. Waterbury Dental Parlors, 414 and 416 Fulton St., Brooklyn, second door west of Abraham & Straus. Teeth positively extracted and filled without pain by our new botanical discovery applied to the gums. $5 perfect fit guaranteed. You can have your teeth extracted free painlessly in the morning and go home at night with the new ones. If you have a few old roots or badly decayed teeth, do not have them extracted, but let us restore them to their natural beauty with our painless crown and bridge system, which is undetectable and everlasting. The cost is small, while the results are great. No plates required. Hours : 8 to 6.30. Sundays and Holidays, 9 to 4. German, French and Swedish spoken. Ladies in attendance. All examinations and consultations free. All work guaranteed for 10 years. New York: 54 West 23d St. (opposite Eden Musee). Brooklyn: 414 and 416 Fulton St (second door west Abraham & Straus). Burnham's Clam Bouillon – just the thing for outing parties. Served instantly with little hot water or milk. A pint bottle enough for 8 to 10 persons. Character is Destiny! Learn to build your own character, and thus select your fate intelligently. Astrology, honestly taught and applied, will help you. Trial readings only twenty-five cents. Call, or send for circular to Allen, 250 Livingston Street, rear of Loeser's charges are made for astronomical and mathematical calculations only. Advice and judgment free. Arrangements made for readings at evening parties or clubs. An old author once wrote, "Avoid argument with ladies. In spinning yarns among silks and satins a man is sure to be worsted and twisted and, when a man is worsted and twisted, he may consider himself wound up.
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Columbia Theatre. Liberty Beer made of finest malt and hops only. Bottled exclusively by The Fredk Hollender Co. Offices 115-119 Elm St, N. Y. Use the best! Gibson (Black Label) Rye Whiskey. Bottled and guaranteed by H. A. Graef's Son, Brooklyn, N. Y. Use Pozzoni's Medicated Complexion Powder. Leads in America. Capsicum Vaseline. Put up in collapsible tubes. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of this article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once and relieve headache and sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest ands stomach and all rheumatic, neuralgic and gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household. Many people say "It is the best of all your preparations." Price 10 cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by sending this amount to us, in postage stamps, we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., 17 State Street, New York City. Pursuit of Knowledge. – A pastor was busy erecting a fence around his small garden. He was hammering in the nails, when a boy going to school stopped and watched the operation. "Well, my little man," said the pastor, noting the boy's fixed attention. "would you like to be carpenter?" "No," replied the boy. "Then what are you waiting for?" "I was waiting," returned the urchin, "to hear what a pastor says when he mashes his thumb." The following was the comment of a gentlemen on a tough steak served him once at his club: "They say there is nothing like leather – this steak is." H. M. Baum. Importer of Fine Millinery. 418 and 420 Fulton St. Our Charming Styles, at $6.98 each have become famous. This programme is printed, published and controlled by Frank. V. Strauss & Co., 108, 110, 112, 114 Wooster Street, New York (the largest Programme Advertising and Publishing House in existence), to whom all applications for space should be addressed. Advertisements inserted in any theatrical programme in the United States or Canada. Telephone call, 1411 Spring. A whole dinner in a can Burnham's Clam Chowder, A Seaside Luxury. Burnham's Clam Chowder. This can contains enough for 6 portions. More substantial than an oyster stew. All ready to serve. Only requires heating. Orangeine The Celebrated Kalish Pharmacy 23d St. and 4th Ave. Call it: "A Marvel of Efficacy and