Document ID ET-D730
Archive Location | ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1899-1900 (BL) Loan 125/24/8 |
Document description | programme |
Date | Saturday 27 January 1900 [15] |
Document form | D - Programme |
Document attributes | Annotated |
Corporate Body | Lyceum Theatre Company |
Production Date(s) | 25 January 1900 to 27 January 1900 |
Venue | Detroit Opera House |
Venue address | [USA] |
Time of performance | 2pm |
Stage Manager | H. J. Loveday |
Scene Designer | Hawes Craven, W. Telbin, W. Hann |
Music Director | J. H. Pitt |
Language | English |
Works Cited
Title | The Merchant of Venice |
Original author | William Shakespeare |
Document ID ET-D730, Image 1 of 11
Detroit Opera House. C. J. Whitney Prop. B. C. Whitney Mc[?]. W. A. Sturgeon & Co. For the approaching wedding season we have prepared an unusual assortment of sterling silverware and cut glass mounted with silver which you will find especially appropriate. W. A. Sturgeon & Co. Jewelers, 237-239-241 Woodward Avenue.
Document ID ET-D730, Image 2 of 11
The C. J. Whitney Co. State Agents, 141-3-5 Woodward Avenue. We have had 42 years' experience in our business and have selected the following makes of Pianos as representing the best value in each grade: The Peerless Chickering, The Artistic Mason and Hamlin, Dewey's Choice Hallet and Davis Behr Bros. Waldorf, Schiller and Whitney Pianos. ¼ off sale. A discount on our entire line which excels any assortment in the city. A splendid opportunity to purchase a Muff, Cape, Scarf, Sacque or anything in the fur line at a Bargain. A. W. Reckmeyer & Co. 32-34-36 Miami Ave. Once tried always used. White & White's headache powders. Absolutely cure all headaches. Contains no opiates, antipyrine or other harmful drugs. Positively cure neuralgia in all its forms. Sweeten the stomach and prevent indigestion. Will break up a cold in twelve hours. After indulgence in liquors or food at night one powder taken on retiring will positively correct all evil effects. They are worth their weight in gold for this purpose. No habit is acquired by continual use of these powders. Sold by druggists. A clearance sale of ladies' and misses' shoes. Big reductions made on every pair in stock. Ladies' shoes like cut, $2.97 a pair. Regular price $5.00. Ladies' welt and turn Shoes, in box calf, enamel and Vici Kid, were $3.50 to $5.00 – Reduced to $2.48. Ladies' button and lace shoes, welts and turns in Vici, box calf, Russian calf – regular prices $3.00 to $5.00, broken sizes reduced to $1.98. Children's shoes, every pair in stock reduced 25c to 75c a pair. Hunter & Hunter. Robespierre the complete story of the great Irving-Terry Play, written under the direction of Mr. Sardou, who wrote the play. A magnificent work $1.10 all new books at lowest prices. Detroit Agents – Perry Pictures. 1,000 Novels – 10 cents each. Stationery Sale – Odds and Ends – Now on. Detroit Agents – Bradly Kndergarten Goods. School Books for all Schools. Valentines Now Ready. Macauley Bros. 172 Woodward Avenue. A clearance sale of ladies' and misses' shoes. Big reductions made on every pair in stock. Ladies' shoes, like cut $2.97 a pair. Regular price $5.00. Ladies' welt and turn shoes in box calf, enamel and Vici Kid, were $3.50 to $5.00 – Reduced to $2.48. Ladies' button and lace shoes, welts and turns in Vici, box calf, Russian calf – Regular prices $3.00 to $5.00, broken sizes – reduced to $1.98. Children's shoes, every pair in stock reduced 25c to 75c a pair. Hunter & Hunter. Mdme. Shepard dressmaking and ladies tailoring, 34 Rowland St. Chiera's Oriental Hotel. European Plan Men Only …. New and Fire-Proof. 100 Light Airy Rooms, with privilege of Shower Plunge and Needle Baths and use of Bath-robe. Turkish-Russian baths in connection. The ladies' Turkish bath department was re-opened Monday, November 6th. Centrally located – 2 minutes' walk from all Theatres. Public Library Square, Detroit, Mich.
