EC-Z3,542a letter
British Library
[Undated] From James Pryde to Edy Craig [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for the material she has given him and asks her to make a riding dress and hat for Molly.
British Library
[Undated] From James Pryde to Edy Craig [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for the material she has given him and asks her to make a riding dress and hat for Molly.
British Library
[26 October 1897] From Will Rothenstein [William Rothenstein] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He sends the sixth number of his publication; now settled in London and ready to resume sittings.
British Library
[9 June] From Mary Mostyn to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Apologies for delay in replying but is pleased that she would produce a Tudor Masque and suggests a date when they could discuss the arrangements.
British Library
[10 May 1909] From Athene Seyler to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She discusses arrangements for rehearsals for unnamed play; a tour opening in Brighton on the 24th will prevent her keeping any dates after that.
British Library
[Undated] From Tilly [Tilly Smith] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. A detailed expense account amounting to £9.14.6 including the labour of Sharp's nephew; mentions Mrs Butler.
British Library
[31 May 1922] From Stowitts to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Thanks for the opportunity to appear in one of her matinees; now leaving for Spain to spend the summer there; studying; sends regards to Mrs Barr.
British Library
[26 March 1919] From Sybil Casson [Sybil Thorndike] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She thanks her for the cheque; she enjoyed playing Sygne in The Hostage.
British Library
[1920] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Edy [Edith Craig]. Thanks for the letter and cheque for her performance as Celine; regretting [William] Archer did not like it.
British Library
[9 September 1924] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She discusses the production of The Verge and explains why Edith Evans would not be suitable for it; suggests a meeting.
British Library
[September 1929] From Sybil Thorndike and Beatrice Wilson to Edie Craig [Edith Craig]. Formal letter asking for a donation to Ben Greet’s Jubilee present before he goes to America.