Document ID ET-D753

Archive Location ET PROGS ET-D590-D771, 1902-14 (BL) Loan 125/24/9
Document description programme
Date 28 December 1903
Document form D - Programme
Document attributes Annotated
Corporate Body Lyceum Theatre Company
Production Date(s) 28 December 1903 to 2 January 1904
Venue New National Theatre
Venue address Washington DC [USA]
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Music Director Sydney Faulks
Language English

Works Cited

Title Louis XI
Original author Casimir Delavigne
Adapted by Dion Boucicault
Title Waterloo
Original author Arthur Conan Doyle
Title The Bells
Source title The Polish Jew
Adapted by Leopold Lewis
Title Dante
Original author Victorien Sardou and Emile Moreau
Translated by Laurence Irving
Title The Merchant of Venice
Original author William Shakespeare
13 scanned images
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The Play New National Theatre. National Publishing Co. Publishers. Washington, D. C. H. Phelps Arms Inv-Et-Del.
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Week of January 25, 1904. Maxine Elliott in "Her Own Way." Miss Maxine Elliott will appear at the National Theatre during the week of Monday January 25th. In Clyde Fitch's newest and best play, "Her Own Way," under the management of Charles B. Dillingham. Miss Elliott comes here direct from one of the most novel and unusual runs ever recorded in New York. Owing to her extraordinary success in "her Own Way" when the comedy was produced at the Garrick Theatre in New York last September. Miss Elliott's engagement was three times prolonged, and she was shifted to three other New York Theatres, on order that her stay in New York might be extended to the utmost possible limit. Three times her engagement in this city has been changed. In order that she might remain in New York but her positive appearance in "Her Own Way" is now scheduled for the week commencing January 25th. "Her Own Way" is undoubtedly Clyde Fitch's greatest play. There has been no division of opinion regarding this comedy and Miss Elliott's great success. She has a role which is ideally suited to her personality and temperament, and it ranges from the lightest of comedy in the first act, to the strongest emotional climax in the third act. The [?][?] with a beautiful American girl who insisted upon having her own way in her own love affair, and by resisting the efforts of her family to make her marry a man she doesn't love, she wins happiness in the end. The scenes took place in New York of to-day and there are many scenes and character sketches which will be recognized as true portraits of real life. Miss Elliott has been surrounded by a [?] supporting company and Manager [?] [?] will present the complete cast and production now appearing in New York. Among the [?] in Miss Elliott's company are Charles Cherry, William Beach, R. C. Herz. Franklin Hurleigh, B. M. Parmenter, Miss Thorne, Miss Georgie Lawrence, Miss Eva Vincent, Miss Susanne Perry, Master Donald Gallaher, and little Miss Beryl Morse. Order "Ceres" Flour Best in the World Minnesota Patent. Ceres. If you want to make the success of your bake absolutely certain. – "Ceres" is the one flour that can be depended on for the best results. It is absolutely pure and represents the standard of quality in flour. – "Ceres" Flour always yields the lightest, whitest and most wholesome bread and rolls and the choicest cake and pastry. Ask your grocer for "Ceres" Flour and refuse Substitutes. WM. M. Galt & Co., Wholesalers of "Ceres" Flour, 1st St. and Ind. Ave. Importers. Woodward & Lothrop. New York. Washington. Paris. Invite Attention to their personal selections and direct importations from Paris, from Lyons, from Brussels, from St. Gall of Evening Gown Stuffs for the Debutante, for Receptions, for Weddings, for Dinner Parties, for Theatre Parties, for Teas, for Balls, for all Fashionable Occasions and Social Functions. Rich Laces, Tulles, Chiffons, Mousselines and Nets, appliqued, embroidered and spangled; also Silks, Satins, Wools, and a vast variety of other fabrics that are now so generally shown by the leading Paris modistes; also Real Rose Point, Duchess and Applique Laces, Hair Ornaments, Gown Garnitures, Neck Pieces, Paris Corsets and Lingerie. Engraving Executed in Correct Forms for Weddings, Anniversaries, Receptions, At Homes, Dinners, Teas, Luncheons, Dances and all other Social Functions. Also Visiting Cards, Address Dies, Coats of Arms, Crests and Monograms. Highest grade of work at moderate prices. Woodward & Lothrop.