Harmlessness" For headache, fatigue and colds, grip. "Women's Comforter". Programme continued. Saturday Matinee, Miss Ellen Terry in The Amber Heart and Henry Irving in Waterloo. Saturday Night, Miss Ellen Terry in Nance Oldfield and Henry Irving in the Bells. The Columbia Theatre Orchestra, under the directorship of J. H. Pitt and Fritz Eisner, will render the music of the play and entr'actes. Scale of prices. Orchestra $3, Orchestra Circle $3, Dress Circle (first 2 rows) $3, Dress Circle (next 5 rows) $2, Family Circle (reserved) $1, Boxes $10, $20 and $25, Gallery Admission 50c. Admission to Orchestra and Dress Circle, $1. Matinee Prices the same as Evening. Box Office open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Telephone – No. 1609 Brooklyn. Curtain rises at 8 Evenings; Matinees, 2 p.m. Programme continued on second page following. "Standard of highest merit" Fischer Pianos. Artistically and musically perfect. 60 years established. 110,000 in use. 33 Union Square West, bet 16th and 17th Street, New York. Ask your grocer for Holmes & Coutt's famous English biscuits. One and two-pound tins for family use. That there is "nothing new under the sun" does not apply to Perry's Pharmacy in the World Building, as the Doctor's efforts seem to be particularly directed toward furnishing the various departments of his large establishment with everything new and progressive. The prescription department is a model or exactness; the drug department is complete in every detail; and a visit to the perfumery department will remind you that the realms of flower furnish a world of perfumes. A superb piano. There is no piano manufactured that is so universally commended by expert performers, and so admired by the rank and file of players, as the Sohmer. It is not a cheap piano, built merely for selling; but considering its countless points of superiority, its matchless purity and richness of tone, and the marvellous beauty of the instrument, it is the cheapest piano anywhere manufactured. It is practically unrivalled. From the Christian Nation. Heard in a Museum – He : This collection of stuffed birds is said to be worth thousands of dollars. She: Is it possible? What are they stuffed with? Ladies will find comfort and style combined in our Wavy Switches. Light, fluffy and natural, they mingle softly with your own hair, and cover thin patches. Wigs for ladies and gentlemen. The proper construction of a wig, so that it may be stylish and absolutely proof against detection is a science that few have mastered. Our wigs are absolute perfection in fit and finish. We never permit work to leave our establishment unless thoroughly satisfactory to our patrons, and perfect in every detail in our expert opinion. Our hair dyes and hair tonics sold extensively throughout the United States. L. Shaw 54 West 14th St. Next to Macy's New York.
Document ID ET-D727, Image 9 of 11
Columbia Theatre. About furs. By C. C. Shayne. Imperial Russian Sables head the list of fashionable furs. Those from the Yakutsk district of Eastern Siberia latitude 60 degrees north, and Aleck Wilderness on Lena River, between the Artic Circle and Arctic Sea, and the district over the mountains west of Okhotsk Sea, are the best. Southern Russia Obi River Sables cost $30, $40, %65 to $100; those from Northern Russia and Siberia $125, $175, $250, $300 and $350 each. Recently received, a few extra dark, perfectly matched, $1,000 per pair. Russian sables, like all undressed furs, are imported duty free. They are dressed here the best in the world, and manufactured into articles for wear in my own workrooms. The quality, style and finish are superior and the prices lower than those now quoted in Europe. To make an average-size muff three skins are required, and two for a fashionable neck-scarf. Russian Sable Muffs, $90, $125, $150, $250, $300, $400, $500, $600, $750 and $1,000. Scarfs, mantles, etc. Recently finished, $450 to $950, capes and mantles from $1,200, $1,500, $1,800, $2,500, $4,000 to $9,500. Neck pieces made from two skins, with