Document ID EC-D292

Archive Location EC MERRY BOX, MERRY4 (BL)
Document description programme
Date 17-18 August 1943 [14]
Document form D - Programme
Number of leaves 1
Corporate Body Tenterden & Halden District Nurse Fund
Production Date(s) 17 August 1943 to 18 August 1943
Venue Town Hall
Venue address [Tenterden]
Time of performance 3.15 pm
Producer Edith Craig
General notes Gwen Lally, Amabel Gibson, Christine Ticehurst, Ruby Dring and 46 glamorous children performed in charity event. In aid of the Tenterden & Halden District Nurse Fund.
Language English
Record updated:

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Document ID: EC-D292 Archive location: EC MERRY BOX, MERRY4 (BL)