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If you desire quiet elegance, perfect service and a refined cuisine, try the New Café. $1 a large bottle Shoomaker's Tennessee Whiskey. A tip-top specific for throat and lunch affections. Not merely "a man's whiskey" but a family liquor, safe and effacious to give young or old when ailing $1 a bottle – and to be had only at the Shoomaker Co., 1331 E. St. Phone 1158. Daniel H. Koop. Macon M. Coleman. For first-class work go to the Raleigh Electric Laundry. 207-209 Seventh St. S. W. Phone 2510-Y. Washington, D. C. The St. James European Plan. Cor. Penna. Ave. and Sixth St., Washington, D. C. All Modern Improvements Café Restaurant First Class. L. Woodbury, Prop. H. T. Wheeler, Mgr. Local and Long Distance Telephone in each room. Diamond Automobile Tires. Automobile supply department, National Electrical Supply Co., 1330 New York Avenue. Hello Central! Give me Main, 2754-Y. The only place for Genuine Brunswick, Liver Sausage, Truffle Liver Sausage, Goose Liver Sausage. A. Lepper, Deutsche Delicatessen, 148 to 152 C. Market. The Raleigh PA. Avenue and 12th Street. European plan. Absolutely fireproof. Elegant Restaurant for gentlemen and ladies also luxurious café for gentlemen. Private dining rooms and banquet hall. Prompt service and first-class cuisine. Special attention given to parties after the Theatre. T. J. Talty, Manager. When you need wood, groceries, wines, coal, meats, liquors, vegetables, provisions, cigars, Cook Bros. Phone 809, 1908 Fourteenth St. Everything the finest. Stock Taking Sale. All Pianos Reduced. Save $100 to $200 on a piano – and get almost any terms you desire. All used pianos – all rental pianos – and all new pianos, where there is only one or two left of the line, go into this sale at Half Price and Less. Good Steinway. Chickering, Knabe, Vose and other makes of square pianos at One Fourth Original Prices. F. G. Smith Piano Company, Bradbury Building, 1225 Pennsylvania Avenue. Holmes' Home Made "Milk" Bread – a treat for all who enjoy good, wholesome bread. Delicious and nutritious. Fresh from oven to table. 5 cents a loaf. Holmes' Bakery, 1st and E Streets N. W. ‘Phone, East 864. Ice Cream and Ices. E. P. Thomas & Sons. Milk and Cream. Belmont Dairy Farm Office and Depot: 2016 Fourteenth Street N. W. Telephone, North 930.
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"Three Little Maids" "The Three Little Maids," which ran over a year in London, and which has scored such a tremendous success at Daly's and the Garden Theatre, New York, will be presented by Charles Frohman and George Edwardes at the National Theatre next week. The universal verdict of the audiences who have seen this delightful play is, that it is a charming combination of handsome women, catchy music, attractive songs and unflaggingly funny lines. There is not a moment of the performance that is dull and hardly a second of it that is without a laugh. The performance is replete with fun from start to finish and the musical numbers are of the sort which is readily taken up by the public and whistled and hummed by everybody. It is one of the prettiest, the merriest and the most melodious musical comedy that threatre-goers have had a chance to enjoy for years. All the wonderful records made by musical plays have been broken by the "Three Little Maids." Its sons are original, its women beautiful, and in George P, Huntley, the leading comedian, it has an exponent of fun-making who is not only original, but who stands alone in his ability to portray a character like Lord Cheyn. Other features which have contributed to the enormous success of the musical comedy are Eliza Ryan's song. "She Was a Miller's Daughter," and several songs sung by Maurice Farkoa, and Madge Crichton's songs "Men" and "My Gal Sal." Following is the story of the play: The piece is in three acts, the first taking place on the golf links at the home of Lady St. Mallory. It is the opening of her links, and in honor of the occasion she has invited all her London friends to be present. Among these are Lord Cheyn, De Lorme and Brian Molyneux. Soon after their arrival these gentlemen meet the three little maids, daughters of the Rev. Theodore Branscombe, the local vicar and are so capitivated bu their charms that they waver in their duty toward the three society ladies to whom they have hitherto been paying their attentions. The hostess, following the fashionable craze for shop-keeping, has opened a tea shop in Bond Street, and the three little maids, anxious to assist their father, become tea girls in Lady St. Mallory's shop. Their farewell to home and friends brings the first act to a bright and brisk conclusion. The second act takes place in the shop which, with its Dutch fittings and girls in quaint costumes, makes an effective stage picture. Hither the three men come, but with the exception of Brian, they fail to recognize the tea girls as the three little maids. The society ladies, however, are aware of the presence of the "country mice" in the tea shop, and anxious to bring their swains to a sense of duty, they disguise themselves as tea girls. This ruse, however, recoils on themselves, for while they are changing their costumes, the three little maids don motor coats and depart with the men for Lady St. Mallory's home. In the third act, during the progress of a ball given by Lady St. Mallory, the three men again discover their little country friends, and the inevitable follows. There will be a matinee on Saturday only. Splendid stock of Furs, Suits, Wraps, Waists, etc., for Women's Wear. Everything that's stylish, that has quality to recommend it. Smoot, Coffer & McCalley, 1216 F Street. Phone 725. Shaffer Choice Cut Flowers. Cor. 14th and I Streets North West and 1711 Pennsylvania Avenue. Telephone Main 2416, or 1581 Florist. Buckley the Tailor has a special this week. The Lakewood Overcoat in a variety of cloths $25.00. 1343 F St. n. w. on second floor. Fresh Pure Made Daily. Hiley's Chocolates and Bonbons Atlanta. Sole Agents, Stone & Poole Metropolitan Hotel Pharmacy, 609 Penna, Ave. N. W. Try Demonets Famous Oyster Cocktail Sauce. For sale by all grocers price, 25 cents per bottle. The Finest Things in Pictures and Frames. This picture in colors, beautifully framed, for 35 cents. An elegant line of artistically hand colored pictures for 35 cents. S. J. Venable 604 Ninth Street Northwest. Just Three Doors from F Street. Phone Main 3099. Cook & Owesney, agents for America's Highest Grade Automobiles. Winton, Stevens-Duryea and Orient Buckboard. 1319 L Street, Northwest. Phone, Main 1146. The 1904 Winton car with canopy top, glass front, gas-head-lights, wider tonneau and door, larger tires, new self-feed oiling device and many other improvements, making this car by far the most superior manufactured. Place your order now to secure an early delivery. Baltimore Branch, 1118 Cathedral St. 1904 Winton Touring Car. Price Complete $2,500.00.
