EC-Z3,167a postcard
British Library
[12 April 1935] From Robin to Edy [Edith Craig]. Asks about arrangements for visit during school holidays, mentioning Olive and Baker Street train station; Colne won the cup in the [sports] match on...
British Library
[12 April 1935] From Robin to Edy [Edith Craig]. Asks about arrangements for visit during school holidays, mentioning Olive and Baker Street train station; Colne won the cup in the [sports] match on...
British Library
[16 December 1930] From Digbys to Miss Edith Craig. Asks for the return of items lent in 1929 to Edward Gordon Craig; lighting materials for a production at the Barn Theatre.
British Library
[30 December 1915] From Rosina Filippi to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Congratulations on the Pioneers' successes and pleased about Mercia Cameron [former pupil]; mentions dark horses.
British Library
[3 November 1909] From Gertrude Forbes-Robertson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She regrets she cannot access any of her costumes since they are in storage; mentions Cleopatra.
British Library
[25 March 1895] From Clo Graves [Clotilde Graves] to Miss Wardell [Edith Craig]. She encloses a play in which there is the part of the Duchess, suitable for Ellen Terry.
British Library
[Undated] From Clo Graves [Clotilde Graves] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. She mentions she is unable to help owing to a house move and complains about servants; wishes her success for the matinee.
British Library
[4 December 1946] From Reverend Vincent Howson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He is anxious that plans for Ellen Terry's centenary be carefully arranged; hopes to meet and discuss this with her.
British Library
[17 August 1929] From Harry [H. B. Irving] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. He encloses two seats for Friday and thanks her for the chance to see them all at the [Ellen Terry Memorial].
British Library
[April 1918] From Matheson Lang to Edy [Edith Craig]. He reports that the red curtains from his store will do for Act II, but a border of heavy gold braid would improve them.
British Library
[May 1921] Everyman Theatre. Official agreement between Norman Macdermott and Edith Craig, employing the latter as producer of Man and Superman and one other play at the Everyman,...