cluster of tails, $90, $125, $150, $200, $250, $300, $400, $500 and $700. All the new shapes becoming to the figure, in stock. Articles to order from selected skins without extra charge. Hudson Bay Sables rank next to Russian. They are an American product Skins good colors, $10 and $15; darker, $20, $30 and $40; very dark, $50 and $60. Note – I do not sell blended sables; the process of darkening injures the fur. Ladies who have purchased them in Europe and elsewhere during the past two years complain of a mottled, shabby appearance after being worn a short time. Sealskins. Alaska seals caught on Pribylov Islands, in Behring Sea, are the best; the pelt is strong, the fur dense, handsome and durable. It costs no more now to dress and dye, make, line and finish a garment than it did before the advance, which was on the raw material only, and for the next season's use. I have all the seals I require for this season's business, purchased at the old prices; and will continue to sell Alaska sealskin coats, fashionable length, at $250, $300 and $350. Note – I could sell coats of Victoria, Northwest and Lobos Island seal at $125, $150, $175, but they do not give satisfaction; they wear off at the edges and look shabby after a short period of use. If they gave satisfaction I would sell them, but they do not. Persian Lamb Skins, Leipsig-dyed; coats, $150 up; jackets trimmed with chinchilla, Hudson Bay sable, mink etc., $200 to $500. Hudson Bay Otter is the most durable of all dyed furs. Coats, $350, $400, $500. Note – Several to whom I sold otter coats twelve and fifteen years ago had them made over this season, and they did not require re-dyeing. Chinchilla, fox, ermine. Note – I do not sell dyed blue fox; it has not proven satisfactory. I do sell the natural blue Russian fox, silver and dyed brown fox. Fox skins at best are extravagant, but while they are fashion able ladies will have them. Men's fur-lined overcoats. All sizes, styles and prices. C. C. Shayne manufacturing fur merchant, 42d Street West, bet. Broadway and Sixth Avenue. B. – Who was it wrote "Actions speak louder than words?" H. – I don't know; but I'll bet the thought occurred to him while he was trying to sneak upstairs at three o'clock in the morning. Dr. Gross, the celebrated surgeon of Philadelphia, had been dangerously ill. Shortly after his recovery he met one of his lady patients, who remarked to him, "Oh, doctor, I rejoice to see that you are out again; had we lost you our good people would have died by the dozen." "Thank you, madam," replied the affable doctor; "but now, I fear, they will die by the Gross!" Passing Notes. – Bank of England. A port that is often sought in vain – support. Papa's valentine – Little Ethel, for the first time observing baby, born valentines day: "Well, papa, I s'pose you are just dying to know who sent it? Not made by a trust guaranteed absolutely. Pure cream tartar powder, and equal in strength and quality to any in the market. "Mama, if that is B T. Babbitt's Best Baking Powder put some in mine too." Use [?] licorice tablets for coughs and colds. Sold by druggists everywhere. Glycerine Tablets for all throat affections. Guide to happiness. 1. Sleep eight hours, 2. Sleep on the right side, 3. Have bedroom window open, 4. Place bed away from wall, 5. On awakening take Heide's Assorted Jujubes; they remove the unpleasant taste from the mouth, 6. Take a bath, lukewarm water, 7. Exercise before breakfast, 8. Eat little meat, always well cooked, 9, Eat cereals and starchy foods, 10, At noon take Heide's Mint Jujubes to aid digestion, 11. Avoid intoxicants, 12. Take daily exercise, 13. Drink plenty of water, 14. Limit your ambitions, 15. Restrain your natural character. Don't worry, 16. At night take Heide's Licorice Pastilles; they clear the respiratory organs and ensure a night's rest. Scene, New York restaurant Traveleer: "Give me a chop and a cup of coffee – quick! My train leaves in twenty minutes." Water: "Yes, sah. That will be seventy five cents, sah." Traveler: "Do you want payment in advance?
