ET-D2195 letter, copy
British Library
[27 January 1913] From [Unknown] [Edith Craig] to F. Sidgwick. Encloses corrected proofs of Ellen Terry's Russian Ballet article; annotation indicates it was hand delivered by M. Ford.
British Library
[27 January 1913] From [Unknown] [Edith Craig] to F. Sidgwick. Encloses corrected proofs of Ellen Terry's Russian Ballet article; annotation indicates it was hand delivered by M. Ford.
British Library
[14 January 1913] From Edy [Edith Craig] to C. St John [Christopher St John]. Confirms as satisfactory the terms for delivering the article, also approved by Cicely [Hamilton].
British Library
[1889] From Joe Evans to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. He is now staying in Broadway, Worcestershire but thanks her for the stay in the Audrey Arms with illustrations of people he saw, including Mr Bailey.
British Library
[25 May 1896] From Joe Evans to Edy [Edith Craig]. He hopes she has had a good voyage and is safe in Winchelsea; he writes enthusiastically of Gibraltar and sends an illustration of the harbour with a...
Smallhythe Place
[8 December 1933] From [Unknown] [J. Larcombe MA] to The Director [Edith Craig]. Copy of letter regarding the amount to be forwarded to the Customs Dept. for the Florence Locke lecture.
British Library
[Undated] Elizabeth [sic] Craig [Edith Craig] who has been seriously ill in Perthshire is recovering.
British Library
[27 April 1934] Shute lectures to be delivered by four different lecturers including Edith Craig; annotated '2283'.
British Library
[27 April 1934] Shute lectures to be delivered by four different lecturers including Edith Craig; annotated '2283'.
British Library
[1925] Edith Craig with Mrs McLellan at dress rehearsal. Reviews and illustration.
British Library
[6 January 1925] York Everyman Theatre. Review