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Worch Pianos 923 F. The only Philadelphia Oyster House for Ladies and Gentlemen. 513 11th Street N. W. All kinds of Sea Food Steaks, Chops, Salads H. R. Conclkin, Prop. Phone Main 2050. Try our famous single-fried Oysters. Lynn Haven Bays a speciality. Storage we can offer clean private apartments for storing house-hold effects at lowest rates in the city. Phone Main 495. Littlefield, Alvord & Co., 1227 Pa. Avenue N. W. Established 1880, Sautter's 502 Ninth Street N. W. Washington, D. C. Restaurant Ladies' and Gentlemen's Café on second floor. Broiled Lobster, Terrapin, Stew, Steamed Oysters. Bar stocked with the Finest Liquors, Wines and Cigars. Progresivness. A Guide & Bro. 1224 F. St. N. W. Washington DC. Florists. Trade Mark Monarch Shirts. A skeleton key is the best means of opening a dead lock. Easily the best – Arrow Brand. He – Look here, Matilda, I'm not quite such a fool as I look. She (soothingly) – No, dear, I'm sure you're not! If you wear collars – wear Arrow Brand. Irate Father – Ah! How is it I catch you kissing my daughter, sir? Answer me. Sir. Young Man – Fine, sir; fine. Change a quarter for two Arrow collars. Jackson – there goes the last dollar of my salary. What shall I tell my father? Currie – Just tell him that you saw me. You lose if you do not wear Arrow Brand collars. She – Whom would you rather be if you were not yourself? He – You. She – Why? He – Because I'd know I could have me if I wanted me. Arrow Brand Cantab Three Front 2 1/8 In Back ¾ in. "If I go into this deal," said the man with a little capital, "what will you do?" "you," replied the promoter, absentmindedly. See the new Autumn shapes in Arrow Brand collars. Boy (To cabby with somewhat shadowy horse): Look'ere, guy'nor: you'd better tie a knot in ‘is tall afore ‘e gets wet, or ‘e might slip through his collar! Watch for the Fall shapes in Arrow Brand collars. "I see that a widower with nine children has married a widow with seven children!" "That was no marriage, that was a merger." Made in the new fashioned way. Arrow Brand collars. Editorial. The box office will be open from 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets ordered in advance will be held until hour specified; never later than 2 p.m. for matinee and 8 p.m. for evening performances. The advance sale for coming attractions opens on the preceding Thursday morning at 8.30. Mail orders are filed in regular rotation and tickets must be called for not late than 10 p.m. the Saturday before engagement. Ladies' toilet on the right of foyer on the first floor, with competent maid in charge, where ladies may check hats. No fees. Ladies' toilet on right of foyer in balcony. Gentlemen's smoking room at left of lobby. The famous Great Bear Spring Water furnished free to patrons. A register will be found at the box office where physicians may record their seat locations. Patrons are requested to instruct their coachmen to approach the Theatre from the West. On leaving the Theatre, carriages will approach from the East, the numbers being indicated by the Electric Carriage Call on the roof of sidewalk awning. N. B. – Don't fold the call card. Old Colonial Andirons. Candlesticks and Knockers. In solid polished brass copies of the finest designs of old Colonial times. J. H. Corning 520-22 13th St., Washington, D C. Capital and Surplus $4,100,000. Women having the care of properties should consult The American Security & Trust Company. As it is chartered with a view of the care and management of Trust Funds and Property generally. Trust Agreements can be entered into with this Company, and they afford the best method of insuring proper provisions for beneficiaries, in case of business reverses, loss of position, ill health or death. This Company likewise assumes the investment of endowment funds, selects permanent investments securities for its patrons, etc. Officers: Charles J. Bell, Henry F. Blount, James W. Whepley, James F. Hood, William A. McKenney, Ward Thoron, H. S. Reeside, C. E. Howe. 1405 G Street N. W.