Waiter: "Yes, sah. Yo' may be gone befo' its cooked, sah." Columbia Theatre. Next Attraction. Two weeks, beginning Monday evening, Jan. 15. Matinees Wednesday (of the first week) and Saturday. Charles Frohman will present, for the first time in Brooklyn, Julia Marlowe in Clyde Fitch's Successful American Drama, Barbara Frietchie. Cast, Scenery and Incidentals precisely as given during the successful run at the Criterion Theatre, New York. The patrons of the Columbia will confer a favour on the management by reporting any inattention on the part of the employees. Entrance to Gentlemen's Smoking-Room from Orchestra lobby. The Sohmer Piano used here exclusively. Sohmer & Co's Salesroom only at 170 Fifth Ave., Cor. 22d St., N. Y. Opera-Glasses at Cloak-Room. The Ladies' Private Parlor, in charge of a maid, is located to the right of the inside lobby. Children under five years of age not admitted. All articles found in the theatre by any of the employees will be returned to the box office, where owner may directly inquiry. Patrons of the Theatre who find articles left in seats are particularly enjoined to leave same with some employee of the house. Articles checked at the Coat-Room free of charge. Carpets, Rugs, etc., used in this theatre furnished by Wm. Berri's Sons. The Bric-a-Brac used in this Theatre supplied by C. H. Morson. The furniture used in this Theatre furnished by J. Michaels, 184 Smith Street. Patrons living at a distance from this Theatre can obtain Choice Reserved Seats through the offices of The American District Telegraph Company. Telephone hints – Physicians who have patients to whom they may be called suddenly, and who have heretofore remained away from the Theatre for fear of being out of call in such cases, can now leave their seat numbers in the box office, and be called as quickly as in their office. Ushers will deliver messages to them promptly upon receipt of same over the wire. Wigs and Coiffures, L. Shaw, 54 West 14th Street, New York. Programme continued on next page. Sa-yo Mint Jujubes relieve coughs and throat irritations 5c boxes. Handsome photo folder in each box. This space is for sale. Try it. You will be benefited, and want more. Apply to Frank V. Strauss & Co., 108-114 Wooster St., New York, and get a pointer or two. Russian, Electric Turkish Baths, 34 Clinton St., B'klyn. Always open for gentlemen. Separate baths for ladies, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday is a suitable day to serve Burnham's Clam Bouillon. It will take the place of fish, and prove an acceptable change. People say, who've made the [?] that Phillips' Cocoa is the best and highest stands in favour. They tell how easily ‘twill digest; while all remark they are impressed with its rich chocolate flavour. It was in the manager's sanctum. Theatrical Manager: "and so you want a part of our new comedy. You seem a melancholy sort of a chap. What parts have you been taking?" Seedy applicant: "Well, I've been principal comic man in a company that's just gone to smash." Stopping the Whispering – Mother: "Oh, Georgie, who opened the canary's cage?" Georgie: "I did, you told me a little bird was whispering to you when I was naughty, so I knew it must be him, as there was no other little bird about. So I opened he cage, and the cat's eaten him. That's what he got for telling about me." A certain pastor was in the habit of pointing his sermons with either "Dearly beloved brethren," or "Now, my brothers." One day a lady member of his congregation took exception to this, and asked him why he always preached to the gentlemen and never to the ladies. "My dear lady," replied the beaming pastor, "one embraces the other." "But not in church!" was the lady's ready reply.
Document ID ET-D727, Image 10 of 11
Columbia Theatre. Possoni's Medicated Complexion Powder. Leads in America. Siegel Cooper, Sixth Avenue 18th & 19th Sts. The Big Store. Wines and Liquors of our importation. Everything guaranteed to give satisfaction in every particular, or money refunded. Amontillado Sherry, very rich and of high character, imported by ourselves and drawn from the wood; gal…….. $3 Burgundy Port, very old and clear, heavy bodied and finely matured, delicate bouquet; gal $3, Laubenheimer, imported Rhine Wine, imported from Burckhardt and Sohne, Deidesheim a/R; case of 12 qts…$5.50, Niersteiner, imported Rhine Wine, imported from Burckhardt & Sohne, Deidesheim a /R; case of 12 qts… $5.50, Deidesheimer, imported Rhine Wine, from Burckhardt & Sohne, Deidesheim a/R; case 12 qts …$6.50. St