Document ID ET-D730, Image 3 of 11
Another mark down of ladies' and misses' jackets. Tailored suits, dress skirt, cloth and plush capes, house wrappers, silk waists, muslin underwear and furs. You will find Great Bargains in everyone of these departments to reduce stock before invoicing, February 1st. $1.00 Elnor Kid Gloves. 2=clasp overseam. Made from fine French Lambskin, perfect fitting, every pair guaranteed and considered by competent judges the best $1.00 Glove on the market, Black, White, Pearl, Tan Brown and Mode. Newcombe, Endicott & Co. Russell House Restaurant and Café. Cuisine and Service Unsurpassed. Russell House Orchestra under direction Prof. D. M. Agnes, every evening after the Theatre. Tables reserved for Private Dinners and Theatre Parties. Open from 7 to 1 o'clock a.m. Table d'hote from 12 to 2.30 p.m. 50 cents. Sunday Table d'hote dinner from 6 to 8 p.m. Price 75 cents. This Table d'hote will be made a speciality, served in the most superior manner and will contain every delicacy of the season, exquisitely and temptingly prepared. There's just one thing better than a box of choice candy. It's two boxes. If purchased at Angell's formerly the sugar bowl, 235 Woodward. Re-engagement of the Wild Man don't forget to see him down stairs in the smoking room. Three nights and Saturday Matinee, Jan. 25, 26 and 27, 1900. Engagement of Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and the London Lyceum Company. Saturday Matinee, January 27th, 1900, Shakespeare's Comedy, The Merchant of Venice. In four acts. Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassanio – Mr. Arthur Royston, Duke of Venice – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. James S. Hearn, Salanio – Mr. Charles Vane, Salarino – Mr. L. Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. Harry B. Stanford, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer – Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo – Mr. H. R. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. W. Ablett, Clerk of the Court – Mr. C. H. Kenney, Jessica – Miss Cecil Cromwell, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton and Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Saturday night – Miss Ellen Terry in "Nance Oldfield" Henry Irving in "The Bells". Phelps, Brace & Co's Royal Tigers, 10c,; Tigerettes, 5c. – A smoker's smoke. Annual 1-4 off sale at Richardson's China Shop, 160 Woodward. Smoking room in basement. Fine line of Cigars. White & White Headache Powders for sale.
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A razzle-dazzle in the bathroom. You will feel like dancing when you see the new Open Plumbing, fine Porcelain lined tub, Marble Lavatory and brackets, and latest Low Down Syphone Closet that we have fitted it up with when we have been ordered to do so. Our work in fitting up private houses with Open Plumbing is of the highest order of excellence in scientific detail and expert workmanship. F. W. Rider & Co., 231 Griswold Street. The Trojan Laundry's Custom Shirt Factory is located at 11 Grand River avenue, opposite Y.M.C.A. We make shirts to your order, $1.50 and up. F. L. Albertson, Prop. Trade Mark [?] Patent Shirt. The shirt that fits, gives better satisfaction than shirts made to order. For sale by Men's furnisher. Paul Wieneke, 45 Monroe Ave. The Ladies' favourite. What is the Ladies' favourite? It is the latest improved and best carpet sweeper ever sold. Ask your merchant for it. Have none other. Why not? I will tell you. 1st – It runs easy. 2d – Removes all sand and dust from carpets. 3d. The brush has means for lowering when worn. 4th – No dust is raised when in use; all being taken up. 5th – It is guaranteed for one year. 6th – It has many other points of merit which is very valuable, 7th – It is made by J. W. Sykes Co., Detroit, Mich. ¼ off on all fancy China, Bric-a-brac, lamps, jardinières, chafing dishes, etc. This is the only opportunity you will have for a whole year to procure truly artistic wares of Standard makes at so unusual a reduction. Just deduct 25 per cent. from our regular prices, as marked; or, for instance: $25 Roast Sets now $18.75, $20 Dinner Sets, now $15.00, $10 Lamps, now - $7.50, $8 Lamps, now $6.00, $5 Chafing Dishes, now $3.75, $6 Jardinieres, now $4.50, $5 vases, now - $3.75, $8 vases, now - $6.00. Terms Cash. No Goods Exchanged. Trading Stamps Given. Richardson's 160 Woodward. Synopsis. Act I – Scene 1 – Venice. A public place. (Hawes Craven) Scene 2 – Belmont. Portia's House (Hawes Craven) Scene 3 – Venice. A public place. (Hawes Craven). Amusement stamps are accepted at the Detroit Opera House the same as cash – every twenty-five stamps for ten cents. Theatre Tickets Free, if you save stamps. Little Books that briefly tell of the duties of guardians and administrators and of the descent and distribution of real and personal estate in Michigan will, if you call, be given you, or mailed if you ask, to your address by the Union Trust Company, Detroit, Michigan.
