EC-Z3,445 letter
British Library
[22 September 1933] From Sydney Leppard to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses his collection of Lyceum programmes which he would like her to accept.
British Library
[22 September 1933] From Sydney Leppard to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses his collection of Lyceum programmes which he would like her to accept.
British Library
[27 February 1929] From H. C. Macdougall to Madam [Edith Craig]. Encloses a two shilling book of stamps as a contribution to the Ellen Terry Memorial Fund.
British Library
[26 September 1917] From Terence O'Brien to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He hopes to accept her offer of a role, but as he is playing out of town may not be able to fit it in.
British Library
[Undated] From G. Stuart Ogilvie to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for kind words and advice about his play; how much he owes to Joe Evans.
British Library
[6 March 1909] From Edyth Olive to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She is delighted to recite short items at the Green White and Gold Fair in April.
British Library
[14 September 1922] From Ernest H. Paterson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He offers to act in her forthcoming production of a Japanese play.
British Library
[2 May 1929] From Kate Phillips to Edy [Edith Craig]. She thanks her for sending the programme of the first Ellen Terry Memorial performance which she missed through illness.
British Library
[Undated] From Nancy Price to Edy [Edith Craig]. She recommends The Liberators as a suitable play for the Pioneers perhaps in aid of the Serbian Relief Fund; marked personal.
British Library
[Undated] From Arthur Pusey to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He returns the loan of £5, agreeing to turn up on the 2nd or 7th to see Harold Scott.
British Library
[21 July] From Dennis Rose-Price to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for an afternoon of acting at Smallhythe, having been taken by Mrs Leney.