Julien, imported from Armand Frere, Bordeaux, France; case of 12 qts $5.50. Pontet Canet, imported from Armand Frere, Bordeaux, France, case of 12 qts. $7 Chateau Bellefon, imported from Th. Darriet & Co., Bordeaux, France: case of 12 qts…$10. Castle & Sauterne, imported from W. & A. Gilbey, London, England; case of 12 qts…. $7.50. Haut Sauterne, imported from Bertal and Martin, case of 12 qts… $9.50. Temptation Cocktails all varieties, Manhattan, Martini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Tom, or Holland Gin, purest and best .85, Maryland Rye Whiskey, gal, $2.25, Mt. Vernon Pure Rye Whiskey, gal $2.50, Finch's Golden Wedding, gal - $3, Old Cabinet Rye, gal - $4, Irish Whiskey, imported from W. Jameson, Harp Brand or George Roe Irish Whiskey; case 12 qts, $13; bottle, $1.25. Remember ! You have been an infallible care for Headache, Colds and grip in "Orangeine." Established reputation. All business this is not a matter of a day, a week, a month, or a year. It is the slow building up of many years, almost as slowly and imperceptibly and the coral insect builds. A solid basis in business is the result of a reputation honestly earned. There is no article manufactured that stands more in the glare of criticism that the piano. A poor piano is an abomination, a good one a perennial joy. There is but one way to purchase a piano that will be every way satisfactory (this, of course, includes the highest merits of tone quality, action, workmanship and durability), and that way is to be guided by the established reputation of the manufacturer. Where a business firm has been nearly three generations in existence, where practical and skilled workmanship has ever been its aim and "progress" its motto, and where the number of its pianos reaches 110,000 placed in the homes of the land, certainly an established reputation has been earned. This is the record of the Fischer Piano. Why should the goat be regarded as the most important animal of the dairy? Because it's the butter. Col. Sinn's Montauk Theatre. The Elite Theatre of Brooklyn. Isabel Sinn-Hoyt, Proprietor. All this week. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Isabel Sinn-Holt announces Broadhurst's Gleeful Plentitude, Why Smith Left Home. By George H. Broadhurst, author of "What Happened to Jones," "The Wrong Mr. Wright," etc. With the original company, including Maclyn Arbuckle, F. W. Peters, Dan Mason, Mat Snyder, H.F. Robert, Annie Yeamans, Brandon Douglas, Gertrude Roosevelt, Anita Bridger, Mrs. E. A. Eberle, Rose Snyder and Blanche Carlyle. Five months at the Strand Theatre, London and Four Months at the Madison Square Theatre, New York. This programme is printed, published and controlled by Frank V. Strauss & Co., 108, 110, 112, 114 Wooster Street, New York (the largest Programme Advertising and Publishing House in existence), to whom all applications for space should be addressed. Advertisements inserted in any theatrical programme in the United States or Canada. Wetheimer's Peerless Glove. A Woman's Hands are never quite to beautiful and symmetrical as when encased in a pair of Wertheimer's peerless gloves. They are the only $1.50 glove that can be worn in good taste with the finest costume. None genuine unless stamped on the clasp, "Wertheimer's Peerless" sold by H. Batterman. If your dealer does not keep them, write to H. Batterman, Brooklyn. Wertheimer's Peerless Gloves $1.50. Columbia Theatre. Want a Carriage? One or one dozen. Call up 131 Bedford (our expense), and let us show you that we are awake. Carriages lighted, heated or cooled by electricity. Rubber tired, drawn by live horses, and driven by sober, careful men. W. J. Moser, 538-540 Halsey Street. This programme is printed, published and controlled by Frank V. Strauss & Co, 108, 110, 112, 114 Wooster Street, New York (the largest Programme Advertising and Publishing House in existence), to whom all applications for space should be addressed. Advertisements inserted in any theatrical programme in the United States or Canada. What roof covers the most noisy tenant? The rook of the mouth. They would be a boon! – "There are some spectacles one never forgets!" said a lecturer, after describing a terrible accident he had witnessed . "I'd like to know where they sell ‘em," said an old lady in the audience, who had a habit of mislaying her glasses. [plan of Stage]
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Bengal Little Cigars a Royal Smoke! In curved tin box. 10 cents for 10.
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