Document ID ET-D730, Image 5 of 11
For Henry Irving – Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Musical Director – Mr. J. H. Pitt, Business Representative – Mr. Bruce Edwards, Treasurer – Mr. Chas. E. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. House Staff. Proprietor – Mr. C. J. Whitney, Manager – Mr. B. C. Whitney, Treasurer – Mr. H. F. Parent, Assistant Treasurer – H. H. Steiner, Ticket Taker – N. Keiter, Programme Publisher – Jos. Goodman, 30 East Larned Street, Chief Usher – A. Wellington. The original swiss electro-chemical ring positively anti-rheumatic. Cures all forms of Rheumatism – such as Neuralgia, Sciatica, Inflammatory, Lumbago, Gout, etc. Writers' Cramp – Operators, Typewriters, Pianists or whatever cause, and Asthma. All are due to acid in the blood. The ring remove the acid excess and absolutely cures the ailment. Never known to fail and has obtained a world-wide reputation. The only genuine S.E.C. Marque de Fabrique. Trade Mark Registered. This Trade-Mark stamped inside each Ring – Look out for Fraudulent Imitations. Money refunded if not satisfied after wearing. Five weeks. Over 300,000 sold. Call or write for booklet. The Swiss-American Ring Co., 4 Opera Block, Detroit, Mich. Or Express Bldg., Windsor, ONT. Hay's Water-proof binding Co. The recognized High Quality Skirt Binding by dressmakers and consumers everywhere. A few good points to remember about. Hay's Binding makes the skirt hang gracefully and guarantees a perfect protection to the bottom of the skirt. In buying binding see that you get Hay's for sale everywhere. [second page covered by insert – see image 7 for transcript]
Document ID ET-D730, Image 6 of 11
[music score] Segrid – Valse Briliant. Fernando De Anguera. Tempo di Valse. Second movement. A Beautiful, Brilliant and Catchy Waltz. Easy to play; Strictly High-Class. "The Best in Years." Published by Pierrepont Music Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich. For Sale by all Dealers. The Red, White and Blue March. C. Pierrepont. Second movement. A Tuneful, Catchy and Very Showy Two-Step. "It Has The Go." Published by Pierrepont Music Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich. For Sale by all Dealers.
Document ID ET-D730, Image 7 of 11
Hotel Metropole Café and Grill Room. Special attention given to Theatre Parties. Table d'Hote Luncheon 35c. From 11.30 to 2.30 p.m. Open until one o'clock A.M. Clements & Smith, Props. Henry Irving and Ellen Terry. Concerning Henry Irving, whose talents have raised him to a peculiar social as well as professional distinction in England there is little to be said that the world does not already know; and as for Miss Ellen Terry, there is a world of happy significance in the fact that at home she is usually spoken of as the "the Lady of the Lyceum." She has been associated with Mr. Irving in all the great productions of his management during the last fifteen years. Mr. Irving owes to Ellen Terry's wonderful talent and yet more wonderful tact a large measure of his own reputation as the foremost tragedian of the age. Like Peter Smith & Son, opposite Hudson's they are foremost in the line of delicatessen goods and carry everything ever made for a Dutch lunch. Synopsis. Act II. – Scene 1 – A Street. (Hawes Craven), Scene 2 – Another Street (Hawes Craven), Scene 3 – Shylock's house by a bridge (W. Telbin). Patrons can be served with Carriages by leaving word at the box office as the Opera House Management has made arrangements with the Detroit Omnibus Line. Hotel Cadillac café and restaurant. Modern and up-to-date in all appointments. 50x. Table d'Hote from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Music every night open until 1 o'clock a.m. Swart Bros., Props.
