Document ID ET-D753, Image 9 of 13
Fragrant and Refreshing Absolutely [?]. Woodbury Facial. Will not cause blackheads. John Woodbury. Charles Richman says: I have used Woodbury's facial soap for twelve years in the theatre and have [?] [?] it all the way from San Francisco to New York. [?][?] Woodbury's Facial Soap and Facial Cream are the idols of the skin. For sale everywhere for 25c each. Send 10 cents in stamps for our 10x13 Souvenir of Prominent Stage Favourites containing a series of handsomely engraved autograph portraits suitable for framing or 15 cents for souvenir and trial sizes soap and cream. The Andrew Jergens Co. Sole Owners. Cincinnati, O. [?] H. Woodman Dental Cream cleanses [?] 25 cents. The skin, scalp and complexion. Reputation built on quality. Ononoco Rye Whiskey used by the people, because the people appreciate its quality, Edward J. Quinn. ‘Phone 761-Y. 604 Pennsylvania Avenue N. W. Fancy Furs and Expert Repairing at Special Prices. Jacob Liebster, Importer and Manufacturer, Free Theatre Tickets. Rents collected at 4 per cent, which saving over the usual rates, is equivalent to either free tickets to this Theatre, or free water rents to the property owners. Dunlop, Real Estate Broker. ‘Phone, Main 744. Metzerott Building. Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti Euchre Clubs Trump which wins? Aids digestion. The gum of health. Chew gum, everybody – chew for pleasure, chew for good digestion – chew Adams' Pepsin Tuti-Frutti, the sweet and the pure. Lerch's Dry Cleaning and Dyeing 826 12th St. N. W. Works, 1206-8 1 St, N. W. Phone, Main 2023. Ladies' Fine Work a Speciality. Schutz… Opp. The Arlington Hotel, Now offers many of this imported models, consisting of plain and fancy tailor gowns, reception, street and carriage dresses, opera wraps, automobile coats, skirts riding habits etc. At greatly reduced prices. Dr. Butcher… Osteopath1420 N. Y. Ave. N. W. Acute and chronic diseases successfully treated without drugs. Hrs, 10 to 5. Phone, Main 4027 M. MME. D. Dion French Dyeing and Cleaning 1212 G St. N. W. Ostrich feathers a speciality. Gowns and delicate fabrics cleaned. Phone Main 3471-M. (Continued from page 15). Friday Night. Dante by MM. Sardou and Moreau. Rendered into English by Laurence Irving. As produced at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London. Dante – Henry Irving, Cardinal Colonna, Papal Legate – Mr. William Mollison, Nello della Pietra, husband of Pia – Mr. Laurence Irving, Bernardino, betrothed to Gemma – Mr. Gerald Lawrence, Friends to Dante, Giotto – Mr. H. B. Stanford, Casella – Mr. James Hearn, Forese – Mr. Vincent Sternroyd, Bellacqua – Mr. W. J. Yeldham, Malatesta, husband to Francesca – Mr. Walter Reynolds, Corso, nephew to Colonna – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Ostasio, a familiar of the Inquisition – Mr. Frank Tyars, Ruggieri, Archbishop of Pisa – Mr. William Lugg, The Grand Inquisitor – Mr. William Farren, Jr, Paolo, brother to Malatesta – Mr. Leslie Palmer, Ucolino – Mr. Mark Paton, Swashbucklers, Lippo – Mr. John Archer, Conrad – Mr. W. K. Ablett, Enzio, brother to Helen of Swabia – Mr. F. D. Daviss, Fadrico – Mr. H. Porter, Merchant – Mr. G. Graystone, Townsman – Mr. T. Reynolds, Townsman – Mr. A. Fisher, A Servant – Mr. R Brennan, Pia Dei Tolomei, wife to Nello – Miss Mabel Hackney, Gemma, her daughter – Miss Nora Lancaster, The Abbess of the convent – Miss Wallis, Francesca Da Rimini – Miss Beatrice Bramah, Helen of Swabia – Miss Laura Burt, Sandra, Servant to Pia – Miss Mary Foster, Florentine ladies – Picarda – Miss Gracia, Tessa – Miss Evelyn McNay, Marozia – Miss K. Brandon, Cilia – Miss Marie Byron, Lucrezia – Miss E. Lockett, Julia – Miss Beatrice Coleman, Fidelia – Miss Dorothy Rowe, Maria – Miss May Holland, Nun – Miss Emeline carder, Nun – Miss E. F. Davis, Custodian of the Convent – Miss Grace Hampton, A Townswoman – Miss Mabel Rees. Spirits. The Spirit of Beatrice – Miss Mab Paul, Virgil – Mr. J. Wetton, Cain – Mr. H. R. Cook, Charon – Mr. W. Marion, Cardinal Boccasini – Mr. A. Clements, Orsini – Mr. G. Englethorpe, Jacques Molay – Mr. J. Middleton. Spirits in the Inferno. Synopsis of Scenery. Prologue – The Tower of Hunger, Pisa – Carpezat, ACT I – Scene 1 – The Springtide Fete, Florence, Scene 2 – Malatesta's House – Rosin and Bertin, ACT II – Scene 1 – The Death of Pia, Scene 2 – The Convent of San Pietro – Amable. (Continued on page 19).