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Credit for everyone. When in doubt, buy at House & Herrmann's 7th and I (Eye) N. W. Complete Homefurnishers. Trademark Registered. At Sloan's Gallery 1407 G St. Catalogue Sale of an extraordinary collection of Oriental Rugs to be sold by Order of Donchian Bros., 878 Broadway, New York, at Public Auction within our Art Gallery, 1407 G Street N. W., daily this and next week at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day. C. G. Slogan & Co, Auctioneers, 1407 G St. Snyder Tailor 1111 PA. Ave. N. W. Established 1780 Hazard, Hazard & Co's Juniper Tar Soap for dandruff and skin affections. Orris Dentifrice for preserving and beautifying the teeth. New York Office, 3 East 14th Street. The Elsmere 1406-8 H St. N. W. A high-class, refined, homelike Hotel. Large, pleasant rooms. Public and private baths. Excellent cuisine and service. Superb location. American Plan. $2.00 Daily Up. $12.50 Up Weekly. The Smith Premier Typewriter high grade typewriter supplies for all machines always in stock – Ribbons, Carbon, Linen Paper, Etc. Machines [?]m Machines repaired. Best value writing machine. Branch office, 519 11th St. N. W., Washington, D. C.
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Expert Fur Repairing at Reduced Rates. Reduced rates in no way affect the quality of our work. In fact, our experts, not being rushed, are better able to do themselves justice now than later. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 1647 for wagons. Saks Fur Co., Cor. 13th and G Stst. Dealers in Furs Exclusively. Fine Chocolates and Bon Bons made fresh daily. Fine Chocolates and Bonbons Established [?] Velati famous for caramels. We make a speciality of our delicious chocolate creams. Try them. 620 9th Street N. W. Opp. U. S. Patent Office. Tel. 2081 M. R.P. Andrews & Co. Inc. Everything in paper & stationery. 627-629 Louisiana Ave and 628-630 D. St. N. W. Washington D.C. The Lincoln Hotel, 10th and H Stst. N. W. Strictly First Class American and Eurpoean American [?] $2 per dat. C. S. and A. B. Hyatt. Chas. A. Eckstein New Buffet Ladies and Gents' Café Gentlemen's Lunch from 12 to 3 p.m. B. H. Stinemetz & Son CO. Furs of Quality in newest effects. An inspection will convince you that our stock of Furs include the richest and most stylish pieces to be seen anywhere. Sealskin, Persian Lamb, Russian Sable, Hudson Bay Sable, Mink, Mole, Broad Tail, Ermine, and Chinchilla – All of finest quality – are among the furs represented. Handsomest Seal and Persian Lamb Coats. Making Garments to order a speciality. B. H. Stinemetz & Son Co., Hatters and Furriers, 1237 Pa. Ave. Miss some of the sweet things in life – but done miss the pleasures of a box of Huyler's. Huyler's [?] [?] New York. Cor. F. and 12th Sts Washington DC. Candies sent everywhere by Mail or Express. New National Theatre Telephone Main 501. WM. H. Rapley – Manager, WM H. Fowler – Treasurer. Week of Monday, December 28, 1903. Matinee Saturday only. Engagement of Henry Irving and his Company Tuesday and Saturday Nights will be presented Casimir Delavigne's Play, Louis XI adapted and arranged by Dion Boucicault. Louis XI, King of France – Henry Irving, The Dauphin, afterward Charles VIII – Miss Mabel Hackney, Duc De Nemours – Mr. Gerald Lawrence, Philip De Commines – Mr. Mark Paton, Jacques Coitier, the King's Physician – Mr James Hearn, Tristan L'Ermite, Grand Provost – Mr F. Tyars, Oliver Le Dain – Mr. J. Archer, Francois De paule – Mr. William Lugg, Cardinal D'Alby – Mr. A. Fisher, Count De Dreux – Mr. F. D. Daviss, Montjoie, Herald of France – Mr. Leslie Palmer, Monseigneur De Lude – Mr. G. Englethorpe, The Count De Dunios – Mr. G. Graystone, Marcel – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Richard – Mr. T. Reynolds, Didier – Mr. W. Marion, Officer of the Royal Guard – Mr. W. Graham, Toison D'or, Herald of Burgundy – Mr. H. R. Cook, King's Attendant – Mr. W. L. Alblett, Marie – Miss Nora Lancaster – Martha – Miss Laura Burt. French and Burgundian Lords, Guards, Monks, Pages, Peasants, Pages, etc. Synopsis of Scenery. Act I – Scene 1 – Exterior of the Castle, Scene 2 – Throne Room in the Castle, Act II – A Forest Glade, Act III – The King's Bedchamber, Act IV – The Throne Room. The Scene of the Play is laid at and near the Castle of Plessis les Tours. Program of MusicOverture – "Ruy Bias" – Mendelssohn, Czardas – No 6 – Michiels, Three Dances – "Henry VIII" – German, Overture – "Die Felsenmuhle" – Beisseger, "Chant sans paroles" – Tschaikowsky, "Overture" "Velva" – Reisseger, "Chant du Voyageu" – Paderewski. (Continued on Page 15). A telephone in your home makes everyone your neighbour. It is the greatest modern convenience. C. & P. Telephone Co. Odd things not found elsewhere. A Quality name. Wouldn't you rather have the Diamonds, Jewelry or Art Objects come from Shaw & Berry's? The name does mean something when it's a guarantee of quality. Shaw & Berry Co., Jewelers, Silversmiths and Stationers. Shaw & Berry Bldg., 11th and F. F. C. Chorley, Ladies' Tailor Evening Gowns 717 Twelfth Street N. W. Ogram's Drug Store open all night 13th and Penna. Ave. N. W.
