SC9-G120 cutting
British Library
[31 December 1933] Ellen Terry's Memoirs, one of many actresses' memoirs, is to be published. Notes and comments by Edith Craig and Christopher St John. Annotated 'Obser...
British Library
[31 December 1933] Ellen Terry's Memoirs, one of many actresses' memoirs, is to be published. Notes and comments by Edith Craig and Christopher St John. Annotated 'Obser...
British Library
[27 May 1933] Detailed report on the presentation of items to the Memorial Theatre Museum at Straford-upon-Avon by Edith Craig; detailed speeches and list of people...
British Library
[12 December 1911] From T. Cruttenden & Son to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Reports on the poor state of the ceiling, not supported by joists; birds have access into the roof space by the eaves and chimney.
British Library
[12 January 1913] From Picky [Pamela Colman Smith] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She encloses her reply; mentions having a cold.
British Library
[Undated] From Joe Evans to Edith [Edith Craig]. The rehearsal is arranged this evening at his house. He wants to tell her mother [Ellen Terry] something about Saint-Gaudens.
British Library
[18 November 1889] From Joe Evans to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. Reports on R. Taber's performance as Claude Melmoth at Plainfield; he acted as a scrutineer at the general election in Mott Street.
British Library
[Undated] From [Unknown] [Edith Craig] to M. S. [Marguerite Steen]. Draft letter enquiring who was meant by 'the family' who approved her book about [Ellen Terry].
British Library
[Undated] From Teddy [Edward Craig] to Aunt Edy [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for the silk handkerchief which he will wear like a pirate; sketch of a pirate; illustration of Zoagli.
British Library
[8 February] From John [John Gielgud] to Edy [Edith Craig]. He discusses arrangements for her to have a box for Richard at the Shaftesbury Theatre, suggesting she phone Mr Knight.
British Library
[20 February 1932] Edith Craig was the adjudicator; annotated on reverse '2283'.