Document ID ET-D730, Image 8 of 11
Special Offer! Ladies' Tailor-Made Gowns. Made to Order by Mr. K. Niman. Late with Newcomb, Endicott & Co. To meet with increasing demand for the most correct fashions and first-class work, I will for the next thirty days, make up gowns, silk lined throughout for form $45 to $50. Same were formerly $75 to $80. This offer is made to introduce to the public our correct styles and fitting. We invite you to give us a trial and convince yourself of the superiority of our work. L. Niman, 208 Woodward Ave. For the breath and throat irritations try! Hy-Jen. Leaves a cool clean taste. Druggists - 5c. Per Package. Palms suitable for your home. Come and see our bargains in Floral Designs. F. Danger, Florist, 228 Woodward Avenue. Phone, Main 2665-3 bells. January clearing sale. We offer all our Jackets, Box Coats, Three-quarter Coats. Newmarkets and Velvet Coats, one-half off regular prices. Capes and Furs. One-quarter off regular prices. The E. M. Bigs by Co., 199 Woodward Avenue. This space belongs to the Hotel Barclay Thos. F. Harrison, Manager. Cabinet Cigar Co. 36 Monroe Ave., Makers of Washington Cabinets, 10c. Jim said and crowned Vim 3c. Cigars. Disturbing Agents for Cameron & Cameron's "Favourite" and "Coronet" High-grade Cigarettes and "camerettes" All tobacco cigarettes. Program of music Overture - "Merchant of Venice" - Hamilton Clarke, Entr'acte - "Air de ballet" - Gounod, Entr'acte - "Portia" - Hamilton Clarke, (a) Dance - "Henry VIII" - Edward German, (b) Ballet Music - "Faust" - Gounod. Educate for Profitable employment. All agree that education is essential: the wisest educational preparation is that which places young men and women, masters and misses, in the way of making themselves profitable and useful in real life. This is the high mission of the Detroit Business University. Day and evening sessions. Individual instructions. Large corps of experienced gentlemen teachers. Students advanced rapidly. Call or send for handsome catalogue. William F. Jewell, Pres. Platt. R. Spencer, Sec'y Business University Building, 11-19 Wilcox Street. Synopsis Act III - Scene 1 - Belmont, Room in Portia's House (W. Hann) Scene 2 - Venice - a Street. (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 - Belmont, Room in Portia's house. (W. Han) Scene 4 - Venice - a Street, (Hawes Craven), Scene 5 - Belmont Room to Portia's house. (W. Hann). Sanders' Detroit's Palace of Sweets, our ice cream soda the talk of the town. Try our 25 cent box of creams. 141-143 Woodward Avenue. Reward! Lost pocket book - During a recent performance in this house, one of our prominent ladies lost her pocket book, containing a diamond ring, $17.00 in money and an address where to get the famous Alpha Ventilating Dress Shields. The finder may keep the ring and money but kindly return the valuable address. Additional information next week. D&C. Detroit & Cleveland Co. [?][?][?][?] $1.50 to Cleveland, $6.85 to Pittsburg. For Cleveland and Pittsburg daily 10.30 p.m. For [?] and Way Ports, Monday's 6.00 p.m. Friday's 9.30 a.m. For Toldko, Sunday's at 4.00 p.m, Thursday's 9.45 a.m. Fare 75c.[?][?][?] Weekend Excursions, every Saturday night to Cleveland. Fare $2 round trip. You have a full day' outing, return home in time for Business Monday morning. "For a neat fitting waist use the ever-ready dress stays I do!"
Document ID ET-D730, Image 9 of 11
Three Nights and Wednesday Matinee, Beginning Monday, Jan, 29, Daniel Frohman Presents E.H. Sothern and Virginia Harned. Monday Evening at 8 sharp - The King's Musketeer (Hamilton's Version of Duma's Romance). Tuesday and Wednesday at 8, and Wednesday Matinee at 2 - The Song of the Sword. By Leo Ditrichstein. Leidich's tourist and steamship ticket bureau 515 Chamber of Commerce. Steamship tickets by all lines to all parts of the world. R. R. Excursion Tickets for European Orient. De Potter's High Class Tours. Special Tours to Paris Exposition and Passion Play in Oberammergan. All information free. Send for programs and sailings. Tours to Italy, Egypt and Nile. Consult an experienced traveler. C. Led inch, 515 Chamber of Commerce. The Parisian Steam Laundry Co., Both Telephones, 321, 41 Grand River Avenue, Corner Washington. Eating pronounced a habit eat our baking delicacies and have a good habit. Hibbards - 3 stores. 180 Woodward Ave. 225 Jefferson Ave. 361 Woodward Ave. A drink of our soda or hot chocolate will prove it delicious. City Savings Bank Geo. R. Angel Proprietor, F. C. Pingree, Vice-President, H. R. Andrews - Cashier. Your account is solicited. Extra Quality Dunlape & Co [?]. New Styles hats New Styles. See our special $3.00 hat in Derby and Soft for Men. Ladies hats and furs. Dickerson & Co., Russell House. Notice to the Public. Having disposed of my old Dental Office, on Gratiot Ave., Corner of St. Antonine St., I will not be responsible for anything that may occur at the old Gratiot Ave. office in the future. I having purchased the Utopia Dental Parlors, 24 Washington Ave., where Exhedonic for painless extraction is used and copyrighted by me, and will hereafter be known as Dr. Miller's Utopia Dental Parlors, 25 Washington Ave. Corner State Street. Lady Attendant. Both phones Old Main [?], New Main 4665. Dr G. M. Miller. Dentist. Synopsis Act IV - Scene - Venice. A Court of Justice (Hawes Craven). As the old-fashioned [?] candle is to the modern electric light, so [?] prepared in the old fashioned manner compares with the Bailie Machine Screened Coat. 91 Griswold Street. Both phones 4259. All that's new in music. All the popular hits of the day, you'll find at lowest prices at Zickel's Music Dept 189-191 (Woodward Ave. [?]). All music played. Adams Pepsin Tutti Frutti Euchre [?][?][?][?][?] which wins aids digestion. Good digestion for a cent. A cent for a stick of Adams' Pepsin Tutti-Frutti, and lose your indigestion - or keep the cent in your pocket and the dyspepsia in your stomach - it's a question of cents and cense. Churchill 158 Woodward Ave. Opera house call bell in connection.