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$67.00 to California. Madge Crichton. Berth $8.50. In Excursions Sleepers without change. Three times weekly the year round. A. J. Poston, General Agent, 511 Pennsylvania Avenue N. W. 705 15th Street N. W. Harvey's The Capitals Leading Restaurant. Here can be found all the delicacies known to gastronomy, carefully selected by the proprietor and prepared by the most skilful and competent corps of cooks. The specialities of this house are the three delicate dishes of the American continent – Oysters, Diamond Back Terrapin and Canvas Back Ducks – with every variety of sea food. Harvey, The Originator of Steamed Oysters, Cor. Penna. Ave. and 11th St. Hotel Johnson Cafes. Main entrance to Ladies' Café 13th St. front. (Stairway and Elevator) High Grade Oysters and all Marine Products Direct from the Catchers. Steamed Oysters. Lifetime Experience. 13th and E Streets Northwest. If genuine always the same! Wilson Whiskey that's all! Continued from page 13) Monday and Thursday Nights. Waterloo (1815 and 1881) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Corporal Gregory Brewster (aged 86, a Waterloo veteran) – Henry Irving, Sergeant Archie McDonald, R. A. – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Colonel James Midwinter, Royal Scots Guards. Mr. Laurence Irving, Nora Brewster, the Corporal's grandniece – Miss Mabel Hackney – Scene – Brewster's lodgings. To be followed by The Bells. Adapted by Leopold Lewis from "The Polish Jew," by Erckmann-Chatrian. Mathias – Henry Irving, Christian – Mr. H. B. Stanford, Walter – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Hans – Mr. James Hearn, Dr. Zimmer – Mr. Mark Paton, Notary – Mr. Leslie Palmer, Fritz – Mr. T Reynolds, President of the Court – Mr. F. Tyars, Clerk of the Court – Mr. William Lugg, Mesmerist – Mr. J. Archer, Catherin – Miss Grace Hampton, Sozel – Miss Mary Foster, Annette – Miss Mabel Hackney. Synopsis of Scenery, Alsace, 1833 Act 1 – Scene: The Burgomaster;'s Inn, Act II – Scene: The Burgomaster's Parlor, Act III – Scene: The Burgomaster's Bedroom. The Dream. Program of Music. Medley – "Rank and File" – Meredith Ball, "March Russe" – Luigini, Overture – "The Bells" – Singia Czardas – Keler Bela – "Les Cosaques" – Ellenberg, Hungarian Dances – Hamilton Clarke. For Henry Irving Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Assistant Stage Manager – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Musical Director – Mr. Sydney Faulks, Treasurer – Mr. Gerald Stevens, Representative – Mr. Ralph Edmunds, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. Next week – Three Little Maids. The famous great bear spring water served free to patrons. Knabe Pianos used exclusively. (continued on page 17.)
