EC-B164 letter
British Library
[4 February] From Florence Bell to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She sent compromise to Mr Duke, suggesting production of plays in York then Letchworth; suggests revision to last line.
British Library
[4 February] From Florence Bell to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She sent compromise to Mr Duke, suggesting production of plays in York then Letchworth; suggests revision to last line.
British Library
[2 December] From Rose Quong to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She encloses letter; Miss Filippi pleased with The Contract; has appointment with Mr Grein; will have definite date for Lady Bell's play.
British Library
[22 April 1925] From M. Barry O’Brien to Miss Edith Craig. Writes again acknowledging cheque for The Young Person in Pink; Golding Bright has asked for nightly returns.
British Library
[24 January 1925] From Beatrice Ensor to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She agrees to The Young Person in Pink reluctantly; asks for advert for Mirandolina; Mr Taylor interviewed carpenter.
British Library
[30 December 1929] From Harold [Harold Scott] to Edie [Edith Craig]. He offers to help; waiting to hear from Mary Eversley about official cast list.
British Library
[11 December 1929] From Dennis Wyndham to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He is unable to act in play since he will be doing exteriors in Ireland all through February.
British Library
[December 1929] From L. A. Waterman [Leonard Waterman] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. On behalf of the committee he thanks her for producing the first show.
Smallhythe Place
[25 February 1935] From Town Clerk [ ] to Edith Craig [ ]. Ellen Terry Birthday Festival Week; encloses two typed sheets, order of proceedings which are annotated on reverse.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] From Fred Terry [Fred Terry] to Edith [Edith Craig]. Sale of effects of Marion [Terry] and impropriety of selling two jewels given to her by King Edward and Queen Alexandra.
British Library
[7 November 1936] From A. M. Ranson to Edith Craig. Ashford Players' full rehearsal of Distinguished Gathering at Corn Exchange on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10; Burnages need marked book for gramophone.