EC-B107 letter
British Library
[4 February 1918] From Jacko [Vera Holme] to Old Edy [Edith Craig]. She discusses her cousin’s sketch, The Woman's Hour; annotated ‘sent’.
British Library
[4 February 1918] From Jacko [Vera Holme] to Old Edy [Edith Craig]. She discusses her cousin’s sketch, The Woman's Hour; annotated ‘sent’.
British Library
[13 March 1918] From A. K. St John Mildmay to Edith Craig. Writing at Mrs Haverfield's request with arrangements; Lady Coghlan bridge tournament; Grafton Galleries. Annotated ‘concert’.
British Library
[29 March 1918] From E. Haverfield to Edie [Edith Craig]. Hon. Evelina Haverfield’s Comforts Fund for Serbian Soldiers and Prisoners; decided to postpone Grafton Gallery affair.
British Library
[Undated] From British Drama League to Edith Craig. Notice of British Drama League dinner at the Florence Restaurant, Sunday 30 Nov will start at 7.30 pm.
British Library
[26 April 1935] From D. T. Morris to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He mentions the Blackwood Players; award certificates of merit to winners of divisional final.
British Library
[23 March 1925] From I. A. Hawliczek pp. F. Hall to Miss Edith Craig. He sends cheque for £10 on account for The Young Person in Pink.
British Library
[17 November 1924] From Beatrice Ensor to Miss [Edith Craig]. Arrangements for rehearsals with children, accommodation, Dalcroze teacher, London press and invitation to speak at opening on 18 December.
British Library
[10 October 1924] From P. Morley Horder to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Details about fitting up of the stage; he admires her work for the art of the theatre.
British Library
[8 December 1931] From H. Steace to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He offers to separate anything according to her wishes but cannot hold it any longer.
British Library
[4 February 1930] From Andrew Spiller to Miss E. Craig [Edith Craig]. British American Tobacco Co. sends typically American posters and showcards.