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Fragrant and Refreshing Absolutely [?]. Woodbury Facial. Will not cause blackheads. John Woodbury. Charles Richman says: I have used Woodbury's facial soap for twelve years in the theatre and have [?] [?] it all the way from San Francisco to New York. [?][?] Woodbury's Facial Soap and Facial Cream are the idols of the skin. For sale everywhere for 25c each. Send 10 cents in stamps for our 10x13 Souvenir of Prominent Stage Favourites containing a series of handsomely engraved autograph portraits suitable for framing or 15 cents for souvenir and trial sizes soap and cream. The Andrew Jergens Co. Sole Owners. Cincinnati, O. [?] H. Woodman Dental Cream cleanses [?] 25 cents. The skin, scalp and complexion. Reputation built on quality. Ononoco Rye Whiskey used by the people, because the people appreciate its quality, Edward J. Quinn. ‘Phone 761-Y. 604 Pennsylvania Avenue N. W. Fancy Furs and Expert Repairing at Special Prices. Jacob Liebster, Importer and Manufacturer, Free Theatre Tickets. Rents collected at 4 per cent, which saving over the usual rates, is equivalent to either free tickets to this Theatre, or free water rents to the property owners. Dunlop, Real Estate Broker. ‘Phone, Main 744. Metzerott Building. Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti Euchre Clubs Trump which wins? Aids digestion. The gum of health. Chew gum, everybody – chew for pleasure, chew for good digestion – chew Adams' Pepsin Tuti-Frutti, the sweet and the pure. Lerch's Dry Cleaning and Dyeing 826 12th St. N. W. Works, 1206-8 1 St, N. W. Phone, Main 2023. Ladies' Fine Work a Speciality. Schutz… Opp. The Arlington Hotel, Now offers many of this imported models, consisting of plain and fancy tailor gowns, reception, street and carriage dresses, opera wraps, automobile coats, skirts riding habits etc. At greatly reduced prices. Dr. Butcher… Osteopath1420 N. Y. Ave. N. W. Acute and chronic diseases successfully treated without drugs. Hrs, 10 to 5. Phone, Main 4027 M. MME. D. Dion French Dyeing and Cleaning 1212 G St. N. W. Ostrich feathers a speciality. Gowns and delicate fabrics cleaned. Phone Main 3471-M. (Continued from page 15). Friday Night. Dante by MM. Sardou and Moreau. Rendered into English by Laurence Irving. As produced at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London. Dante – Henry Irving, Cardinal Colonna, Papal Legate – Mr. William Mollison, Nello della Pietra, husband of Pia – Mr. Laurence Irving, Bernardino, betrothed to Gemma – Mr. Gerald Lawrence, Friends to Dante, Giotto – Mr. H. B. Stanford, Casella – Mr. James Hearn, Forese – Mr. Vincent Sternroyd, Bellacqua – Mr. W. J. Yeldham, Malatesta, husband to Francesca – Mr. Walter Reynolds, Corso, nephew to Colonna – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Ostasio, a familiar of the Inquisition – Mr. Frank Tyars, Ruggieri, Archbishop of Pisa – Mr. William Lugg, The Grand Inquisitor – Mr. William Farren, Jr, Paolo, brother to Malatesta – Mr. Leslie Palmer, Ucolino – Mr. Mark Paton, Swashbucklers, Lippo – Mr. John Archer, Conrad – Mr. W. K. Ablett, Enzio, brother to Helen of Swabia – Mr. F. D. Daviss, Fadrico – Mr. H. Porter, Merchant – Mr. G. Graystone, Townsman – Mr. T. Reynolds, Townsman – Mr. A. Fisher, A Servant – Mr. R Brennan, Pia Dei Tolomei, wife to Nello – Miss Mabel Hackney, Gemma, her daughter – Miss Nora Lancaster, The Abbess of the convent – Miss Wallis, Francesca Da Rimini – Miss Beatrice Bramah, Helen of Swabia – Miss Laura Burt, Sandra, Servant to Pia – Miss Mary Foster, Florentine ladies – Picarda – Miss Gracia, Tessa – Miss Evelyn McNay, Marozia – Miss K. Brandon, Cilia – Miss Marie Byron, Lucrezia – Miss E. Lockett, Julia – Miss Beatrice Coleman, Fidelia – Miss Dorothy Rowe, Maria – Miss May Holland, Nun – Miss Emeline carder, Nun – Miss E. F. Davis, Custodian of the Convent – Miss Grace Hampton, A Townswoman – Miss Mabel Rees. Spirits. The Spirit of Beatrice – Miss Mab Paul, Virgil – Mr. J. Wetton, Cain – Mr. H. R. Cook, Charon – Mr. W. Marion, Cardinal Boccasini – Mr. A. Clements, Orsini – Mr. G. Englethorpe, Jacques Molay – Mr. J. Middleton. Spirits in the Inferno. Synopsis of Scenery. Prologue – The Tower of Hunger, Pisa – Carpezat, ACT I – Scene 1 – The Springtide Fete, Florence, Scene 2 – Malatesta's House – Rosin and Bertin, ACT II – Scene 1 – The Death of Pia, Scene 2 – The Convent of San Pietro – Amable. (Continued on page 19).
