EC-AZ3,007 letter
British Library
[27 July 1928] From Lena Ashwell to Edy [Edith Craig]. She has just returned from holiday with her husband but offers condolences on death of Ellen Terry and invites her to stay for a rest.
British Library
[27 July 1928] From Lena Ashwell to Edy [Edith Craig]. She has just returned from holiday with her husband but offers condolences on death of Ellen Terry and invites her to stay for a rest.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Percy Atkin to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Expresses condolences on the death of Ellen Terry on behalf of the whole Empire, mentioning her last words and forthcoming ceremony at Small Hythe Chu...
British Library
[19 July 1928] From Nellie [Nellie Bergan] to Miss E. Craig [Edith Craig]. News has arrived of Ellen Terry's illness; she has had paralysis and is in Paris for months for treatment.
British Library
[25 July 1928] From Philip Carr to Edy [Edith Craig]. Mentions Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] and having written about Ellen Terry in print; sends condolences on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[23 July 1928] From Lucy Clifford to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Recalls visit to Kings Road and best portrait of Ellen Terry at Lady Pollock's at Montague Square; condolences on death of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[21 July 1928] From Thomas Conolly to Elsie Craig [Edith Craig]. Brief letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry; illustration of woman in headed notepaper, Laura Houghton Conolly; annotated with brief respon...
British Library
[23 July 1928] From Reverend Wallis Cooksey to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Very brief note of condolence on death of Ellen Terry, referring to plays she had appeared in.
British Library
[23 July 1928] From A. Cosson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Response to announcement of Ellen Terry's death in the newspaper and sends condolences; mentions Miss [Christopher] St John and Miss [Clare] Atwood.
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Edward M. Daniell to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry, mentioning Miss [Pamela] Colman Smith and Dr Drage in Hatfield.
British Library
[24 July 1928] From Winifred Dolan to Edy [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry; has had mass said for her and hopes to be at St Paul's if a ticket is available from Mrs Swannach.