Document ID ET-D730, Image 10 of 11
Ladies' Parlors and Ladies' Hat and Cloak Rooms in Basement, lobby floor, right. Gentlemen's Smoking Rooms in Basement, lobby floor, left. There is no charge for checking Coats, Hats or Umbrellas. All Articles found in the Theatre should be left at the box office where they will be restored to the owners. There are now a number of articles at the Box Office that have been lost during the season. Whitney Piano used exclusively at this Theatre. The water used in this Theatre is the famous Red Seal Geneva Lithia Water. F.H. & W.H. Hitchcock. Agent, 29 Grand River Avenue. Detroit phone [?]. All music sung and played at this Theatre 1-2 price and less at Shafer's Music Department. A. J. Clark & Co. Brokers. Stock, Grain and Provisions. 174 Griswold Street, Detroit, Mich. Coot's Turkish and Russian Bath House. Sure Cure for Colds, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back etc. First-class in all respects. Phone 965. 38-40 Gratiot Ave. Oppose Public Library. Detroit Sanitarium 250 Fort Street West. Turkish Vapor Electric Massage. Bath Parlors. Remodeled. Up-to-date. Expert lady and gentlemen attendant. Single baths, 60c. 10 baths, $5.00. The Bismark open day and night. Restaurant and Café. For ladies and gents. 32 Monroe Ave. Ferd Jahn, Prop. Phones 2508 WM. J. Chiera, 70 John R St. Lace Curtain renovating and Tinting Works. Detroit, Mich. The Monroe Improved Gold Cure. Established 1892. No bad after effects. Alcohol, Morphine, Cocaine and tobacco habits. Send for pamphlet, H. J. McKar, Prop., Windsor, ONT. P.O. Box 446 – Tel. 175. 46-48 Pitt St. W. Richter's 11 State Street, (Near Woodward Ave.) Popular Restaurant and Café headquarters for the finest beers in the world. Bartholomay famous Rochester Beers, Aneheuser-Busch Budweiser, imported Pilsner and Munic Hofbrau. Louis M. Knauss, Prop'r. Theodore C. May, formerly with Henry A. Newland & Co. Importer, Manufacturer and Retailer of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Furs 259 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Old Phone 2960.
Document ID ET-D730, Image 11 of 11
A great Kid Glove Sale a notable glove occasion, which will undoubtedly be attended by hundreds of eager buyers. Actual $1.00, $1.50 and $2 Kid Gloves for 69c. 69c for Ladies' 5-hook, 4 button and 2 claps $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Kid Gloves – in Black, White and Colors including Mousquitaire Suede Gloves – the best $1.50 and $2.00 qualities – without exception the greatest Glove Values ever offered – all priced to create a furore 69c. Drugs and toilet articles which would cost you far more money if bought elsewhere. Mennen's Talcum Powder - 15c, 4711 Glycerine Soap – 15c, Colgate's Cashmere Boquet Soap – 15c, Violet Perfumed Ammonia – large size, - 10c, Liebeg's Extract of Beef – 21c, Special in Tooth Brushes – wirth 25c, 35c and 50c – sale price (2 for 25c) each – 15c, Dars' Benzorated Almond Cream, for chapped hands – rough skin and complexion – large size – 25c, Hot Water Bottles – every one guaranteed, 33c up, sole agents for "Madame Rupperts" Face Preparations. Full line at cut prices. To the profession – full and complete line of Meyer's Greace Paints and Toilet Preparations at very low prices. Face cream, lb., 50c. Hudson's Big Store.
Clarke & Reardon Printing Co., 30 East Larned St.
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Document ID: ET-D730 Archive location: ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1899-1900 (BL) Loan 125/24/8