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Bifocal Glasses. With our Bifocal Glasses you can read your program and see on the stage without changing your glasses. Good in a hundred other places. Don't cost as much as to two separate pairs either. Eyes carefully examined without charge. H. D. Feast & Co. 1213F Opticians Kodaks. J. H. Small & Sons. Florists. New York: Waldorf-Astoria and 1153 Broadway. 14th and G Sts. Always the same… Tharp's Pure Berkeley Rye. 812 F Street N. W. ‘Phone, Main 1141. Special Private Delivery. Soda! Soda!! Soda!!! The Finest, Coldest, Purest, Richest. Pure Spring Water only used in our soda. Garges' Ebbitt House Drug Store, 14th and F Streets N. W. Philips' Cocoa, Digestible. The only Cocoa with rich chocolate flavour. Keep your face young. The skin is one of the most highly organized parts of the human body and has more to do with the attractiveness of the face than any other feature. With scientific systematic, thorough treatment, I speedily, permanently and safely cure pimply faces, blackheads, large pores, blotchy skin, dandruff, scale, crust and all irritated, inflamed or eruptive conditions of the skin and scalp, stop hair falling, fading, splitting and promote a strong healthy growth. Remember my thirty years' practical experience in successfully treating more than twenty thousand each year is of great value to you. What I have done for any of these I can do for you. Office hours: 9 to 6 week days. Consultation is free and the strictest privacy assured. Call or write personally to John H. Woodbury D. I., 602 11th, N. W. Cor. "F" Street, Washington. Offices also in Chicago, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis. (Concluded from page 17). Ronsin and Bertin - Act III – Scene 1 – The Campo Santo, Florence. The Vision. Scene 2 – The Door of Hell, Scene 3 – The Barque of Charon, Scene 4 – The Fiery Graves, Scene 5 – The Circle of Ice, Scene 6 – The Bridge of Rocks, Scene 7 – The Valley of Asphodels. Act IV – The Papal Palace, Avignon (1303 – 1314). Amable. The Incidental Music by M. Xavier Leroux. Program of Music. Overture – "The Cup" – Hamilton Clarke, "Albumblatt" – Wagner, "Tarantella" – German, "Night Winds" – Wallace, "Czardas" – Michiels, "Judex" – Gounod, "Military March" – Elgar, Introduction, Act III – "Lohengrin" – Wagner. Wednesday Night and Matinee Saturday will be presented Shakespeare's Comedy, the Merchant of Venice In Five Acts. Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassanio – Mr. Gerald Lawrence. Duke of Venice – Mr. W. Farren Jr, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. F. Tyars, Salanio – Mr. W. Lugg, Salarino – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. H. B. Stanford, Lorenzo – Mr. Vincent Sternroyd, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo – Mr. H. R. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. W. I. Ablett, Clerk of the Court – Mr. F. D. Daviss, Jessica – Miss Nora Lancaster, Nerissa – Miss Laura Bert, Portia – Miss Mabel Hackney. Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1. – Scene 1 - Venice – A Public Place (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – Belmont – Portia's House (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Venice – A Public Place (Hawes Craven). Act II – Scene 1 – A Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – Another Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Shylock's House by a Bridge (W. Telbin). Act III. Scene 1 – Belmont – A Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Scene 2 – Venice – A Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Belmont – Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Scene 4 – Venice – A Street (Hawes Craven), Scene 5 – Belmont – Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Act IV – Scene – Venice – A Court of Justice (Hawes Craven). Act V. – Scene: Portia's Garden, with Terrace (Hawes Craven). Program of Music. Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Ballet Music – "Faust" – Gounod, Overture – "Mirella" – Gounod, Entr'acte – "Portia" – Hamilton Clarke, From "Egyptian Ballet" – Luigini, Ballet Music "Faust" – Gounod, "Aubade Printaniere" – Lacombe.
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Document ID ET-D753, Image 11 of 13

New York S. Kann Sons Co Paris. 8th St, 8 Pa Ave. The Busy Corner. Coats and Jackets reduced. Most of our best selling lines of this seasons' Jackets and Coats have been greatly reduced in price. A good chance to use a portion of the money received as a gift. It couldn't be spent to better advantage. Tailor-made Jackets in tan, castor and black, 27 and 30-in. Cut from $10 and $11.75 to - $7.95, Kersey and Cheviot Coats with capes, also Corset effect Jackets, reduced from $12.50 and $15 to - $10.00, Black Mon'agnac Jackets and ¾ length Coats, reduced from $16.50 and $18.50 to - $12.50, Imported Kersey Jackets and ¾ length Coats in military style, reduced from $18.50 and $19.75 to - $15.00, Imported Velour Blouse Jackets, reduced from $30 and $35 to - $15.00, ¾ length Coats in black, tan and castor, with capes, reduced from $25 to - $18.50, Imported Jackets and ¾ length model Coats, in oxford, tan and black, reduced from $35 and $42.50 to - $25.00. 2d floor. California The Home of the Big Trees Reached via Southern Pacific. Sunset Limited Leaves New Orleans Daily en route to California through Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Inquire at 170 Washington Street, Boston, 349-351 Broadway, New York City, 109 South Third Street, Philadelphia. 109 East Baltimore St., Baltimore. 129 South Franklin St, Syracuse, 511 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. L. H. Putting, G. E. P. A., New York City. E. O. McCormick, P. T. M., San Francisco, Cal., T. J. Anderson, G. P. A., Houston, Texas.
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Document ID ET-D753, Image 12 of 13

The limit of quality. The Quintessence of Style. Parker-Bridge Clothing. Our power to provide knows only the limit of your necessity. The "every-day" suit (the business suit) is the one most spoken of – but it has contemporary lines here whose stocks are but little short of the business suit scope and less broad in variety only for the reasons that fashion limits a man's wardrobe. We provide not only the day, but the afternoon and evening dress of equal elegance, and the excellencies of one kind but speak for the excellencies of the other. You slip into a Dress Suit or Tuxedo, a Prince Albert, a Walking Coat, or the Conventional Slack, and find your ideas of style better in the reality of our clothing than the picture of the ideal you had conjured up for yourself. Parker, Bridget & Co., Head to foot outfitters 9th and Pa. Avenue. Annie Russell at The New National Theatre. Six Nights and Saturday Matinee. The title of "Mice and Men" which Annie Russell will present at the New National Theatre, Monday, January 11th is manifestly suggested by the lines from Burns: "The best laid schemes o'mice and men, gang aft a-gley." "Mice and Men" was originally produced in London, where it ran for over a year. The play was immediately secured by Charles Frohman for the use of Miss Annie Russel, and the first performance in this country was on the stage of the New National Theatre. Washington. It was an immediate success and Miss Russell played to one of the largest week's business of the season. After the production in Washington but one other city was visited and "Mice and Men" was then presented at the Garrick Theatre, New York where is played to a succession of crowded houses and was only taken off when the warm weather made it necessary for Miss Russell to take a rest. The production, which is a large one, will be the same as seen here during the last engagement, and there has been but one change in the case since that time: Oswa'd York, [?] was for a long time one of the leading members of Charles Frohman's Empire Theatre Stock Company, having succeeded Orrin Johnson as Miss Russell's leading man. John Mason, John Glend[?] and dear old Mrs. Gilbert are sure to be heartily welcome on their return in "Mice and Men." A short synopsis of the story follows: Mark Embury is a middle aged bachelor with peculiar notions and theories. He tires of his lonesome life, and decides to have wife, but to his mind there is no woman suitable. So he decides to select a young Miss and train her. He inspects the inhabitants of the foundling asylum, and chooses "Little Britain" otherwise known as Peggy, who is taken into his house in order to be educated for the position – as he supposes – is to fill. Embury has a nephew. Captain George Lovell who is a mater of fact, has been carrying on a pronounced flirtation with Mrs. Joanna [?] [?] wife of Roger Goodlake, an old friend of Embury, but Lovell is much attracted by the simple fascinations of Peggy and Peggy promptly falls in love with him. Peggy has no idea of her guardian's purpose, but in the second act, when she has been his [?] for a couple of years, he finds that his sentiments have strengthened, and in a great measure altered. He had intended to marry Peggy in order to obtain a companion and [?] [?] in due time a nurse. He now wants to marry her because she has found her way to his heart. In the end, the self-sacraficing old bachelor keenly as he feels the shattering of his great scheme, and the loss of the women he loves stands aside and gives her to Lovell. The only matinee during the engagement of Miss Russell will be given on Saturday. Great cut prices in New Year's goods – ¼ off all former prices. Wine glasses 40c to 60c per doz. Greek Star decanters in pint and quart sizes 65c to 90c. Pressed glasses in pint and quart sizes 25c to 35c. Punch glasses 50c doz. And other New Year's goods in like proportion. Hudson's Variety Store, 416 7th St N. W. The Oldsmobile needs no introduction. The perfection of experience. Simplicity of construction. Simplicity in handling. Drop us a postal or telephone us. We are always pleased to demonstrate. Price only $650. With top $700. National Capital Automobile Co., Phone, North 206, 1120 Eighteenth Street, N. W.
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Document ID ET-D753, Image 13 of 13

The Knabe. Represents the highest attainment in Piano construction. It's the result of unstinted effort to produce absolutely the best instrument that can be built. Its plan brings out the best tone effects – in tone quality the Knabe is peerless. The trained ear of the artists that dissects tone finds the ideal of quality in every note from a Knabe. Every material that goes into Knabe is best – every detail that contributes towards best is provided for in the Knabe – and the result is the representative Piano of America. WM. Knabe & Co. 1218-1220 F Street. Mogul Egyptian Cigarettes. A luxury that has become a necessity to discriminating smokers. "Mogul smoke makes Egyptian Smokers." Shnargyros 10 for 15 cents. Cork, tips or plain. Save the Coupons.
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